文件路径:/usr/local/mgr5/etc/xml/core_msg_cn.xml Register via '__socnet__' Continue Back To get registered via '__socnet__', please accept the terms of the following Agreement: The selected social network is not supported You cannot register a new user unless you agree to the terms if this Agreement Google VKontakte Facebook Error occurred during re-signing of '__zone__' DNSSEC domain. Recent changes were canceled. For more details see zonesigner.log log Re-signing DNSSEC domain error. Error occurred during re-signing of '__zone__' DNSSEC domain. Recent changes were canceled. For more details see zonesigner.log log Error occurred during re-signing of DNSSEC domain User '__user__' has requested data export in CSV User '__user__' has requested obliteration/limitation of usage of personal data User '__user__' has requested deletion of personal data I have read and accept terms and conditions of Privacy policy I have read and accept terms and conditions of User agreement Privacy policy User agreement Do you want to send a request for oblivion/restriction on the use of private information? Request for oblivion/restriction on the use of private information Privacy policy User agreement Do you want to send the personal data export request in CSV format? CSV export request Do you want to send the personal data deletion request? Personal data deletion request We made a number of changes to the personal data management policy. For more details please refer to this document The form contains the fields that we collect according to: To continue working with the control panel, you need to agree with the document Terms of use Next Details Enter the document name Display links in warnings Display the document after login URL to the web-site where the document is located Document name Document localization Document effective date Condition type Effective date Select a condition type Localization Client must agree Display in warnings Condition description Terms of use Description of the conditions Display after login Document URL Clients must accept terms of the document Document name Document name Cancel Agree Condition type IP address Log Object Operation with the document Action date Username Date when the operation was performed The IP address from which the operation was performed User Request Action Identifier Effective date Active Document localization Change date Terms of use Document change date Document name Document effective date Document name Status Domain status Localization Not active Cannot delete the last panel address User agreement I have read and agreed to the privacy policy and terms of use Privacy policy Please accept the privacy policy and user agreement to be able to proceed Change email Enter your email address to receive the activation key. If you are already registered at <a href="https://my.ispsystem.com" target="_blank">my.ispsystem.com</a>, enter your registration email or username (for those users who use a username as login) Cannot access the server <a href="https://my.ispsystem.com" target="_blank">my.ispsystem.com</a><br> Please, try again later or order a trial license at our web-site. <b>__email__</b> is already registered at <b>my.ispsystem.com</b>. Enter your password to activate a trial license Cannot activate the trial version, as it was used for this sever earlier. Insufficient funds for license order. Log in to your Client area <b>my.ispsystem.com</b> to pay for the license Enter your email address or username (if username is used as login) <b>__email__</b> is already registered at <b>my.ispsystem.com</b>. Please, enter your password. After payment, the activation key will be available in your Client area and will be sent to <b>__email__</b> The license activation email will be sent to lci <b>__email__</b> after payment Your password Period Email Enter the password from your account at my.ispsystem.com 123456789-213sdfc76asd9s793ba The license activation notification has been sent to <b>__email__</b> email@example.com Log in to your Client area to pay for the license You don't have a license for __mgr__ License expiration date Go to web-site If you want to continue using __mgr__ , you can Activation key Enter the activation key Get a trial license Activate the existing license Your login Select how you want to get a license Congratulations! You have registered a Client area at <b>my.ispsystem.com</b> Month Continue Activate year Log in to Client area Password Purchase a license No license available for your server. Perhaps, the key has been already used or has expired, or product version exceeds the version the key allows to use Year month Password recovery Proceed Retry Next Buy Continue <a href="http://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/How_to_secure_your_panel_with_SSL-certificate" target="_blank">Certificates</a> Domain leads to IP-address '__value__' which doesn't exist among the addresses of the control panel Certificate used by default Domain leads to IP-address '__value__' which doesn't exist on the server Domain leads to IP-addresses '__value__' which don't exist on the server Domain leads to IP-address '__value__' which doesn't match the chosen one Domain doesn't exist or leads to an unknown IP-address Add new certificate IP-address of the panel Domain leads to IP-address '__value__' which doesn't exist on the server and among the addresses of the control panel Domain leads to IP-addresses '__value__' which don't exist on the server and among the addresses of the control panel Domain leads to IP-addresses '__value__' which don't exist among the addresses of the control panel Domain IP address matches the control panel IP-address For SNI certificates, domain names these certificates are used for, are represented. Certificate domain name is shown for certificate of the IP-address of the control panel Do you really want to delete certificates for domain Domain leads to IP-addresses '__value__' which don't match the chosen one Status shows whether IP-address of the certificate matches addresses of control panel and server IP-address Certificates for address Add Domain name Status Enter a domain name which will be added to certificate. When receiving Let's Encrypt certificate, in order to finish the operation, you will need need to confirm that you control this domain Domain leads to IP-addresses '__value__' which don't match the chosen one Domain leads to IP-address '__value__' which doesn't exist among the addresses of the control panel Domain doesn't exist or leads to unknown IP-address Domain IP-address Domain leads to IP-addresses '__value__' which do not exist among the addresses of the control panel Failed to receive Let's Encrypt certificate '__value__' Certificate for domains Domain leads to IP-address '__value__' which is missing on the server Domain leads to IP-address '__value__' which doesn't match the chosen one Built-in Web server can receive requests over HTTP or HTTPS protocols. If you enable this option, all requests will be redirected to HTTPS. We don't recommend using this option for VMmanager or DCImanager, as it can interrupt the OS templates installation process. Let's Encrypt certificate Domain leads to IP-addresses '__value__' which doesn't exist on the server Enter domain names which will be added to certificate. If you choose Let's Encrypt certificate, in order to finish the operation, you will need to confirm that you control this domain Server doesn't support SNI and all IP-addresses of the panel already have certificates Domain leads to IP-addresses '__value__' which don't exist on the server and among the addresses of the control panel Let's Encrypt doesn't support issuing a certificate to the IP-address Domain name IP-address which the specified domain leads to IP-address of the panel Existing certificate New certificate IP-address Please choose the method of creating certificate Domain leads to IP-address '__value__' which doesn't exist on the server and among the addresses of the control panel Use certificate of Web-server Enter the key for your certificate SSL-certificate chain Certificate type SSL authentication off SSL-certificate key The web-server requires an SSL certificate for processing HTTPS connections. If the certificate is not specified, a self-signed certificate will be generated and used Use my certificates After activating this option you won't be able to work with the panel through that port unless you have the appropriate SSL key. You can create a key in the SSL keys management module. HTTP requests will be redirected Invalid certificate chain. Perhaps, it contains a certificate, which is not associated with this chain Leave the field blank if you don't want to add a certificate chain. Certificates from this field will be sorted automatically into a correct chain. All others certificates will not be used only SSL authentication Enter the SSL certificate that you want to use for authentication Invalid certificate key. Perhaps, it doesn't match this certificate SSL certificate for authentication on You can configure authentication using SSL certificates. After activating this parameter you can access the SSL keys management module to add new keys Enter the SSL certificate that you want to use. For authentication you can use the same SSL certificate as for HTTPS connections. In this case you can create SSL keys for accessing the panel via the SSL keys management module. Enter the SSL certificate chain that will be added into the certificate file SSL-certificate Critical error occured during OS templates synchronization Error of OS templates synchronization IP pool Confirmation The password reset instructions were sent to <b>__email__</b>.<br/> Follow the steps in the email. If you don't receive the email, try to restore the password again. Select an operation Add IP addresses to the waiting list for check Release the selected IP addresses checking none in use problem allocated IP addresses (single) private potentially problem New IP pool IP pool: Administrator disabled the password reset option. Contact your administrator to be able to restore the password Username Select how you want to restore the password (username or email) Enter a username for password recovery The email address specified in the user settings Email Password recovery Enter your username or email for password recovery. The instructions will be emailed to you. If you don't remember the username, please contact your panel administrator You can enter We want to inform you that <b>__mgr__</b> (__host__) sent a password reset request for the user <b>__username__</b>.<br/> Click the link __link__ and follow the steps to complete the password reset process.<br/>The link and code will expire on <b>__expiredate__</b>. <br/>If you received the password reset email that you didn't request, please ignore it. Password recovery is disabled Password recovery for __username__ Notes Enter any information Edit the selected IP address New address Lock "Locked" IP addresses can be deleted or allocated. This assists in avoiding wrong operations performed by administrators or robots and allows to preserve system stability Enter a domain name of the black list. This name will be used for IP address check Enable the selected black list Black list address Rename Enter a domain name of the black list. This name will be used for IP address check Disable the selected black list Black lists Black list address Enable the selected black list Edit properties of the selected black list In this module you can view DNSBL blacklists that checks IP addresses that will be released Check the box to automatically create a record in the list of physical networks The first IP address of the range must be the first address of the network with prefix __max__ Create a physical network The last IP address of the range must be the last address of the network with prefix __max__ Edit the range of IP addresses For automatic creation of a physical network, a range should be specified as: address/prefix IP range Enter a range of IP addresses that can be used for this pool. Enter a single address (, a range ( or a mask ( You can enter any range ( - all IPv4), but only those ranges that are specified in the list of physical networks, will be accepted. For IPv6 you can enter only a mask (fe80::/64). The maximum prefix size is /64. The gateway address doesn't belong to the network New IP range Unblock In this module you can manage DNSBL blacklists where IP addresses for any reason are being denied. If an IP address you are going to unassign is put on one of the those blacklists, it cannot be used. If at least one black list is created, the IP address you are going to unassign will be verified and get the "Checking" status. Once an hour a cron job verifies "Checking" and "Blocked" IP addresses. When the verification process is complete, all IP addresses address that are not included into blacklists, will be marked "Available". If they are found in blacklists they will be "Blocked". You can unblock an IP addresses and allocate it to users. See also [[Checking IP addresses]]. Do you really want to unblock When a problem is detected, do not update after the second check Detailed description of the problem Problem description Unblock IP addresses Problem IP addresses When a problem occurs IP address check failed. This IP cannot be allocated No available IP addresses in __value__ Locked IP addresses cannot be released The network contains __value__ allocated IP addresses that won't be added into a new range Shows the number of allocated IP addresses and the total number of available IP addresses in the pool. Allocated IP addresses include all IP addresses from the pool's range together with service addresses and addresses allocated for other pools New IP usage Delete Blocks Pool name Provide description for the pool of IP addresses List of IP ranges that can be used for this pool Notes A pool name allows an application to choose a range for allocating an IP address Settings Configuration of the IP pool IP pool Edit Edit Delete Gateway Network Enter a network ( or 2a01:1::/48 for IPv6). For more information, please refer to the Documentation IP usage Network mask New Notes Enter a gateway address. It is used by other software products for network configuration. Physical networks Enter any information about the selected network Addresses Shows the number of allocated IP addresses and the total number in the network The network mask. It is used by other control panel for network settings Cannot allocate IP addresses from this range. Physical network not found Delete the range. IP addresses allocated for this pool from the range, won't be modified Edit Ranges of IP addresses that can be use for this pool List of allocated IP addresses IP ranges The number of allocate IP addresses and total number of available addresses in the range. Allocated IP addresses include all IPs from the pool's range including service addresses and addresses allocated for other pools Delete New Addresses IP range IP usage Lats IP Number of IP addresses IPv6 network too short. The maximum prefix allowed is /__max__ Number of IP addresses in the selected network Edit networks Reserving potentially problem IP addresses __param__ Add a new network First IP The last IP address in the selected network Enter the first IP address in the selected network This network includes __value__ of allocated IP addresses Invalid login level. Enter a username with "User" privileges User User Enter a password to log in to the control panel Password Enter a user password to log in to DNSmanager Enter the URL of the remote control panel with a local pool of IP addresses Password Enter the password to log in to the control panel that will be used as a remote pool of IP addresses Domain name for service IP addresses Enter a username to log in to DNSmanager Enter a username to access IPmanager Enter the URL of DNSmanager 5 where PTR will be created All IP addresses assigned to the server interface will be added into the pool and marked "available" Create PTR Add local IP Server URL Enter the URL of DNSmanager 5 where PTR will be created IP source Server URL Source type local pool of IP addresses Select a pool of IP addresses that will be used by default Default do not use a pool of IP addresses IPmanager 5 Main settings DNS server configuration form Select a pool of IP addresses that will be used by default Enter a domain name that will be assigned to service IP addresses remote pool of IP addresses IP pool Administrator disabled the password reset option. Contact your administrator to be able to restore the password Username Email Username The password reset link is invalid or already expired. Please, try to restore the password again The reset password already expired. Please, try to restore the password again Enter a new password User not found Password reset This user is disabled Error accessing the system with a temporary key. Please, try to restore the password again Enter the email address specified in the user settings form The password reset code is invalid or already expired. Please, try to restore the password again Users with email '__value__' not found Several users are registered with this email address. Try to restore the password using your username '__value__' is disabled '__value__' not found The password reset function is disabled for this user Status Address checking in use Allocated IP addresses Current status of the IP address potentially problem Do you want to release the selected IP addresses: blocked in DNSBL protected (very important) available Number of IP addresses (both single addresses and ranges can be allocated) private allocated IP addresses (single) Domain name IP pool IP address allocated in network Release Number of IP addresses Reverse domain name (PTR) The name of the pool from which the IP address was allocated An error occurred when working with the template. The '__filename__' file is imported repeatedly ( with the {% import [filename] %} directive). Check the configuration template An error occurred during the configuration process. Please, contact panel administrator April December Apr Jun October Jun Sep February today Jan September March Nov May November Jul Jul Aug January March tomorrow August Dec Oct Feb yesterday May An error occurred when checking email server settings : '__value__' DNSSEC notifications Allows sending DNSSEC dns-server extension notifications Enter the domain name of the server that will be used in the email Server name Sender name Enter the sender name that will be added to emails by default Password reset notifications Enable password reset notifications. Disabling this option will also disable the module itself Disabling notifications of the password reset module will also disable the module You can disable successful authentication notifications in the control panel, only if you use the external email server Select the check box to enable notifications from the geolocation module. Disabling this option will disable the GeoIP module You can disable the geolocation by IP address, only if you use the external email server ISPsystem server is now used for sending notifications. When you change the email server, you won't be able to select the ISPsystem server Mail server will be used to send Login notifications or define a region if GeoIP authentication is set up Enter the SMTP server URL to send notifications Not used Notifications settings Enter a username (login or full email address, such as example@mail.com) 25 Successful login Password Login External mail server SMTP-server Enter a password Mail server parameters Mail server type ISPsystem server Email notifications Select the check box to allow notifications about successful authentication in the panel SMTP-server port Enter the SMTP-server port. Port 25 is used by default Select a type of the mail server that will send email notifications GeoIP notifications Disabling notifications from the GeoIP module will also disable region search by IP address Enter a username to access the billing panel Enter your login and password to the Client area __bill__ Password Login Password to access the billing panel Shell-client Recipe access can be denied both for users ('available for administrators') and for all accounts including administrators ('unavailable') available to all users Recipe properties Access to recipe not available available to admins In this module you can add public SSH keys that will be used during OS installation. Make sure that your operating system supports this feature SSH keys Key name Public SSH-key Key name SSH keys In this module you can add publick SSH keys that will be used during OS installation. Make sure that your operating system supports this feature Key name Public SSH key Public SSH-key Link to recipe archive Edit recipe repository http://download.ispsystem.com/OSTemplate/new/5/recipes/recipes.tar.gz New recipe repository Repository name Link ISPsystem Repository Parameter OS template parameters Set default value Do you really want to apply the default value for Reset Edit parameter value that is passed to OS installation script Recipe repositories Edit repository Delete repository Repository Link Add new repository Link Add new repository Edit repository OS template repository Delete repository Repository http://download.ispsystem.com/OSTemplate/new/5 New repository for OS templates Repository name ISPsystem No OS templates found in this repository Link Link to repository Repository Edit OS templates repository OS template Clicking "Finish" will download and install the selected template. This operation may take a long time An error occurred when installing a template Select a repository Select an OS template you want to install Repository OS template installation Select the check box to enable only administrators to use this template Enable/disablle auto-updates for template. With auto-updates enabled, the system will check template version once a day, and update it if needed Only for admins OS template properties Auto update Template parameter Parameter value to pass to the OS installation script Value Set up list of repositories Repositories Recipe is not available Properties Recipe status Recipe can be used only by admin Recipe properties Status File Delete the selected recipes Start the update process Recipe version number Recipes management Recipe Recipe modification date Key tag that will be used to define compatibility with OS templates Revision File name where recipe is kept. By default, local recipes are kept in the /usr/local/mgr5/etc/recipes directory <a href="http://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Recipes:_Technical_details">Recipes:Technical details</a> Local recipe Local recipe Tags Recipe source Repository Date Update Set up list of repositories Repositories The template supports EFI Error installing template. Failed to download the template on the server. Make sure you have enough free disk space and try again Error installing template. Failed to extract data. Make sure you have enough free disk space OS templates management Disable auto-updates for this template Template This template is already installed Deny Recovery template Recovery template Compatibility Parameters Template installation in progress This template is available to all users Remove restriction on access to template Tags Auto-updates for this template is enabled Update the list of templates Disable auto-updates This template is already installed Enable auto-updates for this template Diagnostics template There is a new version of the template Restrict access to template Error installing template Check Auto-updates for this template is enabled Edit template properties Search template OS template Local template Change auto-update option Local template This template is available only to admins Key tags. They are used to define compatibility of templates with recipes Update the list of templates This template can be used only by admins Date when this OS template was added into repository List of template parameters Enable auto-updates Repository Install/Update the selected templates O template source To install or update the template, you first need to update your control panel to __value__ or later Template description This template is not installed This template can be used only by admins No updates An error occurred during template setup Template installation and renewal in progress Update Remove restriction on access to template Do you really want to install/update the template Properties Allow Delete the selected templates Update Type Description Install Status Date The '__value__' already exists in the local repository Invalid attribute '__attr__': '__value__'. An attribute should specified as a string like that '# __attr__: value' after string '# metadata_begin' and before string '# metadata_end'. If you run Windows, comment strings start with 'REM ' The recipe will be stored in the local repository Recipe character encoding. Changing encoding will REMOVE the changes made in the editor! Failed to save the file. File with this name already exists in the local repository Failed to save the file. Recipe with this name and revision number already exists Edit recipe Failed to read '__value__' File name where the recipe is kept File name Failed to save the file New recipe Recipe In this field you can see the file save time. Server time is specified here Encoding Saved in Save Confirmation A six-digit one-time password generated by Google Authenticator Please make sure that the time and time zone on your cell phone are correct. Temporary password To confirm the operation enter a six-digit one-time password generated by Google Authenticator Current time An error occurred while receiving current time Server time Key 二次校验验证 请通过Google身份验证器,扫码,获得并填入一次性密码来启用该功能。<br> 请注意, 如果图形码扫描失败,可在Google身份验证器里输入以下的字符来完成。 <br> 确保服务器的时间和手机时间差不超过一分钟。 Account name Secret key for authentication. If you lost this key, you won't be able to generate a valid temporary password QR-code Account name displayed on the screen Temporary password A six-digit one-time password generated by Google Authenticator It is necessary to accept the privacy policy and user agreement to register a new user Your license is registered on account __account__. Enter a password to access the ISPsystem's billing panel Processing order completion. Attempt __param__ ... Buy a plug-in Buy License update in progress. Attempt: __param__ from 10 << Back Registering the license https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth https://oauth.vk.com/authorize https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email+https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile email email https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth __url__?client_id=__appid__&redirect_uri=__ruri__&scope=__scope__&state=__state__&response_type=code Social networks authorization failed. Please, try again An error occurred when trying to login to __network__ '__mess__' FACEBOOK GOOGLE VKONTAKTE Privacy policy I have read and agreed to the privacy policy and terms of use User agreement New user License registration Updating license. Attempt __param__ ... Your login at <a href="https://my.ispsystem.com">my.ispsystem.com</a> Enter an address that will be your ISPsystem ID Your password at <a href="https://my.ispsystem.com">my.ispsystem.com</a> Login Registering the user Registering the license An existing account at my.ispsystem.com E-Mail Register your license in the unified ISPsystem base. After registration you will always be able to receive support for your product directly from ISPsystem. In the future, you might also receive a lot of new special benefits available only for ISPsystem ID owners. Password Invisible symbol is specified at the beginning or end of the value in the "Directory" field Enter a part of the string or regular expression to search by file contents. For example, a regular expression can begin with '*' (indicating start of a new line), and end with '$' (indicating end of line) The mask will be encoded in the selected encoding Enter a a sequence of symbols to search for files. You can use the '*' and '?' symbols You can search files on server by a file name mask or their content. Search results will be shown in the list Begin new search or view previous results. Previous search results are available if you made the search earlier and temporary file with results are still available Select this option to begin your search by file content. Please note: this operation may take much system resources Select this option to beging your search in all subdirectories of this directory Search by content will be made in the selected encoding Encoding Encoding Searched for Mask that was used for search Content mask Search by content Word(s) used to search for. File search Mode Search in subdirectories Search in subdirectories Directory Search by content Select a directory to begin your search Mask name The search was also done in the subfolders of the entered folder. Content filter New search previous search results The search was also done on the content of the files. Name of the folder where the search was done. Directory An error has occured while checking mail server configuration: '__value__' An error occurred during email confirmation. Please, enter the key An error occurred during email confirmation. Invalid key Thank you for confirming your email address. You can now receive notifications. Email Confirmation Changing rights of the user __value__ is restricted. This user has the full access to all functions Only active Partial access is given to the list elements. Set the list filter. Excluded records will be unavailable Name of the function from the menu Edit access permissions to toolbar buttons of the selected function Other type of the function Partial access is given Group of functions (from the Main menu) Action Group of functions (from the additional list) Report Current access to the function List Form Group operation Data saving is available Access New data adding is available Group (__value__) containing the user is limited Form data reading is avalilable Partial access is given Failure to restrict access to functions. You need to restrict access to the function "__func__" User rights Functions Access denied Full access given The list is limited by: __value__ Name Filter One of the groups to which the user is assigned restrict access to this list: __value__ aws.amazon.com AWS Secret Access Key You can use one Amazon account to store backups of various servers. In this case, we advise you to use a different path for each particular server. For example: server name. If you don’t intend to use the account this way, please leave this field empty AWS secret AWS access key Path Amazon storage Use the link to get access code and secret my.domain.com AWS Access Key ID Error with storage __value__ occured Yandex.Disk storage Yandex.Disk integration code Yandex.Disk my.domain.com Path You can use a single Yandex account to store backups of different servers. In this case, we recommend using a different path for each server. For example: server name. If you are not planning on using this account for the purposes described, you may leave this field blank Follow the link to obtain an access code Access code Disk space (total) Disk space, % (used) RAM (total) Load average (1 min) Load average (for 15 min) RAM, % (used) Load average (5 min) CPU load, % Cluster resources Per day Whole period Per month Server Period CPU number Load average (1, 5, 15 min) Uptime CPU System information RAM Swap Disk size System information Server resources Identifier in the format Process identifier: Thread identifier Time usage Process identifier Enter a request to open a list and retrieve the value using the key of the newly created object Values will be applied to the selected requests Global variables Apply to parameter Get a value Creation request Value will be applied to the specified parameters Request for object creation Parameter Name of the parameter to read Requests Registration via social networks. Added new registration fields for Terms and conditions agreement. IPMI proxy via ihttpd. Added port 623 proxy for correct mounting of an ISO-image via Java-console. Fixed the security bug Personal data. Operations with personal data will be added into the log. Nginx configuration. The ssl directive is removed from the Nginx configuration file and changed into the ssl parameter of the listen directive. Fixed the security bug Domain names. Fixed deletion of domain names. User settings. Added pagination for a list of actions in "Settings" -> "User settings" -> "Privacy". User registration at buying the module. Added links to "Privacy Policy" and "Terms of Use". DNSSEC support. Added DNSSEC support for Bind and PowerDNS DNS-servers. Service files. The service files are stored in "/usr/local/mgr5/var / usageinfo" now. The storing period is changed to1 year. Modules. The links to Private Policy and Terms of Use are added to the registration form when a new user buys a module. Personal data management. A user of the panel may change his decision regarding accepting the Policy and get familiar with the corresponding document. IPMI proxi through ihttpd. The range of the ports being in use can be limited and specified manually. Ports could be opened from the specified range in the DCImanager firewall for inbound traffic. Email notifications. Fixed the bug of sending notifications regarding successful authorization through the API. Personal data management. The documents for regulating processing of personal data can be managed. <a href="https://doc.ispsystem.ru/index.php/ISPWiki:Управление_персональными_данными"></a> Authentication via social networks Fixed panel login via VKontakte. License order form. Added links to the User agreement and Privacy policy. Scripts. Fixed the bug with defining virtual dependencies for CentOS in the pkginfo.sh script. Domain name validator. Modified the invalid value notification. Mail notifications. Fixed confirmation of email address. IPmanager2. Fixed the IP address calculating algorithm. Temporary directory. The 'todelete' was not saved in some occasions. Panel address. Fixed the bug with opening port 80 when activating Let's Encrypt. Pages of built-in web-server. The language of service pages of the web-server now corresponds to the control panel interface language. Backup on GoogleDrive. Fixed the bug that occurred when receiving a full list of backup copies. Built-in HTTP server. Fixed: issue of return of certificate chain if SNI is used. Two-factor authentication Added server time and current time to Settings. Mail notifications. Fixed: issue with incorrect URL in GeoIP module. Logs. Now the log file shows the IP address that the request was sent from. In earlier versions the system logged the IP that was used for authentication. Backup system. Fixed the "401 Unauthorized" error which occurred when downloading a backup copy from Yandex.Disk. Panel address certificate and VNC. Fixed the VNC bug which occurred when adding a certificate for panel address. Cron. You can now add several emails that will receive information about a cronjob. Setting up cluster nodes. A control panel cannot be installed on the server, if its network in configured with systemd-networkd. Licenses. Fixed the license verification procedure. The bug occurred if licensing servers were not accessible: in some occasions license activation was required. Open port 80 when obtaining an SSL-certificate. Fixed the bug: if port 80 was closed, Let's Encrypt servers could not verify the domain owner. Date validation. Fixed: the bug occurred when retrieving a date from row if the invalid date was specified. Mail notifications. You can enter a mailbox without a domain name in the "Account field". Installation of COREmanager on Ubuntu 9. Fixed the bug with adding the GPG-key into the repository. Panel addresses. Fixed deletion of panel addresses. Now you can delete the last panel address. Order trial licenses. Fixed incorrect texts on the license activation form. The error occurred if the "Activation key field was empty. Panel address certificate. If the "CN" field contains invalid domain name, the name will be taken from the "subjectAltName" field. GoogleDrive. "\" is no handled correctly in a backup path. Domain records. TXT-records with line breaks can no longer be created. Services. Fixed: continuous restart of 'spamassassin' and 'postgrey' services. The bug occurred if the "Monitoring' option was Filters. Fixed incorrect database requests. The bug occurred when setting the second filter, which contained spaces in the multi-line input field. subdomain validator. Added processing of