



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <lang name="en">
    <messages name="notify">
      <msg name="netflow_report_failed">Netflow: Cannot generate the report '__startdate__' to '__enddate__' with the filter '__filter__' . Error  '__error__'</msg>
      <msg name="oper_end_failed_timeout">Cannot complete the operation with template '__os__' of the server '__serverinfo__': server response timeout exceeded </msg>
      <msg name="oper_end_failed_send_byte_timeout">Cannot complete the operation with template  '__os__' of the server '__serverinfo__': server response timeout exceeded 10 minutes (the 'CheckSendByte' option)</msg>
      <msg name="netflow_report_ready">Netflow: report  '__startdate__' to  '__enddate__' with the file  '__filter__' is ready for export </msg>
      <msg name="oper_end_failed_aborted_by_user">Cannot complete the operation with template '__os__' of the server '__serverinfo__': terminated by user </msg>
      <msg name="oper_end_success">Operation with the  template  '__os__' of the server  '__serverinfo__' completed successfully </msg>
      <msg name="oper_ssh_ready">Server '__serverinfo__' can be accessed via SSH, '__ip__'</msg>
      <msg name="oper_vnc_ready">Server '__serverinfo__' can be accessed via VNC, '__ip__'</msg>
      <msg name="server_found">Server search:  __count__ servers found</msg>
    <messages name="plugin.vpu.settings">
      <msg name="msg_help_links/29"> &lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/VPU_mode" target="_blank"&gt;VPU module&lt;/a&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_VPUFreeIpPool">Default</msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_allow_vlan_range">102-105, 2000-2500</msg>
      <msg name="vpu_net_ip_type_ipmi">Type of IPMI IP addresses</msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_as_id">121</msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_vpu_net_ip_type">vpu</msg>
      <msg name="title_new">'VPU' module settings</msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_VPUNetIpPoolIpmi">VpuIpmi</msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_vlanid">121</msg>
      <msg name="hint_vpu_net_ip_type_ipmi">VLAN networks provisioned for IPMI will contain IP addresses of this type. It is needed for automatic IPMI setup when assigning an IP address from VPU to the server </msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_VPUNetIpPool">VPU</msg>
      <msg name="hint_VPUNetIpPoolIpmi">VLAN networks provisioned for IPMI will contain IP addresses of this type. It is needed for automatic IPMI setup when assigning an IP address from VPU to the server</msg>
      <msg name="title">'VPU' module settings </msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_iptype">public</msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_vpu_net_ip_type_ipmi">vpu_ipmi</msg>
      <msg name="VPUNetIpPoolIpmi">Pool of IPMI IP addresses</msg>
      <include name="globalsettings"/>
    <messages name="vlan.networks.ipmi">
      <msg name="ips">IP address</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ipmi">IPMI which received address from VPU network</msg>
      <msg name="title">List of IPMI devices</msg>
      <msg name="ipmi">IPMI</msg>
    <messages name="problem_dci_location_install_dcimini_problem">
      <msg name="msg_desc">Cannot install DCImini on location id '__id__'</msg>
      <msg name="title">Cannot install DCImini</msg>
    <messages name="problem_dci_location_update_problem">
      <msg name="title">Cannot update  DCImini</msg>
      <msg name="msg_desc">Cannot update  DCImini on location id '__id__'</msg>
    <messages name="mgrerror_missed">
      <msg name="mgs_error_missed_file">'__value__' file is missing </msg>
    <messages name="plugin">
      <msg name="stat">statistics </msg>
      <msg name="msg_help_links">&lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Triggers" target="_blank"&gt;Trigger notifications&lt;/a&gt;
&lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/IPMI_Proxy" target="_blank"&gt;IPMI proxy via ihttpd&lt;/a&gt;
&lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/IPMI_console_module" target="_blank"&gt;IPMI сonsole&lt;/a&gt;
&lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Found_servers" target="_blank"&gt;Server search&lt;/a&gt;
&lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/IPMI_Proxy_v2" target="_blank"&gt;IPMI proxy via auxiliary server&lt;/a&gt;
&lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Netwflow" target="_blank"&gt;NetFlow&lt;/a&gt;</msg>
    <messages name="report_netflow.edit">
      <msg name="hint_out_format">Select a report format </msg>
      <msg name="out_format_html">HTML</msg>
      <msg name="out_format_csv">CSV</msg>
      <msg name="out_format">Output format </msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_destination_ip"></msg>
      <msg name="hint_source_ip">Fill out this field to generate a report for a certain source port. Leaving the field blank will show statistics for all the incoming addresses </msg>
      <msg name="title">NetFlow statistics report </msg>
      <msg name="hint_source_port">Fill out this field to generate a report for a certain source port</msg>
      <msg name="source_ip">Source IP address </msg>
      <msg name="hint_destination_ip">Fill out this field to generate a report for a certain destination port. Leaving the field blank will show statistics for all the incoming addresses </msg>
      <msg name="hint_destination_port">Fill out this field to generate a report for a certain destination port </msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_source_ip"></msg>
      <msg name="destination_ip">Destination IP address </msg>
      <msg name="destination_port">Destination port </msg>
      <msg name="source_port">Source port </msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_destination_port">80</msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_source_port">443</msg>
      <include name="report_netflow"/>
    <messages name="plugin.netflow.settings">
      <msg name="hint_notify_report_ready">Select this check box if you want to be informed when the NetFlow is generated </msg>
      <msg name="notify_report_ready">Inform when the report is ready </msg>
      <msg name="hint_copy_netflow_path">After processing the data, NetFlow files will be copied into the specified directory. It allows to generate NetFlow statistics reports in DCImanager interface. Leaving the field blank will hide the 'NetFlow reports' section. Data from this directory won't be deleted automatically. </msg>
      <msg name="copy_netflow_path">Path to copy files </msg>
      <msg name="title_new">NetFlow module settings </msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_copy_netflow_path">/var/netflow</msg>
      <msg name="hint_netflowpolicy">NetFlow/IPFIX statics collection policy. If you choose to collect statistics 'Only for the selected servers', open the server edit form and select a statistics collection method </msg>
      <msg name="msg_help_links/29"> &lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Netwflow" target="_blank"&gt;NetFlow&lt;/a&gt;
      <msg name="title">NetFlow module settings </msg>
      <include name="globalsettings"/>
      <msg name="netflowpolicy">Use NetFlow/IPFIX for statistics collection</msg>
    <messages name="report_netflow">
      <msg name="port_destination">Destination port  '__dst_port__'</msg>
      <msg name="port_source">Source port '__src_port__' </msg>
      <msg name="hint_status">Report status - if the report has been generated, you can download it </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ip_port">Source/destination IP addresses and ports this report is filtered by </msg>
      <msg name="period_from_to">From '__startdate__' till '__enddate__'</msg>
      <msg name="ip_port">Report filter </msg>
      <msg name="ip_port_from_to">From  __src_ip__ to __dst_ip__ </msg>
      <msg name="short_report_form">Generate </msg>
      <msg name="title">NetFlow statistics report </msg>
      <msg name="hint_report_form">Generate the NetFlow statistics report </msg>
      <msg name="ip_port_to">From any address to __dst_ip__</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_status_prop_queue">Waiting for the report generation </msg>
      <msg name="period">周期 </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_status_prop_done">The report has been generated. Click to download </msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_delete">Do you really want to delete the reports </msg>
      <msg name="hint_period">Select a period for report </msg>
      <msg name="ip_port_from">From __src_ip__ to any address </msg>
      <msg name="ip_port_any">Any addresses </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_status_prop_failed">Cannot generate the report. Reason: '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_status_prop_running">Generating the report </msg>
      <include name="common"/>
    <messages name="trigger_email">
      <msg name="body_start_restore">Trigger restored </msg>
      <msg name="subject">Trigger fire notification </msg>
      <msg name="greeting">Hello </msg>
      <msg name="time">Fire time </msg>
      <msg name="body_start">Trigger fired </msg>
      <msg name="time_restore">Restore time </msg>
      <msg name="trigger_subtype">Trigger subtype </msg>
      <msg name="signature">&lt;br&gt;--&lt;br&gt;"Triggers"</msg>
      <msg name="trigger_params">Trigger parameters </msg>
      <msg name="subject_restore">Trigger restore notification </msg>
    <messages name="time_ago">
      <msg name="now">now </msg>
      <msg name="mins">minutes ago </msg>
      <msg name="days">days ago</msg>
      <msg name="hours">hours ago </msg>
      <msg name="years">more than one year ago </msg>
    <messages name="plugin.trigger.settings">
      <msg name="hint_notify_on_recover">With this check box selected, the system will send the notifications both when the trigger fires and when the issue is resolved </msg>
      <msg name="notify_on_recover">Notification upon status recovery </msg>
      <msg name="title">'Trigger notification system' module settings</msg>
      <msg name="hint_keep_old_events">By default deleting a trigger will also delete the events associated with that trigger. Clear this check box to keep event history </msg>
      <msg name="title_new">'Trigger notification system' module settings </msg>
      <msg name="keep_old_events">Save events after deletion of trigger </msg>
    <messages name="problem_triggers">
      <msg name="title">Trigger(s) fired</msg>
      <msg name="msg_desc">New events in the trigger history </msg>
    <messages name="trigger.delete">
      <include name="trigger.edit"/>
    <messages name="trigger.filter">
      <include name="trigger.clone"/>
    <messages name="trigger.off">
      <include name="trigger.delete"/>
    <messages name="trigger.script">
      <include name="trigger"/>
    <messages name="trigger.clone">
      <include name="trigger.delete"/>
    <messages name="trigger.edit">
      <include name="trigger"/>
    <messages name="trigger_history.more">
      <msg name="page_notify">Notifications </msg>
      <msg name="page_time">Time </msg>
      <msg name="title">Trigger fire history </msg>
      <msg name="page_action">Script </msg>
      <include name="trigger_history"/>
      <msg name="page_params">Parameters </msg>
      <msg name="page_main">Main </msg>
    <messages name="trigger_history">
      <msg name="hint_multi_select">Parameters of the event that the trigger fired upon </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_email_queue">Emails waiting to be sent to addresses '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="hint_time_resolved">Time when the trigger send a signal that the status is back to initial state </msg>
      <msg name="notify_queued">In queue </msg>
      <msg name="hint_params">Parameters that were passes when creating the trigger </msg>
      <msg name="hint_edit">View detailed information about the trigger </msg>
      <msg name="params">Trigger parameters </msg>
      <msg name="time_resolved">Reset time </msg>
      <msg name="notify_sent">Sent </msg>
      <msg name="notify_result_fail">Failed</msg>
      <msg name="hint_delete">Delete information about trigger fire </msg>
      <msg name="action_running">In progress </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_new_record">New record </msg>
      <msg name="trigger_name_deleted">deleted </msg>
      <msg name="hint_notify_queued">Email addresses in the queue </msg>
      <msg name="hint_notify_sent">Emails were sent successfully to the following addresses </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_email_ok">Emails were sent to '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="hint_action_result">Script execution result </msg>
      <msg name="hint_trigger_name">The name of the trigger </msg>
      <msg name="time_triggered">Fire time </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_script_res_running">The '__value__' script is running </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_script_res_ok">The '__value__' script completed successfully </msg>
      <msg name="hint_time_triggered">Time when the trigger fired </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_script_res_fail">__value__</msg>
      <msg name="action_result">Script results </msg>
      <msg name="script_res_template">'__script__' script execution result: '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="notify_result_queue">In queue </msg>
      <msg name="multi_select">Event parameter </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_email_fail">Cannot send emails to '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="title">Trigger history </msg>
      <msg name="action_failed">Failed </msg>
      <msg name="hint_status">状态 </msg>
      <msg name="action_successed">Successful </msg>
      <msg name="short_edit">Details </msg>
      <msg name="notify_result_ok">Successful </msg>
      <msg name="trigger_name">Name </msg>
      <include name="trigger"/>
      <msg name="status">状态 </msg>
      <msg name="short_delete">Delete </msg>
    <messages name="trigger_history.filter">
      <msg name="action_running">Running </msg>
      <msg name="notify_queue">In queue </msg>
      <msg name="notify_status">Notification status </msg>
      <msg name="notify_sent">Sent </msg>
      <msg name="action_failed">Failed </msg>
      <msg name="action_status">Script status </msg>
      <msg name="action_successed">Completed successfully </msg>
      <include name="trigger_history"/>
    <messages name="trigger_params">
      <msg name="spare_hard_compare">Exact match </msg>
      <msg name="limit">Threshold </msg>
      <msg name="hint_equipment">Devices that the trigger will fire for </msg>
      <msg name="hint_limit">Threshold </msg>
      <msg name="spare_type">Device type </msg>
      <msg name="hint_spare_name_select">Name that was specified when adding a new device </msg>
      <msg name="hint_measure_for_sensor">Measuring device which sensors should be selected</msg>
      <msg name="hint_server">Servers that the trigger will fire for </msg>
      <msg name="value">Current value </msg>
      <msg name="hint_spare_type">Type that was specified when adding a new device</msg>
      <msg name="hint_params">Parameters that were passes when creating a trigger </msg>
      <msg name="hint_spare_type_select">Type that was specified when adding a new device </msg>
      <msg name="hint_switchport">Switch ports that the trigger will fire for </msg>
      <msg name="type">Device type </msg>
      <msg name="hint_spare_model_select">Model that was specified when adding a new device </msg>
      <msg name="hint_spare_model">Model that was specified when adding a new device</msg>
      <msg name="hint_rack">Rack that the trigger will fire for </msg>
      <msg name="measure_for_sensor">Measuring device </msg>
      <msg name="hint_spare_name">Name that was specified when adding a new device</msg>
      <msg name="off">disabled </msg>
      <msg name="hint_spare_hard_compare">Trigger will fire provided that spare part names match </msg>
      <msg name="spare_type_select">Device type </msg>
      <msg name="state">Current status </msg>
      <msg name="hint_sensor">Measuring device sensor that this trigger will fire for </msg>
      <msg name="hint_switch_for_port">Select ports of this switch </msg>
      <msg name="spare_model_select">Equipment model </msg>
      <msg name="spare_model">Equipment model </msg>
      <msg name="cpu_type">CPU type </msg>
      <msg name="spare_name">Equipment name </msg>
      <msg name="server">Server </msg>
      <msg name="model">Equipment model </msg>
      <msg name="switch_for_port">Switch </msg>
      <msg name="params">Parameters </msg>
      <msg name="on">on </msg>
      <msg name="spare_name_select">Equipment name </msg>
      <msg name="sensor">Sensor </msg>
      <msg name="equipment">Device </msg>
      <msg name="name">Equipment name </msg>
      <msg name="switchport">Port </msg>
      <msg name="rack">Rack </msg>
      <msg name="pci_type">PCI type </msg>
    <messages name="trigger.on">
      <include name="trigger.delete"/>
    <messages name="trigger">
      <msg name="email_disclaimer">&lt;i&gt;To receive the notifications, you need to configure the external mail server in the "Mail notifications" section. You should also specify emails for every user (in the user settings form) who will receive the notifications and confirm it by following the link in the email&lt;/i&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="hint_subtype__subtype_too_few_ram">The trigger will fire when the number of RAM in the ware houses reaches the threshold</msg>
      <msg name="hint_subtype__subtype_switch_off">The trigger will fire when connection with switch(es) is lost </msg>
      <msg name="hint_subtype__subtype_measure_temperature">The trigger will fire when sensor(s) temperature is high, i.e. the sensor temperature has exceeded the threshold (in °С)</msg>
      <msg name="hint_subtype__subtype_rack_temperature">The trigger will fire when rack temperature is high, i.e. the server temperature in the rack has exceeded the threshold (in °С)</msg>
      <msg name="hint_subtype__subtype_switchport_traffic">The trigger will fire when traffic on one of the switch ports exceeds the threshold (in bytes)</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_time">The last time the trigger fired on __value__</msg>
      <msg name="subtype_measure_temperature">Sensor has higher temperature </msg>
      <msg name="hint_action">The name of the script that will be executed when the trigger fires. The scripts are located in the '/home/dci_trigger_user/scripts' directory (it will be created when creating a script)</msg>
      <msg name="hint_subtype__subtype_low_ups_charge">The trigger will fire when UPS battery is low, i.e. the time until complete battery discharge has exceeded the threshold (in minutes)</msg>
      <msg name="hint_subtype__subtype_ups_to_battery">The trigger will fire when UPS switches to battery </msg>
      <msg name="hint_subtype__subtype_uservlan">The trigger will fire when there are few free user VLAN, i.e. when the number of user VLAN has exceeded the threshold (in °С)</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_triggered_on">The trigger has fired </msg>
      <msg name="hint_off">Disabled trigger won't fire </msg>
      <msg name="hint_subtype__subtype_power_too_much">The trigger will fire in case data center power consumption increases, i.e. if power consumption exceeds the threshold (Wt*h) </msg>
      <msg name="hint_script_select">The script will be executed if the trigger fires. The scripts are located in the '/home/dci_trigger_user/scripts' directory (it will be created when creating a script)</msg>
      <msg name="hint_script">The script name will be executed when the trigger fires. The scripts are located in the '/home/dci_trigger_user/scripts' directory (it will be created when creating a script) </msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_clone">Clone the selected triggers </msg>
      <msg name="subtype_ups_to_battery">Switch UPS to battery </msg>
      <msg name="subtype_switchport_traffic">Traffic exceeded on port(s)</msg>
      <msg name="subtype_switch_off">Switch not accessible </msg>
      <msg name="subtype_server_change_state">Server enabled/disabled </msg>
      <msg name="hint_email_recipients">Select a user who will receive email notification when the trigger fires </msg>
      <msg name="hint_subtype__subtype_too_few_server">The trigger will fire when the number of servers in the warehouse reaches the threshold limit </msg>
      <msg name="author">Trigger author </msg>
      <msg name="script_radio_new">Add new </msg>
      <msg name="hint_edit">Edit trigger </msg>
      <msg name="subtype_power_too_much">Data center power consumption exceeded </msg>
      <msg name="type_power">Power supply </msg>
      <msg name="subtype_switchport_state_change">Switch port accessible/not accessible</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_state_on">Trigger enabled </msg>
      <msg name="subtype_uservlan">Few VLAN</msg>
      <msg name="subtype_rack_temperature">Rack temperature is high</msg>
      <msg name="hint_subtype">Trigger type </msg>
      <msg name="hint_clone">Clone the trigger (cloning the trigger will copy the script with a new name)</msg>
      <msg name="subtype_too_few_ram">Few RAM </msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_off">Disable the selected triggers </msg>
      <msg name="script_check">Script execution </msg>
      <msg name="msg_help_links"> &lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Triggers" target="_blank"&gt;Triggers&lt;/a&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="hint_subtype__subtype_too_few_other">The trigger will fire when the number of other devices in the warehouse reaches the threshold limit </msg>
      <msg name="subtype_too_few_switch">Few switches </msg>
      <msg name="script_warning_rewrite">&lt;i&gt;The script with the identical name will be overwrittenlt&lt;/i&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="hint_author">The user who created this trigger </msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_on">Enable the selected triggers </msg>
      <msg name="subtype_too_few_cpu">Few CPU</msg>
      <msg name="subtype_too_few_other">Few other devices </msg>
      <msg name="hint_subtype__subtype_too_few_pci">The trigger will fire when the number of PCI in the warehouse reaches the threshold limit </msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Trigger name </msg>
      <msg name="email_check">Email notification </msg>
      <msg name="script">Script name</msg>
      <msg name="subtype_too_few_pci">Few PCI</msg>
      <msg name="hint_new">Add new trigger </msg>
      <msg name="script_usage_count_msg">&lt;i&gt;The script is used in '__value__' triggers&lt;/i&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="hint_delete">Delete trigger </msg>
      <msg name="hint_on">Enable triggers </msg>
      <msg name="subtype_router_off">Router not accessible </msg>
      <msg name="hint_notify">Email addresses that the notification was sent to after the trigger fired</msg>
      <msg name="new_script">Add new </msg>
      <msg name="hint_script_content">Script contents. Clicking 'OK' will apply the changes </msg>
      <msg name="hint_subtype__subtype_too_few_router">The trigger will fire when the number of routers in the warehouse reaches the threshold limit </msg>
      <msg name="hint_type">Trigger category </msg>
      <msg name="script_content">Script contents </msg>
      <msg name="hint_subtype__subtype_switchport_state_change">The trigger will fire when the switch port status changes (i.e. when enabling/disabling one of the ports)</msg>
      <msg name="hint_subtype__subtype_router_off">The trigger will fire when the connection with the router(s) fails </msg>
      <msg name="hint_subtype__subtype_server_change_state">The trigger will fire when the server power status changes </msg>
      <msg name="hint_subtype__subtype_too_few_switch">The trigger will fire when the number of switches in the warehouse reaches the threshold limit </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_state_off">Trigger disabled </msg>
      <msg name="hint_subtype__subtype_too_few_cpu">The trigger will fire when the number of CPU in the warehouse reaches the threshold limit </msg>
      <msg name="script_radio_existed">Select existing </msg>
      <msg name="hint_email_check">Enable email notifications about trigger fire </msg>
      <msg name="hint_subtype__subtype_too_few_hdd">The trigger will fire when the number of HDD in the warehouse reaches the threshold limit </msg>
      <msg name="subtype_too_few_server">Few servers </msg>
      <msg name="subtype_low_ups_charge">Battery low on UPS </msg>
      <msg name="hint_script_check">Select a script that will be executed if the trigger fires </msg>
      <msg name="subtype_too_few_router">Few routers </msg>
      <msg name="subtype_too_few_hdd">Few hard drives </msg>
      <msg name="short_on">Enable </msg>
      <msg name="short_off">Disable </msg>
      <msg name="title">Triggers </msg>
      <msg name="script_select">Script </msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_script">trigger_script.sh</msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_name">Trigger 101</msg>
      <msg name="notify">Email addresses </msg>
      <msg name="type_stock">Warehouse </msg>
      <msg name="action">Script </msg>
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="subtype">Type </msg>
      <msg name="short_clone">Clone </msg>
      <msg name="type_server">Server </msg>
      <msg name="short_edit">Edit </msg>
      <msg name="trigger_copy">copy </msg>
      <msg name="email_recipients">Users </msg>
      <msg name="type_temp_measure">Temperature </msg>
      <msg name="type_net">网络 </msg>
      <msg name="short_new">Add </msg>
      <msg name="name">Name </msg>
      <msg name="type">Category </msg>
      <include name="trigger_params"/>
      <msg name="short_delete">Delete </msg>
    <messages name="vlan.delete">
      <msg name="msg_error_have_nets">Cannot delete VLAN: first you need to delete the networks added into this VLAN </msg>
    <messages name="plugin.ipmiconsole.settings">
      <msg name="hint_allow_use_admin_access">Select this check box to allow server owners to use admin access permission for IPMI console. There is no need to create a new IPMI user for the sever owner. </msg>
      <msg name="allow_use_admin_access">Use admin access details </msg>
      <msg name="msg_help_links/29"> &lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/IPMI_console_module" target="_blank"&gt;IPMI console&lt;/a&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="hint_allow_use_ihttpd_proxy">To download the jnlp  file, running via ihttpd, you need  to select "Proxy via ihttpd" in the IPMI connection edit form </msg>
      <msg name="allow_use_ihttpd_proxy">Use proxy via ihttpd </msg>
      <msg name="title">"IPMI console" module settings </msg>
    <messages name="hardware.info">
      <msg name="title">Configuration </msg>
    <messages name="server.reboot">
      <msg name="title">Reboot server </msg>
    <messages name="periodic">
      <msg name="title">Periodic function</msg>
    <messages name="server.poweron">
      <msg name="title">Enable server </msg>
    <messages name="prepare services">
      <msg name="title">Prepare services </msg>
    <messages name="server.poweroff">
      <msg name="title">Disable server </msg>
    <messages name="on abort">
      <msg name="title">Action when the operation is aborted </msg>
    <messages name="restore power state after diag">
      <msg name="title">Restore server status </msg>
    <messages name="server.opercancel">
      <msg name="title">Cancel operation </msg>
    <messages name="hwproblem_info">
      <msg name="hwproblem_unknown">Unknown error </msg>
      <msg name="hwproblem_short_manually">set manually</msg>
      <msg name="hwproblem_null_cpu_socket">Diagnostics:  invalid CPU information </msg>
      <msg name="hwproblem_move_hdd">Hard drives move operation was executed on the server </msg>
      <msg name="hwproblem_ipmi_error_badinfo">Diagnostics: an error occurred when trying to get IPMI information from DCImanager</msg>
      <msg name="hwproblem_ipmi_error_user_disabling">Diagnostics: an error occurred when trying to connect the IPMI user </msg>
      <msg name="hwproblem_hdd_smart">Disk with serial number '__hdd__' has invalid parameter: __value__</msg>
      <msg name="hwproblem_short_diag_prepare">diagnostics </msg>
      <msg name="hwproblem_short_raid">RAID</msg>
      <msg name="hwproblem_raid_error">Diagnostics: RAID error </msg>
      <msg name="hwproblem_short_lan">connection speed </msg>
      <msg name="hwproblem_short_move_hdd">move disks </msg>
      <msg name="hwproblem_manually">Server was marked as having problems </msg>
      <msg name="hwproblem_short_chassis">platform </msg>
      <msg name="hwproblem_diag_prepare">The server was marked as having problems before diagnostics </msg>
      <msg name="hwproblem_ipmi_error">Diagnostics: error RAID - '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="hwproblem_raid_error_info">Diagnostics: error RAID - '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="hwproblem_short_cpu">CPU</msg>
      <msg name="hwproblem_hddcnt">Number of hard disks does not correspond to the type</msg>
      <msg name="hwproblem_short_ipmi">IPMI</msg>
      <msg name="hwproblem_cpucnt">CPU number is more than specified in the platform type</msg>
      <msg name="hwproblem_short_hdd">HDD</msg>
      <msg name="hwproblem_lan">Local connection speed is too low </msg>
      <msg name="hwproblem_ramcnt">RAM amount is more than specified in the platform type</msg>
      <msg name="hwproblem_chassis">A platform type is not selected for this server </msg>
      <msg name="hwproblem_hddperf">Hard disk performance does not correspond to the type</msg>
      <msg name="hwproblem_ramzerocnt">RAM amount was not determined by diagnostics </msg>
      <msg name="hwproblem_short_ram">RAM</msg>
    <messages name="iplist.delete">
      <msg name="title">Delete IP address </msg>
    <messages name="new_energy_consumption">
      <msg name="hint_type__type_current">Current rate in mA on server input </msg>
      <msg name="hint_type__type_power">Power usage per sever in kWh </msg>
      <msg name="type_power">Power consumption </msg>
      <msg name="current">Current </msg>
      <msg name="type_current">Current </msg>
      <msg name="info_type_power_target_rack">Current consumption by servers in the rack </msg>
      <msg name="info_type_current_target_server">Average current to server </msg>
      <msg name="title">Energy consumption </msg>
      <msg name="info_type_power_target_server">Power consumption </msg>
      <msg name="info_type_power_now_target_server">Current power consumption by the server </msg>
      <msg name="power">Power consumption </msg>
      <msg name="info_type_current_target_rack">Average current to servers in the rack </msg>
      <msg name="info_type_power_now_target_rack">Current power consumption by servers in the rack </msg>
      <include name="new_temperature"/>
    <messages name="new_net">
      <msg name="hint_type__type_netflow">Here you can see the total amount of information in bytes and packets received via NetFlow protocol </msg>
      <msg name="info_type_netflow_dst">Traffic and number of packets from  '__dst_ip__' </msg>
      <msg name="info_type_netflow">Traffic and number of packets sent from all IP addresses </msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_statistics_destination_ip"></msg>
      <msg name="info_new_netflow_top_dst">Top IP addresses. Outgoing traffic </msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_statistics_source_ip"></msg>
      <msg name="traffic_dst">Incoming traffic size </msg>
      <msg name="info_new_netflow_top_dst_ip">Top IP addresses. Outgoing traffic from '__src_ip__'</msg>
      <msg name="traffic_src">Outgoing traffic size </msg>
      <msg name="info_new_netflow_top_src_ip">Top IP addresses. Incoming traffic from '__src_ip__' </msg>
      <msg name="statistics_source_ip">Source IP address </msg>
      <msg name="info_new_netflow_top_src">Top IP addresses. Incoming traffic </msg>
      <msg name="type_netflow">NetFlow traffic volume </msg>
      <msg name="info_type_netflow_src_dst">Traffic and number of packets sent from '__src_ip__' to '__dst_ip__'</msg>
      <msg name="hint_statistics_source_ip">Fill out this form to view statistics for a specific source IP address</msg>
      <msg name="packets">Package number</msg>
      <msg name="statistics_destination_ip">Destination IP address </msg>
      <msg name="hint_statistics_destination_ip">Fill out this form to view statistics for a specific destination IP address </msg>
      <msg name="info_type_netflow_src">Traffic and number of packets sent from  '__dst_ip__'</msg>
      <msg name="traffic">Traffic</msg>
      <msg name="info_type_burstable_target_rack">Communication channel load per server in rack (Burstable)</msg>
      <msg name="info_type_burstable_target_server">Server communication channel load (Burstable) </msg>
      <msg name="hint_type__type_traffic">Shows the total amount of transmitted data in bytes on the selected device over a certain period </msg>
      <msg name="info_type_burstable_target_switch">Switch communication channel load (Burstable) </msg>
      <msg name="hint_type__type_load">Shows amount of data which are passed through the communication channel over a certain period (communication rate, bit/s)</msg>
      <msg name="info_type_traffic_target_rack">Amount of traffic which passed through servers in the rack </msg>
      <msg name="info_type_load_target_switch">Switch communication channel load </msg>
      <msg name="info_type_traffic_target_switch">Amount of traffic which passed through servers switches </msg>
      <msg name="info_type_load_target_server">Server communication channel load </msg>
      <msg name="info_type_load_target_rack">Communication channel load per server in rack </msg>
      <msg name="hint_type__type_burstable">Shows actual bandwidth usage on burstable  (95-percentile) </msg>
      <msg name="hint_statistics_switchport">Select a switch port to show the information </msg>
      <msg name="type_burstable">Burstable</msg>
      <msg name="hint_type">Select a statistics type </msg>
      <msg name="hint_statistics_server_from_rack">Select a server to show the information </msg>
      <msg name="hint_statistics_switch">Select a switch to show the information </msg>
      <msg name="hint_target">Select a device to show the statistics </msg>
      <msg name="hint_statistics_rack">Select a rack to show the information </msg>
      <msg name="target">状态标的 </msg>
      <msg name="hint_statistics_server">Select a server to show the information </msg>
      <msg name="info_type_traffic_target_server">Amount of traffic for this server </msg>
      <msg name="all_switches">All switches </msg>
      <msg name="type_traffic">流量 </msg>
      <msg name="all_racks">All racks </msg>
      <msg name="type">状态类型 </msg>
      <msg name="all_switchports">All ports </msg>
      <msg name="all_servers">All servers </msg>
      <msg name="title">Network</msg>
      <msg name="statistics_switch">Switch</msg>
      <msg name="target_rack">Rack</msg>
      <msg name="statistics_switchport">Port</msg>
      <msg name="type_load">负载</msg>
      <msg name="target_switch">Switch</msg>
      <msg name="statistics_rack">Rack</msg>
      <msg name="traffic_out">Outgoing</msg>
      <msg name="target_server">Server</msg>
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="statistics_server_from_rack">Server</msg>
      <msg name="statistics_server">Server</msg>
      <msg name="traffic_in">Incoming</msg>
    <messages name="new_temperature">
      <msg name="info_type_temperature_now_target_rack">Current rack temperature</msg>
      <msg name="now_target">状态 </msg>
      <msg name="info_type_temperature_now_target_server">Current server temperature </msg>
      <msg name="time_now">At this moment </msg>
      <msg name="hint_now_target">Select a device to show the statistics </msg>
      <msg name="hint_statistics_rack">Select a rack to show the server statistics </msg>
      <msg name="time_select">Period of time </msg>
      <msg name="temperature">Temperature, °С</msg>
      <msg name="info_type_temperature_target_rack">Average temperature in rack </msg>
      <msg name="now_target_rack">Rack</msg>
      <include name="new_net"/>
      <msg name="type_temperature">Temperature</msg>
      <msg name="title">Temperature</msg>
      <msg name="target_server">Server</msg>
      <msg name="info_type_temperature_target_server">Server average temperature</msg>
    <messages name="plugin.ihttpdproxy.settings">
      <msg name="ipmiproxy_endport">Last port of the range  </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ipmiproxy_endport">The upper limit of the port range that is used on the server with DCImanager for redirecting traffic from user to IPMI and back  (the default value is 50000)</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ihttpdproxy_empty_config">Error reading the configuration file of the ihttpd server </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ihttpdproxy_bad_range">Invalid port range </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ihttpdproxy_cant_find_elid_in_conf">Cannot find the section to specify proxy ports in etc/ihttpd.conf (__value__)</msg>
      <msg name="ipmiproxy_startport">First port of the range </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ipmiproxy_startport">The lower limit of the port range that is used on the server with DCImanager for redirecting traffic from user to IPMI and back  (the default value is 49000)</msg>
      <msg name="once">Now</msg>
      <msg name="never">Never </msg>
      <msg name="hint_url_update_period">Select a period for automatic renewal of the secret link to open the IPMI web-interface via ihttpd proxy. Everyone can open the web-interface via the link. For security reasons we recommend that you enable the auto-update function (selecting "Now" will close connections via ihttpd-proxy due to the link update).</msg>
      <msg name="url_update_period">Automatic renewal of the secret link </msg>
      <msg name="daily">Once a day </msg>
      <msg name="monthly">Once a month </msg>
      <msg name="weekly">Once a week </msg>
      <msg name="hourly">Once an hour </msg>
      <msg name="IPMIProxyV2AskAdmin">Allow administrator to choose connection method </msg>
      <msg name="hint_IPMIProxyV2AskAdmin">When connecting to IPMI web-interface an administrator can choose how he wants to connect (proxy via ihttpd will be available only if the corresponding option is enabled for the selected IPMI) </msg>
      <msg name="title">'IPMI proxy via ihttpd' settings </msg>
    <messages name="serversearch_mod_settings">
      <msg name="hint_notify_on_found">The notification about found servers will be sent to the selected administrators </msg>
      <msg name="notify_on_found">Inform about found servers </msg>
      <msg name="notify_users">Users</msg>
      <msg name="hint_notify_users">The selected administrators will be informed about found servers </msg>
      <msg name="notify">Notifications</msg>
      <msg name="allow_racks">Rack for server search </msg>
      <msg name="hint_allow_racks">Select racks for server search. Please note: during this process DCImanager disables available port on PDU that are not marked as "Service"and checks server connection. Therefore, it defines PDU ports that servers are connected to. </msg>
      <msg name="settings">General settings </msg>
      <msg name="hint_allow_auto_auth_on_serv">Server authentication will be performed automatically during server search after diagnostics </msg>
      <msg name="allow_auto_auth_on_serv">Automatic server authentication</msg>
      <msg name="auth">Authentication </msg>
      <msg name="title">Server search settings </msg>
    <messages name="plugin.stock.settings">
      <msg name="barcode_info">By default, equipment manufacturer bar-codes are used for accounting and identification of your equipment. However, for better accounting, we suggest using your own bar-codes. You will need a bar-code scanner and a special printer.