return DNS requests with subnet. Backup system. Fixed upload of user backup copies if Amazon S3 basket is connected. The bug occurred if the backup name contained underscore. Password recovery. Fixed header encoding for password recovery emails. Backup copies on Amazon S3. Fixed connection of buckets that were created manually. Access to functions. Fixed: access to two-step authentication for users without the "Full access" option. File manager. Fixed file upload on "User" level. Daylight saving time. Added procedure for handling errors which may occur during adjustment for daylight saving time. File manager. Fixed the file upload bug on the "User" level. Operation log. Improved the list of operations on the "User" level. Filters. Removed: possibility to create two filters with the same name. Rights. Fixed: error of checking access rights of users to the lists in the section Rights. DNS module. Fixed: the 'allow-transfer' was duplicated in the 'named.conf' configuration file. SSL certificate for panel address. Fixed: the bug occurred when saving the domain name from the Wildcard certificate. Fixed the security bug Fixed the security bug Shell-client. Fixed gathering of files in the '/usr/local/mgr5/shell' directory File/directory permissions in File manager. "Default" permissions for a newly created file are inherited from the parent directory. Prefixes. Fixed issue of hanging of the form with prefix field. External application now run faster. External application now run faster. Panel updates. Fixed duplicated packages after panel update. Modules. A control panel will be updated to the last version when a new module is installed. License order. The "Login" and "Password" fields on the user and license registration form are now read-only. Trial license order. User can edit an email address. User settings - Mail notifications. Fixed data verification procedure in the Email field. OS installation. Introduced support of software RAID. <a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Software_RAID"></a> License order form. Users can order a trial or commercial license. <a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/License_order_after_panel_setup"></a> Backup on Google drive. Fixed creation of backup copies in the disk root directory. Copies were located in the root directory, even if a certain directory was specified. User import. Fixed import of user's mail filter. The error occurred if the import was made from local archive. Setup Wizard. Fixed: Wizard step was defined incorrectly. The error occurred if the 'step" parameter was empty. API changes. You can now specify timeout for sending emails via mgr_email::SmtpServer. Let's Encrypt. Updated User agreement System settings. Fixed: it was not possible to select "Grant ISPsystem support access" and "Grant Hosting support access" check boxes at the same time Pkgugrade.sh. update script Yum package manager update has been added Panel addresses. Fixed: ihttpd start bug which occurred when adding or deleting SSL-certificates and IP addresses Panel addresses. Fixed bug with Wildcard SSL-certificates which occurred on servers with SNI support User settings. User email address can be set via sbin/mgrctl. In the 'url' parameter you can specify URL of the control panel that will be added into Email confirmation notification mgr_user name space. Added new function GetHome to get user home directory. Symlinks. In the mgr_job::safe::SymLink class you can set symlink permissions. sbin/licctl processes. Fixed: large number of sbin/licctl processes were running if there was no license on server Period field "Month' is now always available in periods fields Panel addresses. Fixed preservation of SSL-chains Fail2ban. Fixed installation of Fail2ban on Debian 9. Storage of backup copies Google Drive storage is now supported Backup plans Added "Cluster nodes" field into list filter form Request completion page Modified: copyright notice link for Russian localization of control panel. ispsystem.com was changed into ispsystem.ru. Panel menu Menu "Bugtrack" was changed into "Feature request" API changes You can now specify timeout for sending email via mgr_email::SmtpServer. Panel addresses. Fixed: Let's Encrypt certificate could not be ordered for panel address with port, and if IP address and port for specified Panel addresses. Fixed: some messages on the IP address add form were missing Periods "Week" is now always available in the period field Icons in status bar Icons are now displayed correctly in status bar. the bug occurred when selecting several lines System settings The "System settings" module is now available on "Administrator" level The "Panel addresses" module is now available on "Administrator" level Fixed a number of security bugs Panel updates Now control panels are updated at random time within 24 hours Email notifications. Changed the color of the banner about unconfirmed email address. Backup. Backup copies in the storage and in worling directory are now distributed in subdirectories, depending on the name Backup copies Fixed: Non-existent storage in the list of storages Recipes Increased amount of information in notification interface in case if a recipe had had an error Timeout on file deleting in Yandex.Disk Timeout on file deleting in Yandex.Disk when setting up backups. Check of the COREmanager version (as opposed to repository only) to find out whether downgrade is required during installation. OS template synchronization If rsync synchronization of templates failed, notification will be shown in the control panel. For new Debian 8 installations, connection to 111 port over UDP is closed. For CentOS 6 and 7, this port is not open, as opposed to all previous installations. Mail notifications Notifications language can be change in the "User settings" form when changing panel language (without changing mail server) Backup plans "Email" field is no longer displayed on the scheduler configuration form Check free disk space (not less than 300 MB) when starting the update process via pkgupgrade.sh Domains. Introduced support of CAA records Domains. Introduced support of CAA records Databases Enlarged the size of the trunk_members field in the switch_ports table. Small size didn't allow to add ports with a large number of VLANs Let's Encrypt Added DNS-based validation method. <a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Integraion_with_Let%E2%80%99s_Encrypt"></a> Modules Fixed: license was not uploaded in the "Modules" menu Group edit Fixed: control elements were not processed correctly if they were located in one field and the first element was read-only Fixed email notifications that are sent when user's email address is changed in the "User settings" module Fixed: copy and hidden copy were not emailed wget processed in install.sh will be terminated by timeout Notifications Fixed: deleting a user also deleted his notifications Hanging Fixed: Panel hung if slave DNS server was used Modules Optimized loading time of Modules list Eltex switches Eltex switches are supported now Mail notifications Email confirmation banner can not be hidden after disabling password recovery module now. Mail notifications Email confirmation banner won't be shown within a month in case of hiding it. Global search. Saved filters are displayed after using global search now. Mail notifications Fixed. Minor bugs causing email confirmation banner displaying in case if a mail server is not configured. Domains. TXT records checking has been simplified with removing "*=*" record format limitation Notifications Fixed. Bug of displaying notification even after reading it by user Free domain name for "virtual server" product type Free domain name is not compulsory now. Even if creating free domain was failed, a virtual server can still be opened Background tasks Fixed. Bug of displaying "Finish" button for tasks that were completed with an error Mail notification configuration Fixed. Bug causing duplicating unconfirmed email banner for users Backup. Bug causing ftp storage connecting fail if the access to root directory was limited Statistics. In the Operations log advanced search by users and IP addresses is now made by the entered value Synchronization of OS templates rsync and distrsync now supports synchronization of sparsed files System information. Only one CPU was displayed even though multiple CPU were created in the system Shop-winodw: "Open the control panel" now supports links for service order, such as https://domain/billmgr?datacenter=0&itemtype=0&period=0&pricelist=0&startform=xxx.order.param Backup storage Dropbox APIv2 is now supported Change log Updating the panel did not set the correct update date Fixed the bug in the parser of (bind) configuration file. Zone records containing additional fields with values array were removed incorrectly Re-generation of the /etc/pdns/pdns.conf configuration file after installing PowerDNS on CentOS for the second time User settings If an external mail server is not configured, the "Send confirmation" button was not hidden Logging settings Incorrect logging level was displayed, when the default logging level was selected Fixed installation of Powerdns with already installed MySQL Changing pocessing policy from debug.conf Now policies are checked in a following order: binary.module, binary.*, *.module, *.*. After finding a suitable policy a check will be finished. Main page - System information Defying diskspace size measure units IP addresses The list of IP addresses could show the same IPs Shell-client Invalid ports could be used for the shell-client Plug-ins Forms and lists created with custom plug-ins are now displayed correctly Plug-ins Forms and lists created with custom plug-ins are now displayed correctly New cluster node Fixed the bug that caused setup of a cluster node to fail The autocomplete file of the bash command for mgrctl. Make sure the bash-completion package is installed Backup copies Amazon S3 storage could not be connected if the Cart contained more than 1000 files Recipe management Fixed the recipe parsing bug that generated exceptions Active sessions Session information was kept for a long time We implemented a new experimental mechanism for managing IP addresses. This is an alternative to IPmanager, which can be activated with the "Option IpManagement2" parameter in the configuration file. Read more: https://doc.ispsystem.ru/index.php/IPmanager_APIv2 In the "Settings -- Fraud protection" module you can activate phone verification that a client will pass when ordering a service for a certain period Usernames Modified the maximum length of database username<a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Username_length"></a> Support of IPMI proxy from Asus Password recovery The "Password reset" link is hidden if the corresponding module is disabled, or an external mail server is not configured Email notifications Added link to form "User settings" in the banner that appears when email address is not confirmed Summary is now shown in message templates Permissions The "Two-step authentication" function could not be disabled PHP-FPM and user properties Change of user properties will take into account the settings described in the PHP-FPM pool template Converters punycode converter failed when trying to convert strings consisting of spaces Products update. Updating several control panels on the same server can set up an unsupported version Periods New periods in reports and filters: "quarter", "half-a-year", and "year" Logs rotation Now logs rotation is running in a separate process that will start at the moment of rotation Do not call mgrctl exit when installing/updating packages from postinst scripts, if the control panel was not running at that time Printing of reports and lists When printing a report and emailing it to a staff member, only the first value was shown in the fields with multi-select options. When printing the list where sorting was set by several fields, the sorting icon ( a triangle) was shown only for the column which was sorted first Logging settings Description in the "Level" column was hidden when selecting "All modules" by default Email notifications A sender name can be specified in the Email notifications configuration form Fixed the bug which occurred when trying to change a double-click action in tables with buttons grouped into one toolgrp Apache on ISPmanager Business You can now select which Apache to use, Prefork or ITK Automatic filters in the list of active sessions are now set correctly Show a username rather its ID in the list of open tickets Verification of a new IP address of the control panel Plug-ins can be hidden depending on required features (isp_api::AddFeature) Email notifications Now administrators can configure email notifications Automatic backup configuration backup2.settings can be called from the Preliminary setup procedure. For more information, please refer to https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/External_configuration_of_applications Two-step authentication Fixed the bug that occurred when disabling two-step authentication Negative values in XML Fixed conversion of negative values into strings via XSLT Logging settings We have added description of new modules OS templates versions If there are several templates with the same names in metadata.xml description, the template of the last version will be installed You can allow remote connections to MySQL-servers <a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Remote_access_to_MySQL-server"></a> mgr_date::Date daylight saving time mgr_date::Date keeps time corresponding to a middate (earlier it was midnight) allowing to avoid issues with adjustment to a daylight saving time (mgr_date::Date::AddDays could add one day fewer that it was specified) URL The system will now process encoded symbols, if hexadecimal notation was presented in symbols 'a'-'f' (lower-case) Installation of packages when adding a new cluster node Interactive mode will be disabled during installation of Debian packages when adding a new cluster node Swap RAM and size in the System information module is now shown in MiB (1 MiB = 1048576 byte) Release of IP addresses An error notification will be generated in case of errors. A new attempt to release an IP address will be made later Two-step authentication QR-code is now read correctly Natural sorting Natural sorting is now used for server lables and racks, as well as for identifier and description of switch ports Edit recipes A recipe file name could not be changed in the recipe edit form Softaculous didn't start Only requests, which URL start with /api2/ will be processed according to a new scheme Two-step authentication Fixed updates of a QR-code on the form of two-step authentication New licensings servers. The old license scheme is removed from licctl Logging settings You can now set logging levels for panel's application Logging levels The logging level set in debug.conf for all modules has higher priority than the default settings specified in the panel. The logging level set for a specific binary file will have a higher priority than the same level set for all logs. Panel freezes Fixed deadlock that might occur when changing the panel's configuration file via API Dependency of coremanager from wget Fixed the bug with requests to panel via URL /manager/<panels name> Non-case sensitive table sorting (calpha) Fixed sorting algorithm Samba installation fix The service was not running after installation Template engine for configuration files Now the system will check for the cycle file import when configuring a web-server with the template engine (the import directive) Quick order A tariff plan order form and the pricelist.export function now display a link for quick service order. To add a service to a new order (regardless the current status of the Cart), the newbasket=on parameter should be sent Email notifications Sending waiting time through ISPsystem server is reduced to 30 seconds Server search Server search can be performed in locations Domains updates A control panel will update information on all slave servers when updating a domain name Additional IP addresses IP addresses can be specified in the panel's configuration file. <a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Special:MovePage/Working_with_IP_addresses"></a> IP addresses on CentOS 7 Fixed the bug with empty files of network interface configuration Number of bytes Values with symbols that differ from figures, dots, and spaces were not converted. Domain records management When you create a domain name, the "refresh" parameters for the SOA record is taken from the configuration file Regular expressions Modified the regex compilation algorithm. Now if the record contacts invalid extended POSIX expression, the system will try to compile it into a regular expression Installation of a control panel on the system with openntpd Fixed installation of COREmanager on a Debian system running openntpd instead of ntp. File download Added the "open" attribute. If it is set to "yes", a browser will try to open the file that was downloaded through the control panel Installation of ISPmanager Lite on Ubuntu-16.04 In some situations the installation process failed Update of panel's components on cluster nodes Fixed the bug in the repository update module causing automatic update of control panel's components on remote cluster nodes to fail Synchronization of OS templates If the first attempt of OS templates synchronization fails, the system will make a new try PHP module Introduced support of a new module for PHP management, which allows to set alternative PHP versions for "PHP as an Apache module" and "PHP-FPM" Panel update afterupdate is started upon first success start of a control panel. In earlier versions, afterupdate was called by the package manager, but in some situations the panels could not process it List of modules Module prices will be taken from license servers rather than from ISPsystem's billing system. This will allow to open the list of modules when your server can reach at least one of our license servers Domain names Adding information about status of domain names on the slave server to the domain names spreadsheet. IPMI error pages are missing Added error pages that will display when trying to access IPMI by an outdated URL National domain in URL Modified the "url" validator. The earlier version converted an international domain inside url into punycode User settings The "Email" field was hidden if the mailbox confirmation email couldn't be sent Password reset The password reset function is now available to users <a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Password_reset"></a> Panel doesn't see a part of IPv6 addresses Error fixed. Due to procfs peculiarities, a part of the content could have disappeared when reading /proc/net/if_inet6 with big blocks. Quotation marks in txt records A new validator will check TXT-records Directory owners and permissions Directory owners and permissions were not saved when copying directories in the File manager The tariff plan was defined incorrectly when a client ordered a third-party module HP Ilo doesn't work through IPMI proxy Fixed the http chunk generation algorithm. IPMI of HP servers could be open in Chrome HTTP server Let's Encrypt certificates cab be generated directly from the "Panel address" module. SNI configuration is now supported for OS Centos 7, Debian 8 and Ubuntu 16.04 <a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Panel_address._SSL-certificates"></a> File manager Fixed the bug that occurred when processing file names Messages for progress indicator In case of group editing, messages were uploaded from the function messages rather from groupedit Access to function When changing permissions in the "Access to functions" module, the system will require a user in order to receive the data specific for the selected user role. If the user was not specified, the panel will offer to create him Management of Ipv6 addresses Modified the SetMask method of the mgr_net::Ip class. The mask for IPv6 was calculated incorrectly Backup storage FTPS-storage is no longer available Data caching The control panel could use data which differs from real data in the database Authentication in shellinabox Modified authentication method: now user environment fully corresponds to a common login procedure Group operations cannot be completed Fixed the bug that occurs when performing group operations if the user logs out and logs in to a higher user level. Now requests for group operations running in different threads will have their own session identifier Panel restarts when trying to download a license licctl was trying to restart the panel, if it was not running SSL protocols and codes in the web-server Parameters of SSL connections can be specified via ihttpd.conf (ssl_cipher). The string format corresponds to the priorities parameters of the gnutls_priority_init function Panel update The "Update product" button didn't update the panel if the automatic renewal function was suspended Password change Users need to enter the old password before they can change it Security of IPMI proxying Additional verification of cookie values will prevent from accessing the IPMI only by URL Large number of files in var/run The status file won't be saved, if the task was closed Temporary files The ".tmp" suffix is added to all temporary files and directories. The inode number will be verified during deletion (if it was changed, the file/directory won't be deleted). Thread number in the names of temporary files will be changed into pseudo-random consequence during modification of configuration files Panel faults Fixed a number of bugs that can lead to the failure of the control panel Available release version licctl now shows information about the last available release version Type of repository Modified procedure for defining a repository type. This improvement will help to avoid the issue that occurred when installing apt on CentOS Information in the configuration file Fixed the configuration file read bug that occurred, if a record with less shift was modified in the same transaction Requests proxying for IPMI Supermicro Added port 3520 proxying Backup configuration The control panel might restart during the configuration of Amazon S3 SSH errors Fixed mechanism that processes errors occurring on the remote server when executing a command via SSH Backup configuration (Amazon S3) Authentication mechanism was changed into AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 "Server resources" diagram is now displayed correctly Support of HP Lights Out 100 Proxying requests for IPMI HP Lights Out 100 Search in the File manager A warning message will be shown if you are trying to enter a non-existing directory with invisible symbol at the end of the name Errors extracting data from backup copies Fixed the bug that occurred when creating files in user's directories without write permissions. Now isptar will try to temporary increase permissions for such directories Recipe repositories The repository directory could not be deleted when deleting the recipes repository List of OS templates Template status icon (installed/not installed) will be displayed during template installation or renewal Operation confirmation form Fixed locations of buttons on a pop-up (modal) window form in case of error SSH keys Public SSH-keys can be created with the same names for different users IPMI proxy In some situations codebase in jnlp fiels was not changed, therefore KVM could not open Slicing of the text area during size changing Fixed the bug of slicing of the text area if the height was changed or if the height was changed automatically Slicing of fixed field on the form Fixed the bug of slicing of fixed field if there were an error Slicing of the list on the form. Fixed the bug of slicing of the list on the form if the field above was fixed. Save to CSV Fixed the bug with convertation of UTF-8 symbols which are not supported by Windows-1251 Backup configuration User backups were created incorrectly when running backup2 from the directory different from /usr/local/mgr5 Backup configuration Decreased the backup upload time for Dropbox Use unprivileged user when creating new views in powerdns CSR-request Specification version was not defined when generating a new CSR CSR generation CSR specification version was not specified when generating a new CSR-request New cluster node Added comprehensive description of errors that can occur on remote cluster nodes during package installation System deletes cron jobs Cron jobs could disappear when a user started several control panels simultaneously Anti-virus in files search results Check status information is now provided correctly Templates synchronization with rsync During synchronization of OS templates, IPv6 will be on the cluster node connected by IPv6 "Server resources" diagram Fixed the bug that deleted all data for diagram The /usr/local/mgr5/sbin/pdns_wait_start.sh в /etc/rc.local script will start the powerdns processes of resellers during setup Proxy for IPMI You can now access IPMI through a NAT router "Antivirus" button in file scanning results The "Antivirus" button was displayed in control panels where ClamAv was not set up Deletion of old repositories when starting pkgupgrade.sh ispsystem-5.* directories were not deleted from yum cache Incorrect permissions on domain's directory When you activate an auto sub-domain for the WWW domain, access permissions to the main domain's directory did not change Backup configuration Fixed a number of bugs with Yandex.Disk and Amazon S3 storages on Ubuntu 16.04 Operation log Old data could not be deleted The first line of logs in File manager The first line of logs was not displayed in the File manager module Mail server configuration Mail server configuration options can be found on the "Mail notifications module". You can choose certain types of notifications that will be sent. ISPsystem mail server can no longer be selected Username in the database history displayname is now displayed together with username in the history CNAME records Users cannot create CNAME-records that refer to themselves Fixed installation and configuration of CentOS 7 SVG-logo Users can chose SVG-logos in the Branding settings module ARPA records A large number of ARPA records were processed for too long Template setup error notification Setup error icon with the corresponding hint is now shown to users IP address deletion After you deleted server's IP address, other IP addresses of the server that were added after that IP, could not be used Email confirmation Notification about successful email confirmation was shown regardless confirmation results Fixed the search tool in the File manager module Checking uniqueness of IP address The system will now check uniqueness of a newly added IP address regardless the IP management system, which is integrated with BILLmanager. Check option can be enabled in the "Cluster settings/Policy" module Names of social network accounts The "usrparam" function now contains information about connected social network accounts Backups Fixed recovery of user data from SFTP storage, in ISPmanager Business located on a remote cluster node Backups Fixed recovery of user data from SFTP storage, in ISPmanager Business located on a remote cluster node Added limits on WWW-log size GeoIP Fixed a bug that occurred when downloading the IP database in case the /usr/share/GeoIP directory was missing Cash packages update Execution time of the sbin/pkgupdate.sh packages cash update was changed to a random one, within 3 to 4 hours/day interval Additional check of domain records The system will generate an error, if the CNAME record with the same name is found Deletion of all NS-records Added a check which disables deletion of the last NS-record from a domain Creation of two backup copies instead of one Fixed bugs, which caused repeated start of background task Cron tasks deletion Fixed the bug that caused tasks with unabled output redirection not to be found by the panel Changed server editing form The "hostname" field has status "unnecessary" Parameters duplication in the Nginx configuration file Fixed a bug that caused duplicating of some parameters after switching from old method of configuration file generation to the template engine Backup Fixed bugs related to backups on Amazon S3 A number of fixes in the File manager module SSL-certificates Introduced support of CSR requests for X.509 multi-domain certificates (In particular for Let's Encrypt certificates) Authorization notification The "Email" field remained empty unless email is verified. Authorization notifications were sent regardless e-mail address confirmation. Now users will see a message asking them to confirm email address in case there was no response to the email. Location adding. Now it's possible to add a location with a non-standard SSH port. Add relation between COREmanager and tar package Backups You can use password protection and encryption for backup copies The Orion theme now supports its own javascript (jscript) and the event="yes" attribute for controls on the form Javascript inside the jscript tag will be executed after a form/list/report is displayed. If the control has the event="yes" attribute, changing its value will call the CONTROLNAME_event function. Immediate panel update Before you start panel update and click the "Update product" button, licenses of all installed software products will be updated in order to get information about the maximum available version Mail server properties Notifications could not be sent if port 465 was used Add panel address Changes were applied only after web-server reboot Invalid field Information about incorrect format was added automatically into the "Description" field when registering an error System information System information is now available to administrator Base in print.xsl You can specify "basehref" manually in case of local calls Error reading XML during panel restart The control panel could close some incoming connections during restart Notification are not removed when deleting users A newly created user with a username of the old user could see his notifications Search contents by mask in File manager The search was performed only in the first 4KB of the file named could'е detect changes in zone files If the panel changed the zone when calling rndc reload <domain> (the same second), changes could not be applied until the zone was modified again later Security bug fix You can sell plug-ins via third-party billing panels If your server is hosted on IP addresses that belong to reseller, plug-ins can be purchased both via ISPsystem's billing panel and a reseller's system Shell-client in panel interface Now the shell-client opens through ihttpd and uses the same certificate as the control panel. A user will be authorized automatically Service order A hint with information about discounts is now shown in the Cart. In the Global settings module you can select an option to hide discounts during order Recipes for users Users can now create and user recipes. <a href="http://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Recipes:_Technical_details"></a> Security bug fix Panel address ihttpd could not start after adding a certificate chain Synchronization of OS templates In order to decrease load on the master-node, we launched a new method of distributed synchronization of distrsync templates <a href="http://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Synchronizing_OS_templates_on_cluster_nodes"></a> mgrctl returned the zero code when handling the error Fixed a bug with sending external forms (eg. registration form) in mobile theme Icons next to the form fields in Shop-window are now displayed correctly Spaces before URL were not cut during file upload via File manager URL field check failed due to error in field's description Fixed a bug with updating a prefix of the form field by setvalues Dashboard -- Server resources Total disk size was calculated incorrectly, if several partitions were mounted on the same device Open Live chat The session will no longer terminate when a Live- chat opens Templates installation Templates, which names contained spaces, could not be installed Domain's resource records If you run PowerDNS, when creating a domain with private name space, mname of the SOA record contained a database name of the name space Connection via SSH Errors that occur when creating multiple server connections are now processed in the SSH module Installation via install.sh will install the last software version allowed by a client's license Access to recipes In the "Cluster settings/Recipes" --> "Properties" you can restrict access to recipes Frame with 100% form height With the @fullheight attribute you can make a frame fit the full form's height. The form is supposed to contain only a frame Fixed a bug with getting an object's directory by a compound path User creation (cloudLinux) Fixed a bug that occurred when creating a user with a certain PHP version Authentication via social networks The mobile theme now contains buttons for login with social networks Text highlighting in code editor You can highlight any text in the code editor with the highlight_from attribute that specifies a filed to highlight a text ihttpd creates 100% CPU load ihttpd created high CPU load when calculating the idle time, even if nothing significant was running at high CPU. Dashboard -- Server resources Fixed incorrect graphs Show field with prefix on the external form The prefix was overcovered values in the field Support of swg icons for Safari Product logo is now displayed for pinned tabs CNAME record with the name '@' Additional check will prevent users from creating such records Disable automatic renewals Repository version will get frozen after automatic renewals are disabled Maximum number of open files Linux doesn't allow to set RLIM_INFINITY for RLIMIT_NOFILE. You can set the maximum value specified in /proc/sys/fs/nr_open Invalid pid file ihttpd blocked its pid file to read (shared lock), enabling to start several ihttpd processes simultaneously Spread panel updates over time Update time is selected randomly between 3 and 4 a.m. License key check If a product version exceeds the one, which allows to update the key, the license won't be activated Memory leaks in logging settings Previous rules were not deleted after changing the settings PowerDNS support Fixed invalid SQL request, which may lead to errors with domain records in PowerDNS Icons for resources You can activate resource icons for tariff add-ons Domain records TXT-records longer than 255 characters were processed incorrectly OS template not available in VMmanager KVM OS templates, which can be used only in VMmanager OVZ, were not displayed in the list of templates in VMmanager KVM, if they had the same names. Now they will be displayed with the information "Local template". Different number validators ignore unicode character NO-BREAK SPACE Logs preservation "Operation log' --> "Settings" now can be found in the "System settings" module. You can enter the number of days to keep log archives Change log Released beta-versions are now shown in the "Status" column as "released (beta)" Error executing recipe In the "Additional information" field in the recipe error notification you can see a text that a recipe sends to stdout. Notification text filter function is now available. The function will cut a text to 1 KiB, all symbols with codes < 0x20 and > 0x7E will be deleted Assign session to user's IP address IPv4 addresses displayed as IPv6, were considered restricted Backups Users can specify a port for an FTP-storage System settings "Send usage notifications" and "Send error notifications". Added short description for sender configuration Errors in built-in web-server and JSON If the output format should be in JSON, ihttpd will send a response in JSON in case of internal errors Installation of paid modules The free attribute enables to install some modules for free (demo-version) Notifications module Automatic resolution of issues is now running on multiple threads GPG signature for RPM packages Filters (labels) are now supported for tariff plans that are displayed in blocks Labels with long names (Orion interface theme) Labels with long names are now displayed correctly Recipes and OS templates You can now use recipes to configure virtual machines. Recipes are scripts executed by a control panel on virtual machine after installing operating system from template. In ISPsystem's repository you can find a number of pre-defined recipes, or connect your own repository, or create a recipe in the control panel.