The process is the following: Once you receive equipment to the warehouse, the system generates a bar-code. Operator prints a list of bar-codes  and sticks them to equipment according to their types specified when the equipment arrived. In order to confirm that equipment is received, you will only need to scan the bar-code and make sure that the equipment corresponds to the one added to the database. Further on, using the bar-code scanner will facilitate your operations with DCImanager.</msg>
      <msg name="hint_stock_admins">Privileged administrators who have the rights to write off the equipment and send it to repair.&lt;br&gt; You shall have at leat one administrator with such rights. If there is no one, this access will be given to all administrators.&lt;br&gt;We recommend to disable Modules rights in the list of Users, so that unprivileged administrators could not edit this setting.</msg>
      <msg name="hint_main_stock">Select a warehouse which is mainly used in DCImanager rather than in locations </msg>
      <msg name="main_stock">Warehouse for the main 'location'</msg>
      <msg name="StockBarcode">Use bar-codes </msg>
      <msg name="title">'Warehouse' module settings</msg>
      <msg name="stock_admins">Warehouse administrators </msg>
    <messages name="server.delete">
      <msg name="msg_error_server_has_spare">Before you delete the server you need to remove equipment in the server edit form </msg>
      <msg name="title">Delete server </msg>
    <messages name="isparecategory.ispare.approve">
      <msg name="barcodes_info">You need to confirm barcodes after you have sticked them to the equipment. Please scan your barcodes and enter the values to the filed Barcodes. This action is required to minimize possible errors.</msg>
      <msg name="hint_barcodes">Enter the bar-codes. You can use a space, tabulation, new line, backspace </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_scan_barcode_not_found">'__barcode__' not found </msg>
      <msg name="title">Confirm bar codes </msg>
      <msg name="barcodes">Bar codes </msg>
    <messages name="idelivery.ispare.receive">
      <msg name="title">Receive delivery </msg>
    <messages name="idelivery.clone">
      <msg name="copy">copy </msg>
      <msg name="title">Clone delivery </msg>
      <msg name="delivery_copy_note">Delivery copy with name </msg>
    <messages name="idelivery.ispare.cancel">
      <msg name="title">Cancel equipment in delivery </msg>
    <messages name="groupedit">
      <msg name="title">Group edit </msg>
    <messages name="default_location">
      <msg name="default_location">Default location </msg>
    <messages name="hardware_type_names">
      <msg name="hdd_type">Hard drive type </msg>
      <msg name="hint_hdd_type">Hard drive type </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ram_type">RAM type </msg>
      <msg name="hint_cpu_type">CPU type </msg>
      <msg name="hint_pci_type">PCI type </msg>
      <msg name="pci_type">PCI type </msg>
      <msg name="cpu_type">CPU type </msg>
      <msg name="ram_type">RAM type </msg>
    <messages name="isparecategory.ispare.repair">
      <msg name="hint_comment">Comment to sending your equipment to repair, which will be added to the main comment of the equipment, with date and administrator name.</msg>
      <msg name="title">Confirmation of sending equipment to repair</msg>
      <msg name="note_repair">sent to maintenance mode with comment </msg>
      <msg name="comment">Comment</msg>
    <messages name="idelivery.ispare.filter">
      <msg name="label">Spare part type </msg>
      <msg name="todate">Before </msg>
      <msg name="fromdate">After </msg>
      <include name="isparecategory.ispare"/>
      <msg name="delivery_status">状态</msg>
    <messages name="isparecategory.ispare.filter">
      <msg name="invoice">Delivery name </msg>
      <msg name="delivery_status">Delivery status </msg>
      <msg name="idelivery">Delivery date and supplier </msg>
      <include name="idelivery.ispare.filter"/>
    <messages name="server.deleteslot">
      <msg name="to_stock_reserv">To warehouse (reserved) </msg>
      <msg name="hint_stock_barcode">Bar-code that should be sticked on the equipment </msg>
      <msg name="hint_reserve_date">If you specify a date, the equipment will be returned to warehouse on the same day if it is not used </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ispare_action">Select what you want to do with the spare part that will be removed from the server </msg>
      <msg name="no_ispare_warn_template">This spare part is not registered in the warehouse. You need to select what you want to do with this spare </msg>
      <msg name="hint_model_new">Enter the model name or special type of the equipment. It will help identify it in future </msg>
      <msg name="to_stock_broken">To warehouse (as broken) </msg>
      <msg name="title">Remove equipment from server </msg>
      <msg name="ispare_action">Action with spare part </msg>
      <msg name="ispare_warn_template">The spare part '__name__' will be removed from the server. You need to select what you want to do with this spare. </msg>
      <msg name="hint_stock_serial">Enter the serial number that equipment will have in the warehouse </msg>
      <msg name="hint_model">Enter a model or special equipment type. It will help identify it in future </msg>
      <msg name="hint_note">Add notes to the spare part in the warehouse </msg>
      <msg name="no_action">Delete from the list </msg>
      <msg name="_model_new_">-- Create new --</msg>
      <msg name="reserve_date">Reserve till </msg>
      <msg name="to_stock">Send to warehouse </msg>
      <msg name="model_new">Model name </msg>
      <msg name="add_to_stock">Add in warehouse </msg>
      <msg name="stock_barcode">Bar-code</msg>
      <msg name="note">Note </msg>
      <msg name="stock_serial">Serial number</msg>
      <msg name="model">Model</msg>
    <messages name="stock">
      <msg name="hint_address">Warehouse actual address </msg>
      <msg name="address">Address </msg>
      <msg name="name">Warehouse name </msg>
      <msg name="hint_email">Contact email </msg>
      <msg name="title">Warehouse </msg>
      <msg name="hint_phone">Contact phone number </msg>
      <msg name="hint_notes">Enter any information related to this warehouse </msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_delete">Do you really want to delete the selected warehouse </msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Enter the warehouse name </msg>
      <msg name="notes">Notes </msg>
      <msg name="phone">Phone number </msg>
      <msg name="email">Email </msg>
      <include name="default_location"/>
      <include name="common"/>
    <messages name="ramtype.edit">
      <msg name="title">Edit RAM </msg>
      <msg name="title_new">Add RAM </msg>
      <include name="ramtype"/>
      <msg name="ram_type">RAM</msg>
    <messages name="isparecategory.ispare.writeoff">
      <msg name="hint_comment">Comment to equipment writeoff operation. It will be added to the main comment of the equipment, with date and administrator name.</msg>
      <msg name="title">Confirmation of equipment writeoff</msg>
      <msg name="note_writeoff">wrote off with comment </msg>
      <msg name="comment">Comment</msg>
    <messages name="idelivery.ispare">
      <msg name="hint_receive">Confirm that you want to receive the equipment </msg>
      <msg name="short_receive">Received </msg>
      <msg name="delivery_status_0">Pending </msg>
      <msg name="short_move">Move </msg>
      <msg name="hint_move">Move the selected equipment to the new supplier. The selected equipment will be deleted from the current delivery </msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_move">Do you really want to move the following equipment into the new delivery </msg>
      <msg name="title">Equipment in delivery </msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_receive">Do you really want to change the status into "Received" for the following equipment: </msg>
      <msg name="short_cancel">Cancelled </msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_cancel">Do you really want to change the status into "Cancelled" for the following equipment:</msg>
      <msg name="delivery_status_2">Cancelled </msg>
      <msg name="hint_delivery_status">Equipment status in delivery </msg>
      <msg name="hint_cancel">Change the status of the selected equipment into "Cancelled" </msg>
      <msg name="hint_category">Equipment category </msg>
      <msg name="delivery_status_1">Received </msg>
      <msg name="delivery_status">状态</msg>
      <include name="isparecategory.ispare"/>
      <msg name="category">Category</msg>
    <messages name="idelivery.ispare.edit">
      <msg name="hint_name">Equipment name </msg>
      <msg name="name">Name</msg>
      <include name="isparecategory.ispare.edit"/>
      <include name="idelivery.ispare"/>
      <msg name="moreinfo">Download</msg>
    <messages name="ramtype">
      <msg name="hint_size">Amount of RAM</msg>
      <msg name="size">RAM size, MiB</msg>
      <msg name="notes">Notes </msg>
      <msg name="hint_frequency">RAM frequency </msg>
      <msg name="frequency">Frequency, MHz</msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Name</msg>
      <msg name="name">Name</msg>
      <msg name="title">RAM</msg>
      <msg name="hint_notes">Additional information</msg>
    <messages name="isparecategory.ispare.changecategory">
      <msg name="hint_category">Select a new equipment type </msg>
      <msg name="hint_chassis_templ">Select the server platform </msg>
      <msg name="chassis_templ">Platform </msg>
      <msg name="title">Change equipment type </msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Equipment name </msg>
      <msg name="category">Equipment type</msg>
      <include name="hardware_type_names"/>
      <include name="hardware_category"/>
      <msg name="name">Name</msg>
    <messages name="stock.edit">
      <msg name="hint_locations">Locations that use this warehouse </msg>
      <msg name="title_new">Add warehouse </msg>
      <msg name="title">Edit warehouse </msg>
      <msg name="stock">Ware house </msg>
      <msg name="name">Name</msg>
      <msg name="locations">Locations</msg>
      <include name="stock"/>
    <messages name="idelivery.ispare.move">
      <msg name="idelivery_spare_move">Select delivery </msg>
      <msg name="title">Move equipment to another delivery </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_not_all_spares_can_be_moved">Not all the equipment is "Pending". You cannot move such equipment </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_moving_to_closed_delivery">Cannot move the equipment to a closed delivery. Select another delivery or change the status of the current one </msg>
      <msg name="ispare_move_header">&lt;font color="blue"&gt;&lt;i&gt;The selected equipment will be moved from the current delivery into the new or existing one&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/font&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="new">--new--</msg>
      <msg name="main">Add delivery</msg>
      <include name="idelivery"/>
    <messages name="idelivery.addspare">
      <msg name="price">Price per item </msg>
      <msg name="type">Spare part type </msg>
      <msg name="title">Add equipment to delivery </msg>
      <msg name="category">Category</msg>
      <include name="isparecategory"/>
      <msg name="count">Number</msg>
      <include name="isparecategory.ispare.edit"/>
    <messages name="server.editslot">
      <msg name="hint_category">Equipment type</msg>
      <msg name="no_ispare_warn_template">Part specified before changes have been applied is not in the stock. Please specify what to do with the extracted part.</msg>
      <msg name="hint_remove_not_find_in_diag">Remove the diagnostics warning icon informing that the spare part is not found in the server </msg>
      <msg name="ispare_warn_template">Spare part '__name__' with serial number '__serial__' will be removed from the server. You need to select what you want to do with this spare. </msg>
      <msg name="count_warn">You cannot add one more  __type__,  as all the slots have been already used. The maximum number of slots in the  '__platform__' platform:  __count__ шт.</msg>
      <msg name="remove_not_find_in_diag">Delete diagnostics warning </msg>
      <msg name="pci_slot">PCI</msg>
      <msg name="ram_slot">RAM</msg>
      <msg name="hint_barcode">Bar-code</msg>
      <msg name="hdd_slot">HDD</msg>
      <msg name="title">Edit server equipment </msg>
      <msg name="barcode">Bar code </msg>
      <msg name="type">Spare part type </msg>
      <msg name="hint_hdd_serial">Serial number</msg>
      <msg name="cpu_serial">Serial number</msg>
      <msg name="category">Category</msg>
      <msg name="hint_pci_serial">Serial number</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ram_serial">Serial number</msg>
      <msg name="ram_serial">Serial number</msg>
      <msg name="hdd_serial">Serial number</msg>
      <include name="hardware_type_names"/>
      <include name="server.deleteslot"/>
      <include name="hardware_category"/>
      <msg name="hint_cpu_serial">Serial number</msg>
      <msg name="pci_serial">Serial number</msg>
      <msg name="cpu_slot">CPU</msg>
    <messages name="hardware_category">
      <msg name="switch">Switches </msg>
      <msg name="serial_template">Serial number: __serial__</msg>
      <msg name="category_router1">Router </msg>
      <msg name="category_switch">Switches </msg>
      <msg name="other">Other </msg>
      <msg name="category_hdd1">HDD </msg>
      <msg name="cpu">CPU </msg>
      <msg name="category_other">Other </msg>
      <msg name="hdd">Hard disks </msg>
      <msg name="category_hdd">Hard disks </msg>
      <msg name="category_other1">Other </msg>
      <msg name="spare_info">Spare part: __type__: __name__ __serial__ __barcode__</msg>
      <msg name="barcode_template">Bar code: __barcode__</msg>
      <msg name="category_cpu1">CPU </msg>
      <msg name="category_cpu">CPU</msg>
      <msg name="category_pci1">PCI</msg>
      <msg name="server">Servers</msg>
      <msg name="category_router">Routers</msg>
      <msg name="category_server1">Server</msg>
      <msg name="category_switch1">Switch</msg>
      <msg name="ram">RAM</msg>
      <msg name="category_ram">RAM</msg>
      <msg name="router">Routers</msg>
      <msg name="pci">PCI devices</msg>
      <msg name="category_ram1">RAM</msg>
      <msg name="category_pci">PCI devices</msg>
      <msg name="category_server">Servers</msg>
    <messages name="isparecategory.ispare.edit">
      <msg name="hint_stock_note">Comment to status change, which will be added after the standard comment</msg>
      <msg name="hint_reserve_date">If you specify a date, the equipment will be returned to warehouse on the same day if it is not used</msg>
      <msg name="hint_model">Enter a model or special equipment type. It will help identify it in future </msg>
      <msg name="hint_model_new">Enter the model name or special type of the equipment. It will help identify it in future </msg>
      <msg name="download">Equipment successfully created. Click "Download" to upload the Excel file with bar-codes </msg>
      <msg name="in_rack_warning">The server is put into the rack. Parameters cannot be changed </msg>
      <msg name="stock_note">Comment for write off/maintenance </msg>
      <msg name="_model_new_">-- Create new --</msg>
      <msg name="hint_price">Equipment price </msg>
      <msg name="model_new">Model name </msg>
      <msg name="reserve_date">Reserve till </msg>
      <msg name="hint_generate_barcode">Generate a bar-code </msg>
      <msg name="hint_chassis_templ">Select the server platform </msg>
      <msg name="hint_count">Number of details you want to create </msg>
      <msg name="createnew">-- Add new to list --</msg>
      <msg name="generate_barcode">Generate a bar-code </msg>
      <msg name="chassis_templ">Platform </msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Equipment name </msg>
      <include name="hardware_type_names"/>
      <msg name="model">Model</msg>
      <msg name="title">Equipment</msg>
      <include name="server"/>
      <include name="isparecategory.ispare.repair"/>
      <include name="isparecategory.ispare.writeoff"/>
      <msg name="price">Price</msg>
      <msg name="name">Name</msg>
      <msg name="moreinfo">Download</msg>
      <msg name="count">Number</msg>
    <messages name="idelivery.iseller">
      <msg name="notes">Notes </msg>
      <msg name="website">Site</msg>
      <msg name="hint_notes">Description of a node, note etc. </msg>
      <msg name="phone">Phone number </msg>
      <msg name="hint_phone">Supplier phone number </msg>
      <msg name="address_juro">Legal address </msg>
      <msg name="hint_address_juro">Enter the legal address of the supplier </msg>
      <msg name="address_facto">Business address </msg>
      <msg name="hint_email">Supplier email </msg>
      <msg name="hint_website">Supplier web-site </msg>
      <msg name="email">Email </msg>
      <msg name="hint_address_facto">Enter the actual address of the supplier </msg>
      <msg name="title">Suppliers</msg>
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="name">Name</msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Supplier name</msg>
    <messages name="isparecategory">
      <msg name="hint_cat_count">How many items of the selected category are available, from the total amount </msg>
      <msg name="cat_count">Available/Total</msg>
      <msg name="category">Equipment type</msg>
      <include name="hardware_category"/>
      <msg name="title">Equipment</msg>
      <msg name="short_editlist">Details</msg>
    <messages name="idelivery.filter">
      <msg name="subcategory_or_name">Equipment </msg>
      <msg name="todate">to</msg>
      <msg name="fromdate">After </msg>
      <msg name="barcode">Bar code </msg>
      <include name="isparecategory"/>
      <include name="idelivery"/>
      <msg name="category">Category</msg>
    <messages name="isparecategory.ispare">
      <msg name="history_placement_0">The equipment is places into warehouse </msg>
      <msg name="history_placement_1">The equipment is installed into server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_invoice">Enter a delivery identifier which is convenient for you. For example, delivery document number </msg>
      <msg name="history_placement_7">The equipment was reserved and cannot be placed into the server/switch </msg>
      <msg name="hint_barcode">The internal bar-code makes it easy to inventorize data-center equipment </msg>
      <msg name="hint_changecategory">Change the equipment type. You will also need to select equipment model for CPU, RAM, HDD, and PCI. </msg>
      <msg name="hint_print">Download the CSV file with the selected bar-code that you can print </msg>
      <msg name="hint_idelivery_name">Supplier, and the date when the delivery was closed</msg>
      <msg name="hint_serial">Equipment serial number</msg>
      <msg name="hint_note">Enter additional information related to this equipment </msg>
      <msg name="hint_idelivery">The equipment  is received in the selected delivery </msg>
      <msg name="hint_repair">Send the selected equipment to maintenance </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_broken_on">Equipment is marked broken </msg>
      <msg name="hint_stock">The warehouse where this equipment is located </msg>
      <msg name="hint_servers">The server where this equipment is located </msg>
      <msg name="hint_equipment">The switch where the equipment is located </msg>
      <msg name="history_placement_8">Equipment is placed to the delivery</msg>
      <msg name="history_inserted_to_equipment">Equipment is placed to the switch</msg>
      <msg name="history_placement_2">Equipment is placed to the switch</msg>
      <msg name="history_inserted_to_rack">Equipment is placed to the rack</msg>
      <msg name="hint_writeoff">Write off the selected inventory </msg>
      <msg name="hint_type">Type or name of equipment </msg>
      <msg name="history_status_1">The barcode sticker has been confirmed</msg>
      <msg name="history_placement_9">Equipment is placed to the rack </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_notapproved">Barcode is not confirmed </msg>
      <msg name="placement_8">In delivery (expecting/cancelled)</msg>
      <msg name="hint_approve">Confirm the barcodes</msg>
      <msg name="history_inserted_to_server">Equipment is placed to the server </msg>
      <msg name="msg_placement_8">In delivery (expecting/cancelled)</msg>
      <msg name="hint_createdate">Date when the spare part was added </msg>
      <msg name="history_delivery_status_1">The equipment is received </msg>
      <msg name="idelivery_name">Delivery date and supplier </msg>
      <msg name="history_delivery_status_0">The equipment is pending </msg>
      <msg name="history_delivery_status_2">The equipment was cancelled </msg>
      <msg name="hint_msg_placement">Equipment location</msg>
      <msg name="history_placement_5">The equipment is in maintenance mode </msg>
      <msg name="msg_placement_3">Written off</msg>
      <msg name="createdate">Creation date </msg>
      <msg name="placement_3">Written off </msg>
      <msg name="msg_placement_1">In server</msg>
      <msg name="msg_placement_4">Broken </msg>
      <msg name="placement_1">In  server</msg>
      <msg name="placement_9">In rack </msg>
      <msg name="hint_model">Equipment model </msg>
      <msg name="history_placement_3">The equipment is written off </msg>
      <msg name="history_placement_4">The equipment is broken </msg>
      <msg name="history_status_0">The equipment is created </msg>
      <msg name="msg_placement_7">Reserved </msg>
      <msg name="history_price">The price has been changed </msg>
      <msg name="hint_good_price">Equipment price</msg>
      <msg name="short_changecategory">Change type </msg>
      <msg name="invoice">Delivery document number </msg>
      <msg name="hint_placement">Equipment status </msg>
      <msg name="msg_placement_9">In rack </msg>
      <msg name="placement_4">Broken </msg>
      <msg name="short_print">Print </msg>
      <msg name="placement_7">Reserved </msg>
      <msg name="barcode">Bar code </msg>
      <msg name="note">Note </msg>
      <msg name="stock">Ware house </msg>
      <msg name="placement_6">Input error</msg>
      <msg name="history_placement_6">Input error</msg>
      <msg name="placement">状态</msg>
      <msg name="short_approve">Confirm</msg>
      <msg name="good_price">Price</msg>
      <msg name="placement_2">In switch</msg>
      <msg name="type">Type</msg>
      <include name="isparecategory"/>
      <msg name="idelivery">Delivery</msg>
      <msg name="cancel">Cancel</msg>
      <msg name="servers">Server</msg>
      <msg name="short_writeoff">Write off</msg>
      <msg name="msg_placement">状态</msg>
      <msg name="msg_placement_5">Under maintenance</msg>
      <msg name="title">Equipment</msg>
      <msg name="placement_0">In stock</msg>
      <msg name="short_repair">Send for repair </msg>
      <msg name="model">Model</msg>
      <msg name="msg_placement_6">Input error</msg>
      <msg name="msg_placement_2">In switch</msg>
      <msg name="placement_5">Under maintenance</msg>
      <msg name="equipment">Switch</msg>
      <msg name="msg_placement_0">In stock</msg>
    <messages name="measure.maphint">
      <msg name="name">Sensor name</msg>
    <messages name="router.maphint">
      <msg name="name">Router name</msg>
    <messages name="serversearch_mod.new">
      <msg name="placeholder_ip"></msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_iprange"></msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_interface">vlan186</msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_gateway"></msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_mask"></msg>
      <msg name="hint_password">Enter the password that can be used to access the server where the server search template was running. </msg>
      <msg name="def_loc">Server with DCImanager</msg>
      <msg name="title">Server search settings</msg>
      <msg name="password">Password</msg>
      <include name="plugin.serversearch_mod.settings"/>
    <messages name="serversearch_mod.edit">
      <include name="serversearch_mod.new"/>
    <messages name="plugin.serversearch_mod.settings">
      <msg name="serversearch_mod_info_ip">&lt;i&gt;The following are the network settings for server search. Usually, it is a private nonroutable network without Internet connection,  for example IP addresses from this network will be allocated temporarily to all found devices. Note:  the IP address on the location server must be added to the interface  that points to the same VLAN where new servers will be created.&lt;/i&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="serversearch_mod_info_interface">&lt;i&gt;You need to specify the interface only if the search will be configured in several VLAN. &lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Server_search_options" target="_blank"&gt;Learn more&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/i&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="msg_help_links">&lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Server_search_options" target="_blank"&gt;Server search options&lt;/a&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ss_mod_settings">General settings for the server search module </msg>
      <msg name="short_ss_mod_settings">Settings</msg>