We have made a number of significant changes to OS templates:
* we added a new repository
* changed repository data structure
* deleted templates with ISPmanager, now ISPmanager can be installed via recipe
<a href="http://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Recipes:_Technical_details"></a>
Recipes Fixed a bug in the recipe edit form: clicking the "Save" button did not save a newly created recipe OS template installation Fixed OS installation bug that occurred if there there were several templates with the same id for different control panels Text field size in MySQL database Size is now set in UTF characters, rather than in bytes Debian-based OS package name change Authentication via social networks Renaming a user will not disable his login via social networks. If this error still occurs, you should update/delete records from the sociallink table Password generation button A password generation button can be displayed for the "passord" field type without confirmation. Specify the genpasswd="yes" attribute to set this option Global search Fixed a bug that occurred when generating a global search table and caused the process to fail "Two-factor authentication" is renamed into "2-step authentication" Added new descriptions for errors, including error messages about invalid temporary password now include information about possible errors. Users won't be able to see other client's QR code with 2-step authentication enabled Confirmation of dangerous operation Clicking "Cancel" executed an insecure request maxlength for text fields The limit is now set in symbols rather than in bytes Updating Dashboard blocks You can specify the @update=yes attribute to update a block on the Dashboard every time a client opens this module Date mask in input fields Added masks for input fields. Now you won't be able to enter an incorrect date System configuration Server check was not performed, and mail server settings were not applied when setting port 465 for the SMTP server Updating domains on slave servers I some situations it took much time to get information from a domain by the DNS server, thus the domain could not be updated on slave servers CDN CDN will be used only when installing the panel through install.sh. The common repository will be used for updates DNS synchronization bug In case of errors during DNS server synchronization (e.g. the domain does not exist or belongs to another user), the synchronization process failed Invalid old value for slider and textarea When trying to get the old value for input fields such as "slider" or "textarea", the new value was returned usagestat process is hanging Original problem: usagestat process stops for a randon number of seconds to provide an even server load disctibution. If this process was initiated more than once per 24 hours, a line of such processes was created. Now, this task is added to the planner with a randon launch time. Delay in usagestat is now random but within one minute "include" in messages of the default language ("en") The Include sections from the English language were not addedd into XML files of other languages Graphs are now displayed correctly Arbitrary IP address as master IP You can specify any IP address using the DnsNsMasterIp parameter. It will be passed to slave server as the master IP PowerDNS restart When changing server parameters the "pdns" process could not be restarted due to invalid command on CentOS Email notifications only in Russian Login notifications (including notifications about login from a different location if GeoIP is activated) were sent only in Russian Update time in the changelog In case of errors in the afterupdate / afterinstall function, the update time was not specified Allow port When installing the panel on CentOS, the DNS port was denied in the Firewall configuration module Incorrect link to Documentation Fixed a link (More info) to the Knowledge base that was displayed in case of error Quick search The strings containing symbols in certain order (e.g. span/class/live) were displayed incorrectly Error editing a list item The error occurred after clicking buttons with the @sametab attribute, e.g. in the File manager. Hide/show useful links Hiding useful links will hide them in all modules of the control panel. Clicking the "Help" icon will display them. Link configuration is kept is cookies. reCAPTCHA reCAPTCHA is now displayed on the registration form Change log The "Product version" column won't be displayed for products without versions (e.g. IPmanager) Error displaying list items in the Mobile interface theme The interface hung when trying to open a list with empty toolbar Global search form Added the "Clear" button The "color" attribute in mobile theme The "color" attribute is now supported for list elements and buttons on the form json parse error on forms with frame json parse error occurred wen trying to open a form with a frame Check box in group edit Check box is now displayed correctly Built-in web-server Fixed a high CPU utilization bug caused by a large number of connections Combining similar banners If a message with the multi_<banner id> name and banners do not have links, such banners will be combined into one. The __count__ macro will be changed into the number of combined banners List on the form A list on the form can be hidden by if/else. If a list have labels, they will be also hidden/displayed with that list Notification for group operations If 'progress_group_step', is not found in group messages, the search will be made in messages from parent functions Error deleting non-existing cron job Fixed a bug that occurred when deleting a non-existing cron job Preview buttons Fixed preview-type buttons on a list toolbar which occurred if this type of buttons was used by default jsonparse error on Dashboard Dashboard was displayed incorrectly if localized messages contained unsupported symbols Top menu Added @img and @sprite attributes for displaying interface theme items COREmanager could not see cron jobs COREmanager could not see cron jobs if the "Do not email report" check box was cleared Notifications module bug The notifications module opened for too long if it contained too many notifications Several IP addresses for VM Several IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses can be allocated to a newly created virtual machine. The list of virtual machines and its edit form now shows primary IPv4 and IPv6, rather than a single primary IP address Log is not rotated If you enable low level-logging, the log contained only log level information. A file was not rotated and could be more than 100 MB in size Help links State of help links is now saved correctly Duplication of pinned tabs (Orion interface theme) Pinned tabs got duplicated when opening a form on the Dashboard Support of robots.txt When requesting that file, ihttps passes the skins/robots.txt or skins/robots-default.txt file, which contains default settings. You can create a robots.txt with custom settings according to your needs Two-factor authentication The following operations can be confirmed with a one-time password: panel login, form edit (the whole form and selected fields), group operations Request owner When admin drills down to user panel, the log will show both the username who sent the request and the username who got authorized in the panel Local C++ plug-ins If the src/<library name> directory is created, and errors occurred when uploading that directory, the control panel will try to re-compile it with the "make" command. if the error occurs again, it will be one hour before the panel tries to re-compile the library <a href="http://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Lower-level_interaction,_C%2B%2B_plug-ins">Read this article for more details</a> Panel failed after login Control panel failed after login with GeoIP enabled. Authentication via social networks and information about login attempt (an attempt to log in from another region) are now processed correctly Operation log, period Panel failed when trying to set a period to keep log files. This error was caused by invalid log file format File names Some COREmanager functions cut spaces before and after a file name causing different errors Recursive change of file permissions in File manager When you recursively change file permissions, directory permissions won't change Waiting for panel to update Panel gets blocked during update causing incoming requests to fail. The WaitLocked method is added to mgr_client, which allows to wait for panel to get unblocked. In particular, this feature is used in ISPmanager backup module Parameters in nestedlist linked lists When switching to a linked list, parameters set via macros __col_value__, __elid__, __plid__ were not encoded Symbolic links When changing the "Refer to" value into an existing file or directory, directory access permissions were set to 0000 Progress bar in Wizard Progress bar no longer hangs Unzip files on CentOS unzip on CentOS uses the LANG environment variable. If it is not passed, national symbols in file names will be changed into unicode. The panel now passes the LANG environment variable, which value was obtained when calling unzip invalid CNAME CNAME cannot have the same name as other records GeoIP bases upload bug Fixed de-archiving of binary bases GeoIP Maxmind Authentication with key of disabled user When a user gets disabled, all his one-time passwords received through session.newkey, will be reset Group edit Group edit can be forbidden for certain functions. You will need to add the nogroupedit="yes" attribute for the toolbtn element. Selection of element in the list from child form (the Orion interface theme) If a form passes element's elid in the list, the element will be selected Group editing, operation availability check The system will check whether an element can be edited Filter Spaces are deleted at the beginning and end of filter value Logging settings A new interface for logging set up is now available Group edit If different values are entered into fields, the "Different values" hint is shown rather than the value of the first element Filter in notifications An error in SQL expression occurred when applied a filter in the Notifications module Group operations in lists did not work Two-factor authentication might cause errors when performing group operations Error renaming user With two-factor authentication enabled, renaming a user caused errors, and the user couldn't work in his panel. Deletion of IP address on CentOS crashes network configuration file Starting from 2014 PREFIX network configuration is added instead of NETMASK. The control panel tried to delete NETMASK as well licctl hangs When downloading a license licctl restarts a panel. In some cases the panel was trying to update a license causing dead lock Backups Fixed a backup bug that occurred with files which names contained word-wraps. Restart panel after license upgrade When obtaining a license through sbin/licctl, the control panel will be automatically restarted Check server name when getting a license The server time will be adjusted, if it differs from the the licensing server time for more than an hour. If this operation fails, the license won't be activated Group editing error The slider was not displayed after group editing. If the elements had different values, all the values were modified regardless the position of the slider Support for "convert" for indicator-type buttons Now the indicator's value can be displayed in the easy-to-read format Drill down to user level from the Active sessions module Due to double encoding of a username it was impossible to drill down to the user panel if his name contains other characters besides the Latin alphabet letters and digits "Total" for xprop fields The number of xprop was calculated incorrectly, if @value was specified for them, and other xprop with that name, which did not require calculation of statistics, already existed Plug-ins Dependency check will be performed when uploading a library through <library name="...">. If it depends on the library, which version has been already uploaded, the panel won't start Assign session to IP address You can specify the Option SecureSessionIp option to assign session to user's IP address. Starting from version 5.30 IP addresses were not assigned to user session, because IP addresses of mobile phone users might change in the course of operation SSL certificate authentication SSL certificate authentication is no longer used. The IP address management module enables to use SSL authentication via API. The SSL keys management module is no longer used Inactive connection timeout The "timeout" parameter of the built-in web-server specifies how long in seconds an available connection can remain idle before it is closed. The default value is 10 minutes PowerDNS operation speed The control panel will no longer wait for the pdns_control purge call to complete. If you need to make purge multiple times, the control panel may execute the command only once Referer check Referer checks will ignore standard values of 443 port for https and port 80 for http SQL scheme fpr PowerDNS When creating a new view, the SQL schema will be taken from the etc/sql/pdns.db.sql file, if any. If the file is not present. a standard schema will be used "Start automatically" check box was not saved when configuring backups Auto-start was enabled, but the corresponding check box was not displayed in the backup edit form CORS support in built-in web-server Access-Control-Allow-Origin can be specified so that resources can be used by different sources Assign session to IP address This parameter can be set even if a client allows access only from specific IP addresses Server preliminary setup The xset.up function cannot be interrupted by the exit function Social login Social login can be allowed only from specific IP addresses Links to Documentation If Documentation is not available in the selected language, an English page will open Import tables into CSV Indicators values could not be imported Information on system and server resources on Dashboard "Root" can now view information on the system and server resources Empty response from the control panel and mgr_client::Local An exception will be generated after receiving empty response Expert mode Deprecated expert and common modes. All fields on forms will be displayed to all users Link to mobile version When you access the panel from a mobile device, on the login form you will see a link to mobile version Highlighting active menu modules In some situations active modules were not highlighted Limit on backup copies which size exceeds 1000 Tib Error occurred when trying to set the above value. The value could be changed only by modifying etc/ispmgr.conf Unread tickets In the browser window heading you can now see the number of unread tickets. The number is calculated based on filter settings in the "Support tickets" module. In the "Support tickets" -- "Settings" you can select the "Sound on new ticket" -check box to play a sound when a new ticket is posted. 'JSON Parse Error' Fixed a bug that occurred when clicking the URL-type buttons on the toolbar Dashboard auto-updates You can set automatic updates (in seconds) for blocks on the Dashboard using the autoupdate attribute Setup fail2ban during COREmanager installation fail2ban will be setup and configured when installing COREmanager. The feature is already available. If you don't want fail2ban to be installed automatically, you can use the key --disable-fail2ban Group problem solving Skipping the form problem during the group problem solving Multiple file download This bug occurred if data preparation took from 15 to 30 minutes Changes to Amazon S3 buckets When making a backup to Amazon storage, the system will search for existing buckets for a selected user, or ask to enter a new name Notifications If a control panel uses a database which differs from SQLite, information about notification will be stored in the same database. In earlier versions SQLite database etc/<panel name>_problems.db was used Added functionality enabling to save backups at Yandex.Disk Columns "Gateway" and "Network mask" Columns "Gateway" and "Network mask" are added to server IP-address pool The latest version of program available for download The latest available version was not displayed in the "About program" module Integration with IPmanager If IPmanager failed to receive a list of available networks, the corresponding error message will be shown Hostname on CentOS 7 Hostname was reset upon server reboot Parked page if no data are available in report If a report doesn't contain any data, but a graph should be generated, a parked page with graph will be shown. If the report doesn't contain graphs, "no such data" will be displayed Cron Fixed Cron job check function. You can now create ranges along with enumerations in the expert mode Default heading If a localized message is not specified for the page heading, the hostname will be appear in the heading Modifying TTL on DNS record TTL can now be modified for a DNS resource record Scheduler Fixed a bug: a time range can be specified for a Cron job New backup system A new backup system using DAR is introduced in ISPmanager . It has an intuitive web-interfaces, and enables to easily restore/download files, databases, or backup copies; move users between servers running ISPmanager with the new backup system; and restore users on a remote server in case of failure. If you don’t have any backup plans configured, you can start using the new system right away. Otherwise, you need to delete existing backup plans and restart the panel. Backup copies made in the old backup system are not compatible with the new one. Domain contact verification NIC.RU domain contact verification is now supported Link to list Lists now contains a button with link to a list. If the list contains a filter, its parameters will be specified in the link Domain records Do not add quotation marks to TXT-records with spf1 values File manager File search can be now made by its content and name mask The masterfile-format text option The masterfile-format text option will be specified for named on CentOS 7 Feature of saving backups in S3 Amazon is enabled Hide useful links You can now hide useful links if they prevent you from working with a form Version information You can view the current version of the control panel in in the "License" module Cannot accept License agreement User could not accept the License agreement on languages other than Russian Pinned tabs Control panels now offer the ability to lock some of your most-used menu tabs Server resources Fixed error with incorrect disk usage data in Server resources on Dashboard License agreement Users couldn't accept the License agreement on English Cannot save user settings The control panel didn't save user settings, if email for notifications was not entered. The possibility to select a confirmation message for group operations If toolbtn of type group will have an attribute warning = yes, then the confirmation text will be displayed in Bold Red, and an exclamation mark icon will be displayed on the left. Back up large number of users The backupctl process failed when trying to back up a large number of users ACE library update (used in File manager) Update includes a number of bugfixes, support of new language modes (SQLServer, Elixir, Elm, Praat, Eiffel, G-code, gitignore, AppleScript, Vala, Gherkin, Smarty, Dockerfile), new interface themes (SQLServer, Iplastic) Control panel addresses Enhanced SSL certificate creation procedure Mobile theme A new web-interface is specially designed for mobile devices. The mobile theme will open on mobile devices by default. ihttpd restart sbin/ihttpd -R now waits for the built-in server to restart. Fixed a bug leading to incorrect restart in systemd License Activation A license us updated when you click the "Activate license" button Database dump upload The file in user home directory was overwritten and deleted if its name matches the name of uploaded file Defining a file size when calling mgr_rpc::FetchFile If the limit parameter is set to 0, a HEAD-request will be sent to get a file size. The file won't be uploaded if its size exceeds the limit. Group privileges You can now create user groups and assign privileges to the whole group. You can also create groups to which all the userds with specific login level will be assigned. Network settings Fixed the bug: If IP address was assigned incorrectly, it could not be deleted. Confirm password If passwords in the confirmation field do not match, the corresponding notification will display. List of processes Kernel processes are no longer displayed in the list of Linux processes. Hidden fields in the Wizard forms Hidden fields were displayed if you clicked "Back" in the Setup Wizard forms. Changes to mgr_proc::Execute::SetUser Now using SetUser on UNIX-based systems will set all user groups rather than the main one. Zone update Domain zones are now updated correctly. Selecting password strength COREmanager enables you to allow users set only strong passwords. This function is not active by default and many users do not even know about it. In the Setup Wizard you can select desired password strength. Number of fractions in the list (the Orion theme) Fixed the bug with calculating fractions on the list. Panel crashed in case of mgr_job::MoveFile::Rollback Deleting the source directory before rolling back transaction caused panel crash. Change file editor size You can now change witdth of the file editor. Toolbar A default page will be created if the toolbar is not present Error displaying banners Fixed the bug: in some situations several banners were not displayed. Start page Fixed the bug: when accessing the control panel, the File manager module would open by default. Processing the noname attribute of the field Using the noname attribute of the field element will not show the name of the field. File upload bug Fixed the bug in the Orion theme: it was not possible to upload files in Opera. Password strength Using the checkargs attribute you can specify password strength in the element. Values starting with +/- will modify the password strength for the element against the global value. A number specifies an absolute value. It can be a fraction number Logging settings Fixed the bug: the list filter was not set when selecting a panel. PHP installation module When installing PHP on FreeBSD, PHP 5.4. (or PHP 5.3.) will be installed by default due to conflict between phpMyAdmin and PHP 5.5.ports. Notification about performed operation In case of a successful operation the corresponding notification will be sent. Numbers with floating point in mgr_db When using numbers with floating points, some values might contain unnecessary information in low orders. Deleting several records from database A new method for deleting records from the table by SQL condition is added into the mgr_db::CustomTable class. Preliminary setup form The application Setup Wizard was called before the server Setup wizard. Cancelling module upload Fixed the bug: some modules of the library that failed, might be initialized later. The function, which name is specified by the LIBRARY_ENTRY macros, will be additionally called before initializing the library. That function may contain the code that will be executed first. If the function returns "false", initialization will be cancelled. Processing queries with invalid su When trying to send a request through mgrctl with the su parameter specifying a non existent user, the control panel would not respond. Copy fields values in mgr_db When copying the value, if Null was specified as initial value, empty field was shown. Help link in the form Link to the Product documentation from the Setup Wizard now opens correctly. Notifications Problem notifications now can contain links to documentation. For developers. Processing XML documents The following xml attributes can now be processed: dist, eqdist, maxdist, ifmgr. For more information, please refer to the article http://en.5.ispdoc.com/index.php/Xmlinstall Update settings Modified settings in the "Applications" module. Now the version is specified in the "Settings" form and is applied to all software products. In that form you can also deactivate automatic update for all the products except COREmanager. Restoring open tabs in the Orion theme When restoring open tabs, only active tab is saved and open. Other tabs will open when you switch into them. Cannot hide banner with information about last login Failed to hide the banner if you logged in to the control panel from a different IP address. Installing DNS NSD on FreeBSD Fixed the bug in configuring NSD on FreeBSD. Deletion of files from FTP storage Fixed the bug that occurred when deleting archives that were not located in the FTP storage. Backup process as a background task Each element of the control panel is copied separately. In case of error that element will be skipped and the corresponding bug will be registered. Warnings that display while processing the element will be also registered File manager Changes to file manager behavior if the "only for files" attributes are recursively changed. The "Execute" attribute for all the files will be inherited from the directory's attributes to which that recursive change is applied. Data recovery Fixed the bug with creating a symlink, if the "Modify existing data" check box is selected. Control panel has ended Before the control panel ended, it ignored requests that were in the queue causing errors in the applications using API. Textarea readonly Fixed the bug with the readonly attribute of the textarea in the Orion interface theme. Automatic creation of domain names Fixed the bug with automatic creation of domain names (for example, while creating a Web-domain), even if the domains management module is missing. Dashboard The dashboard will not open if Welcome page and Welcome form are used. IP address management module Fixed the bug (Debian OS): the main IP address of the network interface and invalid contents of the configuration file of the network subsystem were deleted. Fatal error in form In the Orion theme fixed the bug causing the panel to hang in case of fatal error in the form. Validators You can specify data type in the checkargs attribute for number validators. Cron error In the Sirius interface theme ISPmanager cron job is now executed correctly. Error in the CustomTable::DbDelete method This method generated incorrect request to the database. Empty directories in backup Information about empty directories now is included both into the system database and archive. Do not use field check The @safevalue attribute is added for input fields. Name of the parameter containing the value that does not require verification or is checked by developers manually (for example, encrypted value for password) is sent. Address for outgoing queries in PowerDNS When creating a new view, the directive query-local-address is specified. Sorting drop-down menu You can now select a sorting type for a drop-down menu (select). Possible values: alpha, calpha, digit, version and ip. DNS BIND settings "text" is now specified as storage format for zone files when configuring bind (named) DNS-server settings. named files The control panel did not display domain records for which the domain name was not specified. Forbid using HTTP connection You can now forbid to use HTTP connection for the control panel. All HTTP connections will be automatically redirected to the similar URL using the HTTPS protocol. Database caching Fixed the bug causing mal-synchronization of internal cache with data in the base. Hidden fields Now clicking the "Show hidden fields" link will show the fields unless the form is closed. Trees in forms Information in the "tree" forms was processed incorrectly in Wizards and filters. Error with toolbar buttons Fixed the bug in the Sirius interface theme : if the window was too narrow buttons were grouped beneath the heading, rather than collapsed. Indication of server reboot (еру Orion theme) If you are using the "Reboot server" function, the corresponding icon is shown. Processing empty messages Now you can use non-printable characters (spaces, tabs, line feeds) in message, for example, as separators of elements in group operations. Select element bug in a filter form in the Orion interface theme It was not possible to select a value in "select" if the browser window was too low. Group privileges "Lamp" icons are no longer displayed if permissions on the corresponding functions are not set. "Default policy" is no longer available in the "Group policy" form, because permissions set for user had higher priority than those for the group. UTC/GMT You can now select UTC/GMT time zone in the server settings form. Preset for textdata of the msgdata type Now you can change textdata values for msgdata using presets. Notifications module Automatic resolution of issues no longer blocks access to the Notifications list. Old notifications can be automatically deleted. Edit range of IP addresses You can now modify the range if using a local base of IP addresses. Quick search results Quick search results will be saved once the list is automatically updated upon group operation or regular update. Displaying the warning icon in lists In some lists the Warning icon was shown for no reason. Error activating buttons In the Orion interface theme fixed the bug with activation of the groupform type button. Error displaying hints Fixed the bug with displaying hints containing double quotes in case of error with group operation. List filters You can now set list filter in privileges management modules in the modules supporting filters. User won't be able to access the object for which filter was set. Messages in reports Missing messages for reports were not imported from the common section. MySQL settings MySQL setup module will configure the MySQL server to listen on all IP addresses of all interfaces. Show hidden fields Users who never opened the General settings edit form could not use the "Show hidden fields" link. Colored lists In the Orion interface theme you can now specify text color for "select" elements. Starting COREmanager when installing/deleting panels When installing/deleting panels with the bin/core <panel> install/remove command on Unix systems, COREmanager will start, if it was not running. Line break in the zoom field Pressing the Space key space when filling out the zoom field moves the cursor to a new line so that a user can see that this is the next element. Registering bugs You can now send bug reports from the panel. Notifications Some columns are hidden by default. You may add required columns in your table settings form. HttpQuery Introduced support for the methods HEAD, PUT, PATCH and DELETE. Error displaying statuses in statusbar Fixed the bug with displaying properties in the statusbar for the columns without sort="prop". Table settings Default values now have more detailed descriptions. File zones of name servers Zones that didn't use the $ORIGIN directive, might have its value for other files. Number of backup copies Fixed the bug with automatic deletion of old backup copies. Installing the PHP module for Apache (FreeBSD) PHP as Apache is running on a separate port. The corresponding changes are made to the PHP and Apache installation modules. Report print version bug Report print version with firstrun="no" displayed in the database Error saving menu status In the Orion interface theme fixed the bug with saving the main menu status. Error confirming password In the Orion theme fixed the bug: it was possible to use passwords that do not match. Error selecting all list elements In some situations it was not possible to select all the elements on the list by pressing shift. Notifications You can now add additional information in the browser window. Suspending panel You can now suspend the control panel using the mgrctl -l command. If the panel is running, it will be suspended by calling the exit function. You can continue working in the panel with the mgrctl -u command. If COREmanaer is suspended, all the panels will be suspended as well. Checking domain names Modified the algorithm. The ARPA records are now checked more Reverse zones for classless networks are now checked correctly. Deleting files from the FTP-storage When trying to delete a file, the control panel now ignores directories that are not present in the storage. Access permissions and @convert When limiting access to list elements, the columns containing @convert attribute processed incorrectly. Access log Users that are not registered now cannot view the Access log. Setup wizard Fixed the bug in the Setup wizard leading to incorrect order of the installation steps. Recovering separate files For all data types having files, only separate files can be recovered. /etc/hosts Fixed the bug that changed access permissions to /etc/hosts upon modification. Changing FTP directory in the backup storages Fixed the bug: it was not possible to add a path to FTP directory for the existing FTP storage. Displaying long heading in the form Long headings are now displayed correctly. System information on FreeBSD Fixed the bug with displaying system information on servers without swap. Error displaying xprop in status bar xprop is now displayed correctly in the Orion and Sirius interface theme. Managing DNS records in named Modified the management of zone files. In previous versions some errors might occur when adding new records Zone name You can now use the @ symbol in the zone name in resource records. Improved reports For embedded reports you can specify the id for cell. The embedded list will also include all the form's parameters of the parent report. Default values You can now reset default table settings. List of active sessions The column showed negative values. Hiding the authinfo parameter Parameter value of the authinfo request is no longer added into the tparams element. Server reboot This operation is now executed before terminating the panel. File manager Fixed the bug with going to the child directory when exceeding the limit on the number of records on the list. The convert attribute You can now select the encoding algorithm for a column in reports. The period element The default and save attributes for the period element are nor supported. Nonreusable keys Nonreusable keys created by the session.newkey function are kept during one hour after creation. Dates validation Added vlidators for the fields getting Date and DateTime. UID/GID Fixed the bug: when getting the user's UID/GID the incorrect error returned. System information on Linux Some processes might terminate while viewing the list. ODBC deprecated ODBC is no longer supported allowing to use original libraries for MySQL and PostgreSQL database servers management. Separate configuration files of the control panel Control panel settings can be saved in separate files. Parameters, options and paths can be specified into the file in the etc/<panel name>.cond.d directory. All the .conf files from that directory will be read up to the main config. Parameters set in those files will be used as default values and can be ку-defined in the main configuration file. Conditionaly hiding textarea Conditional hiding by empty="yes/no" is supported for textarea (beside input control) Updating syntax highlighting library The syntax highlighting library is updated to the latest version. More than 30 versions of syntax highlighting for programming languages, templates, configuration files are now supported. Support for PowerDNS v3 PowerDNS 3.2 and later created in the base strings with empty types that led to errors when trying to view them via the control panel. Error calculating total values in the list When selecting a line the total value at the bottom of the page displayed the zero number. File manager Fixed the bug in the archive extract form when opening the directory tree. Back up large amount of data Fixed the bug that occurred when trying to back up large amount of data, for example 1000 (1000 user's domains) Backup recovery Fixed the bug that occurred when trying to recover a backup copy and resulted in symlink loop. Example: Failed to set owner of the 'var/.ispmgr-backup/tmp/extract_79P08c/kernel' file List of backup plans Fixed the bug "Error: Type: 'file' Object: 'open_r' Value: 'var/.ispmgr-backup/tmp/plan_name/1396588349/list_.XXXXXX" that occurred when viewing backup plans while making a backup copy. Disable a backup plan You can now disable/enable automatic start of a backup plan. The cron job will be commented/uncommented. With the plan deactivated, you will be able to start it manually Select interface theme and password strength You can now use a new function to select a default interface theme and password strength Incorrect size of swap file on FreeBSD Swap file size was displayed incorrectly once exceeding 2 Gb. Access to modules A list of users was not displayed when creating a group, if there were no users with privileges that were selected when opening the form. Differential and incremental backup bugs The backup processes terminated with the error: "Type: 'xml' Object: 'parse' Value: ''" Optimization of backup process Optimized processing of files that were not archived. Interrupting reading/recording of mgr_stream Now the process that is being read/recorded into the stream using mgr_stream classes, can be interrupted with the function mgr_thread::FailIt. It enables to interrupt mgr_proc::Execute even if the program is waiting for possibility to read/record through stream I/O. File manager The root directory can now be set as default in the file manager edit form. Error displaying diagrams on Dashboard Fixed the bug with displaying diagrams in the orion interface theme. DNSmanager as a DNS server Fixed the bug that occurred when trying to use a DNSmanager user with reseller permissions for integration Sum up values within one column If stat="yes" is specified for a column, and the values contain additional symbols after the figure, the sum will be calculated for each suffix Select data source for xml input field Added the @source attribute, its value is a request to the control panel. The field value will be taken from the request results. If it is a drop-down list, the list of values will be taken from the request results. Identifiers of newly created objects We recommend that the functions creating an object must return its identifier in the id node. In case of out=text the identifier, if any, will be output as id=<value> after "OK". Notification quantity indicator shows 0 New classes for blocking threads Added the classes MultiMutex, MultiSafeLock, MultiSafeSection. They act in the same way as the classes Mutex, SafeLock, SafeSection, but the thread is blocked by the object MultiMutex/MultiSafeLock and string Progress bar hangs during file download Progress bar hangs during file download if the groupdownload button is used Project gets lost if two-factor authentication is active If a client enables two-factor authentication, when you drill down to his panel or change project as that user, the "project" parameter may get lost Disable two-factor authentication If admin log ins to control panel as user, he won't be required to enter a password in order to disable two-factor authentication Working with large files on Linux (i386) Fixed the bug: it was not possible to work with files larger than 2 Gb through the panel's API Support for SSL certificates in mgr_rpc New methods allowing to use custom certificates for SSL connections are now available Free space for archives During the backup process before archiving free space will be checked. There must be not less space than the archive requires. Potential compression is not counted Disk space was displayed incorrectly If one and the same partition was mounted several times, its size was calculated several times as well Storages for backups When using multiple storages the backup process will not stop, if an attempt to upload files to one of them failed. Hint for opening a module in a new tab Added a new hint for the icon that opens a module in a new tab. Calendar in input fields You can now use a calendar to show both days ans months. Set the @date attribute to "month" Registration of notifications User role is now checked when registering a new notification. Notifications for users with permissions higher than lvAdmin are not associated with a specific user and are available to all server administrators. Archiving on architecture x86_32 Fixed the bug "gzip: stdout: File too large" that occurred when archiving large directories on architecture x86_32. Versions of libraries Now versions of libraries included into COREmanager correspond to the panel's version. For example, for COREmanager 5.15.0 will have libraries 5.15.0 Remote DNS, administrator email When using DNSmanager as a DNS server, client's email rather than that provided in DNSmanager was specified in the SOA record (DNSmanager 5.15.0 or later is required) Unzipping archives in file manager Unzipping archives will overwrite existing files. Checking list values If no corresponding values are found in the linked list (the one where the @depend attribute is used), the list will be hidden. However, clicking OK will generate the error message "Field has invalid value". Purge storages When deleting a backup plan or a copy you can select if you want to delete files from the storage as well. Mail client Introduced support for Roundcube. Displaying banners in narrow browser window Fixed the bug with displaying banners in the Sirius interface theme, if the browser window is set to 1024px Error reading timezone The error occurred if the symbolic link /etc/localtime led to a nonexistent file. Applications update Fixed the bug that occurred when trying to manually update the list of available applications. Control panel performance without cron (CentOS and Debian) The control panel can without cron. To recover the scheduler you should automatically resolve the corresponding problem that is registered in the "Notifications" module. Error displaying hint when using shadow for hiding fileds Fixed the bug with displaying a hint for the field that is hidden by shadow using else. Duplicating records in access log Fixed the bug with duplicating records in access log. Sorting of IP addresses Not only IP addresses, but also networks specified as IP/mask are sorted. A mask must be a figure (mask length) Hints Hints to form fields are now shown automatically when you put your mouse cursor into the field, for example. You can change that behavior in the user settings form or by specifying the DefaultHintView parameter in the configuration file. Using standard parameters for table Columns statuses that were hidden by default were set incorrectly setvalues error in the Orion interface theme Fixed setvalues bug that occurred when updating select values. Deletion of backup copies Improved efficiency of backup deletion Deletion of temporary files during backup Fixed the bug: directories such as plan_12345667_.XXXXXX, files unparsed.XXXXXX and ignored.XXXXXX. were not delete, where XXXXXX are random symbols Installation failed Fixed the bug: the control panel installation will not fail while getting the license. "Already exists" error during installation While installing a gateway, the control panel did not allow to select the address that was already created in the internal base but was not assigned. Errors viewing a list of background tasks Added a number of error prevention checks that can occur while viewing background tasks Background tasks Information about background tasks is kept only for 24 hours Error editing list Fixed the bug that did not allow to save a modified value Order of buttons on the form The "Cancel" button is always located on the right Fixed bug in printed version If the indicator column was the last in the table, the right border did not display Error checking password strength In the Orion theme fixed the password strength check bug that occurred on the form where multiple password fields are used Processing show on the toolbar It was processed incorrectly if the condition was associated with the "msg" column Request code status in HttpQuery The Status() method that returns the code of a request is added into HttpQuery Upload file by URL into File manager In case of error (breaking of connection, disk quota exceeded) the file that was not fully uploaded will be deleted Reserved symbols in change log Reserved symbols were incorrectly processed and displayed Redundant files in PowerDNS configuration directory Redundant files (core files or temporary files of text editors) might cause problems Create a server name in SOA records of domains In the DNS configuration file you can specify a Hostname that will be used instead of server name in the SOA record Required field for password (The Orion interface theme) If the password field is a required one, the password confirmation field will be also required Sort list values You can specify priority for values for the "select" input fields Headings for Wizards You can now use various headings for forms and list of steps (wizard_title - heading will be displayed in the list of steps, title - form heading). If the heading for list of steps is not specified, the form heading will be used Backup in progress banner Fixed the bug: a user could see the banner informing that the backup process or recovery is complete. Comas in out=json Fixed the bug with disappearing comas in json format Defult action by swiping right If you use mobile devices with touch-screens, swiping right will perform a default action (normally, it is double click) File manager Fixed the bug with generating a directory tree, if there is the child directory for which the user does not have permissions to read. File manager Fixed the bug in the algorithm for recursive change of the file or directory owner. Action log on the user level The Action log module is now available for users. Calculating the maximum file size while making a backup copy "Maximum file size" and "Maximum directory file size" no longer influence the prepared data, databases, in particular Select with pictures The select element now can display pictures next to the selection option File manager In the File manager module you can now set the height for the file editor window in rows. The "Read-only" field with a full file name is added into the file edit form File mamager File names containing ',' are now supported List of interface themes in Panel settinhs Only available interface themes are now displayed File manager Fixed the bug with overwriting symbolic links when copying/moving files File manager If you copy without overwriting and files with the same names already exist in the target ditrectory, the error banner will list those names New element for list In the Orion interface theme there is a new list element for displaying lists with pictures and icons Create a backup plan Filters for local storages When creating a backup plan with the "All server files" check box selected, filters that exclude directories of all the local storages will be automatically created Backup type description A backup type now has a hint that is shown when you select a certain type List of files in the root directory Fixed the bug: the list of files included into the backup copy showed all the all files in all subdirectories. Error opening the form Fixed the bug in the Sirius interface theme, the form now opens correctly. Back to "Saved data" The button "Back to saved data" now works correctly in the Sirius web-interface. "Output error" on the login form after logout The error occurred if you first drill down to User level and then log out from the control panel Error escaping quotation marks Fixed the bug with editing a form, if quotation marks were specified in elid Save filters You can now use more filter options Versions in recovery forms In some cases file or directory versions in the recovery forms were duplicated Delete backup copies Backup copies located on several storages are now deleted correctly Differential and incremental backups Fixed the bug: a full copy was created only once Optimized backup interface Added cashing of information about the backup data enabling some menu modules to display faster Security bug Fixed the bug that enabled each user to disturb panel performance Changes to the function isp_api::IsOwner The administrator (lvAdmin) is now longer considered the owner of the users with server administrator (lvSuper) access privileges and higher Recovering files aquota.user aquota.group When recovering all files of the servers, the files /aquota.user and /aquota.group are ignored Bind cannot update slave zones Files of slave zones are now created in the correct directory Configure modules automatically Each module will be configured automatically upon installation Warn user before closing the form Users will be prompt to confirm that they really want to leave the form with unsaved data User privileges All users including administrators cannot change privileges for themselves Errors in functions AddMonth and AddDays When switching between "Summer" and "Winter" time, one day might be added or deducted Panel administrator Most DNSmanager functions are available only to Administrator. The Panel administrator button has been added on the superuser's Dashboard enabling to create a new administrator (if no admins have been created) and switch to his panel The Close button on fatal error page Added the Close button the on Fatal error page. If the tab has a parent list, it will be renewed Process indication while uploading files Process indication in % is shown while uploading a form with files. Added Cancel button to terminate the process Records on the slave name server PowerDNS Now the DNS module gets information about zone changes allowing to reduce the update time Cancel list auto-update Added a new button that cancels auto-update of a current list (a one-time action) to save some quickly renewed data User renaming event Whehn renaming a user, all his files will be renamed as well. All active connections related to that user will be terminated. To do this, the panel should call the event "user.onrename" and sent the following parameters: "user" - old username and "newname" - new name Modifying storage settings Fixed the bug that occurred when searching an archive if the storage settings were modified groupformnosel buttons in a list The Orion interface theme now supports the groupformnosel buttons that enables to edit a group of elements at a time Web-server management module You can now set up the built-in web-server in the control panel interface SSL authentication Added a new module that can be used to assign SSL key to users. If you have a corresponding key installed, you will be automatically authorized in the control panel Renaming db library The built-in db library was renamed into mgrdb due to conflicts Scheduler Before the scheduler performs any action, the system will check that the user exists Path to mysql socket If the path to mysql socket is not specified in the parameter, the panel will read the default path from the client section of the my.cnf file Recovery of system files Files that are not associated with any data are now recovered correctly Recovery of files /aquota.group and /aquota.user When recovering data from the backup copy, file permissions for /aquota.group and /aquota.user were not set BIND installation on FreeBSD Fixed the bug in the BIND installation module leading to incorrect configuration of the options of BIND ports This error is now processed parse info backup error Fixed the bug with deleting and viewing the backup copies leading to the parse info error Automatic panel renewal You ca now activate automatic renewal for the panel installed from packages Archive names Backups are now located in the directory backup_{id}, where {id} - id the backup date in the format 2014-08-25_16-45-23. tgz and lst file names now use {datatype}-{dataname}-{owner}-{index}. dataname won't be used if it contains invalid symbols, such as spaces, colonы, the Russian alphabet letter, etc. {index} is the numerical order of the archive Long element names broke the layout of the group operation confirmation form Fixed the bug: long element names broke the layout of the group operation confirmation form Backup system enhancements Now the backup module consumes less disk space Hints in the web-interface Added new hints providing detailed information about the panel management Access for Technical support staff Added a new option that allows your technical support staff to access the server with a click of the mouse Initial server setup The Setup Wizard will be removed. Now you can use the system setup form that includes all of the parameters from the Setup Wizard Log of long requests Added a new log containing long requests that are being processed for more than specified number of seconds (the LongRequest parameter). By default, it includes requests that are executed for more than 5 minutes Multi-select in filters It was not possible to select the first value on the list Page heading You can now specify a page heading in the Branding settings edit form Notifications New notifications are now displayed on the Notifications panel Navigation from lists (nestedlist) You can now select a filter and list that you want to browse to when clicking a certain table value New notification type A "Message" notification type is used for displaying useful information (it is not an error message) Named support Fixed the bug that might lead to errors while checking the zone file by the control panel Sort by multiple fields Press and hold the CTRL button to sort a table by multiple fields. Long response Users might get long/XXXXXXXXXXXXX responses while working the in the web-interface Refresh the interface if new features are added Now the panel keeps track of new features and refreshes the window automatically, when needed Usernames Usernames in COREmanager can no longer start with the '_" symbol (the username validator) New convert type The @convert - bytes attribute allows to convert byte size into human readable format (e.g. "2 KB" -> 2048). The result will be rounded to two decimal places ';' in a username The username validator skipped this character, but UNIX-based systems do not allow users with such names Self-signed SSL certificates for the panel URL Fixed the bug that occurred when trying to install self-signed certificates Fixes in the mgr_file::IsChild и mgr_file::MkDir functions Fixes are made to the ".." directory in the file name Fields with the @zoom attribute in filters Filters now support fields with the @zoom attribute. Separate lines are considered alternative values. At least one value must be specified Multi-select in filters A filter form now allows multiple selection Macro __VALUE__ in SQL filters The value is not only changed into a field value, but is also escaped with the prefix (a part of the record before the macro up to the "'" symbol) and suffix (a part of the record after the macro up to the "'" symbol) Hide superuser sessions from administrator Administrator can no longer view and terminate superuser sessions COREmanager version The error messages now take the version of COREmanager from the function CoreInfo (this information is included into the code), rather from the file var/pkg/core/+VERSION Sirius interface theme is no longer supported This theme is no longer supported and cannot be selected in the interface Database backup Fixed the bug: databases which dump size exceeded the maximum file size specified in the edit form, were not included into the backup copy Incremental and differential backup recovey Fixed the bug: files for "Users" and "Any files" were recovered only from the last backup copy Selecting a language The authentication form displays only user languages (the list is taken from Accept-Language), as well as English and his current language (if the user already registered in the control panel) Configuration file permissions Configuration files are now created wit permissions 600 Changing user password You can change a current user's password Changed hide/show conditions for toolbar buttons Changes are made to group buttonы: if the list of selected lines contains at least one line with this button, the button will be displayed. Clicking this icon will delete the lines where the button is not shown Permissions of a non-existing user An attempt to view permissions of a removed user would open the authentication form Menu search enhancements When deleting results from the search box, the active module will open User permissions You can allow/deny access to a certain function without changing access permission to other group functions (subfunctions) Access to modules When setting groups privileges, the list of modules will be taken by calling the menu function, rather than from XML files Showing calendar in Internet Explorer 10 Calendars are now displayed correctly Parked-button for groups Specifying the img attribute for the toolgrp element, when grouping buttons, will display a parked button with an icon from the img attribute and a message from the local messages Open Dashboard upon login Dashboard will open upon login unless the start page is changed into a different one Change logs now show more detailed error messages Now the change log is displayed even if your server is inaccessible Diagrams in reports Several diagrams can be created based on the same data Cannot open error reports Fixed the bug: it was impossible to view detailed information Restarting built-in web-server Restarting ihttpd will no longer cause service timeout Image next to check box An image can be shown in front of the check box Error messages Different messages associated with the same errors can be used for users with different user roles JSON format A json document is now generated according to COREmanage xml * /doc/elem - is always an array * /doc/messages/msg - is an object, such as {'msg1': 'msg1 text', 'msg2': 'msg2 text'} Modifying password strength The control panel will refresh the Dashboard for all users to apply the changes Gateway address in IPv6 networks Both the first and the last IP address of the IPv6 network can be used as a gateway address Group edit of required fields Fixed group edit of forms with required fields Access permissions You can now set access permissions for all the fields in a form or list. You can also restrict access to fields that are not displayed in the interface or will be added later. Access from specific IP addresses can now be set only for a certain user Security bug Fixed a number of bugs enabling an administrator to access local files on the server Uploading several files in the File manager Fixed the File manager bug tthat occurred when trying to upload several files to the server Favorites You can now add or remove a module from Favorites by clicking the corresponding (Star) icon in the Favorites module Product version A product version is now shown next to the copyright sign Adding allow-transfer to named settings If you do not use view, allow-transfer will be added to the named global options Multiple IP addresses in the X-Forwarded-For header The control panel will use the last address from the list . The originating IP address of a user will come first, but this source cannot be trusted. Creating MySQL tables Some MySQL versions generate invalid index names. COREmanager now generates index names itself Using view for the second time An error occurred when trying to use view for the second time. Now a user will be asked to confirm that he wants to use it again Remember which tab was active after refresh The control panel now remembers the form tab after it is closed. When the form opens, the tab that was active will open Search enhancements Full-line search is now supported. The results will be displayed in descending order - the most relevant results will come first. IP address management When adding a ranger of IP addresses, the last address of the network was marked as a service address Editing lists If the field cannot be modified with the specified functions, the attribute will be removed from the column Table settings Tables settings forms now open more quickly Different configs for logging settings Logging settings can be read not only from the file etc/debug.conf, but also from all the files etc/debug.conf.d/*.conf. The files will be sorted out in alphabetical order. Settings from etc/debug.conf will be applied last Enhancements of the Notifications module Notification descriptions cache allows to open the list more quickly Autocomplete option for filters The autocomplete option for filters is now supported Quick filters You can now set a filter with a click of a mouth by selecting a value in the table cell. Changing MySQL database structure A fewer number of ALTER TABLE queries are now made when modifying tables strptime error Setting up a period (in days) to keep records in the operations log in some cases led to the strptime error that also occurred when updating the panel Deleting backup copies Fixed the bug that occurred when deleting backup copies and caused the error "query: Quote command returned error" Backup upload with admin permissions A backup copy could not be uploaded with administrator privileges JSON Parse error This error occurred in some modules that have active tips aquota.group recovery Fixed the bug with recovering privileges on aqouta.group Error when trying to choose a select value Fixed the bug that occurred when choosing a select value Error page heading Error page headings are corrected according to error contents. Unsaved changes notification You can now add and manage the unsaved changes notification directly from the notification form and in the user settings form Ignore special file systems during backup Special file systems such as /sys, /proc, /dev, /dev/pts, /run, /run/lock, /run/shm will be excluded from a backup copy, even if the corresponding filter was not enabled Domain update on slave servers If a user doesn't have any slave servers, the update function is not available Password strength check Added the parameter disablepasswordcheck. If set to "yes", password strength won't be checked. This can be useful when you are importing a user and need to save its password regardless its strength. Backups deletion Backup copies are now deleted from a storage in background. The backups will be deleted from the interface immediately. Admin level When trying to return to several login levels back, the login form opened Product information Using the command bin/core <manager> -i you can view a product name, its version and build date. URL to Edit form On every interface form you can get the URL to the current form Layout bug Fixed the layout bug in Firefox that occurred when displaying warning messages in lists Duplicated data in backups The user backup included web-domains enlarging the overall sizes of the backup copy Slave name servers Both primary and slave domains can be created on slave servers Restore incremental backup Fixed the bug with recovering incremental and differential backup copies on cluster nodes Deleting backups Fixed the bug: some backup copies could not be deleted Error deleting and renaming selected filters Fixed the bug with renaming and deleting filter: changes were applied to the first filter rather than to the selected one. Interface freezes when trying to access reports without data Fixed the bug that caused the web-interface to freeze when accessing the module containing reports without data. Hints for menu items Hints to menu items are now displayed correctly Dragging menu tabs You can change positions of the menu tabs Group description in the Access to modules section Group descriptions were not displayed in the groups list Using classless networks Classless networks are now created correctly on slave name servers Sorting information in Logs The latest information is now displayed at the top of the table by default Setting up the control panel interface A number of changes are made to the "Branding settings" module. You can use more flexible configuration in COREmanager: you can view and edit control panel interface. The interface view may vary depending on a domain name that was used to access the panel Action log The longtaks.finish function calls are no longer registered in the Action log. The list heading shows a period (if specified) to keep information about calls ihttpd terminates connections Calling "select" showed that the descriptor is ready to read, however the EAGAIN error occurred when trying to read. In this case ihttpd reset connection it has just received. The error occurred on KVM VPS (CentOS 7) Additional name servers (PowerDNS) If you add additional name servers in the DNS settings and apply them to existing domains, new NS records will be incorrectly displayed on the list Server setup errors Wrong server response might terminate panel installation. Now such errors are ignored Configuring DNS slave name servers The domain.slave.edit function was renamed into slaveserver.edit causing problems with slave name servers configuration. The functions slaveserver.edit and slaveserver.delete can be executed in case of external configuration Notifications For notifications of the "Message" type the non-active automatic solution icon is no longer displayed Integration with IPmanager If the IPmanager license has expired, the corresponding error message will be shown Access log Authentication by a one-time key is now also registered in the Access log. This authentication type is used for switching between panels, for example when accessing a panel from the billing system. Creating A records automatically If there insufficient number of unique IP addresses for NS-records, some addresses can be used for the second time. If you are using default view, which processes requests on all IP address of the server, all non-reserved addresses will be used Action log Now users cannot see the names and IP addresses of administrators who made changes Active hints on external forms Active hints now always display on external forms DNS slave servers Fixed the bug that occurred when trying to edit the domain name, if previous operation with that domain had not yet been completed. Scheduler Fixed the bug with duplicating cron jobs that were created automatically by the control panel, if the server administrator disables scheduler reports Backups for users User can now view, download, upload, and restore their backup copies Default path for Named slave zones By default slave zones' files are created in the same directory as the primary ones, if the DomainSlaveZonesPath parameter is not specified. SSLv3 in ihttpd is no longer supported Due to vulnerabilities in the protocol, SSLv3 is no longer supported by built- in HTTP Empty backup archives Some data (such as SSL-certificates, user templates, etc.) may not be backed up. The archive is no longer created Change time zome If a zone file was specified as symlink in zoneinfo, that symlink was copied into /etc/localtime and referred to a non-exiting file Managing PowerDNS. CNAME and MX records The panel allowed to create records with "@" that PowerDNS could not process. Now the '@' symbol is automatically changed into a domain name Backups dev files are no longer included into backups '_' symbol in CNAME The '_' symbol can be used in CNAME SOA record in BIND A dot should be added at the end of the primary DNS-server that is formed based on a view name Slave server management The retransfer command is now used for refreshing zone in BIBD. It ignores the "serial" value (the zone will be re-read even if "serial" was not changed). When creating slave zones, address of the main server will be changed, if that record already exists Error switching between panels Corrected error messages that are shown when switching between control panels Field value change If validator changes filed's value, user will see the corresponding notification Additional statistics in COREmanager modules Added statistics (total number of records by statuses) for a number of columns in COREmanager Download backup copies A request could break off, if data preparation took a long time Edit disabled backup plan A disabled backup plan got activated after editing Setting time zone on CentOS Time zone settings are specified into the /etc/sysconfig/clock file after editing Merge XML documents Fixed the bug that occurred when merging XML documents according to the description of XML structure in COREmanager when using @merge="no" Sum conversion Sum of the elements selected on the list will be also converted for columns having the convert attribute View password You can now view a hidden password Touchscreen responds faster Reduced the lag time between touching the screen and getting a response. tmp directory access permissions Invalid permissions were set when starting the panel for the first time Backup copies A storage can be selected in drop-down lists. When adding a new backup plan, the storage will be selected automatically, if there are no other storages in the system Multiselect scroll bar A multiselect scroll component is sown in case of multiple items ihttps fails after restart (CentOS) The application failed with the "Fatal error in GNU libmicrohttpd daemon.c:4033: close failed" error message Forbidden domain names Forbidden domain names are supported in all panels working with DNS servers through COREmanager The X-Frame-Options: DENY heading You cannot open a window in a new frame timedatectl support You can use the timedatectl utility (if any) to set the time zone List sorting on Dashboard Fixed the that occurred due to outdated format of attributes in the XML file. @sorted="yes" is changed into @sorted="+1" Default values for database table fields and the CustomTable::Clone method Cannot clone the fields with default values using the CustomTable::Clone method Panel fails after PowerDNS restart PowerDNS restart failure causes the request to fail Transfer domain information to slave servers Fixed the bug that might disturb domain data transfer to slave servers New toolbar button - editnosel This is the same button as "Edit", but it opens the edit form of the first element, when no elements are selected Cron jobs The "Server's date and time" field is added into the cron job edit form New field type on the 'datetime' field It shows the server time ntp setup and configuration The ntp daemon is now installed together with COREmanager. ntpdate will start for time synchronization Calculating the sum of values with suffixes If the values you want to sum up, have a suffix (such as EUR, RUB), the sum will be calculated per each suffix Backups Server files without an owner are not included into the backup copy Operations log Now only administrators (user level 29) can view information about the address from which a request was sent Zone updates in PowerDNS Current time is now specified in the domains.last_check field when updating the zone Quick filter Quick filters are now available in a number of control panel's modules Check the file size You can now check the size of a file for upload. Add the "maxsize" attribute to the field providing the maximum size in bites Permitted values for floating point numbers The floating point number validator showed incorrect value for the maximum negative number File manager The maximum editable file size is enlarged up to 1 MiB. You can set this limit in the panel's configuration file (the FileMaxEditSize file, in KiB). Ntpd server for OpenVZ Ntpd server won't start on a virtual machine running OpenVZ Optimizing web-interface on touch-screens Fixed bug that occurred when using web-interface on touchscreens and Internet Explorer 11 Hints to buttons Hints can be added to filed's buttons. The text is taken from messages based on a button's name with prefix hint_ Hints to columns in reports Hints can be added to columns in reports. The text is taken from messages based on a button's name with prefix hint_ Reports and convert If data conversion for column is used in reports, the diagram will be based on source data System configuration When selecting a time zone, you can see your server time Cannot delete domain names from slave servers When editing and deleting a domain name, it could not be deleted from slave servers Mask for text field You can now specify a mask in the text field. The http://jasny.github.io/bootstrap/javascript/#inputmask library will be used IDN domain in background notifications Internationalized domain names are now displayed properly in the "Background task notifications" module Group operations If the key field contained sequence of ", ", such an element could not be deleted File manager Spaces at the beginning and at the end of a file name will be cut when uploading the file to server Error displaying "shadow" hints "Shadow" hints were shown regardless a field's status Processing the "convert" attribute in reports' results Reports are shown in human-readable format in columns with the "convert" attribute Sorting bug in reports (the convert attribute) Fixed sorting bug in columns with the convert attribute Hints for inactive toolbar buttons icons You can now create buttons for inactive buttons to explain why a certain operation cannot be performed. Use the name hint_NAMETOOLBTN_disabled for the hint The nestedlist_blank attribute now supported If specified, a new list will be open in a new tab Long queries bug Fixed bug with uploading large files Main menu Fixed bug with links containing IPv6 address in the main menu Cron jobs When creating cron jobs, if the sbin/cron-<panel name> file exists and the executable file is located within the directory where the panel is installed, the cron job will start with this script Panel start Panel start may take a long time. Now mgr_client can define whether the panel is started or restarted. If the panel registers new components through isp_api::RegisterComponent, mgr_client will wait for registration to complete no matter how much time it will take Creating database structure Before getting table information from a database, the panel will check whether table description was changed in the panel. If it wasn't changed, the table won't be chnaged and created in the database. Table description check sum is kept in the var/.db.cache.xxx files. Delete the corresponding file and restart the panel to manually check database structure License activation A control panel's Favicon was not displayed on the license activation form Column sorting in the Notifications module Data in the Attempts, Number, and Period (min) columns were sorted in alphabetical order, rather then by value Pressing Esc to close a form You can now close a form, child list or report by pressing Esc Msg columns in reports Msg columns can now be used in reports Hint to long heading If a form heading was not displayed in full, a full text will be shown when moving the mouse cursor over the heading Report error in print version Fixed graphs and calculation of total amount in reports with data conversion Multi-selection in tree (the tree element) on the form Specifying the multiple=yes attribute for a tree will enable to select multiple elements by pressing CTRL Security: timeout for login attempts Login attempts will be blocked for 20 seconds in case incorrect password has been entered three times within 2 minutes (username + IP address from which a user is trying to log in). The fixed attribute for form fields Field location can be fixed regardless of any scrolling that is taking place