      <msg name="serversearch_mod_info">Server search options. Select a location where you want to run the server search process. Fill out the form. The IP address for server search must bound to the location interface and must not be included into the range for new servers. In the "Interface/Vlan" field you can enter the interface or Vlan where the search will run. </msg>
      <msg name="ip_def_loc">IP address</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ip_def_loc">IP address on the DCImanager server where DHCP server will be set up. The IP address must be from the network for allocating temporary addresses</msg>
      <msg name="hint_iprange">Range of IP addresses that will allocated to new servers. The range must not contain the IP address DCImanager or location </msg>
      <msg name="hint_location">Select the location where you want to run server search (by default it is the server with DCImanager) </msg>
      <msg name="hint_interface">Enter the name of the interface where you want to run server search. It is used if the server search will be performed in several VLANs. Leave the field blank, if you use only one VLAN. Learn more шт our Documentation.</msg>
      <msg name="hint_gateway">Address gateway for server search. Usually, this is the same address as the primary IP address. </msg>
      <msg name="hint_edit">Edit settings for server search </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ip">IP address on the location server where DHCP server will be set up. The IP address must be from the network for allocating temporary addresses </msg>
      <msg name="title">"Server search" module settings </msg>
      <msg name="hint_delete">Delete settings for server search </msg>
      <msg name="interface">Interface/Vlan</msg>
      <msg name="hint_new">Add new settings for server search </msg>
      <msg name="short_edit">Edit</msg>
      <msg name="iprange">Range of IP addresses</msg>
      <msg name="hint_template">This template will be used for auto searching servers</msg>
      <msg name="short_new">Add</msg>
      <msg name="hint_mask">Network mask for server search. It should include DCImanager IP address, IP range, and Gateway for the server search network</msg>
      <msg name="short_delete">Delete</msg>
      <msg name="location">Location</msg>
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="mask">Network mask</msg>
      <msg name="template">Auto searсh template</msg>
    <messages name="serversearch.edit">
      <include name="server.edit"/>
    <messages name="problem_dci_location_servsearch_renew_problem">
      <msg name="msg_desc">Failed to update the server search template on location  '__loc_id__' '__type__ __object__ __value__'</msg>
      <msg name="title">Failed to update the server search template on location </msg>
    <messages name="problem_dci_location_rsync_problem">
      <msg name="title">Failed to cope template(s) to location </msg>
      <msg name="msg_desc">Failed to copy template(s) to location '_loc_id__'</msg>
    <messages name="switch.port.filter">
      <msg name="vlan">Vlan</msg>
      <msg name="descr">Port description</msg>
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="mac">MAC-address on switch port </msg>
    <messages name="ipmiproxyask">
      <msg name="ipmiproxyask">Select how to connect to IPMI interface </msg>
      <msg name="ipmi_connect_vnc">VNC proxy </msg>
      <msg name="ipmi_connect_ihttpd">ihttpd proxy</msg>
      <msg name="ipmi_connect_direct">Without proxy </msg>
    <messages name="plugin.settings">
      <msg name="progress_ipmiproxyv2_unmountnfs">Unmount shared NFS-directories with ISP-templates. </msg>
      <msg name="progress_ipmiproxyv2_ibrowser2">Browser installation</msg>
      <msg name="progress_ipmiproxyv2_infs">Installation of NFS utilities</msg>
      <msg name="progress_ipmiproxyv2_iuser">Create a standard user</msg>
      <msg name="progress_ipmiproxyv2_ijnlp">jnlp-files opening configuration</msg>
      <msg name="progress_ipmiproxyv2_ichown">Setting permissions for autorun script</msg>
      <msg name="progress_ipmiproxyv2_ibrowser">Installation of an old browser version for HP iLo</msg>
      <msg name="progress_ipmiproxyv2_ifirewall">Firewall exclussions configuration </msg>
      <msg name="progress_ipmiproxyv2_delfw">Restoring firewall rules at proxy server</msg>
      <msg name="progress_ipmiproxyv2_icopy">Copying autorun script</msg>
      <msg name="progress_ipmiproxyv2_ivncserver">VNC-server installation</msg>
      <msg name="progress_ipmiproxyv2_delkey">Deleting public key from a server</msg>
      <msg name="progress_ipmiproxyv2_ijava">Java installation</msg>
      <msg name="progress_ipmiproxyv2_dellocalfw">Restoring firewall rules at a local server</msg>
    <messages name="plugin.ipmiproxyv2.settings">
      <msg name="hint_IPMIProxyV2DciIp">IP address of the server with DCImanager, which is accessible from proxy server (used for ISO mounting)</msg>
      <msg name="hint_IPMIProxyV2Iso">Mounting of all ISOs available to the user on proxy server to user directory. It makes mounting of ISO on the target server available from WEB interface of IPMI of Java console</msg>
      <msg name="IPMIProxyV2Iso">Mount ISO-images</msg>
      <msg name="IPMIProxyV2DciIp">IP address of DCImanager server</msg>
      <msg name="IPMIProxyV2AskAdmin">Allow administrator to choose connection method </msg>
      <msg name="hint_IPMIProxyV2AskAdmin">Select the check box to allow administrator to select a connection method to IPMI interface (ihttpd proxy will be available provided that the corresponding option is enabled in configuration of the selected IPMI) </msg>
      <msg name="IPMIProxyV2Ssl">Encrypt connection from noVNC to websockify</msg>
      <msg name="hint_IPMIProxyV2Ssl">Enable SSL for noVNC connection to websockify. Enable this option, f you work with the control panel using SSL</msg>
      <msg name="IPMIProxyV2Login">Admin name</msg>
      <msg name="hint_IPMIProxyV2Java">Please accept Java/Oracle(c) terms of service for using IPMI proxying server. Full text of license is available at &lt;a href="http://java.com/license" target="_blank"&gt;http://java.com/license&lt;/a&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="hint_IPMIProxyV2Host">URL for SSH acess to IPMI proxy server. You can set for installation to DCImanager server, however installation of proxy server to the same server with DCImanager is not recommended! </msg>
      <msg name="IPMIProxyV2Warn">It is highly recommended to install proxy function to a separate server (either virtual or dedicated). If proxy is configured via DCImanager server there is a high risk of receiving unauthorized acess to a target server because of using external software for proxying. Proxy creates additional server load, slowing down DCImanager.</msg>
      <msg name="hint_IPMIProxyV2Auth">IPMI proxy server authorization type. Authorization can be completed with admin password or SSH key (it should be authorized on remote server for admin access). </msg>
      <msg name="hint_IPMIProxyV2Key">Public SSH-key to be copied to IPMI proxy server at admin's authorized_keys file </msg>
      <msg name="IPMIProxyV2Key">Open SSH-key </msg>
      <msg name="title">"IPMI proxy via auxiliary server" module configuration </msg>
      <msg name="IPMIProxyV2Java">I agree with Java/Oracle terms of service </msg>
      <msg name="hint_IPMIProxyV2Pass">Admin password for connecting IPMI proxy server </msg>
      <msg name="IPMIProxyV2Host">Proxy server URL </msg>
      <msg name="IPMIProxyV2Port">Proxy server port</msg>
      <msg name="hint_IPMIProxyV2Login">Admin name for connecting IPMI proxy server (usually root) </msg>
      <msg name="IPMIProxyV2Pass">Admin password </msg>
      <msg name="IPMIProxyV2Auth">Proxy server authorization type</msg>
      <msg name="hint_IPMIProxyV2Port">SSH connection port for IPMI proxy server (usually 22) </msg>
      <msg name="IPMIProxyV2JavaLink">Terms of using</msg>
      <msg name="ipmibykey">by SSH key</msg>
      <msg name="ipmibypass">By password</msg>
    <messages name="switch.snmp_cisco_nexus_5548">
      <msg name="hint_nxapi_port">NX-API Port. The default value is  8181</msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_nxapi_port">8181</msg>
      <msg name="hint_nxapi_password">NX-API password </msg>
      <msg name="nxapi">NX-API</msg>
      <msg name="hint_nxapi_login">Enter a username to connect to NX-API</msg>
      <msg name="nxapi_password">Password</msg>
      <msg name="nxapi_login">Username</msg>
      <msg name="nxapi_port">Port</msg>
    <messages name="uservlan.edit">
      <msg name="title">Edit VLAN </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_no_free_user_vlan">Cannot allocate VLAN. No available VLANS. Please, contact your service provider </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_max_user_vlan_count">Cannot allocate VLAN. The number of VLANS available to the selected user, has been exceeded</msg>
    <messages name="plugin.uservlan.settings">
      <msg name="hint_UserVid">Enter a range of the VLAN identifier (VID). VLAN with VID from this range will be assigned to users  in case of automatic allocation. Example: 1-15 29 50 333-400</msg>
      <msg name="UserVid">VID range for users </msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_UserVid">1-15 29 50 333-400</msg>
      <msg name="title">"User VLAN" settings </msg>
    <messages name="uservlan">
      <msg name="member_count">Members </msg>
      <msg name="name">VLAN name </msg>
      <msg name="title">VLAN </msg>
      <msg name="notes">Notes </msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_delete">All the associated ports will be assigned to the VLAN by default. Do you really want to delete the selected VLAN </msg>
      <msg name="id">VLAN ID </msg>
      <msg name="short_member">VLAN members</msg>
    <messages name="server.switchconnection.edit">
      <msg name="hint_port">Enter a port number that you want to connect to the VLAN </msg>
      <msg name="hint_server">Enter a server that you want to add to the VLAN </msg>
      <msg name="title">Add VLAN member </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_no_free_ports">No available connections. To assign a new port to the VLAN, make sure this port is assigned to the VLAN by default </msg>
      <msg name="port">Port</msg>
      <msg name="server">Server</msg>
    <messages name="uservlan.member.edit">
      <msg name="msg_error_no_free_ports">No available connections. To assign a new port to the VLAN, make sure this port is assigned to the VLAN by default </msg>
      <msg name="title">Add VLAN member </msg>
      <msg name="hint_port">Enter a port number that you want to connect to the VLAN </msg>
      <msg name="hint_server">Select a server that you want to add to the VLAN </msg>
      <msg name="port">Port</msg>
      <msg name="server">Server</msg>
    <messages name="uservlan.member">
      <msg name="hint_new">Add a new VLAN member </msg>
      <msg name="usernote">Notes </msg>
      <msg name="hint_usernote">Enter any information about this connection </msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_delete">The port will be assigned to the VLAN by default. Do you really want to delete the VLAN member </msg>
      <msg name="descr">Port name </msg>
      <msg name="hint_descr">Enter the name of the switch port </msg>
      <msg name="short_new">Add</msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Server label</msg>
      <msg name="id">Id</msg>
      <msg name="title">VLAN members</msg>
      <msg name="name">Server</msg>
    <messages name="server.switchconnection">
      <msg name="hint_p_switchport_speed_10m">Port speed '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_switchport_speed_100m">Port speed '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_switchport_speed_auto">Port speed '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_switchport_speed_1g">Port speed '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_switchport_speed">Port speed '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_adminon">This port is enabled </msg>
      <msg name="hint_vlan">The VLAN associated with this server </msg>
      <msg name="descr">Port name </msg>
      <msg name="vlan_default_vlan">Default VLAN </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_operoff">No connection </msg>
      <msg name="hint_usernote">Enter any information about this connection </msg>
      <msg name="usernote">Notes </msg>
      <msg name="title">网络连接 </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_adminunknown">The port's status is unknown</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_operunknown">Unknown status</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_operon">Cable is plugged in</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_adminoff">The port is turned off</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_adminerror">Device connection failed</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_service">Hidden connection</msg>
    <messages name="switch.arista">
      <msg name="eapi">Arista Command eAPI</msg>
      <msg name="eapi_login">Username</msg>
      <msg name="eapi_password">Password</msg>
    <messages name="cputype.socket.delete">
      <msg name="chassis_templ">platform </msg>
      <msg name="cpu_type">CPU </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_used_cpu_socket">Cannot delete the CPU  socket. This socket is used in  __object__ '__value__'</msg>
    <messages name="cputype.socket.edit">
      <msg name="title">Editing CPU socket</msg>
      <include name="cputype.socket"/>
      <msg name="title_new">Adding CPU socket</msg>
    <messages name="cputype.filter">
      <include name="cputype"/>
    <messages name="cputype.socket">
      <msg name="notes">Notes </msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Socket name </msg>
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="title">CPU sockets</msg>
      <msg name="hint_notes">Additional information</msg>
    <messages name="chassistempl.filter">
      <include name="chassistempl"/>
    <messages name="iso.edit">
      <msg name="placeholder_hours_to_delete">do not change </msg>
      <msg name="hint_shared">This ISO-image will be available to all users</msg>
      <msg name="title">Edit the selected ISO-image </msg>
      <msg name="auto_delete">Delete the selected ISO-image auotomatically </msg>
      <msg name="hint_description">Provide any description of this image. Users will see  this text in the list of ISO-images</msg>
      <msg name="hint_auto_delete">Create a new cron job for automatic deletion of this ISO-image </msg>
      <msg name="shared">Available to all </msg>
      <msg name="name">ISO-image name </msg>
      <msg name="hours_to_delete">Period in  hours</msg>
      <msg name="hint_hours_to_delete">Set a period in hours that will pass before the template will be deleted automatically. When you enter a value into this field, deletion time will be automatically recalculated </msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Enter a name for the image </msg>
      <msg name="description">Description</msg>
    <messages name="iso.upload">
      <msg name="hint_type">Select an ISO-image for upload: from a local machine, or using a URL to file on a remote server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_url_filename">Enter the name for the ISO-image. Leaving the field blank will take a file name from the URL </msg>
      <msg name="url_filename">File name </msg>
      <msg name="type">File type </msg>
      <msg name="hint_url">Enter a URL to the ISO-image you want to upload. E.g. http://example.com/dir/file.iso</msg>
      <msg name="hint_description">Provide any description of this image. Users will see  this text in the list of ISO-images</msg>
      <msg name="title">Upload ISO-image</msg>
      <msg name="local">ISO-image on local machine </msg>
      <msg name="remote">URL to ISO-image on remote server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_shared">This ISO-image will be available to all users</msg>
      <msg name="hint_hours_to_delete">Set a period in hours that will pass before the template will be deleted automatically. When you enter a value into this field, deletion time will be automatically recalculated </msg>
      <msg name="hours_to_delete">Period in  hours</msg>
      <msg name="shared">Available to all </msg>
      <msg name="filename">Local ISO-image</msg>
      <msg name="url">URL</msg>
      <msg name="hint_filename">Select an ISO-image you want to upload to the server </msg>
      <msg name="description">Description</msg>
    <messages name="iso">
      <msg name="hint_p_status_usr_2">不能上传ISO镜像文件,请联系管理。</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_status_2">不能上传ISO镜像文件,请联系管理。 </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_shared_off">该ISO镜像文件仅所有人可访问 </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_user_on">您是该ISO镜像文件的所有人 </msg>
      <msg name="hint_owner">ISO文件所有人 </msg>
      <msg name="short_upload">上传 </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_shared_on">该ISO文件对所有用户可用 </msg>
      <msg name="title">ISO镜像文件</msg>
      <msg name="name">镜像名称 </msg>
      <msg name="time_delete">计划删除时间 </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_status_1">该ISO文件已就绪,可用 </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_status_0">上传中</msg>
      <msg name="hint_size">镜像大小 </msg>
      <msg name="hint_time_delete">Set a period when the image will be deleted </msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Enter a name for the image </msg>
      <msg name="edit">Change</msg>
      <msg name="hint_upload">上传镜像文件</msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_delete">Do you really want to delete</msg>
      <msg name="owner">所有人</msg>
      <msg name="status_col">状态</msg>
      <msg name="hint_status_col">状态</msg>
      <msg name="id">Id</msg>
      <msg name="delete">删除</msg>
      <msg name="size">大小</msg>
    <messages name="server.rack.confirm">
      <msg name="hint_action_connections">Delete the connections to the switch and PDU. If you don't need to delete the connections, select the check box "Use different racks for equipment" in the Global settings module</msg>
      <msg name="confirmmsg">You are now transferring the server into another rack. Please note: the selected server has connections. Choose, please (click "Cancel" to cancel the server edit operation): </msg>
      <msg name="confirm_move">Do not delete connections </msg>
      <msg name="confirm_delete">Delete all connections</msg>
      <msg name="title">Confirmation </msg>
    <messages name="hddtype.types">
      <msg name="perfomance">Read rate, Mb/sec</msg>
      <msg name="title">Hard disk types</msg>
      <include name="common"/>
    <messages name="hddtype.types.edit">
      <msg name="title">Hard disk type editing</msg>
      <msg name="hint_perfomance">The lowest read rate. If by diagnostics a server has a less read rate then this value, this server will be marked as a problematic one.</msg>
      <msg name="hint_smart">SMART parameters, which are used for by server diagnostics. If empty, then SMART will not be checked</msg>
      <msg name="smart">SMART parameters</msg>
      <msg name="title_new">Adding hard disk type</msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Title of hard disk type</msg>
      <include name="hddtype.types"/>
    <messages name="wwnaddwiz.wwnfinishwiz">
      <msg name="wwnfinishwiz_warn_info">Press Finish to add a spare part </msg>
      <msg name="title">Confirmation </msg>
    <messages name="wwn"/>
    <messages name="barcode"/>
    <messages name="wwn.edit"/>
    <messages name="idelivery.photo">
      <msg name="title">Delivery photo with delivery document number</msg>
    <messages name="scanserver"/>
    <messages name="writeoff">
      <msg name="hint_serial_or_barcode">The list of serial numbers or bar-codes of spare parts, switches, and servers that will be written off </msg>
      <msg name="serial_or_barcode">Serial numbers or bar-codes </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_scan_serial_not_found">__serial__  serial number not found</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_return_bad_ispare">To be able to return the spare part  __serial__ , make sure its status is 'broken', or 'under maintenance'</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_writeoff_ispare_not_in_inventory">The spare part with serial number  __serial__  must have "In stock" status. Click the "Return" button to set this status. If the spare part is now  in the server or switch, click the "Set/remove" button</msg>
      <include name="isparecategory.ispare"/>
      <msg name="msg_error_actions_with_not_approved_spare">Spare part with serial number  __serial__  is not confirmed. No operations can be performed with such spare parts</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_writeoff_server_not_in_inventory">Server with serial number  __serial__ already has one of the operating statuses. You need to put the server into service with the "Return" button to be able to set a desired operating status</msg>
      <msg name="msg_warranty">Under the warranty </msg>
      <msg name="msg_bad_input">Input error </msg>
      <msg name="hint_serial">List of serial numbers of spare parts, switches, and servers to be written off </msg>
      <msg name="serial">Serial numbers </msg>
      <msg name="broken">Broken </msg>
      <msg name="msg_repair">Send for repair </msg>
      <msg name="msg_broken">Broken </msg>
      <msg name="hint_note">The note will be added to all spare parts, switches, and servers to be written off </msg>
      <msg name="msg_return">Return </msg>
      <msg name="msg_destroy">Destroy </msg>
      <msg name="title">Operations with equipment </msg>
      <include name="scan"/>
    <messages name="writeoff_server.filter">
      <include name="ispare"/>
      <msg name="id">Id</msg>
      <msg name="status">状态</msg>
    <messages name="ispare.ispare_category.edit"/>
    <messages name="ispare.ispare_type"/>
    <messages name="scanwiz.sparestep">
      <include name="scan"/>
    <messages name="idelivery.iseller.edit">
      <include name="idelivery.iseller"/>
      <msg name="title_new">Add supplier </msg>
      <msg name="title">Edit supplier </msg>
    <messages name="scanwiz.generalstep">
      <include name="scan"/>
    <messages name="scanwiz.serverstep">
      <include name="scan"/>
    <messages name="inventory.object.edit">
      <msg name="title">Edit inventory object </msg>
      <msg name="title_new">Create an inventory object </msg>
      <include name="inventory"/>
    <messages name="ispare.approve"/>
    <messages name="ispare.ispare_category"/>
    <messages name="ispare.edit"/>
    <messages name="ispare.add"/>
    <messages name="wwnaddwiz.wwncategorywiz">
      <msg name="title">Add a type with barcode </msg>
      <msg name="hint_type_name">Enter the name for this type </msg>
      <msg name="type_name">Type name </msg>
      <msg name="hint_barcode">Barcode for this type. It should match the barcode entered on the previous step </msg>
      <msg name="hint_category">Select a category for this type </msg>
      <msg name="barcode">Barcode type </msg>
      <msg name="category">Category</msg>
    <messages name="ispare.iseller"/>
    <messages name="ispare.ispare_type.edit"/>
    <messages name="inventory.mismatch.report">
      <include name="inventory.object.inventorisation"/>
      <include name="inventory.object.details"/>
      <include name="inventory.object"/>
      <include name="inventory"/>
      <msg name="title">Dismatches in inventory </msg>
    <messages name="ispare.filter"/>
    <messages name="operatorserverinfo">
      <msg name="server">Common sever </msg>
      <msg name="multinode">Platform for blade servers</msg>
      <msg name="blade">Blade server</msg>
    <messages name="server.rwriteoff">
      <include name="server.edit"/>
      <msg name="title">Write off servers</msg>
    <messages name="inventory">
      <msg name="hint_mismatch.report">Find dismatches during inventory </msg>
      <msg name="title">Inventory </msg>
      <msg name="hint_object">List of assets subject to inventory control </msg>
      <msg name="short_mismatch.report">Report </msg>
      <msg name="short_object">Object </msg>
      <include name="common"/>
    <messages name="barcode.edit"/>
    <messages name="idelivery.upload"/>
    <messages name="idelivery.edit">
      <msg name="unit">.</msg>
      <msg name="msg_addspare">Add delivery </msg>
      <msg name="hint_file_1">The image will be saved into var/delivery_img  and will be displayed in this form </msg>
      <msg name="file_1">Attach image </msg>
      <msg name="list_price">Price per item </msg>
      <msg name="total_cost">Total: </msg>
      <msg name="files">Files </msg>
      <msg name="note">Note </msg>
      <msg name="main">Order information </msg>
      <msg name="hint_stock">Select a warehouse that the equipment will be delivered to </msg>
      <msg name="hint_note">Enter additional information for this delivery </msg>
      <msg name="hint_status">Delivery status </msg>
      <msg name="spare">Equipment information </msg>
      <msg name="stock">Ware house </msg>
      <msg name="status">状态</msg>
      <msg name="list_category">Category</msg>
      <msg name="list_action">Action</msg>
      <msg name="msg_deletespare">Delete</msg>
      <msg name="list_count">Number</msg>
      <msg name="msg_editspare">Edit</msg>
      <msg name="list_cost">Price</msg>
      <include name="isparecategory"/>
      <msg name="list_name">Name</msg>
      <msg name="title_new">Add delivery</msg>
      <msg name="title">Edit delivery with delivery document number</msg>
    <messages name="inventory.object.details">
      <msg name="title">Inventory details </msg>
      <msg name="hint_notes">Additional information about the object </msg>
      <msg name="dbvalue_col">Base </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_fact">Not found </msg>
      <msg name="fact_col">Fact</msg>
      <msg name="short_found">Found</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_dbvalue">Not found </msg>
      <msg name="serial">Serial number</msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_found">Do you really want to mark the selected objects found </msg>
      <msg name="dbvalue">Base </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_dbvalue_on">Found </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_fact_on">Found </msg>
      <msg name="hint_found">Mark server (spare part) as found </msg>
      <msg name="fact">Fact </msg>
      <msg name="notes">Note</msg>
    <messages name="scanwiz.addserverwwn">
      <include name="scan"/>
    <messages name="scan">
      <msg name="target_serial_or_barcode">Serial numbers or bar-codes </msg>
      <msg name="serial_or_barcode">Serial number or bar-code</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_spare_in_another_device">An error occurred when trying to take out the spare part from __device__ : spare part with serial number __serial__ is located in __another_device__</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_forbid_add_broken_ispare_in_device">The __value__ detail is broken. You cannot add a broken detail into the server, switch, or other device</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_forbid_add_new_ispare_in_device">Detail __value__ is not confirmed. You cannot add details with not confirmed barcodes</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_spare_not_in_device">Spare part with serial number  __serial__ is not found in __device__</msg>
      <msg name="hint_target_serial_or_barcode">Serial numbers of spare parts that should be removed and added into the server or switch</msg>
      <include name="hardware_category"/>
      <include name="isparecategory.ispare"/>
      <msg name="msg_error_ispare_bad_placement">__value__  cannot be used as it is not "In stock"</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_spare_serial_not_found">Spare part with serial number __value__ is not found</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_server_in_operation_status">The server has one of the operating statuses (broken, under maintenance, destroyed, input error). Spare parts cannot be added. User the "Return" button in the "Operations with equipment" form</msg>
      <include name="isparecategory.ispare.edit"/>
      <msg name="msg_error_spare_already_in_another_device">An error occurred when trying to add a spare part: spare part with serial number  __serial__  is already used in device __device__</msg>
      <msg name="Measure">Sensor </msg>
      <msg name="msg_make">Set </msg>
      <msg name="msg_unmake">Remove </msg>
      <msg name="hint_serial">Server, spare part or equipment search will be made based on this number </msg>
      <msg name="notfound">Not found</msg>
      <msg name="UPS">UPS</msg>
      <msg name="hint_target_serial">Serial numbers of spare parts that should be removed and added into the server or switch </msg>
      <msg name="hint_info">Information about the server, spare part, or equipment</msg>
      <msg name="target_serial">Serial numbers </msg>
      <msg name="inventory">Warehouse </msg>
      <msg name="title">Scan </msg>
      <msg name="Router">Switch </msg>
      <msg name="PDU">PDU</msg>
      <msg name="equipment">Equipment </msg>
      <msg name="placement">状态 </msg>
      <msg name="serial">Serial number</msg>
      <msg name="rack">Rack</msg>
      <msg name="spare">Spare</msg>
      <msg name="Switch">Switch</msg>
      <msg name="info">Information</msg>
      <msg name="server">Server</msg>
    <messages name="inventory.edit">
      <msg name="title_new">Add inventory </msg>
      <include name="inventory"/>
      <msg name="title">Edit inventory </msg>
    <messages name="inventory.object">
      <msg name="short_details">Details </msg>
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="hint_inventorisation">Find dismatches between the fact and database </msg>
      <msg name="type_0">Rack</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_mismatch_count">Dismatches found </msg>
      <msg name="type_1">Spare parts </msg>
      <msg name="short_inventorisation">Inventory </msg>
      <msg name="status">状态</msg>
      <msg name="hint_details">The list of serial numbers with dismatches </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_mismatch_count_0">Dismatches not found </msg>
      <msg name="title">Inventory devices </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_inventorized_off">Inventory was not performed on this object </msg>
    <messages name="inventory.object.details.edit">
      <include name="inventory.object.details"/>
    <messages name="inventory.object.inventorisation">
      <msg name="hint_barcodes">Bar codes of the spare parts in the warehouse </msg>
      <msg name="barcodes">Bar codes </msg>
      <msg name="hint_serials">Serial number of spare parts in the warehosue </msg>
      <msg name="title">Inventory </msg>
      <msg name="serials">Serial numbers</msg>
      <msg name="title_new">Inventory </msg>
    <messages name="wwnaddwiz.wwnwiz">
      <msg name="title">Add a spare part with WWN</msg>
      <include name="spare"/>
    <messages name="scanwiz.wwn">
      <include name="scan"/>
    <messages name="ispare"/>
    <messages name="idelivery">
      <msg name="hint_estimatedate">Estimated date when the equipment will be delivered </msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_clone">Do you really want to clone the selected delivery (including the equipment): </msg>
      <msg name="hint_count">How many items are received from the ordered amount </msg>
      <msg name="hint_invoice">Delivery identifier. For example, invoice number </msg>
      <msg name="date">Actual delivery date </msg>
      <msg name="hint_stock">Select the warehouse the equipment will be delivered to </msg>
      <msg name="hint_idelivery_ispare">Equipment in this delivery </msg>
      <msg name="hint_createdate">Delivery creation date </msg>
      <msg name="hint_clone">Clone the selected delivery with all the included equipment </msg>
      <msg name="status_0">Pending/Open </msg>
      <msg name="stock">Warehouse </msg>
      <msg name="hint_status">Delivery status </msg>
      <msg name="count">Received/Total </msg>
      <msg name="status_1">Closed</msg>
      <msg name="short_clone">Clone </msg>
      <msg name="createdate">Date </msg>
      <msg name="estimatedate">Estimated delivery date </msg>
      <msg name="idelivery_ispare">Equipment</msg>
      <msg name="iseller">Supplier</msg>
      <msg name="short_ispare">Equipment</msg>
      <msg name="status_2">Cancelled</msg>
      <msg name="short_download">Download </msg>
      <msg name="hint_upload">Upload photo into the server </msg>
      <msg name="total_price">Total</msg>
      <msg name="short_photo">Photos </msg>
      <msg name="title">Delivery</msg>
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="hint_date">Date when the hardware was received</msg>
      <msg name="hint_overall_price">Total price for the equipment in this delivery </msg>
      <msg name="hint_iseller">Supplier that will deliver the equipment </msg>
      <msg name="short_upload">Upload</msg>
      <msg name="overall_price">Total price </msg>
      <msg name="name">Name </msg>
      <msg name="hint_download">Download archive with photos </msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Delivery identifier. For example, the delivery document number </msg>
    <messages name="problem_dcimgr_recipe_timeout">
      <msg name="title">Execute recipe </msg>
      <msg name="msg_desc">timeout reached for the '__recipe__' recipe on server  '__server_id__' </msg>
    <messages name="problem_dcimgr_recipe">
      <msg name="title">Execute recipe </msg>
      <msg name="connect_ssh">error connecting by SSH to server   '__server_id__', IP address'__object__' </msg>
      <msg name="unknown_method">the '__object__' method is not supported </msg>
      <msg name="no_ip">no IP addresses are assigned to the '__server_id__' server </msg>
      <msg name="msg_desc">Failed to execute the '__recipe__' recipe on server '__server_id__' '__type__ __object__ __value__'.</msg>
      <msg name="fatal">internal error. See additional information </msg>
      <msg name="execute">failed to execute the  '__object__' recipe </msg>
    <messages name="switch.port.removeagregate">
      <msg name="hint_name">Name of aggregation to be removed</msg>
      <msg name="name">Name</msg>
      <msg name="title">Removal of aggregation</msg>
    <messages name="switch.port.createagregate">
      <msg name="hint_port">Ports to be added to the aggregation being created</msg>
      <msg name="port">Ports</msg>
      <msg name="title">Creation of aggregation</msg>
      <msg name="hint_type">Type of aggregation to be created</msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Name of aggregation to be created</msg>
      <msg name="name">Name</msg>
      <msg name="type">Type</msg>
    <messages name="modules">
      <msg name="dci_stock">DCImanager - Warehouse module</msg>
      <msg name="DummyEqHandler">DCImanager - Handlers for dummy devices (number of ports is specified)</msg>
      <msg name="ipdb">DCImanager - IPmanager APIv2 - built-in IPmanager functions for all panels </msg>
      <msg name="dci_arista">DCImanager - Arista handler (dcimgr.dci_arista)</msg>
      <msg name="test">DCImanager - IPmanager APIv2 test module </msg>
      <msg name="dci_eltex">DCImanager -  Eltex handler (dcimgr.dci_eltex)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_ipmi">DCImanager - IPMI proxy via auxiliary server </msg>
      <msg name="websockify">DCImanager - Websockify - supplementary software for IPMI proxy via auxiliary server </msg>
      <msg name="ipmi">DCImanager -  IPMI proxy via ihttpd </msg>
      <msg name="dci_service">DCImanager - System services (dcimgr.dci_service)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_iso">DCImanager - ISO-images (dcimgr.dci_iso)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_eaton_handler">DCImanager - Eaton handler (dcimgr.dci_eaton_handler)</msg>
      <msg name="telnet">DCImanager - Telnet management (dcimgr.telnet)</msg>
      <msg name="sbin_utils">DCImanager - General functions for modules management (dcimgr.sbin_utils)</msg>
      <msg name="TestEqHandler">DCImanager - Processing module for test equipment (dcimgr.TestEqHandler)</msg>
      <msg name="shell">DCImanager - server management console (dcimgr.shell)</msg>
      <msg name="osmgr">DCImanager - OS templates list and edit forms (dcimgr.osmgr)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_inventory">DCImanager - Inventory list and edit forms (dcimgr.dci_inventory)</msg>
      <msg name="utils">DCImanager - General functions (dcimgr.utils)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_devhandler_utils">DCImanager - Utilities used in equipment handlers (dcimgr.dci_devhandler_utils)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_device_hadler_base">DCImanager - Basic handler,which functions are used in all other handlers (dcimgr.dci_device_hadler_base)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_intel_amt_handler">DCImanager - Intel AMT handler (dcimgr.dci_intel_amt_handler)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_external_handler">DCImanager - Custom handlers (dcimgr.dci_external_handler)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_device_manager">DCImanager -  Internal mechanism for handlers management. It is used when creating/editing/ deleting equipment, such as switches, PDU, etc. (dcimgr.dci_device_manager)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_snmp_impl">DCImanager - Functions, which are used when executing SNMP calls to equipment (dcimgr.dci_snmp_impl)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_osinstall">DCImanager - Operations - OS deployment, diagnostics, recovery mode, etc. (dcimgr.dci_osinstall)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_conn_autofix">DCImanager - Automatic troubleshooting of server connections (dcimgr.dci_conn_autofix)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_operations">DCImanager - Operations - setup, diagnostics, recovery mode, etc. (dcimgr.dci_operations)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_utils">DCImanager - Additional utilities, which are used in all other modules (dcimgr.dci_utils)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_servers">DCImanager - Servers list and edit form. Server connections. IP addresses management  (dcimgr.dci_servers)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_device_base">DCImanager -  Internal mechanism for handlers management. It is used when creating/deleting equipment, such as switches, PDU, etc. (dcimgr.dci_device_base) </msg>
      <msg name="dci_equipment_type">DCImanager - Equipment list and edit form (dcimgr.dci_equipment_type)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_routers">DCImanager - Routers list and edit form (dcimgr.dci_routers)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_location">DCImanager - Locations list and edit form (dcimgr.dci_location)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_juniper_handler">DCImanager - Juniper handler (dcimgr.dci_juniper_handler)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_acquisition">DCImanager - Orders list and edit form (dcimgr.dci_acquisition)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_liberty_handler">DCImanager - Liberty handlers (dcimgr.dci_liberty_handler)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_threadmgr">DCImanager - Internal mechanism for threads management (dcimgr.dci_threadmgr)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_spares">DCImanager - List of spare parts and edit form (dcimgr.dci_spares)</msg>
      <msg name="stat">DCImanager - Internal mechanism for statistics collection (dcimgr.stat)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_switch">DCImanager - Switches list and edit form (dcimgr.dci_switch)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_measure">DCImanager - Sensors list and edit form (dcimgr.dci_measure)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_main">DCImanager - Initialization of main structures and elements  (dcimgr.dci_main)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_racktivity_handler">DCImanager - Racktivity handler (dcimgr.dci_racktivity_handler)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_isppdu">DCImanager - ISPSystem Power Switch (dcimgr.dci_isppdu)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_snmp_common_handler">DCImanager - SNMP Common (dcimgr.dci_snmp_common_handler)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_typecheck">DCImanager - OS tests for server types (dcimgr.dci_typecheck)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_apc_handler">DCImanager - APC handler (dcimgr.dci_apc_handler)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_huawei_handler">DCImanager - Huawei handler (dcimgr.dci_huawei_handler)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_dlink_handler">DCImanager - DLink handler (dcimgr.dci_dlink_handler)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_ups">DCImanager - UPS list and edit form (dcimgr.dci_ups)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_hp_handler">DCImanager - HP handler (dcimgr.dci_hp_handler)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_brocade_handler">DCImanager - Brocade handler (dcimgr.dci_brocade_handler)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_pdu">DCImanager - PDU list and edit form (dcimgr.dci_pdu)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_statistics_reports">DCImanager - Statistics report (dcimgr.dci_statistics_reports)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_ping3_handler">DCImanager - Ping3 handler (dcimgr.dci_ping3_handler)</msg>
      <msg name="pkgdcimgr">DCImanager - Outdated panel installer. (dcimgr.pkgdcimgr)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_statistics_impl">DCImanager - Statistics (dcimgr.dci_statistics_impl)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_zyxel_handler">DCImanager - Zyxel handler (dcimgr.dci_zyxel_handler)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_ipmi_handler">DCImanager - IPMI handler (dcimgr.dci_ipmi_handler)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_bird">DCImanager - Bird configuration (dcimgr.dci_bird)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_cisco_handler">DCImanager - Cisco handler (dcimgr.dci_cisco_handler)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_netflow">DCImanager - Netflow statistics collection (dcimgr.dci_netflow)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_snmp_common_v2_handler">DCImanager - SNMP Common v2 (dcimgr.dci_snmp_common_v2_handler)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_racks">DCImanager - Racks list and edit form (dcimgr.dci_racks)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_auth">DCImanager - User authentication (dcimgr.dci_auth)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_vbox_handler">DCImanager - VirtualBox test handler (dcimgr.dci_vbox_handler)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_vlans">DCImanager - VLAN list and edit form  (dcimgr.dci_vlans)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_dsmgr_import">DCImanager - Import from  DSmanager (dcimgr.dci_dsmgr_import)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_kvm">DCImanager - KVM (dcimgr.dci_kvm)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_dbstruct">DCImanager - Database structure (dcimgr.dci_dbstruct)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_netconf_impl">DCImanager - NETCONF (dcimgr.dci_netconf_impl)</msg>
      <msg name="sshutils">DCImanager -  SSH utilities (dcimgr.sshutils)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_samba">DCImanager - SAMBA (dcimgr.dci_samba)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_users">DCImanager - Users (dcimgr.dci_users)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_nfs">DCImanager -  NFS (dcimgr.dci_nfs)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_dhcp">DCImanager -  DHCP configuration (dcimgr.dci_dhcp)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_serversearch">DCImanager - Server search (dcimgr.dci_serversearch)</msg>
      <msg name="dci_dcmap">DCImanager - Datacenter map (dcimgr.dci_dcmap)</msg>
    <messages name="selectpowertype">
      <msg name="title">Power management </msg>
      <msg name="hint_powertype">Choose power management type for power consumption statistics </msg>
      <msg name="powertype">Type </msg>
    <messages name="dashboard.task">
      <msg name="task_set_cpu_socket">Enter sockets for CPU </msg>
      <msg name="task_set_cpu_scale">Enter scalability for CPU </msg>
      <msg name="task_add_chassis">Add platforms </msg>
      <msg name="task_add_powertype">Select a power management type for statistics</msg>
      <msg name="task_add_power_con_ipmi">Connect this server to IPMI</msg>
      <msg name="task_add_power_con_pdu">Connect this server to PDU</msg>
      <msg name="task_add_server">Add servers </msg>
      <msg name="task_download_template">Download OS templates </msg>
      <msg name="task_add_switch">Add switches </msg>
      <msg name="task_add_net_con">Connect server to switch </msg>
      <msg name="task_add_pdu">Add PDU </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_done">Task completed </msg>
      <msg name="status">状态</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_notdone">Task not completed </msg>
      <msg name="task_add_iprange">Add IP ranges </msg>
      <msg name="title">Configuration tasks </msg>
      <msg name="task">Task</msg>
      <msg name="task_add_rack">Add racks </msg>
    <messages name="burst_varperiod">
      <msg name="burst_varperiod_info_msg">It shows the burstable, and  average and maximum traffic reports. Statistics is kept only for the current and previous months </msg>
      <msg name="hint_burst_max">The 95th percentile of prevailing traffic  in 5-minute  sample </msg>
      <msg name="burst_max">Prevailing burst </msg>
      <msg name="hint_server">Server from which you want to collect statistics </msg>
      <msg name="avg_in_bps">Average incoming</msg>
      <msg name="max_out_bps">Max. outgoing </msg>
      <msg name="burst_in">Incoming burst</msg>
      <msg name="max_in_bps">Max. incoming</msg>
      <msg name="title">Network load</msg>
      <msg name="avg_out_bps">Average outgoing </msg>
      <msg name="burst_out">Outgoing burst</msg>
      <include name="common"/>
    <messages name="problem_dci_location_setup_problem">
      <msg name="title">Error with location configuration</msg>
      <msg name="msg_desc">Failed to configure location</msg>
    <messages name="problem_service_remote_dhcp_down">
      <msg name="title">DHCP service is not restarted on a remote server</msg>
      <msg name="msg_desc">Error occured during restart of DHCP on a remote server</msg>
    <messages name="problem_bad_location_params">
      <msg name="title">Not enough parameters for operation with this location</msg>
      <msg name="msg_desc">Failed to restart remote DHCP server due to incorrect location parameters</msg>
    <messages name="server.connection.connwizserver">
      <msg name="Server">Server</msg>
      <msg name="title">Server selection</msg>
      <include name="server.connection.connwizdev"/>
    <messages name="location.edit">
      <msg name="msg_error_dcimini_test">An error occurred when trying to connect to dcimini on the location. Reason: '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_location_update_cache">An error occurred when trying to update the packages on the location. Reason: '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_dcimini_install">An error occurred when trying to install dcimini on the location. Reason: '__value__' </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_local_update_cache">An error occurred when trying to update the packages on the DCImanager server. Reason: '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_dcimini_package_install">An error occurred when trying to install the package on the location. Reason: '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="progress_dcimini_setup">dcimini configuration </msg>
      <msg name="progress_installcoremanager">Package setup: coremanager</msg>
      <msg name="progress_installdcimanager-mini">Package setup: dcimanager-mini</msg>
      <msg name="progress_dcimini_install">dcimini setup </msg>
      <msg name="access">Server access</msg>
      <msg name="hint_nameservers">Enter IP addresses of name servers that will be set up on the server after OS template. You can use IPv4 or  IPv6. Leave the field blank if you do not want to create additional name servers. In this case the  name servers that DCImanager uses, will be set up on the target server after OS template. </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_serversearch_vlan_not_found">VLAN for server search not found </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_serversearch_not_enabled">You cannot use this function. Please, enable server search first</msg>
      <msg name="nameservers">Name servers </msg>
      <msg name="serversearch_enabled">Enable the server search function </msg>
      <msg name="serversearch_ip">Server IP address </msg>
      <msg name="serversearch_iprange">IP range </msg>
      <msg name="progress_sync_serversearche_template">Synchronization of server search template </msg>
      <msg name="progress_updaterepocache">Updating list of packages </msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_serversearch_iprange"></msg>
      <msg name="progress_installcoremanager-pkg-tftp">Package setup: coremanager-pkg-tftp</msg>
      <msg name="hint_serversearch_mask">Network mask of temporary IP addresses </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_serversearch_ip_not_found">'__value__'  IP address for server search is not found on the network interface of location server  </msg>
      <msg name="progress_installrsync">Package setup: rsync</msg>
      <msg name="progress_installcoremanager-pkg-nfs">Package setup: coremanager-pkg-nfs</msg>
      <msg name="progress_knownhosts">Adding record to known_hosts</msg>
      <msg name="hint_serversearch_ip">This IP address should be assigned to the network interface of location server. The IP address should be from the same network as the range for allocation of temporary IP addresses </msg>
      <msg name="progress_dhcpconfigure">DHCP configuration </msg>
      <msg name="progress_serversearche_check">Checking configuration of server search </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ssh_command">'__command__' command terminated with '__value__' coe</msg>
      <msg name="hint_serversearch_iprange">Enter a range of temporary IP addresses for allocation to unknown servers. It should not include IP address of the location server </msg>
      <msg name="progress_repoinstall">Add repository </msg>
      <msg name="progress_installcoremanager-pkg-samba">Package setup: coremanager-pkg-samba</msg>
      <msg name="progress_checkconn">Check connection </msg>
      <msg name="progress_serversearchenable">Server search configuration</msg>