Parameter Enter a parameter that the value will be applied to Apply to requests Parameter that should be executed to get the value Get value Object creation request The global variable will be applied to these requests Apply to parameter Request that will be executed to get the object id Parameter which value should be applied Global variables User requests Display only user requests Core Interface, events handing, sorting, etc. Application logic List sort Sorting UI, events, etc Core Sorting Requests to remote servers Time that was taken to execute the application logic + service time Total amount in seconds Time that was take to execute the application logic Execute and handle commands Number of threads per second Multi-thread semaphore locking Statistics collection date Call to directories Requests to databases Enter a name Multi-thread file locking Thread locking File locking File locking File locking Databases db-real External applications Remote calls Directories Directories Directories Name Total, sec db-real Thread locking Thread locking Remote calls Databases Events Databases Total time Requests per second Time usage Remote calls Core External applications Core Application logic External applications Date We would like to inform you that the __mgr__ (__host__) system has been accessed from IP address __ipaddr__. <p>Date and time: __datetime__</p> System login __mgr__ <p>We have spotted attempt to log into __mgr__ (__host__) from IP address __ipaddr__.</p><p> Login date and time: __datetime__.</p><p> Last time the system has been accessed from a different region. Please follow the link in order to confirm access: __ref__ </p> Trying to log into the system __mgr__ Social login failed __network__ '__value__' This account of a social network '__network__' is already linked 'BILLmanager' user. If you want to tie a new user, using these registration data, at first execute their untying from the existing user. Then repeat procedure of a binding. Error executing command __id__ via cron Query language Test languages management Select a query language Request result wait time. It can be used for commands and check. We do not recommend setting this value for modifying command Waiting for request Time, sec www.dropbox.com Follow the link to obtain an access code Dropbox storage Access code Dropbox integration code my.domain.com Path You can use one dropbox account to store backup copies from various servers. We recommend that you specify different paths for each server. For example, a server name. Leave the field blank, if you are not going to use the account for such purposes Queue name Wait for the selected background task to complete before the next step Do you really want to the selected background tasks to complete Test background tasks Wait Identifier Name Empty value The check value will be changed into this macro Value macro Check value Value that will be checked when running the test Composite identifier is used for searching a string with the value to be checked Composed id In the list ID value with added macro ID value Select a check type String macro Test query Macro of the key field for string searching Check type Edit step Not empty Contains substring Strict matching The email address for notifications is not confirmed Data have been successfully updated from repositories Error generating a list of recipes from the following repositories: '__repo__'. Please, update recipes Error updating recipes from the following repositories: '__repo__'. Make sure they are accessible Error getting templates information from '__repo__' repositories Failed to install __count__ template(s). For more information move your mouse cursor over the error icon Reboot the server to complete configuration Social login failed __net__. __err__ Backup of __id__ failed. You can view the errors in the list of Background tasks Backup of __id__ completed successfully The __file__ directory has been successfully restored '__file__' file has been successfully restored Failed to modify attributes for the following elements: __value__ Click "Details" to view the new anti-virus check report Click "Details" to view the anti-virus check reports Anti-virus check in progress. For more information click "Details" Failed to copy the files: __value__ Failed to copy the files: __value__; the following filed have been skipped: __skipped__ The following files are missing in the backup copy: __value__ Failed to delete the files: __value__ Failed to extract the following archives: '__value__. Possible causes: the files you want to extract already exists, archive corrupted, insufficient disk space Failed to get a list of archive contents. Possible causes: archive corrupted or unsupported format Failed to move the following files: __value__ Failed to move the following files: __value__; the following files have been skipped: __skipped__ The following files were not migrated: __value__ Access to '__value__' failed Files __file__ have been successfully restored Failed to delete __count__ element(s). For more information move your mouse cursor over the error icon Failed to recover data for __count__ plan(s). For more information please move your mouse cursor over the error name. Failed to enable __count__ element(s). For more information move your mouse cursor over the error icon. Failed to back up __count__ plan(s). For more information move your mouse cursor over the error icon. Failed to resolve the issues __count__. For more information move your mouse cursor over the icon in the table. Failed to suspend __count__ element(s). For more information move your mouse cursor over the error icon in the table. An error occurred while installing __param__ . For more information click "Details" __param__ has been successfully installed The last login time - __date__, IP address - __ip__ The last login time - __date__, IP address - __ip__. You current IP address: __currentip__ Backup of __id__ failed. You can view the errors in the list of Background tasks Backup of __id__ completed successfully Recovery of the backup copies __id__ completed successfully This function has not been implemented yet Failed to get information about software versions available. Make sure the update server is accessible The outdated interface themes installed on your servers are no longer supported. We would strongly recommended that you delete them. Failed to get information about the selected software. Please, update the list of software products Information about the selected software is not available. Please, update the list of software products New software versions are available: __list__ (total__count__). Click "Details" to start the update process Software update is in progress. Please do not turn off or reboot the server. Software update report is available. Click "Details" to view the report Server configuration has been changed. Reboot the server to apply changes Records per page limit has been reached. Some data are not displayed. Set a filter or edit the maximum number of records per page in the "Table settings" or "General settings" module. Recovery of the backup copy __id__ completed successfully Backup plan '__plan__' in progress. You can monitor its current status in the Background tasks module Backup restore in progress. You can monitor the process status in the Background tasks module Backup in progress Configuration is in progress. You can monitor its current status in the Background tasks module. Deletion in progress. You can monitor the process status in the Background tasks module Installation is in progress. You may monitor the installation process in the "Background tasks" module. Backup recovery is in progress. You can monitor its current status in the Background tasks module '__date__' backup restore is running Update and installation is in progress. You may continue using the control panel Access to scheduler denied. Contact your server administrator One or more errors occurred while receiving the information from the slave server. Some data are not displayed. For more information, view the log-file. An error occurred while deleting __param__. Click "More information" to learn more about the error __param__ has been successfully deleted Failed to update. The list may contain old data The "Branding settings" module allows you to quickly rebrand your control panel: add your own corporate logo and title, change the color scheme, and link to your website. Invalid login logo format Body Saturation The main logo is displayed in the upper left corner. 107х40 pixels in size, png. format Apply setting to all control panels Add a language code into URL Brightness Select a logo that will be displayed on the Login form. 107х40 pixels in size, png. format Copyright notice. Normally it is specified as: a copyright sign, copyright holder, and company working years Copyright notice This field will be used as the page heading Window heading This code will be added into the page heading (HEAD) Hue Copyright HTML Logo URL Once applied to all control panels, all the changes will be used by default. They will be used after resetting new branding settings Reset branding settings Branding settings http://my-hosting-company.com Interface view The main logo has invalid format Heading Brightness The prefix of the current session will be added into the URL of the home page, e.g. http://example.com/en/ This code will be added at the end of the page body (BODY) Interface color Home page Logo Hue Cannot download the branding settings file Saturation Address bar icon (favicon). 16х16 pixels in size, .ico format. Enter the URL of your company's home page. You can use the $lang macro, which will be changed into a language code Address bar icon has invalid format Copying in progress Collecting information __param__ file repainting in progress released (beta) Installation date Update date Status Version This module contains a list of control panel versions and detailed description of changes Number of changes Current status Update date Release version Number of changes Release date View the change log in the selected version This module can be used to manage a list of software versions Update the list of versions Changes Update scheduled released test Change log Attention! The following elements will be modified Level Available for order Fill out the form, please. More information about a certain parameter will be shown when moving a cursor over its name Enter email address Description Warning. The alpha version is used only for tests and is not intended for production use. This version of a software products cannot be upgraded. End time Panel URL Command new report User Version Function OS installation sent to developers Open an overview of the settings of the selected FTP user. In this overwiew you can see the settings you need to use in an FTP program. Add to Favorites Start time Password I have read and agreed to the Terms of use of the alpha version State - province Date Bug number Restore IP address range Insufficient votes or server connection problems reviewed Remove from Favorites PID-file 用户名 Settings Queue name Value Owner Storage Name Password Time __module__ Id Description Loading... Type Suspended Active Use short keys for tabs management: <br/> CTRL + SHIFT + Z - close all tabs <br/> CTRL + SHIFT + X - close all tabs except the active one Function Re-enter password Domain name Name Gateway Hint Back to the previous list Delete Download Edit You can specify selection criteria for this list. They will be applied every time the list is displayed until the filter is removed or modified Enter a gateway address. It is used by other software products for network configuration. View the history Add Allow writing Read only Resume Set account privileges Drill down to User panel Suspend IP address IP address group MiB Do you really want to delete , Do you really want to turn off Do you really want to turn on Do you really want to resume Do you really want to suspend Show hidden fields Name Network mask End date Start date Back Delete Download Edit Filter History Add Policy Enable Perm. Log in Disable 状态 User Log Terms of use Personal data IP source IP pool Try out our new user interface! Problem IP Physical networks DNSBL Email notifications Close all Shell-client SSH keys Your license Update Subscription expired on __value__ Please contact your license vendor Logging settings Full version Balance ATTENTION! Global search Services Next Payments Time usage Back to Social networks Info Back Settings Tickets Network error Connection error Branding settings Hint Home Dashboard 用户设置 用户设置 Recorder Scenario background tasks Maximum file size is __VALUE__ Settings top view help Help Attention! You are searching by contents of the current page only. If you want to use global search, please set a filter Automatically hide menu Full menu Favorites Close all menu tabs Popular Open all menu tabs Fix menu Open in a new tab Hide Show Log out Access log Settings Storages Backup archives Backup copies Branding settings Feature request Re-build Change log Community forums Error log Feature request File manager Help Control panel address Integration IP-address pool IPmanager Action log About program Background tasks Dashboard Help Control panel settings Modules Notifications Reports Active requests Active sessions Settings Slave servers System configuration System SSL-keys Statistics System information System status Test scenario Execute command Tools User permissions Access to functions << Back Cancel Switch to User panel Clear the form Close this form Close Passwords do not match! Home page The field cannot contain duplicate value This field is required Insufficient data for chart Error Finish Send form Read Documentation Hide icons Upgrade to full version The link has been copied into buffer Link: Log out from the control panel Maximize/Minimize form width Text variable and new value No localization messages are found in the selected part Inform developers about this change for product improvement Details Next >> Not available No selection Insufficient data to construct a diagram Nothing found Ok Pages Number per page Empty password fields not allowed! The password is not strong enough. You should enter a more complex password containing upper and lower-case letters, figures, and special characters (@, ?, %) Selected items Server reboot in progress, please wait Show icons Loading... Total items , ... (TOTAL __s__ elements) You are now using the trial version, which expires on __value__ Retry Do not show this warning any more Do you really want to close the window without saving the data? <br/> The following fields (__VALUE__) have been modified: Useful links The value has been changed by validator Step Return to list Return to menu Navigation Statistics You may return to the higher level from the drop-down menu. Hover your mouse cursor to open Use the following hot keys for tabs management: <br/> CTRL + SHIFT + Z - close all tabs <br/> CTRL + SHIFT + X - close all tubs but the active one To open the module in a new tab either press and hold CTRL and double click the module or click the icon next to the module name Welcome! Processing the '__param__' element Different values Show useful links Click the icon to display useful links Dashboard Pin tab Unpin tab No results were found Loading... Confirmation Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites Select all << Back Ok Details Show calendar Cancel Execute the function: Function is not available for admin. Try using su Hide This form contains fields that can be shown only in expert mode. New fields are not shown because they are hidden by additional settings associated with values of other form's fields. Clear Search Filter Search and save Use a massage from the template Re-type the password to ensure it is correct Copy the link to the form Go to the Documentation page Quote the selected text Update form Use a massage from the template Details Auto complete Choose file Default In progress... Finish Generate a password Hide additional fields Exit fullscreen Font Fullscreen Show gutter Show invisibles Key binding Mode Soft Wrap Theme Unselect Next >> Select the text you want to quote Open in a new window Select all Possible values Passwords do not match Good Too weak Strong Weak Quote Auto complete sec Show additional fields Show/hide password Set the unlimited value The value has been changed by validator Step Resize the field -- none -- Password Click-and drag the textarea to resize it Filter Gateway address Network mask Id Add a new IP-address Domain Delete the selected IP-addressees Edit properties of the selected IP address IP address Do you really want to delete the selected IP address List of IP addresses Number of IPv6 Number of IPv4 Enter a mask as a prefix (0..32 for IPv4, 0..128 for IPv6) or '' for IPv4 Enter a required number of IPv4 Select a source of IP address Gateway IP address Enter a required number of IPv6 Use NAT Enter the name of the NAT network to allocate an IP address Network name Network mask Enter manually Select automatically Gateway default IP Ipv6 pool Obtain Ipv4 addresses from the selected pool Ipv4 pool Allocate IP addresses from Obtain Ipv6 addresses from the selected pool Change IP address Domain IP address The domain name assigned to this IP address Select a desired IP address Enter an IP address Select a type of the IP address IP address IP address type IPv4 automatically IPv6 automatically Certain IP address Add a new IP address Integration with IPmanager Configure integration with IPmanager, a centralized pool of IP addresses In this module you can configure integration with IPmanager, a pool of IP addresses, all from a single web-interface. Integrate IPmanager control panel with other ISPsystem's software products to get a fully-automated solution for IP address management. Password Enter a username to access IPmanager Enter a user password to access IPmanager Enter the URL to the IPmanager server 用户名 <a href="http://en.5.ispdoc.com/index.php/Integration_with_IPmanager" target="_blank">Integration with IPmanager</a> user Integration with IPmanager IPmanager URL Function Time Settings Logging settings User who completed the operation IP address of the user who was running the operation Operation execution time Operation internal name Report Details View details of the selected record. This module can be used to view the list of actions with the control panel performed by your users The '''Action Log''' is a tool for recording and tracking actions performed in the control panel. Normally it contains the detailed information about a certain action, performed by the users. Such information can be useful for collecting statistics or handling any problems with users. The "Action log" module displays a list of all users' actions. The action log keeps the data about the local user, his IP-address, date and time when the action was taken, and name of the function corresponding to this action. The administrator can perform the following actions in this module: * Monitor the entire list of actions for a certain period of time. * View detailed information about an action. * Generate reports. Set filter Remote IP address Action log (for the last __days__ days) Report Time Function Remote IP address This module can be used to view the detailed information about the selected action with the control panel The name of the control panel's function The IP-address from which the user has performed the operation in the control panel The list of the parameters transferred to the control panel's function Time of execution of the action in the control panel The user who has performed the action in the control panel Paramaters Action log Log filter Event period Group operation in progress. Please wait. '__param__' element is being processed Show useful links Click the icon to display useful links Dashboard Copy the link to the form Unpin tab Pin tab Next page Selected items Loading... Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites Not selected Number per page Update date Show Details Pages , ... (TOTAL __s__ elements) Hide Found a typo? Select the text and press Ctrl+Enter Edit Filter : Remove filter Save Cancel auto-update of the current list Save in CSV Go to the Documentation page Print this page Select all list elements. You can press CTRL+SHIFT+A Cannot upload the folder Table has the following columns: Functions for list management: sec. Total Adjust the table settings The service is not active of lines per page Ok Page Click to filter the list You can hide the menu to expand view area Click the column heading to sort the list. Click the heading and press and hold Ctrl to sort the information by several columns Click the column heading to sort the list. Click the heading and press and hold Ctrl to sort the information by several columns Click the heading for data update Password recovery Password recovery Registration Password Username (login) or email Log in Shared computer Login via Shop-window Full version Mobile version Choose a provider Remember password Domain You are logged in as Administrator. This application is available only for Users Theme Log in The browser you are using is not supported. Supported browsers are Internet Explorer 5.0, Netscape 6 or Mozilla Firefox Terms of use Contact us Please enable cookies and try again Error: Your password has expired. Set a new one to continue using the control panel Passwords do not match New password must differ from the old one Invalid password Free access Language Loading Confirmation New password Please, login to the billing panel from the web-site where you want to place an order Old password Password Privacy Password recovery Registration Authorization Login Status PID-file Queue name Start time End time Running program Short name of the control panel that started the task Name of the queue. Tasks within one queue are processed successively Normally, the task id contains its main parameters Completion time Task status Operation execution start time Time when the operation was put into queue A '''Background task''' is a task performed in the system for a long period of time. In the "Background tasks" module you can view the background tasks and monitor their statuses. You can also view their parameters and terminate them. Script name Failed to complete the task This task has been completed successfully This task is skipped This task has been completed successfully This task is running This task is running Failed to complete the task This task is skipped This task is in queue Background tasks This task is in queue Task is running Task is skipped Script name Error running task Task in queue Control panel Add time Delete the selected task. If the task is already running, it will be killed. View the task parameters Identifier Stop View 状态 Start time End time PID-file Queue name Time when this task was put into the queue Short name of the control panel that run the task Identifier Name of the script or executable file Script name Contents of stdout and errors Result Name of the script or executable file Dependencies The current task depends on the tasks listed here End time Task unique identifier. Usually, it contains the main parameters of a task List of task parameters Path to the PID-file Name of the queue with this task Start time Additional information Background task Session ID Number of currently active requests User role and session access permission User accessed the control panel from this IP address Session unique identifier Name of the user who started the session Idle time Current sessions This module can be used to view and manage your users who are currently logged in to the control panel and are performing any actions there. You can find out the IP-address and level of access of a user, and terminate his session, if necessary. If the session was terminated, the user will have to to log in again to proceed with running the control panel. Active sessions Stop This module can be used to manage users who are currently working with the control panel Terminate the selected session(s). If you terminate a session the user must log in again User access level User Reseller Administrator Superuser User Administrator Reseller Superuser Log in to the control panel with the same access privileges Idle IP address Do you really want to terminate the selected sessions: User User role ascending order in ascending order Double click action by default (__name__) Default sorting Auto update period sec descending order in descending order Select a double click action Reset user sorting settings Enter an auto update period. Leaving the field blank will set the default value. The maximum number of records that will be displayed on tables. We recommend that you not enter a large number of records, because it may affect the system performance. You may also use a list filter. Leaving the field blank will set the default value. The number of table rows that will be displayed on a page. Leaving the filed blank will set the default value. Display fields: By default not set not specified Number of records Rows per page Table settings <b>Actions</b> <b>Documents</b> Operations with personal data Page Enable notifications from DNSSEC The administrator has disabled sending notifications from the DNSSEC dns server extension Enable notifications from DNSSEC In this section you can learn more about updates in the Privacy policy and view a list of supported operations Request for oblivion/restriction on the use of private information Request for exporting private information into CSV Document name Effective date Cancel Personal data deletion request IP address Object Action date Agree Request Not active Active Privacy Action 状态 Cannot enter an empty email address. Some modules use this email <font color="red">Invalid email '__value__'. The value must contain email address</font> An error occurred when trying to send the email confirmation notification <font color="red">Email '__value__' is not confirmed. All notifications are disabled</font><br/>The confirmation email has been sent to '__value__'.<br/> Click "Send confirmation" for resending <font color="red">An error occurred when trying to send the email to '__value__'. Make sure the email address is valid and accessible</font> Enable the password reset notifications <font color="red">Email is not specified. The confirmation email cannot be sent</font> Administrator disabled the password recovery notifications. The password reset function is not available Email is not specified. The notifications are disabled Enable the password reset notifications. Password reset notifications will be sent to this email address <font color="green">Email '__value__' is confirmed</font> The confirmation email has been sent to '__value__' Send confirmation Email has been changed Invalid email. The value must contain email address. You need to enter the old password if you want to change the password Old password Administrator disabled GeoIP notifications. Identification of a region by IP address is not allowed Email notifications Administrator disabled email notifications about successful authentication <a href="http://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Two-step_authentication" target="_blank">Two-step authentication</a> 启用二次校验认证 禁用二次校验认证 To disable two-factor authentication, enter a six-digit code generated by Google Authenticator 二次校验认证 Operations confirmation mechanism (panel login, group operations, form edit) with temporary passwords generated with the Time-based One Time Password Algorithm (TOTP). Install Google Authenticator on your device to be able to generate passwords No data available for the '__network__' account. Perhaps the user didn't grant the application permissions to access his account's login data Link this account to your Vkontakte account. To untie it, you need to clear the check box and close the form Sign in with Google Link this account to your Facebook account. To untie it, you need to clear the check box and close the form Link this account to your Google account. To untie it, you need to clear the check box and close the form Sign in with Vkontakte Google connect status Vkontakte connect status Facebook connect status Sign in with Facebook GeoIP database installation in progress A user will be granted with the unique session identifier after registration. By default, it can be used from any IP address. Check the box to allow using the session only from the IP address that was used when the user obtained it 会话与IP绑定 再次输入密码 密码 This '__network__' account is already in use by '__mgrname__'. If you want to add a new user with these credentials, you need to unassign the user from the account, and try again Every time a login attempt is made, the corresponding notification will be emailed Activate GeoIP (identify the location by IP). GeoIP notifications will be sent to the specified email Successful login notification Social networks Enable Geoip notifications FACEBOOK GOOGLE VKontakte Enter the email address that will be used for system notifications E-mail for notifications In the '''User settings''' module you can configure the control panel settings. You can change a username, select a language and theme, restrict access to the control panel from specified IP-addresses, and so on. Click the "User settings" icon 密码不匹配! 语言 主题风格 用户设置 每页行数 每页记录数条数 从仅列出的IP地址 Experienced user 从仅列出的IP地址 从任何IP 访问面板限制 仅图标 图标和文字 任务栏查看方式 未保存设置时通知 Developer mode User experience Expert 请输入允许访问面板的IP,可以填写单个IP,如,也可以填写掩码,如123.45.67.0/24,也可以填写范围,如。 Enter the IP addresses that can be used to access the control panel. Please note: if you make mistakes here, it could be possible that you are not able to log in into the control panel anymore. Select the way icons will be displayed on the toolbar: icons with text or icons only. Check the box to get a warning when you close a page where you have made modifications to the settings of a module that are not saved. 请再次输入密码,确保输入无误。 