      <msg name="progress_installcoremanager-pkg-dhcp">Package setup: coremanager-pkg-dhcp</msg>
      <msg name="progress_serversearchdisable">Disable server search </msg>
      <msg name="hint_serversearch_enabled">Enable server search for this location </msg>
      <msg name="hint_serversearch_gateway">Default gateway for server search network </msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_serversearch_mask"></msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_name">Data-center 101</msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_mainip"></msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_serversearch_gateway"></msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_admusr">root</msg>
      <msg name="serversearch_gateway">Network gateway </msg>
      <msg name="serversearch_mask">Network mask </msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_serversearch_ip"></msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_ssh_port">22</msg>
      <msg name="hint_serversearch">Search servers</msg>
      <msg name="serversearch">Search servers</msg>
      <msg name="msg_help_links">&lt;a href="http://en.5.ispdoc.com/index.php/Locations_in_DCImanager" target="_blank"&gt;How to configure locations&lt;/a&gt;
      <msg name="local">local</msg>
      <msg name="base">General information </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ssh_port">Number of a port used for SSH service of the location</msg>
      <msg name="hint_mainip">Location IP address. DCImanager will use to SSH connection and configuration (OS templates synchronization, DHCP and TFTP packages installation) </msg>
      <msg name="ssh_port">SSH port</msg>
      <msg name="title">Location edit</msg>
      <msg name="admusr">Superuser</msg>
      <msg name="remote">remote</msg>
      <msg name="bykey">by SSH key</msg>
      <msg name="hint_admusr">This user will be used by DCImanager for SSH connection and configuration (OS templates synchronization, DHCP and TFTP packages installation). User must have admin permissions </msg>
      <msg name="bypassword">By password</msg>
      <msg name="comment">Comment</msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Enter the meaningful name of the location</msg>
      <msg name="mainip">IP-address</msg>
      <msg name="hint_comment">Description of a node, note etc. </msg>
      <msg name="hint_auth_type">Authorization on a remote server can be performed by admin password or SSH key that was authorized on the remote server for superuser access</msg>
      <msg name="title_new">Creation of location</msg>
      <msg name="auth_type">Server authorization</msg>
      <msg name="passwd">Superuser password</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ip_block">Type of IP-addresses that will be used for servers in this location</msg>
      <msg name="type">Location</msg>
      <msg name="masterkey">Public key</msg>
      <msg name="hint_passwd">Location admin password. This password will be used only for locale creation. DCImanager will use it to connect to the server and add its public key to authorized_keys</msg>
      <msg name="hint_type">Location type</msg>
      <msg name="hint_masterkey">Specified public key of the panel should be put in a list of autorized key for this location</msg>
      <include name="location"/>
      <msg name="ip_block">Block of IP addresses</msg>
    <messages name="location">
      <msg name="hint_owner">Select an administrator responsible for the location </msg>
      <msg name="hint_address">Location actual address </msg>
      <msg name="hint_stock">Select a warehouse  which is used for this location </msg>
      <msg name="address">Address </msg>
      <msg name="hint_comment">Description of a node, note etc. </msg>
      <msg name="name">Location name </msg>
      <msg name="stock">Ware house </msg>
      <msg name="comment">Comment</msg>
      <msg name="owner">Owner</msg>
      <msg name="ip_block">Block of IP addresses</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ip_block">Type of IP-addresses that will be used for servers in this location</msg>
      <msg name="hint_mainip">Main IP-address of the location (used also for SSH connection)</msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_delete">Do you really want to delete location:</msg>
      <msg name="title">Locations</msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Meaningful name of location</msg>
      <msg name="mainip">IP-address</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_process_in_progress">Location configuration is in progress</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_setup_problem_setup">Error in installation of a location. Click the icon for more information </msg>
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="state">状态</msg>
    <messages name="trafload">
      <msg name="load">Load</msg>
      <msg name="hint_load">Total load on switch ports over the last 5 minutes </msg>
      <msg name="load_diagram">Switch load </msg>
      <include name="switch"/>
      <msg name="title">Switch load </msg>
    <messages name="cpusockettype"/>
    <messages name="hddtype">
      <msg name="short_types">Hard disk types</msg>
      <msg name="hint_types">Hard disk types</msg>
      <msg name="title">HDDs</msg>
      <msg name="hint_size">HDD size</msg>
      <msg name="size">Size (Gb)</msg>
      <include name="common"/>
    <messages name="chassistempl">
      <msg name="ram_count">Slot RAM </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ram_count">Enter the number of RAM slots in this platform </msg>
      <msg name="hint_cpu_socket">Select a CPU socket type </msg>
      <msg name="cpu_socket">Type of CPU socket</msg>
      <msg name="srv_count">Number of servers </msg>
      <msg name="srvsize">Server size </msg>
      <msg name="blade_count">Platform size </msg>
      <msg name="hint_srvsize">Server size in units </msg>
      <msg name="hint_blade_count">Number of slots for blade servers </msg>
      <msg name="hint_srv_count">Number of servers of this type </msg>
      <msg name="cpu_socket_count">CPU sockets</msg>
      <msg name="pci_count">PCI slots</msg>
      <msg name="hint_hdd_count">Number of HDD slots in this platform</msg>
      <msg name="hdd_count">HDD slots</msg>
      <msg name="hint_pci_count">Number of PCI slots in this platform </msg>
      <msg name="hint_max_ram">Maximum RAM that can be added to this platform </msg>
      <msg name="title">Platform types</msg>
      <msg name="max_ram">Max. RAM (Gb) </msg>
      <msg name="hint_cpu_socket_count">Number of CPU sockets in this platform </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_chassis_single">Common server</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_chassis_more3">Common server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_chassis_double">Common server</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_chassis_triple">Common server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_chassis_blade">Blade server</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_chassis_multinode">Chassis for blade servers </msg>
      <include name="common"/>
    <messages name="cpusockettype.edit"/>
    <messages name="pcitype">
      <msg name="title">PCI devices</msg>
      <msg name="hint_type">Type of this equipment</msg>
      <msg name="type">Type</msg>
      <include name="common"/>
    <messages name="chassistempl.edit">
      <msg name="hint_blade_count">Number of blades</msg>
      <msg name="blade_count">Number of blades</msg>
      <msg name="unit">Common server</msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_name">2Unit Server</msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Internal name of platform type (eg. E3 Blade, 1Unit Server, Multix4DE5 - multi-node). Configuration name for a special column in Servers list section will be generated automatically depending on actual server characteristics (HDD volume and disks amount, RAM, etc.)</msg>
      <msg name="title_new">New platform  type </msg>
      <msg name="hint_cpu_socket_type">Determines which processors can be added to server</msg>
      <msg name="cpu_socket_type">Type of CPU socket</msg>
      <msg name="title">Edit platform type</msg>
      <msg name="chassis_type">Type</msg>
      <msg name="hint_chassis_type">Select platform type</msg>
      <msg name="blade">Blade server</msg>
      <msg name="multinode">Platform for blade servers</msg>
      <include name="chassistempl"/>
    <messages name="cputype">
      <msg name="scale">Scalability </msg>
      <msg name="hint_cpu_socket">Socket of the CPU installed in the platform </msg>
      <msg name="hint_scale">CPU modes in systems with several sockets </msg>
      <msg name="hint_socket">Socket types for CPU </msg>
      <msg name="short_socket">CPU socket types </msg>
      <msg name="cpu_socket">Type of CPU socket</msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_alias_name">E5-2620</msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Full name of processor (not processed). During server diagnostics, server is determined and added to "Processors" if it was previously missing in this list. Whether it is there or missing is determined by using this field, not the alias name field </msg>
      <msg name="hint_alias_name">Short name, which is used during platform name generation. If DCImanager creates processor during diagnostics, the alias will be generated automatically </msg>
      <msg name="hint_cpu_socket_type">Socket compatible with this processor</msg>
      <msg name="alias_name">Alias name</msg>
      <msg name="hint_notes">Additional information</msg>
      <msg name="notes">Note</msg>
      <msg name="cpu_socket_type">Socket</msg>
      <msg name="title">Processors</msg>
      <include name="common"/>
    <messages name="pcitype.edit">
      <msg name="pci_type">PCI </msg>
      <msg name="title">Editing PCI device</msg>
      <msg name="RAID">RAID controller</msg>
      <msg name="title_new">Adding PCI device</msg>
      <include name="pcitype"/>
    <messages name="hddtype.edit">
      <msg name="placeholder_name">Hitachi HDS723020BLA642</msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Hard drive model</msg>
      <msg name="title">Editing HDD</msg>
      <msg name="hint_type">HDD interface for data exchange</msg>
      <msg name="title_new">Adding HDD</msg>
      <include name="hddtype"/>
      <msg name="type">Type</msg>
    <messages name="cputype.edit">
      <msg name="cpu_type">CPU </msg>
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="title_new">Adding processor</msg>
      <msg name="title">Editing processor</msg>
      <include name="cputype"/>
    <messages name="changelog_records">
      <msg name="DCI-684">Juniper switch handler. 
Enhanced mechanism for getting a list of VLANs. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-563">Server operations. 
Modified the template upload protocol: TFTP was changed into HTTP. This change is not applied to the templates with "noipxe" name prefix. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-729">Server edit form. 
A parent chassis of a blade-server can be selected when changing the rack. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-384">Hard drive move. 
New option in the Tools → "Move hard drives". Selecting the check box will interchange the hard drive after completing the operation. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-698">Server connections.
Servers which MAC-addresses were not found on the port switch were displayed incorrectly. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-373">Network connections. 
Added a new icon displaying current speed of the port connected to the server.</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-704">Server edit form.
Added the "Model" column into the list of server spare parts. When adding or editing a spare part the module will be shown in the drop-down list of serial numbers. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-682">IPMI proxy via ihttpd.
Access to IPMI with permissions of non-privileged user specified in the IPMI connection settings. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-685">IPMI proxy via auxiliary server. 
Added a new button with a brief description of how to work in the interface. The button is available on the noVNC page. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-707">Trigger notifications module.
Fixed trigger filters. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-656">Warehouse.
Modified the filter on the Warehouse form (Warehouse -&gt; Equipment -&gt; Details). You can now search by several serial numbers/ barcodes. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-701">Server edit form.
The system will verify the serial number when removing equipment from the server. The detail will be added in the Warehouse afterwards. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-545">Trigger notification system.
Trigger identifier can be passed to a script. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-621">Trigger notification system.
Added an example of event parameters in the script. Default script content for different subtypes of triggers is now uploaded correctly. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-691">Diagnostics.
Server data were not saved after diagnostics. The error occurred if the server had two or more similar RAM modules with undefined CPU (0).
      <msg name="DCI-668">List of servers. 
Fixed server order bug: in BILLmanager customers could order servers that have problems in DCImanager.</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-535">ISO镜像文件.
ISO-image size will be hidden during upload in DCImanager.</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-686">"Inventory" module.
Fixed: issue with adding a server in spares by operator level.</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-677">NetFlow module.
Added feature to generate HTML reports. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-654">Servers. 
Fixed duplication of error messages in the server information section.</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-666">Proxying IPMI with an extra server.
Added feature to display windows in noVNC interface.
      <msg name="DCI-662">A handler for Juniper switches.
Introduced support for Juniper switches with JunOS 15.</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-663">NetFlow Module. 
NetFlow option was removed from Network statistics section. The report was impossible to use due to a large amount of information. The date output format for NetFlow report has been changed.</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-618">"Server search" section.
On the configuration form you can select racks to perform the server search operation. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-582">IPMI proxy via auxiliary server.
Added window formatting inside the noVNC interface
      <msg name="DCI-640">IPMI proxy via auxiliary server.
IPMI interface connection methods: a connection method won't be displayed if the corresponding module is not installed. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-644">Server search.
The "Search" button is added into the "Found servers" form. It can be used to search server connections. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-569">IPMI proxy via auxiliary server
noVNC interface now includes the Usage guide. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-571">VPU.
Added a new mechanism that doesn't allow to add VPU networks that were released in IPmanager by mistake. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-614">Blade-servers.
Modified the algorithm for adding blade-servers: the system will check chassis size. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-602">IPMI proxy via ihttpd.
Modified automatic updates of the secret link to IPMI. When adding the link, all the active connections to Java-console will be terminated. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-464">Locations.
If IPMI is located inside locations, the requests will be send via locations. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-568">IPMI proxy via auxiliary server. 
Changed location and size of the buttons to paste login and password in the noVNC interface. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-605">Operations.
Fixed restart of dhcpd service when trying to install with IPv6. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-295">"Trigger notification system". 
A new module "Trigger notification system" allows DCImanager admins to configure automatic execution of scripts and send notifications when certain events take place. 
&lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Triggers"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-451">UPS. 
Fixed the bug with saving statuses after getting updated information from device. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-579">Servers.
When changing racks of the parent chassis with remote connections, blade-server connections will be deleted. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-587">Platform types.
The maximum number of server disks from 30 to 90. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-592">Error notifications. 
IPMI access error notifications now provide more information. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-590">IPMI proxy via auxiliary server
Removed the indicator showing that the proxy server has been set up. This indicator caused the situation when no recent fixes were shown during the switch between the servers. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-591">Server search. Connection search.
Changed the principle of the server search. Servers from the list Tools → Found servers will continue loading with the server search template after they have been rebooted.
Changed the principle of the connection search. Connections are now searched for all servers from the list Tools → Found servers. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-581">IPMI proxy via auxiliary server. 
You can now run a Java-console from the file with spaces and brackets in the name </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-572">IPMI proxy.
Fixed a number bugs related to IPMI proxy via auxiliary server. Users cannot escape from restricted browser via the link in the pop-up window. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-562">IPMI proxy via additional sever. 
Java update notifications are no longer displayed. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-570">IPMI user 
The maximum user password length is 15 characters. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-536">Racks. 
The system will check the number of units in a rack when changing the space occupied by server equipment. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-422">VPU module. 
VPU settings can be configured in a separate section. IPMI can be configured automatically when adding a server into the VPU network. 
<a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/VPU_mode">Learn more</a>.
      <msg name="DCI-525">NetFlow statistics. 
NetFlow statistics settings can be configured in a separate section. Statistics can be displayed and exported. 
&lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Netwflow"&gt;&lt;/a&gt; </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-530">Server search. 
The server search template now includes the 'NoAskingSerialNumber' and 'NoAskingLabel' options. 
&lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/DCImanager_configuration_file"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-498">Found servers. 
A new mechanism displays information about switch or PDU connection status. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-533">Connection servers.
The "Add IPMI" button is deprecated. IP allocation procedure is modified: an IP address will be assigned when adding an IPMI via the "Add" button. You can enter a certain IP manually or select it from a group of IP addresses. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-558">ISO-images.
Fixed the algorithm for checking extension of uploaded files.
Fixed the procedure for mounting ISO-images in case of IPMI proxy via auxiliary server. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-501">ISO-images.
The system will check files of ISO-images. If the fails are not found, the image will be marked as problematic. 
      <msg name="DCI-508">Diagnostics. 
Modified the procedure that defines RAM type during diagnostics.
Added a new option into the "Global settings" module - "Check RAM frequency during diagnostics" 
&lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Global_settings_(DCImanager)#Policy"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-552">Server diagnostics.
Increased timeout between attempts to create an "operator" if IPMI is not accessible. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-515">Warehouse. 
Fixed the filters inside spare parts categories. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-506">Servers. 
Unit number in a list of servers is now displayed correctly. The bug occurred with the OldServerType option enabled. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-522">IPMI proxy via auxiliary server.
Fixed the mouse cursor bug in noVNC window. The bug occurred in Chrome on devices without touch-screen. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-507">IPMI console.
Added the "Use proxy via ihttpd" option which allows to download the IPMI console using proxy via ihttpd. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-519">Hard drive type.
Improved the mechanism of defining hard disk drive during diagnosticians: now the system analyses  harddrive rotation speed. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-511">Integration with Juniper router.
You can enable automatic configuration of the interface for VPU. 
      <msg name="DCI-512">Introduced support of Cisco C45XX switches. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-453">Server diagnostics.
Fixed the bug that occurred when creating an "operator" on IPMI during server diagnostics. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-505">IPMI proxy via auxiliary server.
Fixed the bug with a mouse cursor in the noVNC windows on Chrome. The bug occurred on touch screen devices.  </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-494">IPMI users.
Fixed IPMI users suspension algorytm in the diagnostis template. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-399">Server diagnostics. 
If IPMI is found during server diagnostics the system will define the protocol that is used for IPMI: "IPMI v1.5/v2.0" or "IPMI v2.0 (lanplus)". </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-502">Servers.
Fixed display of server type on the edit form. The bug occurred if the "OldServerType" oprtion was enabled. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-485">IPMI proxy via auxiliary server.
Fixed: processing of ISO-image mounting error: connection remains active even in case of errors.</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-296">Statistics. 
Introduced a new mechanism for collecting and displaying statistics. 
&lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Statistics_(new))"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-484">Useful links.
The link to the "Inventory" article was deleted from all the versions of the control panel where this module is not supported. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-492">IPMI console.
Fixed: upload of the console file for some Supermicro. 
      <msg name="DCI-490">Statistics.
Fixed: traffic was displayed incorrectly. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-499">Statistics. 
Fixed: incoming and outgoing traffic was displayed incorrectly. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-427">Hard drives. 
SMART disk can be saved after it is removed from server. The "Warehouse" module must be enabled. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-479">Servers.
Fixed error of saving the mark "Server has equipment issues" after successful diagnostics.</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-463">Juniper switch.
Fixed the 'no_such_port' error  in logs of switches with JunOS 13.</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-423">Servers.
The server edit form and list of server will now display information about errors found during diagnostics.</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-445">OS deployment. 
Added a link to the "Software raid" in the "Operations with server" section -- "Useful links" on Admin level.</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-424">Operations with servers. 
The "Clear disks" option is now available for customers. Activating this option will start a selected diagnostics template with disk cleaning.</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-425">Hard disks.
Fixed the bug that occurred when trying to edit the disk in server configuration. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-450">OS deployment. 
Improved the mechanism that defines available RAID: the system will consider HDD types (SSD, SATA, etc.). Software RAID can be configured only if hard drives of the same size are connected. 
&lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Software_RAID"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-377">IPMI connection type.
If administrator is trying to connect and the "Ask administrator whether  proxy can be used" check box is selected, IPMI will be activated according to the method specified in IPMI connection edit form. 