This module can be used to manage the control panel settings This mode enables you to change elements of the control panel interface using the web-interface. Select the level of user experience. This value defines the number of fields to be displayed, and system settings that will be available to this user Active hints are shown when moving a mouse cursor over the input field. Passive hints are displayed only when moving the mouse cursor over the hint sign. Select a language that will be used in the control panel. ISPsystem company has translated the software products into English and other languages with the help of its partners, and the translation is not guaranteed to be 100% correct. The program may contain texts which are currently under translation. If you found a typo, select it press Ctrl+Enter to correct it The username that must be used to access the control panel. You can not change the username. Enter a password to access the control panel. If you you do not want to change the password, leave this field blank Enter the maximum number of records that are shown in tables. Reducing the number of records will speed up the creation of the tables. Enter he number of rows that will be displayed on a page by default. You can access the panel by using the ssl key. This method is more secure than password authentication. Click this link to get a key to access to the panel Select the page that will shown after you logged in into the control panel. Select the theme that will be used to display the control panel Select a level of experience. This will define the number of fields to be displayed, and system settings that this user can configure 主动提示 点击提示 提示显示方式 IP address 用户名 Novice Get ssl-key 起始页 Text User experience During module installation, the control panel will be updated to the latest version Buy + license Installation in progress Buy Modules --- all --- Category Name 状态 Categories: installed integration Delete Install Installation in progress Deletion in progress Settings Update not installed in progress Deleting the module and restarting the panel... Module installation in progress. The panel will be restarted test in progress Available ports for IPMI proxy via httpd in this range are not found Error occurred while creating DC-record. Digest should contain only hexadecimal symbols. An error occurred while creating DS-record. Digest SHA-256 has wrong number of symbols, now it is '__value__', however it should be 64 symbols in hexadecimal form. An error occurred while creating DS-record. Digest GOST R 32.11-94, has wrong number of symbols, now it is '__value__', however it should be 64 symbols in hexadecimal form. An error occurred while creating DS-record. Digest SHA-1 has wrong number of symbols, now it is '__value__', however it should be 40 symbols in hexadecimal form. An error occurred while creating DS-record. Digest SHA-384 has wrong number of symbols, now it is '__value__', however it should be 96 symbols in hexadecimal form. You can't create the same DS-record in this domain. Create it in domain with higher level - through the registrar or domain owner '__value__' You can't create the same DS-record for child domain '__value__', because there is no NS-record. Create NS-record for child domain '__value__' Cannot edit the record. It will conflict with '__value__'. The existing record '__value__' forbids to create records with current property The existing record '__value__' conflicts with the record you are trying to add Cannot add the record. The '__value__' already exists A TXT-record should be a string with at least one pair of key=value Unaccomplished sequence. It cannot end with the '`' symbols Invalid subnet mask. For IPv4 the value must be a figure in the range from 0 to 32, or a mask '', for IPv6 - a figure in the range from 0 to 128 Invalid IPv4 subnet mask. The value must be a figure in the range from 0 to 32, or a mask '' Invalid IPv6 subnet mask. The value must be in the range from 0 to 128 Invalid password Error installing '__value__' packages on the remote server. Domain name must have at least one NS record In order to install or update a template, you first need to update the control panel up to __value__ or later '__value__' parameter value cannot be modified No information about the '__value__' repository The __repo__ repository is blocked by another process Archive name is not specified for the '__value__' template in the '__repo__' repository Failed to upload the '__value__' file. Make sure that the link is correct, and the repository server is accessible This value may contain only the Latin alphabet letters, digits and the '-' symbol Invalid code. You code might have been already expired due different time on our server and your device that you use for password recovery Password must be 6-digit long Password must be at least 6 figures long Existing record '__value__' conflicts with the record you are trying to create. CNAME should not have the same name as other records Invalid confirmation code Confirm this operation with a temporary password No data available for the '__network__' account. Perhaps the user didn't grant the application permissions to access his account login data Cannot log in to the panel. The user connected to the social network __network__ is disabled Error re-encoding the search mask from 'UTF-8' into '__value__' Insufficient votes or server connection problems The __network__ network account and control panel account are not integrated. Please, log in using your username and password Social login failed __network__ '__mess__' Your account is blocked as you are trying to log in from a new region. The instruction to unblock the account was sent to your email Your account is blocked for 20 sec This password contains non ASCII characters that may cause authentication problems (some clients do not receive such characters, or they may use encoding different from UTF8) Insufficient votes or server connection problems The value may contain only the Latin alphabet letters and numbers. It cannot start with a digit Enter a second-level domain or higher. It can contain no more than 63 characters A duplicate value cannot be inserted Enter your mailbox_name@domain_name The value cannot be empty Value - a number, which must not exceed __range__ This value is too large. It must be a number within __range__ This value is too short. It must be a number from __range__ Enter an even number, which must not exceed __range__ This value is too large. It should be an integer from the __range__ range This value is too small. Provide an integer from the __range__ range Enter an Ipv4 or Ipv6 address You must specify IPv4 address You must specify IPv6 address Use the required format: IP address/network_mask, IP address or first_IP address-last_IP address Enter the value in the format: network_address/network_mask Invalid address '__ip__' Invalid address Invalid network mask '__mask__', the value must be an integer You must enter both IPv6 or IPv4 as range address Invalid network mask __mask__, the value must be 0 to 32. Invalid network mask __mask__, the value mask must be 0 to 128 Value - the number containing not more than for digits after the decimal and not exceeding __range__ You can use not more than four digits after the decimal marker This value is too large. It must be a number within __range__ This value is too short. It must be a number from __range__ Enter the value in the format: network_address/network_mask Invalid address Invalid network mask '__mask__', the value must be an integer Invalid network mask __mask__, the value must be 0 to 32. Invalid network mask __mask__, the value mask must be 0 to 128 This password is included into the wordlist. Server administrator does not allow using such passwords. This password is too weak. The server administrator does not allow using such passwords Enter the valid path You cannot edit the selected field The value must not contain the following characters: '/', '\', ',' The maximum allowed length: __args__ Enter a value that will be used as URL, e.g. http://domain.com The value must contain printable ASCII characters. You must not use a username as a number The maximum length of the name is __max_length__ characters. Failed to get a response from the license server. Make sure you have active Internet connection and try again. If the problem persists, contact your technical support for assistance. Insufficient privileges to access __object__ __value__ Insufficient privileges to perform '__value__' You have insufficient privileges to access the '__value__' element of the '__list__' list You cannot modify parameters for yourself Internal error occurred Authorization error Access from this IP denied Invalid username or password The '__value__' XML has invalid format Error checking executable file __value__ The __PUNY__value__ domain is included into the list of forbidden domains Failed to perform the fork system call. Perhaps, your machine has run out of memory __mustbevalue__ must be sent to stdout, or wrong strings order __notbevalue__ must not be sent to stdout Failed to find the '__param__' configuration file template Unable to delete the data from the table '__object__'. Associated elements exist Unable to paste into the table '__object__'. The data do not meet the table requirements. __param__ file with Home page damaged. Home page settings not found. To resolve the issue contact your server administrator Failed to connect to the database Directory does not exist: __param__ '__param__' record already exists __object__ with '__value__' already exists Failed to get the '__param__' file The error was caused by the failthisaction=on parameter The '__object__' field length exceeded the maximum value. The maximum length is __value__ The maximum length of field in the __param__ database exceeded Access denied Cannot create the archive. Possible issues: insufficient read permissions, insufficient disk space, or disk quota limit exceeded Unable to create an archive in the archive Operation with the archive is not supported Unsupported archive format Failed to change the attributes for '__value__' Anti-virus scanner is not found (__value__) Invalid access privileges binary mask. The previous value is used '__value__' executable file not found Failed to go to the '__value__' directory Failed to change access privileges for '__value__' Failed to change the owner for '__value__' This operation is not supported in the current context (__value__) Error converting the '__value__' string Unable to open the file in '__value__' encoding. Change encoding and try again Unable to save the file in '__value__' encoding. Change the encoding and try again. Warning! After changing the encoding, the file will be uploaded again and changes will not apply '__value__' editing not supported Specified file already exists Error extracting file. Possible causes: file already exists or insufficient disk space Failed to upload '__value__' The '__value__' file size exceeds the limit that can be edited The '__value__ is not a symbolic link Use "Attributes" for editing the symbolic link You are not allowed to create symlinks Archive utilities inaccessible Access to '__value__' is denied Specified file does not exist Error reading the '__value__' file Unknown request method '__value__' Unable to save - the file is read only Failed to get information about '__value__' Error reading stream File upload is restricted by administrator Failed to get information about the '__value__' user Error writing the '__value__ file. Possible causes: insufficient permissions to write into the file, insufficient free disk space or disk quota exceeded File does not exist: __param__ Network settings error. The interface already exists Incorrect recaptcha Invalid activation key. Contact your license provider to get a new key. Invalid domain: __param__ Invalid IP address: __param__ Invalid network mask. The minimum allowed value is 116 The response is not in XML __object__ with '__value__' does not exist Error checking modules: __value__ Unable to identify network settings Accept the License agreement to be able to proceed No available IP addresses No license available for your server. Perhaps, the key has been already used or has expired, or product version exceeds the version the key allows to use The '__param__' record not found Failed to open the '__param__' file for reading Failed to open the '__param__' file for writing This operation is already running Make sure you have read through the terms of use of the alpha version Responses file corrupted or has invalid format The application can only be installed on __value__ operating system Cache update in progress. Try to run the Setup Wizard later '__value__' cannot be removed using the software installer Error checking distribution integrity An error occurred while configuring software: '__value__' Conflict between packages __value__ is detected. To resolve conflict please select an appropriate version of package to be installed or remove a conflicting package from the operating system A critical error occurred in a packet manager. Details: '__value__' Failed to download '__value__' COREmanager __value__ or later is required for installation of the selected application '__value__' already installed Installation error. Details: '__value__' A critical error occurred in the installation module. Details: '__value__' Node '__value__' is missing in the application list __value__ or later is required for installation The '__value__' metapackage is missing. Server parameters have been changed. Restart the server before starting the installation Failed to get information about '__value__' Failed to obtain the license The '__value__' setup module failed to get information about available versions An error occurred while deleting the application . Details: '__value__' You must have root privileges to OS to access '__value__' . To be able to install this application, you must log in to COREmanager with root privileges Automatic installation is already running The operating system is not supported by installer The installed software is not supported. '__value__' or higher is required An error occurred while updating the application. Details: '__value__' The port is already in use: __value__ Failed to pass the data The '__value__' problem has not been resolved. This activation key has already been used for another server. Contact your license provider to obtain a new key Failed to read the '__param__' file Invalid REFERER: '__value__', expected value: '__host__'. It might be a CSRF attack. The request was terminated by administrator Error executing the command __cmdname__ Failed to start the service: __param__ Failed to stop the service: __param__ SSH error: __object____detail__ Cannot delete the user whose privileges you are using Failed to add data to the '__object__' table. Data already exist Tests can be uploaded to storage, but the account is not configured yet. To upload new files, delete the existing ones Failed to access the __param__ table. Report this issue to developers. An error occurred while executing the request The __value__ user cannot be found or it is suspended The '__object__' field has invalid value. __desc__ Invalid key '__value__'. Perhaps, the key is already used or expired Day of week not selected You are trying to access the '__value__' step that is currently not available Unable to write the '__param__' file -username and password do not match - username and public key do not match Failed to run the command on remote server Connection failed Server key check failed Internal error. For more details see the logs File with private key does not exist Execution error in a QREncode package: '__value__' Error of validation of the divided secret '__value__' Username End date of the arbitrary period Start date of the arbitrary period Back Function usage diagram Function name Functions Usage over period, % Function usage over period Produt version that the change was applied to Change type, bugfix, improvement, new feature Brief description Description Details Product version Back to the list of versions This module can be used to view a list of changes, improvements, bug fixes or new features made to the control panel Software product Version changes Type Bugfix Change New feature Improvement User role User reviewed Logging settings Status sent to developers new report Settings Function Internal name of the function associated with the error Current status of the error log User who was executing request to the control panel Date when the bug was recorded Delete the selected reports The ''' Error Log''' is a log of errors encountered by the control panel. This can be an extremely useful tool for administrators who need to diagnose and manage systems. Some error logs list every single error which occurs. Others may be set to save information about only certain errors. In this module can view information about an error, including the time when it occurred, name of the use whose actions caused the error and so forth, and report an error to software developers, if necessary. Send Event date Error log If a software fails, the corresponding report will display in the Dumps module. You can read and report it to developers. User Reseller Administrator Superuser User Reseller Administrator Superuser View detailed information about the error. Send the report to developers. Do you really want to delete the selected reports: Memory dumps User role Enter your contact email sent to developers Date Status Function new report reviewed Control panel logs at the moment the error occurred Control panel trace before the error occurred Full report that will be sent to developers Delete report after you send it Report status You can send this report to developers. We will try to resolve the issue based on the data received or will contact you for more information, if needed. Select the check box to delete the report after it is sent to developers Email Date when the error occurred (the last digit figure for the number of the request) Backtrace All report The name of the function where the error occurred Select a user role The name of the user whose actions caused the error Information user reseller administrator Superuser Log Unknown sending report error Send report Request Error information Username Logging of the external application into the file: __value__.log Delete logging settings for the selected module from the configuration file Set the maximum logging settings for the selected module Default logging settings Logging settings are specified in the configuration file Do you really want to set default logging settings for Do you really want to set the maximum logging settings for Maximum Default No description Description All modules Module logging is disabled Module description. Modules marked шт yellow can be configured in the configuration file Module logging is enabled User role module internal name You can change the amount of debugging information that will be written into the error log. Logging settings 1 - notes 2 - fatal errors 3 - errors 4 - warnings 5 - information about requests 6 - extended information 7 - remote service notifications 8 - code tracing 9 - debugging information Module User role Write You can change the amount of debugging information that will be written into the error log. The large the figure, the more detailed information will be logged Select the panel to apply the selected logging level, where * is all panels. Select the module to apply the selected logging level, where * is all modules. Control panel Module ATTENTION: selecting this logging level will show security-sensitive data, such as user passwords in requests. Use this logging level only when it is really necessary Logging settings Web-server control panel The name of the reposrt Generate report Name Generate Report list Reports are not supported in the selected interface theme Add to Favorites Loading... Remove from Favorites Report has the following fields Columns: Report contains the following data: Open in PDF Print this page Update data Average Count Amount Hide data Not available Show data العربية Български 中文(简体) Český Deutsch English Español Eesti keel Suomi Français Magyar հայերեն Italiano 日本語 کوردی kz lietuviu Nederlands Polski Português Română Русский ภาษาไทย Українська Developer 中文(繁體) 한국어 User is not specified or has been already deleted. Select an existing user to proceed You can click on "OK" to fill in insufficient data to continue operation Server preliminary setup not completed yet. Please, wait for the Setup wizard to complete configuration Enter additional data to be able to add the first IP address to the network interface To be able to add a virtual machine, you should select the source of IP addresses There are no available IP addresses in the local pool. Add a new range or address Enter information about the network associated with this IP address HTTP servers are not configured. To create SSL keys, you need to set up SSL authentication with a web-server certificate at least for one port. Storages are not configured Unfortunately, you are not allowed to add required data. Contact your server administrator Insufficient data Account address in ISPsystem billing system, which is used for registering the license Registered to License registration Updates subscription expiration date Updates expiration date Control panel Update product Version and release date Control panel version Update license Name of control panel installed on server failed to get information Software product Select the check box to allow automatic updates failed to get information COREmanager version Repository Mirror License information COREmanager version and build date the latest version has been installed Mirror to upload data files Repository that is used for updates The latest version available for download Latest version License is a unique set of information that allows a client to use the control panel for a certain period on a certain IP address. This module can be used to view information relating to the license for your control panel. The information is read-only. License expiry date. The license must be updated upon expiration. License unique identifier. 0 means that you use a free version with certain limitations (they are described at the top of the toolbar) Name of the control panel that you entered during the order process. Operating system running on the web server where the control panel is installed Expiration date License ID License name Failed to update the license for your server Update Operating system unlimited About program Time usage Action Update data Panel administrator Help 用户设置 You can add a panel administrator and drill down to his level with a click of the mouse (most administration tasks are performed with admin privileges) Home Change log News and Promo Taskbar User Reseller Administrator Superuser Status Function Request unique identifier Request execution time Name of the user who is currently running the task IP addresses of the user who is running the task Internal name of the function being executed Role of the user executing the request Request current status Session unique identifier Terminate the selected requests. They will be marked as Terminating. It will be shown when accessing the library functions. The request will be terminated after that call. A user will be notified that his request was terminated. The "Active requests" module can be used to monitor requests the control panel is currently working with. Do you really want to terminate the requests: Request ID Active requests Time Time when you accessed the control panel User who accessed the control panel IP address that was used to access the panel You can view a list of users who logged in to the control panel The '''Access log''' records all users that accessed the control panel. You can view date and time when a user accessed the panel, and his IP address. All users can see the information about the last time they accessed the panel and their IP address on the toolbar banner. Filter the list Remote IP address Access log Please confirm your __mgr__ email address. Hello! <br/><br/> You received this email, because your are signed up to notifications from the control panel <b>__mgr__</b> on __host__ <b>__user__</b>. <br/> You may activate notifications and confirm that this email address is valid. <br/> If you haven't enabled notifications in the control panel <b>__mgr__</b> on __host__, simply ignore this email. <br/><br/> In order to confirm that you want to receive notifications, please follow the link: <br/> <a href="__ref__" target="_blank">__ref__</a> Request In this field you can view and edit the text, if needed Confirming dangerous request A potentially dangerous request was detected from unknown source. Please, confirm that you want to continue or close the page! Range of IP addresses available in the control panel In the IP addresses module you can add ranges of IP addresses and configure their parameters. New IP addresses will be allocated from those ranges. If you system is configured with IPmanager, IP addresses will be allocated automatically by IPmanager, and the "IP addresses" module will be hidden. IP address range Settings List of addresses Delete the range Edit the properties Type of IP addresses that are used by this control panel New range of IP addresses Special domain Addresses IP-address pool IP address range Enter a gateway address. It is used by other software products for network configuration. Type of IP addresses that is used by this control panel The network mask. It is used by other control panel for network settings The range of IP addresses - network_address/network_mask, first_address-last_address or a single address IP address range Range parameters Add new range Enter a domain name that will be added to the names of special addresses (gateway, broadcast, subnet). Special addresses are reserved automatically while creating the range Domain name Special domain names IP address Additional information about IP address PTR Back to the previous page Enter a special address Edit the selected IP address Add a special address This address is private This address is not private This address is private IP address private IP addresses Address type Address type The domain name associated with this IP address The IP address which properties you are editing IP address domain.com. IP address January February November December March April May June July August September October January February November December March April May June July August September October Today Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Failed to create a copy of the node Failed to edit the content of the '__value__' node Failed to create a copy of the XML document Failed to create the root node Failed to insert the node Error processing the XML document. __object__ Failed to crate the '__value__' node Failed to install the '__name__' with '__value__' Failed to get the parent document (COM) Invalid XML '__value__' Error uploading the '__value__' file Failed to create an object for forming XML document Read error Invalid XSLT Error uploading the XSLT file '__value__' XSLT transformation error Write error The XPath error '__value__' Failed to create the object to process XPath Failed to extract the node while parsing XPath Failed to register the '__value__' name space in XPath Failed to set the '__value__' in the XPath context An error occurred while initializing XSLT Unsupported method '__value__' The multipart header separator is not found Error processing the request. __object__ Restarts limit exceeded. You have performed __value__ attempts to process the request Error reading the request heading No Dashboard for user roles __value__ Failed to find the '__value__' function. The associated module is missing Fields are not found on the '__value__' form Metadata of the '__value__' function not found. Check XML file integrity Supported package managers are not found The '__value__' issue is not present Failed to add the field to the subject Failed to add the certificate into the storage Failed to create the structure to save the public key. Failed to create the context to save the key Failed to assign the key Failed to convert binary data into the string certificate Failed to get the certificate hash Failed to get the container to save the key Failed to create a container to save the key Failed to convert the number into string Failed to convert into the string Failed to create the structure for keeping hash The length of the encrypted block does not correspond to the key length (the data size must be __sigsize__ byte) Failed to read __type__ from __format__ Failed to decrypt the data Failed to convert __type__ into __format__ Failed to encrypt the data Failed to export the key Failed to generate the RSA key __length__ bit long. Failed to generate a serial number for the certificate Failed to get data hash Failed to import the key Failed to create the BIO object Failed to connect to the certificate storage Failed to create the structure to store the certificate (x509) An error occurred while working with keys or certificates. __object__ __value__ Failed to convert the certificate name private key public key Failed to get information about the public key Failed to create a self-signed certificate Failed to set the issuer for the certificate Failed to set the certificate end date Failed to set the certificate start date Failed to assign the public key for the certificate Failed to sign the data Failed to delete the certificate from the storage Failed to convert the string into binary data The data size for encryption with the public key is too long (the maximum data size is __limit__ byte) Failed to get the structure for keeping encryption data Failed to get the encryption context Unsupported encryption type __type__ Initialization error Failed to form the hash. __object__ __value__ Data processing error Initializing error Remote request error. __object__ __value__ Failed to initialize the '__url__' request Unsupported protocol '__value__' in the '__url__' request Error processing the '__url__' request Failed to initialize the '__url__' session Failed to define a type of the hash function for the '__value__' string '__value__' string has invalid format Invalid hexadecimal symbol '__value__' Invalid sting length __value__. The string length in the hexadecimal format must be oddly even Invalid domain name '__value__' Error processing the string. __object__ Invalid domain name '__value__' Invalid UTF8 character with code: __value__ Failed to initialize the threads local storage Failed to create a conditional variable Error waiting the condition Failed to add a new thread Error processing threads. __object__ Failed to create mutex The '__value__' group does not exist An error occurred while working with this user. __object__ The '__value__' user does not exist Executable file failed. More information: '__value__' Failed to upload a list of applications from the '__value__' server Failed to upload the list of installer modules from the '__value__' server Failed to download the repository packet located at '__value__' Failed to upload the list of available updates from the '__value__' server The '__value__' file does not exist Failed to open the '__value__' file Failed to download the repository packet '__value__' Failed to upload a list of applications from the '__value__' file Failed to upload a list of installer modules from the '__value__' file Failed to upload the list of updates from the '__value__' file The '__value__' is already installed The '__value__' application is not included into the list of available applications Failed to define the '__value__' version The list does not contain any installed packets The list does not contain information about the recommended packet The '__value__' functionality is not supported yet The current version of the operating system does not support installation of the '__value__' repository The '__value__' packet is not included into the list The '__value__' is not available An error occurred when trying to disable autostart for the the '__value__' service An error occurred when trying to run the '__value__' service automatically Error starting the '__value__' service Error stopping the '__value__' service The installer does not support the '__value__' operating system IP addresses will be allocated from the selected source: Select the source from which IP addresses will be allocated. If you have IPmanager, we recommend using this panel. If not, add a range of IP addresses in the control panel. Local pool of IP addresses Allocate IP addresses from IPmanager The selected control panel cannot be used as a secondary name server and slave name server Unsupported login level for accessing remote DNSmanager: '__value__'. Supported login levels: admin, reseller, user Cannot use the specified authentication token Invalid configuration of the '__value__' zone Filed to set permissions on NSD name server configuration file: '__value__' Failed to set permissions on the directory for storing NSD master-zone: '__value__' Failed to set permissions on the directory for storing NSD slave zone: '__value__' Found '__value__' default view with the same IP address that you are going to add User has insufficient privileges to access remote DNSmanager '__value__' . Invalid path to the named zone file '__value__' The named configuration file not found at '__value__' Failed to define the identifier if the named user group Failed to define the identifier of the named user Empty key record User password for accessing remote DNSmanager is not specified Required login level for accessing remote DNSmanager is not specified URL for accessing remote DNSmanager is not specified Username for accessing remote DNSmanager is not specified. Failed to get the WMI-path of the newly created object Failed to get the SOA record Failed to get a list of resource record Failed to get a list of domain names Failed to set access privileges to the main zone file: '__value__' An error occurred when working with DNS. __object__ The '__value__' domain was not created in PDD. Error '__pdd_error__' Failed to get a list of RR records with PDD for the '__value__' zone. Error '__pdd_error__' The RR record with the '__value__' key was not created in PDD. Error '__pdd_error__' The record with the '__value__' key was not updated in PDD. Error '__pdd_error__' The domain zone name should be a subdomain of the zone associated with that record named-checkzone not found at '__value__' Directory for storing the NSD name server configuration files is not found: '__value__' Directory for storing the database of the NSD name server is not found: '__value__' Failed to define the primary IP address No name spaces created Insufficient IP addresses for name servers. Required number: '__value__'. List the addresses in the parameter NsIps in the configuration file or add slave name servers Failed to obtain the id of the resource record with the '__value__' key The DNS server management utility (ndc) not found at '__value__' Unknown values for IP addresses for name server. Add the NsIps parameter into the configuration file or add slave name servers NSD configuration file checker (nsd-checkconf) not found User for managing the NSD name server not found The utility for sending axfr-requests for slave zones of NSD name server not found The NSD (zonec) compiler for creating name space file zones not found. The utility for managing NSD (nsdc) name servers not found. The '__value__' directory with PowerDNS settings not found No secret information for domain confirmation Failed to define IP addressees of the zone transfer with view disabled Failed to define IP addresses of the zone responses with view disabled Cannot forbid responses from the DNS server when view is not configured Cannot allow answers from the DNS server when view is not configured No name spaces created pddimp-domain is not specified for working with PDD. pdd-domain is not specified for working with PDD. The PdnsUseDisableAXFR option is not specified for PowerDNS. Specify this parameter depending on the PowerDNS version The PowerDNS '__value__' utility not found Failed to create the resource record Error deleting the resource record Failed to modify the resource record Remote DNSmanager version: '__value__'. Integration with DNSmanager 5 is only supported User access level not supported. The following login level are supported: User Failed to create master-domain on remote DNSmanager. DNSmanager returned: '__remote_err__' Failed to create RR on remote DNSmanager. DNSmanager returned: '__remote_err__' Failed to create slave-domain on remote DNSmanager. DNSmanager returned: '__remote_err__' Failed to delete the domain on remote DNSmanager. DNSmanager returned: '__remote_err__' Failed to delete RR on remote DNSmanager. DNSmanager returned: '__remote_err__' Failed to get a list of IP addresses allowed for AXFR request on remote DNSmanager. DNSmanager returned: '__remote_err__' Failed to install the zone's MasterIP on remote DNSmanager. DNSmanaegr returned: '__remote_err__' Failed to connect to remote DNSmanager: '__value__' Failed to get a list of addresses from remote DNSmanager for the AXFR request. DNSmanager returned: '__remote_err__' Login level of specified user on remote DNSmanager is not found No response about successful query to remote DNSmanager Cannot access DNSmanager at specified URL: '__value__' Failed to send request to remote DNSmanager: '__value__'. Response from DNSmanager: '__remote_err__' You cannot edit DestinationIP on remote DNSmanager Failed to delete the selected user on remote DNSmanager. DNSmanager returned: '__remote_err__' Failed to enable the selected user on remote DNSmanager. DNSmanager returned: '__remote_err__' Failed to suspend the selected user on remote DNSmanager: '__value__' Failed to update the zone on remote DNSmanager. DNSmanager returned: '__remote_err__' '__value__' is not the correct address of the contact person Failed to install the '__value__' primary nameserver Failed to delete the zone resource record. TXT-record cannot be empty Unsupported login level for accessing remote DNSmanager: '__value__'. Only user is currently supported. Failed to create the '__value__' database for storing view data Failed to set privileges to access the '__value__' directory Failed to create the '__value__' table to save view data The '__filename__' view template file is not found in '__value__' Module internal error Failed to connect to connect to WMI Failed to connect to the WMI COM-interface Error deleting the WMI-object at '__value__' Failed to execute the '__value__' WMI-method Failed to get the '__method__' method of the '__value__' WMI-object Failed to get the WMI-object at '__value__' Failed to install the '__value__' parameter of the WMI-object Failed to get the '__value__' WMI parameter value Error setting WMI security parameters You cannot create the SOA record as it is created automatically in PDD Failed to create the '__value__' domain zone Failed to create the '__value__'primary domain zone Failed to create the '__value__' secondary domain zone Error deleting the domain zone Failed to modify the domain zone The transaction failed. __dbms_report__ The database is blocked Failed to get description of the database table fields. __dbms_report__ Failed to get the '__value__' COM-object Failed to perform the '__value__' method of the '__comobj__' COM-object Failed to commit the transaction. __dbms_report__ Failed to connect to the database '__value__' __dbms_report__ Failed to modify the data due to table settings Failed to create the database '__value__' __dbms_report__ The database is blocked. Try again Unknown type of the database field Failed to get external keys of the database table. __dbms_report__ Failed to get a list of database table indexes. __dbms_report__ __object__ Not enough arguments for '__value__' ODBC internal error. __dbms_report__ Failed to define ODBC query parameters. __dbms_report__ Failed to change the contents of the database primary key Failed to get primary keys of the database table Database query failed. __value__ __dbms_report__ Unknown type of referential integrity Failed to extract request results. __dbms_report__ Failed to roll back the transaction. __dbms_report__ Failed to get information about the databse table. __dbms_report__ Failed to commit automatically. __dbms_report__ Failed to commit manually. __dbms_report__ Failed to copy the file '__from__' into '__to__'. Error code: '__err__' Failed to initialize the temporary structure for getting information about the directory Failed to get the security descriptor for '__value__'. Error code: '__fserr__' Failed to get information about security of '__value__' Failed to get the name of the current directory. Error code: '__fserr__' Failed to block the '__value__' file Failed to write data into file Failed to create the '__value__' directory. Error code: '__fserr__' Failed to create the '__value__' directory. The object does not exists or is not a directory. An error occurred while working with files. __object__ Failed to open the '__value__' file Failed to open the '__value__' directory Failed to open the '__value__' file for reading Failed to open the '__value__' file for writing Failed to read data from the '__value__' file Failed to get value of the '__value__' symbolic link. Error code: '__fserr__' Failed to get value of the '__value__ symbolic link. File does not exist Failed to get the value for the '__value__' symbolic link. The file is not a symbolic link Failed to get the value of the '__value__' symbolic link. Unsupported link type Failed to get the path for '__value__'. Error code: '__fserr__' Failed to delete '__value__' Failed to initialize the structure for storing security information Failed to set owner of the '__value__' file Failed to set access privileges for '__value__' Failed to set the security descriptor for '__value__'. Error code: '__fserr__' Failed to get information about the '__value__' file Failed to create the symbolic link. Error code: '__fserr__' Failed to create the '__value__' symbolic link. Access denied. Failed to specify the '__target__' value for the '__value__' symbolic link. Error code: '__fserr__' Failed to create the '__value__' symbolic link. The file with this name already exists. Failed to create the '__value__' temporary directory Failed to create the '__value__' temporary file Failed to reduce the '__value__' file size Failed to write the data into the '__value__' file An error occurred when working with the log system. __object__ Failed to open the '__value__' log file Failed to create a job with the '__value__' command. Error: '__err__' The 'crontab' executable file not found An error occurred when adding a new cron job for the '__value__ user. For more information please view the log Failed to delete the job. Error: '__err__' Failed to suspend the '__value__' cron job. Error: '__err__' Failed to suspend cron jobs. Username not specified Failed to enable the '__value__' cron job. Error: '__err__' Failed to enable cron jobs. Username not specified Failed to connect to the system job scheduler. Error: '__err__' Failed to connect to the '__value__' user system scheduler. Error: '__err__'. Maybe this user does not have privileges to access as package cron job Failed to locate the job with '__value__' command. Error: '__err__' An error occurred when working with the job scheduler. __object__ Failed to apply the changes. Error: '__err__' Failed to delete the cron job. Error: '__err__' user is suspended An error occurred when getting a list of available networks in IPmanager: 'IPmanager didn't respond' Invalid domain name: '__value__' This gateway is not included into the range Invalid IP address: '__value__' This user role does not correspond to the user role in IPmanager This mask does not correspond to the network The preferred network is invalid: '__value__' The remote panel returned an invalid response. Check IPmanager integration The '__value__' IP address is already assigned Check IPmanager connection settings IPmanager did not return network information for '__value__' IPmanager license does not exist or has already expired Failed to export the IP address: __value__ The '__value__' IP address is already registered in IPmanagaer and has a different type Failed to delete '__value__' from the network interface This range of IP addresses intersects with '__value__' No available IP addresses in IPmanager IP address is not included into this range An error occurred in the IP address management module. __object__ Failed to reserve __value__ (__domain__) with the __type__ IP address in IPmanager The error occurred while allocating the IP address from IPmanager: Gateway for the specified IP address not found: '__value__' No available '__value__' IP addresses in the existing ranges The range you are going to delete still has unassigned IP addresses This address is assigned to the '__value__' control panel The error occurred while allocating the IP address from IPmanager: An error occurred in IPmanager while getting a list of available networks: '__value__' An error occurred in IPmanager when getting the domain name: '__value__' IPmanager returned an empty address An error occurred while getting network information in IPmanager: '__value__' No available IP addresses in IPmanager An error occurred while changing the domain name in IPmanager: '__value__' An external pool is used for IP address allocation. Type in the IP address you want to add Failed to block the '__value__' file Failed to write data into the file An error occurred while working with background tasks. __object__ Failed to open the '__value__' for writing Task has invalid status Task has unknown status Failed to create the __value__ register key. The error code: __syserr__ Failed to delete the __value__ register key. The error code: __syserr__ Failed to get the __value__ value for the register key. The error code: __syserr__ Failed to get the size of the __value__ register key. The error code: __syserr__ An error occurred while working with protected storage. __object__ Failed to set the value for the __value__ register key. The error code: __syserr__ Error writing into the storage. The error code: __syserr__ An error occurred when working with the error log. __object__ Failed to open the error report __value__ Failed to send the bug report: __value__ Level reviewed new report Logging settings Status sent to developers File containing debugging information about the program fault Current status of the fault report Date when the program failed Core dump file Event date Back to the error log Delete the selected reports and dump View information. Send report to developers Do you really want to delete the reports: Send Memory dump log Enter your contact email new report reviewed sent to developers Date Status Information from developers from the gdb debugger Information from developers about application thread tracing Backtrace for threads Dump information Delete the report after it is sent Email Dump creation date Select the check box to delete the report after it is sent to developers Report status Information Unknown error occurred when sending report Send report GDB information Report Username You can send this report to developers. We will try resolving your issue based on the data provided, or will contact you for more information. Trying to complete this operation caused incorrect configuration of network interface file. The operation is cancelled. Failed to add the __value__ IP address to __iface__ network interface Failed to add the __value__ default gateway Failed to check availability of __value__ on the __iface__ network interface __value__ network interface not found An error occurred while working with IP addresses of the network interfaces. __object__ Active or available network interfaces not found Failed to delete the __value__ from the __iface__ network interface '__value__' is temporary unavailable. Contact administrator of this resource or try again An error occurred while sending a request to the control panel. __object__ Invalid XML '__response__' from '__value__' Failed to connect to __value__ Failed to restart the control panel Data send error An error occurred while unassigning the IP address. Reason: __reason__ Unassign IP address IP address type Error allocating IP address. Reason: __reason__ '__addr__' does not correspond to the selected version of IP addresses You have insufficient permissions for allocating IP address '__addr__', or it is already assigned No available IP addresses of the specified type in the subnet An error occurred in IPmanager while allocating the IP address - "__msg__" IPmanager returned an empty address No available IP addresses in IPmanager Allocate IP addresses Identifier Notification identifier Problem does not have automatic solution, or the problem is with the form User role Settings User Type Description Id The Notifications module contains various system notifications that administrator should pay attention to. If an operation failed due to insufficient disk space, connection problems, issues with external services, etc. that fault will be registered as notifications. Some notifications have built-in s tools for automatic resolution. Once in 5 minutes the panel will require to repeat the operation to resolve issue Attempts Last attempt Date warnings errors fatal errors messages The number of attempts to resolve the problem Date when the last attempt to resolve the problem was made Date when the notification was shown last time Delete the selected error message. Notification description View more information of the selected error message. View the log files of the selected error message. Auto solve mode Automatic solve mode is off Automatic solve mode is enabled Automatic solve mode is off Fatal error Error Complicated problem Message Simple Warning Resolved Set the period to resolve problems automatically (in minutes) The selected problem can/cannot be resolved automatically; level The number of similar notifications that occurred starting from the date of registration of this notification Global settings for the Notifications module Resolve the selected error message automatically. Notification type Resolve the following problems: Administrator Period (min) A new notification has been registered! Total number of notifications in the system: : __total__. __detail__. Click the icon to browse to the Notifications module Properties Number Details Log Create Resolve Notifications Date Period in minutes that will pass before a new attempt to resolve the issue will be made Fatal error Message Warning Text description of the notification Error Description Period (min) Date when this notification appeared in the system for the last time Level Id Additional information Resolve automatically Select the check box to try to resolve the problem automatically at specified period Notification identifier Select a notification level: message, warning, fatal error Additional information related to this problem With this option selected, clicking OK will try to resolve this issue Notification type Complicated problem Simple Basic parameters Failed to find the information about this notification. Probably, the error has been already resolved, or the notification has been deleted. Additional information Resolved Resolve now Notification properties Notification type This problem type cannot be resolved automatically Sent from Email for notifications Enter an email address from which new notifications will be sent Enter an email address to which new notifications will be sent Information about notifications that did not occur during a selected period, will be deleted automatically. The default value is 30 days Information about issues that were resolved this number of days ago, will be deleted automatically. The default value is one week Select the check box to send error notifications Select a language that will be used in notifications Select the check box to display users' notifications. The check box is not selected by default Enter an SMTP port for sending notifications Enter the SMTP server for sending notifications Keep old notifications (days) Keep resolved issues (days) Notification message language Basic Send Email notifications Notification 30 7 Notification message language Show user notifications SMTP-server port SMTP-server Resolution time Never 1 day 1 hour 1 week Notification module settings Allow using view by default (see description below) Only forbid to use view by default Add an IP address in the IP address management module Set up integration with IPmanager If you allow to use view by default, new view with the server's primary IP address won't be created. The default view will be used You are trying to use the primary IP address of the server when creating view. Note, that there is a default view that already uses this IP address. Select an operation mode of the DNS module: Note! If you are using the default view, all of the existing or newly created domain zones within this view, will be available in this view If you forbid to use the default view, it will continue using the primary IP address of the server, and all attempts to add a new view with the same IP address will fail. If you have only the primary IP address and you want to obtain a new one, you can get it from the IP address management or from IPmanager. In this case you won't be able to use the default view, however you will be able to create a view with a different IP address Default view settings Enter a network mask. The first IPv4 or IPv6 will be added with this mask. In most cases gateway address and server address must belong to the same network Enter a gateway to add the first IP address Range gateway Failed to get a list of processes (error '__value__') Special function, which is not accessible from the menu Access to the menu Menu name User role Name Default settings. Access permissions set for the selected user/group including permissions on columns and rows (if it is a list or form) will be deleted Open the list of rows/fields Restrict access to list elements Access denied Access allowed This limit is set for the selected function.<br/>Example: if you allow/deny access to the errorjournal function, access privileges will be changed to all the functions starting with "errorjournal." In this case the attribute will be set only for the errorjournal function, rather than for child functions of that attribute. Access allowed only to some fields Access to the list is restricted: __value__ One of the groups to which the user is assigned restrict access to this list: __value__ This limit is set for the selected user This limit is inherited from the group to which the user is assigned External function Type of this function is not defined Form Group operation List Access global settings Open the list of subfunctions Do you really want to delete access settings for Do you really want to allow access to Do you really want to restrict access to Default Fields Filter Functions Privileges User permissions Administrator privileges User group privileges Access to the column Name of the table column User role Name Default settings are applied for all the fields where permissions are not selected Not available Fully available User permissions are set to default Can edit only when creating an item Read Write Default List of fields (columns) Installer '__value__' configuration file hase invalid format fstab has invalid format failed to change access privileges for '__value__' failed to change the owner for '__value__' an error occurred while creating the '__value__' MySQL user faied to create the user database for '__value__' The '__object__' software product cannot be deleted as it will delete depended packages failed to locate the '__value__' configuration file failed to locate path to the '__value__' database directory failed to locate path to the '__value__' file the '__value__' application not found failed to define name or group of web-server's service users Failed to define the mount point for the '__value__' directory an error occurred while processing '__value__' no information about the current version of '__value__' an error occurred when registering '__value__' an error occurred when deleting '__value__' an error occurred when updating '__value__' the '__value__' executable file not found Path to '__value__' is not specified in the configuration file failed to locate the path to domain zone directory application name is not specified in the installer parameters the '__value__' software is not available failed to locate the '__value__' socket file '__value__' startup script not found '__value__' is missed in the storage The process failed. The cause of the error: __object__ Failed to start the MySQL server with the --skip-grant-tables parameter failed to change the MySQL administrator password failed to start (restart) the appllication '__value__' an error occurred when writing the '__value__' parameter connection to the '__value__' server failed failed to start the '__value__' service Failed to get information about the '__value__' file/directory the control panel requires '__value__' software product operating system is not supported the '__value__' software is not supported The '__value__' scheduler has invalid format Authentication token was not added Authentication token for Yandex DNS 1. Upload the __secret_name__.html file with the __secret_info__ text into the root directory of your site. 2. For the yamail-__secret_name__ subdomain of your domain add the CNAME record for mail.yandex.ru To be able to work with resource records and perform other operations over the domain, please confirm your domain ownership using one of the following procedures: Confirmation of domain ownership required User Notification registration time. If the error can be resolved autimatically, there can be multuple attempts that might fail with the same error Problem resolution time (if the auto-solution function is active) User who performed the operation that generated this notification Date Duration Log ISPsystem server Enter the sender name that will be added to emails by default Sender name Not used ISPsystem server is now used for sending notifications. When you change the email server, you won't be able to select the ISPsystem server External mail server Select a type of the mail server that will send email notifications Email server will be used for sending emails about authentication in the control panel and geolocation during authentication Mail server parameters Mail server type Keep the log, days Keep logs, days Enter the period in days to keep records in the operation log Enter the number of days to keep the system logs Log rotation Grant ISPsystem support access Select this check box to grant the ISPsystem's support staff access to your server 25 Enter the SMTP-server port. Port 25 is used by default Enter the SMTP server's address to send notifications Allows to sign on using existing login information from a social networking service Enter a username (full email address, such as example@mail.com) Enter a password Account SMTP-server address Social login Password SMTP-server port This module can be used to manage your server parameters, such as its host name, time zone, etc. UTC/GMT Update software automatically Default interface theme Server default settings COREmanager and the control panels are provided as OS packages. If you want to use the latest version available, you need to regularly update all the packages that you are using. You can seleсt whether you want to update only ISPsystem's products, or all system packages You can submit bug reports manually in the Error log module or activate automatic sending Geographic location Don't use weak passwords for security reasons. Selecting this check box will forbid weak passwords. An attempt to set a weak password will fail and the corresponding error message witll be displayed The region where this time zone is located Hostname is a server's domain name. It should look like domain.com, otherwise some applications may malfunction Select the check box to allow technical support staff of your hosting provider to access the server Time that will be used on the server The time zone in which the server has been configured Local time Location Control panel Settings of this section are saved for each control panel installed on your server do not update Password strength do not check weak good strong Region Server Server name Grant Hosting support access Server time Time zone System configuration <br/><p align="center">Select time zone:</p> update all the system packages update ISPsystem's products Value In this module you can view system information, such as processor that the control panel is running on, amount of available RAM and swap, disk space size, number of active processes, and average load. Besides, you can view a more detailed information on some system parameters, and depending on a selected parameter, perform additional operations Name of the system resource Resource value This module can be used to view information about the system and monitor system resources consumption. View detailed information on the selected parameter Shows the server load averages for the past 15, 5, and 1 minutes. Type of the processor Total disk space Available RAM Available swap Available RAM Number of running processes Swap file size How long the server has been running. Parameter Load average (for 15 min, 5 min, 1 min) CPU Disk space Free RAM Free swap file space RAM (used / total) Number of processes Swap Uptime Details System information Back to the list of system parameters Here you can view various types of CPU loads Time that CPU was idle. Time that CPU spent on the interrupt level. Time that CPU spent on executing user processes with nice priority. Time that CPU spent on executing various operations at the kernel level. Time that CPU spent on executing user processes. CPU usage idle interrupt nice system user CPU usage Current usage Name Detailed information Used/Total Back to the list of system parameters Here you can view a list of disks with mounting points and te amount of consumption Volume label (specified letter) Mounting directory Device Disk information Used/Total (MiB) Amount of RAM used by the process Amount of time in % that the process spends to execute a process. If the process uses threads (executed on multiple processors at the same time), this value can exceed 100% Process owner. Username who has the permissions for the performance of the process Total amount of time that the system spent on executing of the process Command to start the task Unique identifier of the process User Command CPU % Back to the list of system parameters This module can be used to view a list of currently running processes and monitor resource consumption by each process Terminate the selected processes Memory (MiB) Do you really want to terminate the selected processes: PID Stop Uptime List of processes Failed to use the __id__ plug-in or invalid xml Notifications filter Status User Type Not resolved Resolved Handler for grouping XML documents Supplementary SSH modules (core.sshutils) Shell (core.shell) Backups (core.backup) OS templates manager (core.osmgr) Basix classes and functions v.2 (core.api2) Additional functions for binary applications (core.sbin_utils) Additional modules and utilities (core.utils) Graphic interface builder (core.builder) Graphic interface events (core.core_decoration) Application profiling (core.profiler) Main modules (core.core_module) Edit text messages (core.editmsg) Merge XML documents (core.merge) ispmain applications management (core.main) Gateway (core.gateway) ActiveHint messages requests (core.hint) Text messages (core.messages) Security modules (core.core_security) User permissions (core.rights) Domain names management (core.dns) File manager (core.filemgr) Shell-client (core.mgrshell) Time usage (core.usageinfo) Base module for all operations in a control panel (core.action) Authorization (core.auth) Access log (core.authlog) Cron jobs (core.autotask) List of functions causing the error (core.backtrace) Banners (core.banner) Branding settings (core.brand) Control panel xml (core.cache) Change log (core.changelog) Validators (core.check) Interaction with other control panels (core.client) Color of table columns and raws (core.color) Configuration files parcer (core.conf) Panel's configuration file (core.config) Incoming connections (core.conn) Punycode converter (core.convert) Start and stop the panel and its components (core.core) Control panel failures (core.coredump) Keys and certificates management (core.crypto) Dashboard (core) Database management (core.db) Menu. The Help module (core.desktop) Error notifications (core.err) Error log (core.errorjournal) External applications (plug-ins) (core.external) fcgi applications (core.fcgi) Filter mechanisms (core.filter) Form handlers (core.form) Hash-functions (core.hash) Select this check box to set the filter including all of the disk files starting from '/'. Filters that exclude special file systems, will be created automatically Panel installer (core.installer) ISPsystem notifications (core.isp_problem) Data transaction management (core.job) Action log (core.journal) libmgr (core.libmgr) License management (core.license) Logs management (core.log) Authentication management (core.login) Background tasks (core.longtask) metadata (core.metadata) All server files Output format management (core.output) Configuration parcer (core.parser) Information on periods (core.period) installer packet (core.pkg) System packets management (core.pkgmgr) System packets installer (core.pkgmp) pluginh (core) Plug-ins information (core.pluginh) Plug-ins management (core.pluginmgr) Process support (core.proc) referer (core.referer) Reports (core.report) Remote calls to panel (core.rpc) Cron jobs management (core.scheduler) Session (core.session) Sorting (core.sort) Server parameters (core.srvparam) SSH support (core.ssh) System information (core.sysinfo) Tables (core.table) Threads (core.thread) User menu (core.usermenu) User rights (core.userrights) General settings (core.usrparam) Credentials (core.vault) Wizard support (core.wizard) xml (core.xml) Control panel xml (core.xmlcache) The '__value__' plug-in failed or returned invalid xml Background task PID-file Queue name End time Start time Status Failed to complete the task Starting Name of the script or executable file Task unique identifier. Usually, it contains the main parameters of a task This task is skipped Path to the PID-file Script name Additional information List of task parameters This task is running This task is in queue Name of the queue with this task Identifier Failed to complete task Task is skipped Task in queue Task is running Completed successfully Error log filter new report reviewed sent to developers Access log filter User Time Remote IP address released (beta) Change log filter scheduled released test Sessions filter User role Session ID User Reseller Administrator Superuser IP address User Active requests filter User role Function Session ID Status User Reseller Administrator Superuser IP address User Request ID Request ID Installer __module__ Fatal error occurred in the '__object__' module while completeing configuration. For more information consult the installer log. Installer __module__ Fatal error occurred in the '__object__' module while installing the software. The installation process is not completed. Installer __module__ Fatal error occurred in the '__object__' module when configuring the software. The installation process not completed __module__ Installer Fatal error occurred in the '__object__' module when deleting the software. The process is not completed quarter half a year year month week End date of the range Start date current month current week current year Select a period to generate the report previous day previous month previous week previous year whole period any period Period current day In the "Server reboot" module you can reboot the server Do you really want to reboot the server? Clicking Ok will reboot the server Server reboot Enter a user password to access remote DNSmanager Enter the URL to access remote DNSmanager Enter a username to access remote DNSmanager Enter parameters to access remote DNSmanager Password URL Username DNS settings for managing remote DNSmanager Do not synchronize and delete the information in DNSmanager Synchronize using data from remote DNSmanager Attention! Canceling synchronization will delete all information about DNS items (i.e. domain zones) from DNSmanager beyond recovery. When trying to set up integration with remote DNSmanager it was found that the DNS database is empty even though remote DNSmanager has data about created DNS items (for example, domain zones). Select the DNS module mode: DNS settings for managing remote DNSmanager Re-build control panel Field name Action name Inspector Integer Do not validate Password There are pages on the form, that's why you cannot add a field not located on a page Pages cannot be created, if XML-description doesn't contain pages Page Localized name Page internal name Select a page where field is located Page name Only Latin alphabet letters --Without page-- --Create new-- In ascending order Validator Check box Processing module Show calendar Depends on In descending order Repeating values When editing Full width Expand the form field to full width. The heading will show at the top as a separate row Select the check box to show the name of the field Hide the filed depending on whether a new element is created or existing is modified Text field Maximum value Maximum field length Maximum elements Minimal value Name Description of the '__field__' field in not found in XML description of the '__metadata__' function Localized message selected by handler Multiselect Internal name While creating No name Radio button Read only Hide Never Required parameter Number of rows Save the last value List Monitor changes Slider Priority No sorting Step Multi-line input field Text information Localized message Text source Field inspector Input field type Has infinite value Infinite value Red color Word wrap Enlarge field Zoom Function Template Main menu inspector Auto update Specifies period for automatic page renewal in seconds Value of this field will be transferred to the form in the elid parameter while editing Specifies a field, which value will be used for displaying selected elements in case of group operations. If it is not specified, the key field's value will be used. This list has its own logo. The value of this parameter is a picture name Type the text that will be displayed in list heading Key field Element name Logo List inspector Title Function Default action Confirmation Select a function to be called when clicking the button Select a metadata template that will be used if the function is not described or described in a different way. Image Short description Metadata template Toolbar buttons inspector Button type User role Aligning No aligning Encoding algorithm No conversion Quick edit Disable quick edit Hide Select how you want to align a button. Possible values: left, right, center. Select the encoding algorithm for column. Values in this column will be converting using the selected algorithm. Currently, only punycode is used enabling to convert from punycode into UTF-8. Allow editing the element from the list. Attribute value defines a function (form) name that should be called for saving data. Make sure that column name matches the field name from the form and this field is editable. Beside that value, a column name (scolname) and list name (stablename) will be sent. If the field name influences the string id, the function must return a new identifier [elid] and name [elname] (if its name does not match identifier). The following field types are supported: input[type=text][zoom, unlimit, date], select, radio, slider, textarea. Hide this column by default. You should customize this table to display it You may use this attribute for any element in "metadata" and "mainmeny" to specify the user level required to be able to see certain data. Both elements and data, corresponding to those elements will be deleted from metadata. For the col element describing a table column, all the corresponding elements from the table. For input, select, slider, textarea, text, htmldata - the corresponding elements of the higher level. The attribute may contain several values space separated. Each element has the following format: digit 0 to 31 - user level string - name of the user level or mask the '+' symbol after digit or string means that the level must not be less than the specified one. The string specifies the name of the level, rather than mask. COREmanager contains the following registered names: nobody access level 0 super access level 30 admin access level 29 reseller access level 24 user access level 16 all mask - any user registered mask - user with access level higher than 0 (successful authorization) For example, the following records are similar: nobody+, all, 0+ Enter the text name for the column Text description If this attribute is specified, html escaping is disabled Select data sorting. Possible values: alpha (alphabetical sorting; default), calpha (case-sensitive alphabetic sorting), digit (in ascending order), version (sorting of software versions), file (similar to "alpha", bu the "/" symbol is considered less than all other symbols, thus files in one directory are always located together), indicator (sorting by "used value" of the indicator: only for columns with indicators), ip (sorting of IP addresses), prop (sorting by properties, in case of similar properties, data will be sorted by column value in alphabetical order). sorted="yes" will sort the table by this column by default. sorted="desc" will sort in descending order Show statistics for this column Data type in the column. Possible values: data (data from the control panel; used by default), indicator (indicator; limit and current usage are sent by the control panel), msg (a message corresponding to the value sent to the control panel, will be displayed). Enter the default column width Select the check box not ignore word wrapping in data. Data in column are displayed in several lines The __col__ column is not present in the __action__ list Column name Text description Internal name HTML escaping Sort type Not specified Sort Not specified Statistics List columns inspector Column type Width Word wrap Do not set field permissions. They will be taken from groups to which this user is assigned Allow editing the form while creating an object Allow reading the field Allow editing the field Inherit Create Read Field privileges Write Delete Function group access permissions Group name By default In this module you can group users into groups and manage their access permissions User role Description for everybody Delete the selected groups User group privileges Select users. It enables to assign/unassign users from the selected group Do you really want to delete the selected privileges groups: Name Default Allow all Deny all Users Functions access Number of users User role Set the user access permissions to the functions. Changing this value will reset the current access permissions. If the user is assigned into any group, the group settings will have higher priority Deny all Allow all Default policy settings Allow access Deny access Set access permissions to this function Do not set permissions. The will be based on other billing policies Apply the access permissions to all of the group functions Inherit Recursively Access to functions User Not specified Apply to all users Notes Select IP addresses that can access the control panel. "Not specified" means that the group does not set any restrictions on users included into this group. Be very careful! Making a mistake may restrict your access to the control panel Privileges set for this group will be automatically applied for all the users with similar access level Select access level for which settings of the new group will be applied. Access level defines modules that will display in the interface menu once group privileges are set. It cannot be modified You may change the name of the group. It will not affect user privileges assigned to that group Select a user who will be used for collecting data specific for the selected access level, i.e. list of modules available for editing will be generated based on the modules avaiable to this user. Fields in forms and lists may differ for users with the same access level. Make sure you choose a right use The user that you selected has been deleted or renamed. Select another user You do not have users with selected access privileges. The filter function for lists will be inaccessible. Group New group User status in the group Group username User groups You can add new messages from XML-description of the form All text messages of this form Form inspector Form title "__value__" and "__second__" have different access permissions to "__field_name__" of the "__function_name__" function Different selection criteria by the __field__ field of the __function__ list in "__value__" and "__second__" "__value__" and "__second__" have different access permissions to the __function__ function Access rules conflict. __object__ Date of the last changes made to file or directory Name of the file or directory group archive File or directory owner File or directory size Enter the name for the file or directory Search Search for files and folders. File search results Settings Name Download The '''File manager''' module is specially designed to work with a file system through the web-interface. The file manager provides you with multiple functions that you can use to manage you files and folders: you can add, edit properties, delete, archive,cut and paste, download or upload, etc. You can manage archives as common directories. If you ecounter problems, make sure that the appropriate software is installed on your server, and the archive format corresponds to its extension. To navigate in the file system, double-click the directory name. You will see its contents. To return to the previous level, click Back on the toolbar. Attributes %.1f %s free from %.1f %s Group Change the name or other settings of the selected file or directory. Scan the selected file or directory for viruses. Back Copy or move the selected file or directory. File manager enables to perform various operations files and directories on your server Delete the selected file or directory. Password protect the WWW-domain's directories Download the selected file(s). View or edit the selected file Extract the selected archive. This button will open an overview of all files and folders that are stored on this account. Afterwards you can select a folder and view the content of that folder. View the content of the selected directory or archive. Create file or directory ARJ archive invalid link BZIP archive directory DVD FDD HDD or USB Flash Drive Network disk RAM-disk file GZIP archive directory link file link log file RAR archive TAR archive ZIP archive Create an archive of the selected files. This button will open a form tha can be used to change the settings of the file manager. Upload a file to the selected directory. Do you really want to start anti-virus check Do you really want to delete Download Attributes Anti-virus Copy Access Extract Open View Archive Upload Size Change date File manager Owner Select a directory that you want to make the default one Go to directory Go to directory Please fill out the form. More information about a certain parameter will be shown when moving your mouse cursor over its name. File Directory Link Value Type Enter the name of the file or folder that this symlink will point to. Select the file type that you want to create. You can create a file, a folder or a symlink. Enter the name of the file, foler or symlink. Name Create file or directory Create file or directory Failed to open the file in the selected encoding. Try using a different encoding.