The "Ask administrator whether proxy can be used" check box is displayed on the "IPMI proxy via ihttpd" form. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-444">Server history.
Fixed: IP address of the user who run a server operation is now displayed correctly. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-454">OS deployment. 
Fixed automatic selection of  "RAID1" in the  "Configure program RAID" field when changing OS template in "Install OS from template". The bug occurred if hardware RAID-controller was found in the server. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-449">OS installation. 
Fixed OS installation without software RAID.
The operation start form now displays information about hardware RAID (if it is found on the server). </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-448">Server history. 
Server history was displayed incorrectly after adding or deleting IP addresses for the second time. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-409">Servers. 
Fixed installation of a blade server into racks if the 'OldServerType' option was enabled. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-378">Servers - Connections 
Now the system remembers the type of the last connected device. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-191">Switches. 
Aggregated switch management function is now supported for some switches. The following models support this function: Cisco Catalyst, Eltex 2XXX, Eltex 5XXX.</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-2">Switches. 
Aggregated switch management function is now supported for some switches. 
&lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Switch_management#Aggregated_ports"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;
      <msg name="DCI-436">Warehouse. 
Fixed creation of several pieces of equipment in existing delivery. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-432">OS deployment. 
Fixed: OS deployment with RAID 1 instead of deployment without RAID. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-382">Server search. 
A number of improvements were made to the module interface. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-418">Statistics. 
The "Connections" section is  renamed into "Correction of connections" and is now located in the "Tools" section. Added information about server unit number. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-392">Brocade FCX switches. 
VLAN in the list of ports is now displayed correctly. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-419">Switches.
The "Save" button is no longer displayed for switches that don't have configuration file save function. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-420">Dashboard.
Information about the number of PDU is now displayed in "Information"--&gt; "Equipment information" </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-379">Inventory information was collected incorrectly. 
Fixed: equipment installed into server was not inventorized. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-354">Server release.
When a server is released, its current VLAN will be changed into the default VLAN. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-407">"Warehouse" module.
Fixed synchronization between warehouse and servers: changed spare parts were not displayed in the list of servers. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-375">IPMI users.
Fixed deletion of users for IPMI with iDRAC9. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-405">Fixed vulnerability bug. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-385">NVMе disks.  
Added support of disks connected via NVMе. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-366">Server search.
Added the possibility to enable automatic server authorization after diagnostics: Automatic server authorization is activated in server search module settings.</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-234">Inventory module.
Added a new module for inventory and parts management.
Changed the process of eqiding equipment in servers.
&lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Warehouse"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-367">Servers.
Changed: method of faulty server representation. They are now in the list of all servers. Their representation can be changed by using the filter.</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-387">Server search.
Fixed: issue with updating of server search template.</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-325">Server search.
Fixed: error of wrong selection of TFTP server address for server search in locations.</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-381">Statistics.
Changed: period of IPMI stats collection. It will be collected not more often than once per hour.</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-362">Modules. 
Fixed installation of "IPMI console" module. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-335">Server search.
Fixed the bug that occurred when adding TFTP-server address automatically into the DHCP configuration file. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-324">OS installation. 
Fixed DHCP restart but which occurred in case of group installation. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-353">Server connections edit form. 
The "How to connect to IPMI" field is displayed only on the IPMI connection form </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-349">Modules.
Added a number of useful links.</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-326">Group edit.
Fixed: new owner is now assigned correctly to all the servers that you edit. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-343">IPMI users. 
Updated information about IPMI users will be displayed in the web-interface. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-345">IPMI users: new function. 
The 'setipmioper' function allows a server owner to create IPMI operator on all available IPMI. 
&lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Global_settings_(DCImanager)"&gt;&lt;/a&gt; </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-338">IPMI proxy via additional sever. 
The "Java plug-in" filed was renamed into "Support of old IPMI types"</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-319">Servers under maintenance. 
Servers "under maintenance" are now displayed correctly in a full list of machines without the "Server under maintenance" filter. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-327">Server search.
The "Server search" section and the "Allow server search" check box will be available only after the "Server search" module is installed. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-303">IPMI proxy via auxiliary server.
After you clear the "Mount ISO-images" check box or change the proxy server, all ISO-images will be unmounted. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-332">Equipment. 
Fixed: an invalid connection icon was displayed in the list of equipment by mistake. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-203">Servers. 
Fixed a bug that occurred when specifying blade-server slot in case the old server types were used. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-309">Block servers.
Fixed: a server will be blocked in case of error when shutting down a switch port. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-13">Switch configuration file. 
Fixed the auto-save bug. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-301">IPMI proxy server 
Fixed a bug that occurred when saving module settings when trying to change server status to "Inaccessible". </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-306">OS installation. 
The last installed OS template will be put first on the list. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-294">Diagnostics. 
IPMI operator can be created during server diagnostics. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-318">IPMI.
Administrators can specify how a server owner can connect to IPMI. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-299">Servers.
Fixed: 'hostname' won't be deleted when deleting all IP addresses of the server. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-310">IPMI proxy via auxiliary server.
Fixed proxy server re-installation. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-96">Server search.
Server search functions can be set in a separate menu section. 
&lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Search_servers"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-300">IPMI proxy via auxiliary server. 
noVNC window resolution is increased to 1280x960. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-305">IPMI proxy via auxiliary server. 
Improved the noVNC authorization form: when a user is logged in as server owner, authentication data will be sent automatically. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-285">IPMI proxy via auxiliary server 
Fixed the bug that occurred in some browser versions if ISO mounting was enabled, but ISO-images were missing. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-245">Name servers.
Modified the name server edit form. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-76">Server diagnostics. 
The "Platform model" field containing information about chassis is added on the server edit form.</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-240">Server. 
Added synchronization for unit number and size for old and new server types. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-210">IPMI proxy via auxiliary server. 
The  '/usr/local/mgr5/skins/common/novnc' is renamed into '/usr/local/mgr5/skins/common/novnc_dci'. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-257">Operations.
Fixed: the operation hanged when enabling the HardIpmiReset option.</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-211">Dashboard.
Added the "Help" link to Documentation. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-276">Server history.
Removed a number of unnecessary records in a new server history. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-272">IPMI proxy via auxiliary server. 
Fixed installation of a new browser on proxy server. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-75">IPMI.
You can now select an IPMI user for server owner. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-228">IPMI information. 
A new field is displayed for IPMI devices in the "Server connection" section. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-275">Juniper switches.
Switch configuration will be saved even after the port is modified. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-55">Chassis for blade-servers. 
 "On.", "Off.", "Operations" and "IP addresses" buttons are now longer displayed for "Chassis for blade-servers" servers . </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-80">IPMI proxy via auxiliary server.
Added new buttons for sending login and password from noVNC interface. 
&lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/IPMI_Proxy_v2"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-195">Module IPMI console
Added the module IPMI console. It allows users and administrators to load the IPMI console directly from DCImanager interface.
&lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Module_IPMI_console"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-267">Servers.
Added possibility to mark machines under repair in the list of all servers</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-255">Operations.
Added setting for operation timeout to Global settings.</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-266">ISOs.
An ISO cannot be uploaded to the server if ISO uploading ended up with an error.</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-85">Equipment.
Changed processing algorythm of the unit and equipment size number.</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-82">Operations.
Added icon "Operation is being cancelled" to the status column.</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-258">Locations.
Fixed template synchronization for locations.</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-247">Cisco Catalyst switches. 
Trank is no longer reset from port, if it is a trank port and it doesn't have connection. 
      <msg name="DCI-193">IPMI proxy via ihttpd.
You can now manage IPMI proxy via ihttpd in a separate module, which can be disabled if needed. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-239">IPMI proxy via auxiliary server. 
Proxy server now checks accessibility of WEB-interface. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-244">Cisco Catalyst switches. 
Fixed: Native Vlan was displayed incorrectly.The error occurred after switch inquiry. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-58">IPMI proxy via auxiliary server.
Updated jre (Java) package version for proxy server.</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-175">Server search.  
You can specify certain parameters for server via the script located on the same server. 
&lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Search_servers"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-172">Switches. 
You can now add double switches. 
&lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Switch_management"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-229">Operations with servers. 
In the configuration file you can set timeout for operations with servers. 
&lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/DCImanager_configuration_file#Parameters"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-84">IPMI proxy via auxiliary server.
Added the second browser on proxy-server for correct operation with new IPMI versions. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-122">Server search. 
Fixed the server search template. After the template was updated, DCImanager continued using the old template. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-200">Switches. 
Switch configuration can be saved automatically into non-volatile storage. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-169">Operations with server. 
Deprecated: you can no longer boot server in recovery mode from IP-v6.</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-174">Global search. 
You can now search servers by id, MAC-address, port, and serial number of spare part. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-52">Server edit form.
Fixed: it was not possible to save information about blade-slot number. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-99">IPMI proxy via auxiliary server. 
Modified the way how files in ISO directory on proxy server are displayed. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-77">IPMI statistics.
Fixed: IPMI status was displayed incorrectly when collecting statistics. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-173">User VLAN. 
Fixed: vlans for users can be used several times. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-170">User Vlan.
Fixed: hidden network connections were available to users </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-95">Server connections.
Server connection with IPMI MAC address is automatically marked as service connection, if the corresponding option is enabled in global settings. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-123">Notifications 
Added automatic check of connection to devices, in case the system shows connection error alert. Check starts once in 5 minutes</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-132">Switches
You can now disable auto-detection of Uplink ports </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-156">OS templates 
Modified iPXE operating principle </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-133">Cisco Nexus. 
Fixed: DCImanager failed while working with Cisco Nexus. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-93">Server search 
Added new command which allows to enable server search in VLANs
&lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Search_servers"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-62">OS templates 
Introduced support of UEFI</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-41">NetFlow.
 'path CopyFlowPath' parameter has been added in the configuration file. It allows enabling copying a raw NetFlow data into the specified directory. </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-54">Locations.
Checking IP address and OS has been added at creating a new location</msg>
      <msg name="DCI-98">Hanging of operations.
The error of hanging operations with devices has been fixed. It arose when a power management equipment hadn't responded for a long time. 
      <msg name="DCI-42">Authentication 
When a user with "Superuser" permissions logs in to control panel, he will be automatically redirected to "Admin" level </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-59">IPMI temperature 
Information about server temperature is collected together with statistics</msg>
      <msg name="33148">Server search algorithm 
Fixed: database record for server search could be changed. For example,  record for server with id=3 could be changed into record for server id=35 </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-60">Server activation
Fixed: activation of servers after blocking now takes less time </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-57">Power management via IPMI
Fixed power management bug for HP G6 and G7.</msg>
      <msg name="33181">Power management via IPMI
Fixed: power management  bug for HP G6 and G7.</msg>
      <msg name="33142">Statistics 
Fixed: invalid values in burstable statistics </msg>
      <msg name="DCI-38">Intel processors.
Updated the list of the available processors. </msg>
      <msg name="30804">IPMI proxying via the additional server. 
Added option to mount ISOs on proxy server for further mounting to the target server.</msg>
      <msg name="32135">Fixed calculation of available active servers. </msg>
      <msg name="32129">Service ports and Uplink ports are marked in use. </msg>
      <msg name="31847">Configuration of primary network port will be imported together with hard drives </msg>
      <msg name="33021">IPMI proxy via auxiliary server 
Introduced support of Dell IDRAC 8. IPMI admin name is now displayed in noVNC interface </msg>
      <msg name="32479">Fixed duplication or records in connections statistics. </msg>
      <msg name="31556">Fixed: server history now shows users who performed operation with server (reboot, power on/off)  </msg>
      <msg name="32573">Fixed deletion of ISO-images </msg>
      <msg name="32043">Fixed: SSH access icon was not displayed in recovery mode if IPv6 was selected for server </msg>
      <msg name="32226">Disable, Enable, Operations, and IP addresses fields are now hidden for servers "Chassis for blade servers"</msg>
      <msg name="32478">Fixed: unnecessary fields were displayed on the ISO upload form </msg>
      <msg name="29090">Connection problems in Switch and Port lists 
Fixed: connection issue button is now displayed correctly </msg>
      <msg name="28466">Added a new command for resetting the Bird configuration file.
&lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/VPU_mode"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="32921">IPMI proxy via auxiliary server
Added a new option that allows administrators to select how IPMI web-interface should open (directly, through ihttpd, through VNC)</msg>
      <msg name="32218">Diagnostics log in hints 
Added missing information to  diagnostics log in the list of servers </msg>
      <msg name="32829">Dummy devices with ports
Added dummy handlers for switches/PDU </msg>
      <msg name="32477">Corrected scalability for socket G34 processors </msg>
      <msg name="32211">Temperature monitoring 
Fixed: server temperature statistics was not collected from IPMI HP G6 and HP G7 </msg>
      <msg name="31823">IPMI proxy via auxiliary server 
Fixed: generation of exceptions for JAVA. In case of long URL of IPMI web-interfaces, JAVA-console could not start due to certificate issues </msg>
      <msg name="32812">IPMI proxy via auxiliary server 
Fixed: IPMI web-interfaces that use base authentication now open correctly </msg>
      <msg name="32772">IPMI proxy via auxiliary server 
Fixed: failure to connect to ports reserved in browser (6000, 6665–6669, 6697) failed </msg>
      <msg name="32711">IPMI proxy password 
Added: new interface button to send buffer content to either side. noVNC heading now shows IPMI password on admin level </msg>
      <msg name="32762">IPM proxy via additional server 
Fixed: deletion of VNC-port block files on additional server after restart of IPMI interface tab </msg>
      <msg name="32759">IPM proxy via additional server 
Value of the next port for noVNC  is now kept in separate file of the var directory </msg>
      <msg name="32708">IPMI proxy via ihttpd
Fixed: "manager" was removed from URL. IPMI opened with incorrect URL and failed </msg>
      <msg name="32707">The system will check that IPMI URL is accessible before setting up noVNC (in the "IPMI proxy" module) 
      <msg name="31282">Name servers for dedicated servers 
Up to four name servers can be added for dedicated servers in the Global settings module. Separate list of name servers can be specified for locations </msg>
      <msg name="32684">IPMi proxy
IPMIProxyV2Ssl.option option can be enabled in the proxy configuration module. In earlier versions this option could be activated only in the configuration file </msg>
      <msg name="32644">APC PDU
Fixed: DCImanager could not connected to device via SNMPv3  after device reboot </msg>
      <msg name="32298">Custom switch handlers
Added pvlan (only for the main vlan) for custom switch handlers</msg>
      <msg name="32586">Eltex switches 
Fixed: speed and port duplex management </msg>
      <msg name="32650">A new module for IPMI web-interface proxy 
New proxy module runs via noVNC, websockify, and external  server with VNC-server and browser.
&lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.ru/index.php/IPMI_Proxy_v2"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="31515">New module for IPMI web-interface proxy
New module runs via noVNC, websockify and external  server with VNC-server and browser
&lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.ru/index.php/IPMI_Proxy_v2"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="32428">OS installation
Fixed: only half of additional IP-addresses was added during OS installation. </msg>
      <msg name="31595">Inventory
Broken servers were displayed with mistakes even if inventory module was disabled</msg>
      <msg name="32488">User editing
Admin and operator users could see and edit "VLAN amount" field</msg>
      <msg name="31787">Password on  add/edit forms 
Disabled password displaying  in  the "SSH password" and "SNMP community"  fields on PDU add/edit form </msg>
      <msg name="32489">Security fix</msg>
      <msg name="30737">Switches 
Cisco Nexus 5xxx is supported now</msg>
      <msg name="32338">Edit server 
"Unit number" was not displayed in some versions </msg>
      <msg name="32300">DCImanager Progressive
Fixed the license bug </msg>
      <msg name="31316">Server diagnostics 
Server diagnostics will now also analyse disks in RAID controller </msg>
      <msg name="32213">Chassis for blade-servers
Fields with CPU, HDD and PCI were displayed in the chassis edit form </msg>
      <msg name="31739">SNMPv3 for APC PDU
Fixed the bug that occurred when handling requests via SNMPv3. Only for APC PDU.</msg>
      <msg name="31683">Bird management
Now if the incorrect config is generated, the user will see the error message, and the config will be reset </msg>
      <msg name="31692">Diagnostics 
A platform with invalid socket was created during diagnostics</msg>
      <msg name="31685">VPU 
Fixed incorrect configuration of DHCP in case the VPU is used </msg>
      <msg name="30716">VLAN management 
Port can be deleted from VLAN</msg>
      <msg name="31280">Server configuration field can be regenerated if CPU alias or HDD type changes </msg>
      <msg name="31080">You can now specify a unit number for switches. The "Blade-slot" field was added for blade-servers </msg>
      <msg name="31596">Rack size limit
The maximum rack size, equipment size and number in a rack sis 99 </msg>
      <msg name="31448">PDU ports 
Disabling a server will first disabled a  IPMI, then a PDU. Activating a server will perform the reverse operation </msg>
      <msg name="31469">Platforms
Now it's possible to add 7 PCI slots</msg>
      <msg name="30982">Saving server power status after diagnostics
Changed logics of choosing server power status after diagnostics:
If global settings don't have "Turn off servers after diagnostics" checked, server status before diagnostics would be saved and restored after diagnostics.</msg>
      <msg name="31320">Server edit
Fixed error with filling Parent chassis list</msg>
      <msg name="31513">Router size in a rack
Router size can be now modified in the edit form</msg>
      <msg name="26376">DHCP-server configuration file
The host section were not deleted from the DHCP configuration files in one of the following cases; 1. If a server had 2 or more network cards (according to diagnostics results). 2. After changing server's MAC address to a different address, which was not defined after by the diagnostics process </msg>
      <msg name="30478">Change of server rack 
Now you cannot select a rack from another location in the server edit form, if the certain rack is already selected for that server </msg>
      <msg name="31355">Recovery mode.