<br/>Warning - changing encoding will reboot the file's contents and changes made in the editor will not apply Encoding File name This form can be used for editing contents of your files Select file encoding that will be used by the file editor. Warning: changing encoding will reopen the file editor and unsaved changes will tbe lost! Full path to the file. This path is relative to your home directory. In this field you can see the file save time. Server time is specified here Save Failed to save the file. Possible reasons: you have no permissions to write to the file, no free space on the disk or disk quota has been exceeded Saved in Edit file Edit file Change file permissions recursively. Access permissions will be changed for all files inside directory. Directory access permissions won't be changed Please fill out the form. More information about a certain parameter will be shown when moving your mouse cursor over its name. Name Refer to Destination file name contain space(s) in the beginning or end. Clicking Ok will cut the spaces and the link will be modified File name contain space(s) in the beginning or end. Clicking Ok will cut the spaces and the file will be modified Group Enter the value for the symlink Enter the name of the file or folder. Select the user group who owns this file or folder. Enter the file or folder permissions as a binary mask. You can also use the checkboxes underneath this field to set the permissions. Do not include this file or directory into the backup copy Check the boxes to set the group permissions (read, write and execute). Check the boxes to set the permissions for everyone who is not the owner and is not assigned to the group (read, write and execute). Check the boxes to set the owner permissions (read, write and execute). Select how you want to apply the changes for child elements if the selected directory(ies) Select the username who owns this file or folder. Permissions Do not archive Group privileges Other privileges read Owner privileges write execute change owner and access privileges for files and directories Change child elements change owner and access privileges only for files change owner and access privileges only for directories do not change change owner Attributes Owner To directory Open the selected directory Select a directory to which the archive(s) should be extracted The selected directory will open by default once the operation is complete In this field you can enter any directory for extracting archive related to the one from the tree. If the specified subdirectory does not exist, it will be created Create a directory Extract archive(s) 7z archive (.7z) Archive name BZIP2 archive (.bz2) Type GZIP archive (.gz) Enter the name for the new archive (without extension) In this directory a new archive will be created to which all the selected files will placed Select an archive type Select the check box to delete the selected files (directories) once they are archived RAR (.rar) archive Delete files TAR (.tar) archive TAR GZIP archive (.tgz) Archive Windows IMaging format (.wim) XZ archive (.xz) ZIP archive (.zip) To directory Open the selected directory Select a directory where you want to copy the selected files Check the box to open the selected folder after the files are copied or moved. Check the box to move the file(s) to the folder you have selected above. In this case, the files are moved to the specified folder and no copies will be made. Check the box to allow to overwrite files when the target folder already has a file with the same name. Move files Overwrite Copy Local computer file Local file You may upload files from your local computer to the server Select a file you want to upload to the server Enter the name of the file you want to upload. If you leave this field blank, the file name will be extracted from the URL. Select the upload type you want to use. You can upload files from your local computer or from a remote server. The files will be stored into the current folder. Enter the URL to the file that you want to upload. For example, http://example.com/dir/file.html . File URL on remote server File name Upload file Upload type URL File system code page Select a code page that will be used for storing files and directories on the server Default archiver Default directory File editor code page Records in file editor This form can be used for configuring file manager settings Select an archiver that will be used when uploading directory or group of files Select a directory that will open by default in the file manager Select a code page to open files in the editor Select the approximate height of the file editor window in lines. Possible values 5 to 100. Actual number of lines in the window may vary depending on the font size selected inaccessible remember the page selected in editor File manager settings Differential Full Incremental Differential Full Incremental Settings Status Type This module can be used you to manage the backup plans to save your server data from an accident loss. Backup copies created according to the plans that you add in this module can be found in the module. See also: * '''ISPmanager''' ** *'''VMmanager OVZ''' ** ** ** Enable Disable Off The string will be commented in crontab that starts the task.You still will be able to start the plan manually On The string will be commented out in crontab that starts the task. If the string is missing in crontab, a new one containing default value will be created Schedule You may set the filter to select data for backup This backup plan runs automatically based on the cron job: __value__ Backup in progress Run the backup process General settings for the backup module Backup plans stored on remote storages Run Search backup copies for Name Filters Run Search backup copies Storages Other plans Backup plans Restore Name Search Stored backup plans Administrators Databases Files Metadata User templates Resellers Reseller's user templates SSL-certificates Users WWW-domains Storage Archiver Run automatically Type Do not backup system files MiB Daily backups Day of month Period Day of week Select an archiver You can create a cron job to run the backup process automatically. Or you can run the backup manually Backup type: Full, Incremental, Differential Differential - a full backup copy including all files will be made during first backup. This type of data backup preserves data saving only the difference in the data since the last full backup. For recovery you will require two copies - the full and the last differential that was saved prior to the date of recovery Full - all the files will be backed up. Only one copy is required for data recovery Incremental - a full backup copy including all files will be made during first backup. It will then back up only the data that changed since the last full or incremental backup One backup copy for n last days will be stored. n is a specified value Select a day of the month to start the backup process Select period for full backup Select a day of the week to start the backup process Name that is used in archive names and for databases Enter the maximum directory file size in MiB. Directories with files of a larger size will be excluded from the backup copy. The number of files influences the directory file size Enter the maximum fie size in MiB. Files of a larger size will be excluded from the backup copy One backup copy for n last months will be stored. n is a specified value Enter the name for the backup plan Only the last today's copy will be stored List of storages where backup copies will be stored One backup copy for n last weeks will be stored. n is a specified value Internal name Do not back up license files Do not back up local storages Do not back up temporary files Max. directory file size Max file size Monthly backups Monthly Name General settings Selecting data Backup plan settings Cron settings Unlimited plan Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Backup plan Unlimited Backup plan Only one copy Backup plan New backup plan Weekly Weekly backups Restore Full recovery of the backup copy Restore the selected data. The recovery form will open where you can configure additional parameters View contents of the backup copy View contents of the backup copy View archives View files The backup and recovery functions modified the system's behavior, that's why we have deleted the information about previous backups Restore Date Storage Download Version This module can be used to manage backup copies. A backup copy is created during the backup process. It can include several archives with files, information about data. The archives are located in storages associated with backup plans, information about data is located in the service database. See also: * '''ISPmanager''' ** *'''VMmanager OVZ ''' ** ** ** Copy type Convert View the data that are included into the backup copy Download the archive containing the backup copy Make a backup copy Restore the backup copy. All the data included into this backup copy will be restored Upload the backup archive. It will be shown on the list of backup copies Download the following backup copies Restore Backup plan Plan type Data Upload Size, MiB Backup copies Clean storages Select if you want to delete archives and listings from the storages storage Delete the backup copy The following backup copies will be deleted: version Behavior Delete the following data Edit existing data Select how you want to restore data from the backup. **'''Skip data''' – do not restore data and dependent elements that already exist in the system. '''Edit existing data''' – restore all the data from the archive. E.g. you have a web-domain, which files were deleted from its home directory. If you choose “Skip existing data” while restoring the domain, its files won’t be restored. If you choose “Edit existing data”, domain’s files and settings will be restored. Skip existing data Restore All types Files Id Data type Data type in archive View data name for this data type that are included into the backup copy Details Saved data Owner Ready for recovery Dependent data are missing. They cannot be recovered Data name Version Data included into backup copy Ready Enter the name for the file or directory View contents of the directory Name Restore Directory File Restore selected data View Files Version Restore No common versions Select a backup date Restore Version Select a backup date Owner Data type Comments Files Status Excluded Included Do you really want to delete the filter(s) with number Data name All Number All Backup filter settings Data type Owner This filter is set only for files or the whole object Filter type Any files Data Select the check box to filter data relating to the file system root. If not, relating to the directory where data of the selected type are stored All All Data Comments File or directory Files Select data based on their names Detailed information about this filter Enter an absolute or relative path to the file or directory for which you want to set this filter The filter can be set only on files of the selected data type Include or exclude data from backup copy Select data based on their names Select the user who owns these data Filter template based on data name. You can use the * and ? characters Select data for backup Status Select data Exclude from archive Include into backup Select Set data filter for Template Optional comment logs/*log name* Edit filter New filter The whole object No storages available No storages available No storages available. Contact your administrator Incorrect value in the "Data" field Failed to create an archive: __value__ The .archive is not a file __value__ Error checking storage performance Incorrect data type Failed to complete the operation with the '__value__' backup copy. Probably, it is already in use by another process. Try again later Failed to read the archive The data node cannot be specified twice Trying to delete the default function Failed to resolve dependencies __value__ Failed to extract data from archive Failed to get the __value__ file Failed to delete the ' __value__' file from the storage Failed to upload the ' __value__' file to the storage Failed to determine a cluster node to restore files. You first need to create '__value__' The __value__ not found '__value__' file does not exist Has dependent plans: __value__ Cannot upload the existing backup copies. You first need to delete the copy '__value__' Trying to access the non existent element Trying to get the element following the non existent one No archive with backup copies are found in the new storage Some backup copies are not found in the new storage An error occurred in the backup module. __object__ An error occurred in the Backup module. No storages available. Contact your administrator An error occurred in the Backup module. No storages available The __value__ function is not present Information about data archive is not present Insufficient free space Full backup is not present Information about the number of headings is not present Backup copy information is not found. Perhaps, the backup copy has been deleted Parent backup copy is missing '__value__' Settings __value__ do not exist The default filter must be the first The storage __value__ does not exist The __value__ node is not found The __value__ type is not present Type name is not specified The __value__ file is not present The '__value__' heading is not specified Only full copies are supported Only status can be modified Failed to restore data Error uploading to the storage: __value__ Backup failed Request timeout exceeded This archive does not contain required data Amazon Amazon Yandex Yandex.Disk Access code Dropbox Dropbox FTP FTPS Local storage FTP FTPS Local storage Type This module can be used to add and manage places where backup copies are located. See also: * '''ISPmanager''' ** *'''VMmanager OVZ''' ** ** ** Location Check storage Location where backup copies will be stored Enter the name for the storage Select a storage type Name Check Storages Size Files of specified size will be checked. The fill will be filled with zero MiB Check list of files Delete file from server Create file Download file Upload file to server Check storage Type Storage Enter the name for the storage Select a storage type Name Edit storage Select a storage type Storage Backup files are missing in the specified storage. Perhaps they were removed from old location. You should remove the whole data otherwise you won't be able to recover some data Some backup files are missing in the specified storage. Perhaps they were removed from old location. You should remove the whole data otherwise you won't be able to recover some data Type Select a storage type List of missing archives in the new storage. You cannot restore data from archives in the this list Enter the storage name. The name will be shown in the interface Search for backup copies in the storage and import the lst files into the panel. The search is performed based on readme-files Allow users to use this storage to do their backups I understand the risk. Save changes List of missing archives: Name local Search backup copies Edit storage Storage settings Available to users day days days hour hours hours minute minutes minutes month months months week weeks weeks in ago now several seconds year years years Enter an absolute path to the directory where backup copies will be stored Path to directory /var/backup Local storage Password User password Enter the password for the FTP-user Enter the URL as follows {FTP server address}/{FTP directory}. Where {FTP serve address} - is the IP-address or domain name without protocol. If a non-standard port is used, enter it colon (:) separated E.g.: Enter the name for the FTP-user ftp.example.com username FTP storage URL User Password password Enter the password for the FTPS-user Enter the URL to the FTPS server: {FTPS server address}/{FTPS directory}. Where {FTPS server address} - IP address or domain name without protocol Enter the name for the FTPS-user ftps.example.com username FTPS storage URL Schedule type. Open the edit form for more information Task status Enter the path to the script that you want to be executed by the cron This field can be used for additional information about this cron job Status Description Command ISPmanager allows automatic execution of scheduled jobs using Cron. '''Cron''' is a daemon that executes commands at specified intervals. '''Cron jobs''' are scheduled tasks (commands) that are executed by such daemon at predefined times. A cron job is a series of simple tasks run from a script. This module can be used to manage your cron jobs: you may add, edit, delete, run cron jobs, and configure the global parameters, such as e-mail address and paths. The module is available only for the root users. Global cronjob settings. Run the selected cron job Period Do you really want to delete the selected cron jobs: Scheduler custom daily every hour every minute monthly weekly yearly while reboot Settings Enable Run Disable Scheduler Select the check box to start the task every Saturday Do not email report Select the check box to start the task every Friday Select the check box to start the task every Thursday Select the check box to start the task every Wednesday Select the check box to start the task every Tuesday Select the check box to start the task every Monday Select the check box to start the task every Sunday You can enter an e-mail address using the global setting button of the cronjob module. Afterwards you can receive information by e-mail about a cronjob. Email Command: Description: Check the box to activate this cron job. Active Crob job hours minutes Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday daily every hour monthly weekly yearly Enter the path to the script that you want to be executed by the cronjob. This field can be used for additional information about this cron job Check the box if you do not want to receive the output of this cron job by email. Enter the days this cronjob needs to be executed. Format: * - all days of month Enter the days of a week this cronjob needs to be executed.Format: * - all days of week Enter the hours this cronjob needs to be executed. Format: * - all hours Enter the minutes this cronjob needs to be executed. Format: * - for all minutes Enter the days this cronjob needs to be executed. Format: * - all months Select a month to start cron job Select day of month to run the cron job Select the main time frame this cron job will be executed. You can configure the settings of a cronjob in basic or in expert mode. The expert mode has more options but you need to have more knowledge about cronjobs to be able to use the expert mode. The current server date and time. Enter the hour this cron job will be executed (value 0 -23). Enter the minute this cron job will be executed (value 0 - 59). Days of month Days of week Hours Minutes Months while reboot Month January October November December February March April May June July August September Day of month Run Scheduler Server date and time Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Time Crob job New cron job basic mode expert mode Enter the email address that will be used for notifications about your cronjobs. Enter one or more paths (space separated) that will be used to search for executables. Email Path Scheduler (Cron) Errors occurred while making a backup copy based on the '__plan__' backup plan Errors occurred while making a backup copy based on the '__plan__' backup plan Directories that were not backed up due to the maximum file size limit Files that were not backed up due to the maximum file size limit Failed to upload the file into the storage Tar skipped the following files: Failed to parse the following strings from the tar error flow Errors occurred while restoring the backup copy '__version__ Errors occurred while restoring the backup copy '__version__' Clean storages Select if you want to delete archives and listings from the storages Delete the selected backup plans Install the cron package to be able to use scheduler Executable file is missing Convert backup copies Storage Select a storage for the backup copy Upload the backup copy Congratulations! License ID Active till License name You became an owner of a commercial license of __product__ Activation key Activate license Buy now Follow the link to buy a license Failed to automatically activate the license for __product__ If you already have a license for __product__, select the check box "Activate license" and enter your activation key. Contact your license provider to obtain the activation key If you do not have a license, select the check box "Buy license" and complete 3 steps Proceed Invalid activation key. Contact your license provider to obtain a new key This activate key has already been used for another server. Contact your license provider to obtain a new key Activate >> Activate Step 3: Click the "Activate" button to activate the license Step 2: __link__ Step 1: Select an IP address that will be assigned to your license Activate license This IP addresses does not belong to the selected network '__net__' Element identifier Please, confirm that you want to delete all IP addresses that listen to the selected port This port is already in use: __value__ IP addresses which already listen to this port, should be deleted Delete IP addresses all IPs Address Select the IP address to receive incoming connections Enter the port number for incoming connections. Leaving this field blank will apply the default value The built-in web-server can receive both HTTP and HTTPS requests. If HTTP requests are forbidden, they will be automatically redirected to HTTPS. IP address Address configuration 1500 Port SSL authentication is active. You won't be able to work through HTTP SSL settings Forbid HTTP connections Address New address Certificates List of certificates used. If your server doesn't support SNI, you can use different certificates for different domains <a href="http://en.5.ispdoc.com/index.php/Configuring_built-in_web-server" target="_blank">ihttpd configuration</a> <a href="http://en.5.ispdoc.com/index.php/Control_panel_address" target="_blank">Control panel address</a> Address configuration IP address and port the control panel is running on This module can be used for setting access to the control panel IP address is in use, currently not accessible SSL authentication is on You can access the system through this port only using SSL authentication HTTP requests are forbidden IP address Properties Control panel address Username create a new key use the current key Enter a name for the certificate that will be shown in the system Enter a password for the SSL key A new key will be valid during the specified period starting today You will get a signed certificate. To generate a key, convert it into PKCS#12 format. For example, you can use the command: openssl pkcs12 -export -in my.crt -inkey my.key -certfile ca.crt -out my.p12 -passout pass:your password You can create a key for the current user or for any of his users Different panel's addresses can use different SSL certificates for authentication. A new key will be valid only for the certificate used on this port Enter the name of your key. Note: the key must be signed by the certificate specified in the HTTP server settings. You can generate a new key, use the existing one, use the current key (if you used the key that is not registered in the system) or get a signed certificate to generate the key manually Enter the user for whom you want to generate a key. You must be the owner of that user Failed to generate the key. A key with this may already exist. You cannot create the key with the same names even if you have already deleted the previously created key Key name Validity period (days) register existing key SSL certificate request Generate a key for you Panel URL sign request Key name New SSL key Action User Certificate creation date Certificate properties Certificate properties Certificate expiration date The certificate will be used for the selected control panel In this module you can add and manager SSL keys. Certificate Expiry date You can download the key. This operation can be run only once. The key file will be deleted upon downlaod Already used for login into the system You can download the key. This operation can be run only once. The key file will be deleted upon downlaod Properties Panel URL Creation date SSL-keys The key has been already downloaded by another user and deleted from the server Function that was executed when the change was made Function User IP address or utility executing the function User who run the function Date when the previous value was set Description Description Time __name__ was changed from '__old__' into '__new__' __name__ is set to '__new__' Set Edit date History All ports busy '__version__ backup restore has been completed successfully Timeout Temporary directory CPU priority minutes Enter the maximum time out for data preparation (virtual machines) Backup module directory containing the temporary files: archives, listing, etc. Entert the CPU priority. Archiving and backupctl will start depending on that priority Enter the disk operations priority. Archiving and backupctl will start depending on that priority Enter the path to cat and additional options Enter the path to tar and additional options Enter the path to gzip and additional options Disk priority cat settngs tar settings gzip settings unlimited /var/tmpbackup Backup module settings Backup according to the '__plan__' plan has been completed successfully Resource '__value__' is not available Allow all Deny all Set the user access permissions to the functions. Changing this value will reset the current access permissions. If the user is assigned into any group, the group settings will have higher priority Default policy settings Policy Domain has invalid serial. Perhaps, your DNS server processes domain update queries too slow Failed to create a domain Failed to delete a domain Error managing the secondary DNS server __url__. __desc__ Failed to update the domain information Panel URL In this module you can add slave DNS. Be sure to install ISPmanager and DNSmanager. Once configured, whenever a change is made to DNS (creation/deletion of domain names, modification of their records), it will be automatically applied to slave name servers. User Delete the selected slave name servers Edit parameters of the selected slave name server Add a new slave name server Do you really want to delete the selected slave name servers Slave name servers Control panel URL Password User Enter a password to access the control panel on the slave server Create the existing domain names on the slave server Enter the full URL to the DNSmanager control panel on the slave server. E.g. https://mydns.com:1500/dnsmgr Enter a username to access the control panel on the slave server https://mydns.com:1500/dnsmgr Create a test record Deleting the test record Synchronize Slave name server New slave name server Control panel URL File manager Services Text Hidden top-level function Hidden functions Record test scenatio CloudLinux 7 CloudLinux 6 Debian 8 Debian 7 Ubuntu 14 Ubuntu 16 CentOS 7 CentOS 6 Operating system Run tests on the selected operating systems (on all OS if not otherwise specified) Description Bug number This test will depend on the selected test Dependency Creates environment Test that creates objects will start first and will delete object after completing the tests Name of the branch where this test is running Branch Run for distribution Don't run for distribution Don't run Test will run in play mode Auto Run type Number of the bug from Bugzilla Describe the main idea of this scenario Short description of the test scenario. The first modifying function will be automatically inserted when completed Delete the created objects after finishing the test This test can be uploaded to the server Delete Save Start Delete objects Ready New test scenario Should be empty Run sequence of requests until the specified step (not included). If nothing is selected, all requests will be run Run to Add variable Add a global variable that will be changed into values Waiting for request result Waiting '__value__' must be present in the list completing the background task <b>__longtask__</b> <br/>&nbsp; Do not expect value in stdout <b>__value__</b> <br/>&nbsp; Expected value in stdout <b>__value__</b> with error <b>__error__</b> <br/>&nbsp; * Request parameters were changed manually, and may differ from parameters in the request description must be '__value__' must be not empty must contain '__value__' Function name Action description Click the button <b>__name__</b> Call function <b>__name__</b> &nbsp;value <b>__name__</b> in line <b>__keyname__</b> &nbsp;field <b>__name__</b> Delete <b>__name__</b> <b>__error__</b> may occur with parameters:&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;__paramname__&nbsp;=&nbsp;'__paramvalue__' select the lines <b>__elid__</b> &nbsp; (a new object with <b>__id__</b> id has been created) drill down to user <b>__levelusername__</b> <b>__levelcount__</b> levels back macros <b>__macros__</b> Save <b>__name__</b> off on with parameters: <br/>&nbsp; Execute the <b>__command__</b> command Running remote test <b>__remotename__</b> Call function <b>__name__</b> <b>__warning__</b> expected Element identifier Add additional calls/checks. They will be added before the selected item Show the list of global macros Create a macro that will automatically change the specified filed Order number Add Macros Macros List of test requests Storage Select a storage Create a full backup copy Disable test for download Enable test for download Variables Test global variables Bug number Settings Description Test languages management Query language Creation time Synchronize Download Test creates environment Dependencies Branch Type Run for __distnames__ Do not run for __distnames__ Number Auto Don't run Author Creation time Configure the dependent test on a remote panel Test is not ready for upload Test can be uploaded to the server Start test Show test requests Remote storage access settings Synchronize test files with a remote storage Panel name Parameters Dependencies Run Requests Synchronize Test scenarios Branding settings The "Branding settings" module allows you to quickly rebrand your control panel: add your own corporate logo and title, change the color scheme, and link to your website, etc. Current settings Enter a domain name that these settings will be applied to Select a software product to apply branding settings Domain name for everybody for all panels Form the icons and css files for all the settings Currently you are using these settings Control panel for everybody Do you really want to reset the branding settings? Parameters Fix Interface theme Branding settings Preliminary view of the interface color scheme New branding settings Color scheme saturation Main logo (in the upper left corner) Color scheme Color intensity Hue of the color scheme Login page logo favicon icon Add a language code into URL Authentication form logo (.png 101х38) The main logo is displayed in the upper left corner. 187х70 pixels in size, png. format Address bar icon (favicon). 16х16 pixels in size, .ico format. Main logo (.png 190х88) Address bar icon (.ico 16x16) The language id of the current session will be added into the URL of the home page. E.g. http://example.com/en/ Select a logo that will be displayed on the Login form. 107х40 pixels in size, png. format for all panels Body Interface color Contacts Copyright Apply to all domains Reset branding settings Address bar icon (favicon). 16х16 pixels in size, .ico format. General settings Hue Heading Window heading This code will be added at the end of the page body (BODY) You can add a link to your company's contacts. The link will be shown in the Login form. You can use the $lang macro, which will be changed into a language code Enter the domain name. Interface settings will be applied only when accessing the panel via this name The control panel view may differ depending on the domain name that you used Reset the interface view settings for the selected control panel This code will be added into the page heading (HEAD) This field will be used as the page heading Enter the URL of the company's home page. You can use the $lang macro, which will be changed into a language code Select a control panel which interface view you want to change Copyright notice. Normally it is specified as: the copyright sign, copyright holder and company working years Enter the site address that will open when clicking the logo Home page HTML Hue Brightness Brightness Select a logo that will be displayed on the Login form. 101х40 pixels in size, png. or svg. format Logo The main logo is displayed in the upper left corner. 187x70 pixels in size, png. or svg. format Interface view Cannot download the branding settings file Address bar icon has invalid format Authentication form logo has invalid format The main logo has invalid format General settings http://mycompany.com/contacts.html http://mycompany.com/ http://my-hosting-company.com Reset branding settings Saturation Saturation Copyright notice Logo URL Branding settings Repeat the operations up to the selected position before the recors starts. All the operations starting with the selected position, will be executed after record is complete Repeat operations Add before: Add after Password Password Enter the panel URL to upload tests Username Username Panel URL Only upload tests to the storage Do not upload tests from the storage Settings Bug number Name Author Panel name BILLmanager COREmanager DCImanager DNSmanager IPmanager ISPmanager VEmanager VMmanager Command Command macro Macro in Contains lines Macro in Does not contain lines Select a macro Select a macro that will change value in the command Select a macro that will change value in the command output Select a macro that will change value that is not present in the command output Run this command from the console Enter the strings that should contain a result in the order as they appear in the command output. Use the word wrap as a new line separator Strings that should not contain a result. Use word wrap as a new line separator Command result Search records in the command output randomly Run Contains lines Does not contain lines Result Random order Execute command IP address range IP address type Type Destination Type Status Off On Download scenarios from the server Upload scenarios to the server Value Composite macro enables to specify a value consisting of two parts: static and changeable by macro Enter the composite macro Composite macro Macro value Add new Delete Field Delete the selected macros A new value will be used in this field Select a macro for the field Select a macro or create a new one Default value for the field Macros Macro name Macros Value Field Macros name Macros Enter a new name for the macros Macros name Delete Edit test Domain name that cannot be created on this server Add Domain name Add Add Forbidden domains management Users cannot use this domain name to create their domains The __PUNY__value__ domain name is already on the list of forbidden names Domain name domain.com Rename New domain Use the default values from the test Run test Default values Password Panel URL Password Username Record new Test that will run on the remote panel Test on remote panel Test Existing test on the remote machine Enter the name of the new test on the remote panel URL to the remote panel Show tests on the remote panel Enter a username on the remote panel Name Run test on remote panel Use existing Description is not available Function type: validator external function form group operation list report Facebook Google Sign up with <a href="__url__" class="b-imglinks__link" target="_self"><img src="/manimg/common/img/__img__.png"></a> GOOGLE FACEBOOK VKONTAKTE