Server boot to recovery mode with main IP-address instead of IP-address chosen by user fix </msg>
      <msg name="30393">Additional fields in tables
Additional fields could not be added into a table, if the  /usr/local/mgr5/etc/sql/{product_name}.{table_name}.addon was created </msg>
      <msg name="30062">Server history 
Information about the second and further server reboot was not shown on the server history page </msg>
      <msg name="31100">Optimization of the server edit procedure  
The server edit procedure took long time, if there were many users and HDD types in DCImanager </msg>
      <msg name="29739">Server search 
Improved hints to fields in the servers search form. You can now add a range of IP addresses (XX.XX.XX.XX/YY) </msg>
      <msg name="31369">burstable statistics 
Fixed calculation of burstable statistics in case two or more network interfaces are used: now traffic is summed up. Channel load storage period is extended from 1 to 2 months </msg>
      <msg name="30604">Implemented new experimental IP management system instead of IPmanager. It can be enabled with the "Option IpManagement2" parameters in the configuration file of a control panel. </msg>
      <msg name="30399">Server search 
The system did not show results for servers with 4 and more network cards </msg>
      <msg name="30401">Popup hints for servers now allow to enter more symbols</msg>
      <msg name="30322">A network from a specifiс range of IP addresses could not be selected on a server creation form </msg>
      <msg name="31201">Only one drop-down list with CPU now opens on a server edit form. New field:  "Number of CPU" </msg>
      <msg name="30252">The panel now supports UPS handlers </msg>
      <msg name="31196">A UPS will show a notification to a server administrator, if  the input voltage drops below 100 volt </msg>
      <msg name="30311">When you modify  a platform, the amount of RAM will be adjusted according to the limit. You cannot allocate less RAM, if servers with larger amount are registered in the system </msg>
      <msg name="29695"> IPv4 could not be allocated after installation of an operating system, if IPv6 were also registered in the system </msg>
      <msg name="30719">Enable/disable buttons in the list of VLAN members were re-arranged. New hints were added to ports' statuses </msg>
      <msg name="31207">Added more information into the banner that opens when trying to add more RAM to a server that it is allowed by its platform</msg>
      <msg name="31182">RAM is now defined correctly during diagnostics, if dmidecode doesn't show information on RAM </msg>
      <msg name="30335">Fields with  CPU, HDD, RAM specified were reset when changing the platform type from  "Common server" to "Chassis for blade-servers"  </msg>
      <msg name="31084">The "Hardware issues" icon is displayed in the list of switches and PDU, as well as in the list of ports, if there are servers located in other racks </msg>
      <msg name="29700">"User" is now a required field on an IPMI creation form with automatic allocation of IP address </msg>
      <msg name="31075">HDD, CPU, RAM, PCI fields on a server edit form will display depending on whether its configuration is selected or not </msg>
      <msg name="29906">In the "Global settings" module you can  select a range from which an IP address will be allocated to IPMI </msg>
      <msg name="31125">Fixed the bug that occurred when changing port speed and duplex on Huawei switches. </msg>
      <msg name="31122">Fixed a number of brocade ISX bugs </msg>
      <msg name="31098">SNMP port
Modified the maximum value of a port number for SNMP notifications. Port 162 is set by default </msg>
      <msg name="31087">Fixed the bug with an invalid IP address of a Samba server, when installing Windows on locations </msg>
      <msg name="31071">Port aggregation 
When adding a new switch with port aggregation, existing ports were not displayed </msg>
      <msg name="30952">Trunk management
"All VLAN" could not be selected in trunk members on a switch port </msg>
      <msg name="30409">Group operations with servers
 "Hostname" is now an optional  field for group installation of operating system</msg>
      <msg name="30372">List of racks
A  column with locations has been added into the list of racks </msg>
      <msg name="30736">ISO upload
The "ISO-images" menu won't be displayed to a user, if images are not present or the user cannot upload them. The "ISO upload" menu won't be displayed to the user, if he doesn't have permissions to use this feature </msg>
      <msg name="30642">Arista switches 
Introduced support of Arista switches </msg>
      <msg name="30612">Spare parts
A spare part creation day is now displayed in the History</msg>
      <msg name="30683">Spare parts
A delivery document number can be specified for spare parts</msg>
      <msg name="29516">Hard drives 
CT1024MX200SSD1 was cut in   names such as  Crucial_CT1024MX200SSD, </msg>
      <msg name="30920">VLAN in the list of ports
VLAN in no longer displayed in the list of ports for Cisco Small Business and SNMP v2</msg>
      <msg name="30909">Port aggregation 
Buttons for ports aggregation were not displayed </msg>
      <msg name="30602">HDD type 
Now HDD type is not changed after diagnostics, if the system already knows about that HDD</msg>
      <msg name="30452">CPU 
Added sockets for CPU </msg>
      <msg name="30671">Spare parts
Clicking the banner will download a CSV file with serial numbers </msg>
      <msg name="30030">Changes in VPU. Now only one IP address is used for internal needs </msg>
      <msg name="30685">Burstable. Fixed calculation of Burstable channel load in the trafficburstable_day function. 95% percentile is now used correctly. The data that BILLmanager used for calculating chanel load, were not displayed in DCImanager </msg>
      <msg name="30447">Server configuration
The system will run a check when changing server's platform. Enlarged the maximum number of HDD in a platform </msg>
      <msg name="28987">Custom ISO-images
Custom ISO-images are now supported 
      <msg name="30540">Integration with BILLmanager. API now contains the "Configuration" field rather than "Server type". This allows not to specify  OldServerType</msg>
      <msg name="30422">Databases
Enlarged the size of the trunk_members field in the  switch_ports table. Small size didn't allow to add ports with a large number of VLANs</msg>
      <msg name="29978">DHCP on Centos 7
 "systemctl daemon-reload" was not displayed when modifying a list of interfaces where DHCP is running </msg>
      <msg name="30386">Channel load
Units of measure are now displayed correctly </msg>
      <msg name="30237">Information about mismatches in server connections 
More comprehensive information about what will be corrected is now displayed to users
      <msg name="29843">Server configuration 
Current information about a platform is now displayed for new server types </msg>
      <msg name="30239">MAC-address is found on a different port
When DCImanager is trying to resolve the issue "MAC-address is found on a different port", PDU connection to an old rack is removed </msg>
      <msg name="30115">Statistics
If  statistics was collected for one hour, it was displayed for the following periods: current day and week, previous day and week </msg>
      <msg name="30004">"Go" button 
When selecting several records in the list of servers and users, the "Go" button was disabled </msg>
      <msg name="30056">The  "Web-interface URL" field will be hidden if you enable proxying options </msg>
      <msg name="30048">Configuration for BILLmanager
An HDD type in configuration for BILLmanager is now displayed in a human readable format</msg>
      <msg name="29984">The "Server has hardware issues" field is no longer displayed to users </msg>
      <msg name="29853">Dependent lists
Port mode now depends on speed </msg>
      <msg name="29673">Configuration tasks
Platform creation is added into the "Configuration tasks" </msg>
      <msg name="29849">PDU handler
Eaton ePDU handler is now supported </msg>
      <msg name="29845">Changes for IPMI Supermicro 9.02 
Fixed the bug that occurred when creating a new  IPMI Supermicro 9.02 user </msg>
      <msg name="29801">Port aggregation in switches
The button was displayed in modules where it was not supposed to be used </msg>
      <msg name="29796">Changes for old server types
The "Platform type" field is not required for old server types </msg>
      <msg name="29742">Changes for servers
Server status was not changed in DCImanager after it was changed in the IPMI interface </msg>
      <msg name="29463">ip * in ihttpd.conf is now processed correctly </msg>
      <msg name="29759">Recipes were not available to users 
      <msg name="29477">Changes for IPMI users
Users in iLO are now created correctly </msg>
      <msg name="29730">Fixes for IPMI
When you disable proxying for IPMI, the file with required data will be deleted </msg>
      <msg name="29691">Changes to server filters
The "Platform type" field was available in the filter form on the User level </msg>
      <msg name="28909">List of racks
In the "Racks" module the network load is displayed in "bit/sec" </msg>
      <msg name="29630">Tasks
Hardware management tasks could not start in some situations </msg>
      <msg name="29193">Changes to the server field 
The "Server equipment issues" field is added for "Chassis for blade-servers" server/platform type </msg>
      <msg name="29438">Changes to Bird.conf
IPv6 will be ignored for Bird.conf</msg>
      <msg name="29584">"Parent chassis" field
The "Parent chassis" was displayed when creating a blade server</msg>
      <msg name="29575">Server fields
"Platform type" is  now a required field </msg>
      <msg name="29604">IPMI proxy
"manager" will be deleted from the URL if IPMI proxying is configured </msg>
      <msg name="29290">Changes for IPMI
Link to PMI will be re-created when changing a password for the server owner. A user who cannot use that IPMI won't be available to access it </msg>
      <msg name="29237">Changes in the Servers filter 
The "Server type" field is not displayed unless you add the Option OldServerType option. You can now filter the list of servers by the 'Platform type" field </msg>
      <msg name="29217">"CPU performance" 
The CPU performance" field is removed from the server edit form </msg>
      <msg name="29459">IPMI parameters
New fields on the IPMI configuration form: "Enable proxying for IPMI", "Private", "Web-interface URL".</msg>
      <msg name="29375">SSD drive
In some situations SSD drives were defined incorrectly </msg>
      <msg name="29413">LOCATIONIP macro
MGR_IP is added into LOCATIONIP during OS deployment, if the remote location is missing</msg>
      <msg name="29263">Hide password
Password is now hidden on the IPMI and Intel AMT connection forms </msg>
      <msg name="29170">New macros for OS setup templates
LOCATIONIP - location IP address, IPv4ALIASES - IPv4 aliases of the server, IPv6ALIASES - IPv6 aliases </msg>
      <msg name="29150">Changes in filter in the list of server 
In the "Status" field you can select the following statuses: "Server is blocked", "Server is protected", "Server equipment issues" </msg>
      <msg name="29156">Diagnostics results for old types 
When you add Option OldDiag into the DCImanager configuration file, results of the diagnostics will be processed regardless old server types </msg>
      <msg name="29132">Changes in the server configuration form 
Fixed bugs that occurred in the hard drives configuration form </msg>
      <msg name="29038">Changes in the "Operations" form 
Now the list of operation depend on installed templates </msg>
      <msg name="29115">Corrected field validators in the server edit form </msg>
      <msg name="29117">Changes in the list of servers
Buttons behaviour is modified according to server's statuses </msg>
      <msg name="28817">Introduced support of APC9320 device for environment monitoring </msg>
      <msg name="29075">A number of improvements was made in the "Temperature" module </msg>
      <msg name="29082">Modified the validator for the "Price" field </msg>
      <msg name="28842">Statistics. Report: "Current consumption"
Modified column names </msg>
      <msg name="28949">Server configuration form
PCI-devices cannot be added into the "Configuration" tab, if the server doesn't have hardware RAID</msg>
      <msg name="28837">Show the reminder when user selects OS installation over network </msg>
      <msg name="28904">A recipe name will be shown during its setup on the server </msg>
      <msg name="28962">A number of improvements are made in locations with NFS, SAMBA, DHCP servers </msg>
      <msg name="28747">Changes in filters in the Servers module 
&lt;a href="http://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Filters_in_the_list_of_servers"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="28912">Changes in the "Statistics" module 
The "Traffic" report now generates more quickly </msg>
      <msg name="28799">Changes in "APC PDU 7xxx (SNMP)"
Dublicated load bug was fixed for APC 7941</msg>
      <msg name="28913">Changes in the server edit form </msg>
      <msg name="28835">Racks management 
Rack height (in units) is specified in the rack. The "Racks types" module is no longer used </msg>
      <msg name="28759">Changes in IPMI configuration during server diagnostics 
If you set autoconfiguration of IPMI, all users will be deleted, and a new user with default password will be created </msg>
      <msg name="28761">Changes to IPMI users management 
Connection to IPMI won't broke when changing user password to IPMI</msg>
      <msg name="28829">Changes in the "Chassis" module 
"Chassis" is renamed into "Platform" </msg>
      <msg name="28838">Fixes in the list of servers
Added pop-up hints for all columns </msg>
      <msg name="27596">Server racks
When changing a server rack, provided that devices are connected to that rack, you will see a additional form where you can select a required operation: "Delete" or "Do not delete" (only if admin selects  the check  "Allow to use different racks for equipment")</msg>
      <msg name="28830">Changes in web-interface
Fixed a number of bugs in the "Switches", "PDU", and "UPS" modules. </msg>
      <msg name="28744">A number of changes is made to locations: non-standard SSH port, incorrect installation on CentOS 7 </msg>
      <msg name="28748">Filters in the list of servers
The "Configuration" field now opens as a drop-down list</msg>
      <msg name="28683">Server diagnostics tool 
Fixed an issue with the "Server has problems with its equipment" check box. 
&lt;a href="http://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/DCImanager_server_diagnostics"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;
      <msg name="28681">"Hard drives" module
The "Type" drop-down menu now contains correct values when editing hard drives </msg>
      <msg name="28405">Changes in Juniper
The Half-Duplex mode is now longer available in the port edit form </msg>
      <msg name="28656">"Server has hardware issues" check box is selected for old server types. The system didn't check correspondence between equipment and chassis type for "Multi-node" servers </msg>
      <msg name="28638">Changed server editing form
The "hostname" field  has status "unnecessary"</msg>
      <msg name="28597">Fixed the handler Juniper (Netconf)
Now, statistics are collected for the XE and AE interfaces</msg>
      <msg name="28566">Fixed a bug with server type convertation
&lt;a href="http://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/How_to_convert_server_types_in_DCImanager"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="28155">Encrypted passwords for IPMI
Passwords for IPMI are now encrypted in database</msg>
      <msg name="28028">DC map is improved
When changed server placement in a rack, new unit number is displayed in server editing form.</msg>
      <msg name="28367">The IPMI user creation procedure has changed
By IPMI user creation access levels for DELL iDrac will also be customized.
      <msg name="28375">Edited "Server 	diagnostics" operation process 
Edited conditions of putting "Server has hardware problems" checkbox. &lt;a href="http://doc.ispsystem.ru/index.php/
      <msg name="28115">Server management options 
There is no need to "disassemble" server when you want to move it into maintenance mode or cancel it. Its spare parts  will be attached to that server.</msg>
      <msg name="27837">Data center map
You can now delete walls </msg>
      <msg name="28269">CPU sockets are no longer supported</msg>
      <msg name="28403">Bug in templates 
When you add the ($SHAREDIR_FILE)subdir/file.1 macro, you can get the file.1 located in the directory, which is specified as sharedir  (it is added in metainfo.xml), from the subdir subdirectory </msg>
      <msg name="26041">Hard drive type
Added new rules for identifying hard drives' SDD </msg>
      <msg name="28055">New handler for APC rPDU 79xx
Energy usage statistics can be now collected from APC rPDU 79xx. Data is collected from socket strips </msg>
      <msg name="28116">Enhancements to server diagnostics procedure 
If hardware raid was defined during diagnostics, and HDD cannot be defined, HDD that have been already assigned to the server won't be deleted.
If no HDD were assigned to the server, you will need to add hard drives manually </msg>
      <msg name="28169">Recipes for users
Control panel's users can create and use recipes 
&lt;a href="http://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Recipes:_Technical_details"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;
      <msg name="28328">Error installing Windows2012
Fixed network disk connection </msg>
      <msg name="27509">A number of improvments are made to the "Bandwidth usage" report</msg>
      <msg name="28100">Add IPMI during diagnostics 
If an error occurs during IPMI configuration, IPMI won't be added </msg>
      <msg name="28131">Creation of locations 
Added description of errors that may occur during creation of locations. If the control panel failed to create a location, you won't need to create it again </msg>
      <msg name="28083">Importing IP addresses between servers
Fixed import of IP addresses between servers. Modified the interface of DCImanager Essential </msg>
      <msg name="27781">Introduces support of  Cisco Catalyst 45хх (including Cisco 4948)
New IOS Cisco 4948 uses new procedures in order to define speed, duplex on port, and to get/set VLAN </msg>
      <msg name="28092">Data collection from IPMI 
Information was not collected from IPMI</msg>
      <msg name="28021">Access to recipes 
In the "Recipes" module -- "Properties" you can restrict access to recipes </msg>
      <msg name="27876">You no longer need to specify an activation key for Windows templates manually  in a template. You can simply enter it in the template's parameters form via web-interface </msg>
      <msg name="27886">IPMI (lanplus)
Fixed a bug that occurred when trying to unblock an active server </msg>
      <msg name="27646">CPU high load
The error occurred when collecting statistics and requesting statuses from connected devices simultaneously </msg>
      <msg name="27953">CISCO handlers 
Fixed a bug that occurred when collecting MAC-addresses from device ports </msg>
      <msg name="27788">Interface for chassis management 
New icons for multi-unit servers (2,3 and more). A number of changes are made to the list of chassis types: up-to-date information and number of servers of a certain type are displayed for every chassis </msg>
      <msg name="27912">Server diagnostics bug 
Name of the RAID controller was specified in the "Configuration" field during diagnostics </msg>
      <msg name="27885">Delete user comments
User comments will be deleted during server release (owner status will change to "without owner") </msg>
      <msg name="27871">Changes to DCImanager Enterprise licensing policy
The licensing policy is now based on the number of racks </msg>
      <msg name="27902">Processor name was missing in configuration 
This bug occurred while editing a server, if processor socket was different from the one selected in the chassis type </msg>
      <msg name="27858">List of servers
List of servers opened incorrectly, as the control panel referred to non-existing database field </msg>
      <msg name="27849">Incorrect statistics collection
Statistics is now collected correctly. This bug occurred on high-load switches  </msg>
      <msg name="27791">Server diagnostics 
Fixed a bug that occurred when running server diagnostics </msg>
      <msg name="27723">Recipe bug
Recipes can be used only for operations "Install OS" </msg>
      <msg name="27653">DLINK-3200-28
DLINK-3200-28 HardwareVersion: C1 switch is now supported by the control panel </msg>
      <msg name="27542">OS templates installation bug 
OS template installation/re-installation mechanism was changed in version 5.57 
      <msg name="27378">Support of Dlink-DES-3200-28
Introduced support of switch Dlink-DES-3200-28. It supports all basic operations: statistics collection, speed/duplex management </msg>
      <msg name="27298">New global policy
A new global policy enables to use different racks for equipment. Server can be connected to switch or PDU from any rack </msg>
      <msg name="26359">ResetAPCTimeOut for the APC handler
The ResetAPCTimeOut parameter in the configuration file specifies a timeout in milliseconds between disabling and enabling controlled socket when performing reboot. </msg>
      <msg name="26303">Huawei switches 
Added support for Huawei switches </msg>
      <msg name="26129">OS reinstllation
When reinstalling OS with user permissions, the OS template that was used in previous setup/reinstallation will be available to that user even if the access is restricted </msg>
      <msg name="26150">Global search
The global search can be performed by switches and PDU </msg>
      <msg name="26124">Clicking the  "Create IPMI" button will automatically allocate an IP address in the Server connections module </msg>
      <msg name="26132">SNMP Common V2
Added a new handler for switches </msg>
      <msg name="25940">Server search with the ExternalIpAllocation option activated 
If the ExternalIpAllocation  option is set, clicking "Approve" will add the server to the list without IP address </msg>
      <msg name="25877">Global search 
Global search can be performed by the following fields: MAC-address, IP-address, Label, Hostname </msg>
      <msg name="25651">Locations. Password-based authentication
Password-based authentication is now available for locations creation </msg>
      <msg name="25863">Server types
When installing and updating the control panel (if no server types are cretaed), the "Server types" module and other element associated with server types will be hidden. To return the elements, specify the Option OldServerType in the configuration file </msg>
      <msg name="25677">TODO block on Dashboard
Added a new TODO block on the Dashboard for administrators that includes steps an administrator needs to perform for initial setup of the control panel upon installation. Once completing all tasks, the block will be hidden </msg>
      <msg name="25706">Server release 
A server will be unblocked after release </msg>
      <msg name="25682">Error cancelling operation 
In some situations an operation couldn't be cancelled </msg>
      <msg name="25711">Community in equipment 
You can enter any value in the Community field when connecting to SNMP </msg>
      <msg name="25312">New report in the Statistics module 
Added the Channel load module, where you can view detailed traffic information - avg bps (average), max bps (maximum), metered 95% (burstable in/out), metered 95% (burstable summary in+out)  per each server. You can get statistics over a desired period during the current month.</msg>
      <msg name="25487">Traffic statistics
You can view statistics per server from a certain rack </msg>
      <msg name="16848">Custom handlers
You can configure ports as a trunk and add trunk members in custom switch handler</msg>
      <msg name="24028">Diagnostics notification 
Added more information into the hint describing a local connection test</msg>
      <msg name="23469">User statistics
Incoming and outcoming traffic statistics is returned and added to the item "Traffic".</msg>
      <msg name="25593">List of trunk members in VLAN
Ports in the trunk mode are highlighted red. Ports can be disabled in the access mode</msg>
      <msg name="25543">Locations
You can now manage servers in different locations. For more information, please refer to
      <msg name="25356">Cascading switches
In the port edit form you can now add connection to port of another switch </msg>
      <msg name="25357">Server connection
Added possibility to create a connection of the type Server-&gt;Server</msg>
      <msg name="16461">New mechanism for server types 
For more details refer to our Documentation 
      <msg name="23976">Servers under repair 
You can keep track of servers being under repair</msg>
      <msg name="24052">History of IP address change 
You can keep track of creation and deletion of IP addresses in the Server history module</msg>
      <msg name="24382">You can always choose a type of IP address for the server</msg>
      <msg name="21656">Half-duplex in Juniper
The no-flow-control option will be specified when switching port to half-duplex in Juniper</msg>
      <msg name="24734">Server history
Server history now includes information about its suspension, activation and reboot</msg>
      <msg name="16716">Statistics module 
The "Total traffic" module in now available in "Statistics" displaying information about total traffic from all switches over a selected period</msg>
      <msg name="24505">Server type in deactivated servers.
Column "Server type" is added to the list of deactivated servers.</msg>
      <msg name="24200">History of server blocks
You can keep track of server blocks in the History module</msg>
      <msg name="24953">New PDU handler.
Added Racktivity PDU handler.</msg>
      <msg name="24293">Typo in devices 
Corrected a typo in  Intel AMT </msg>
      <msg name="23999">Notifications on Dashboard (User level)
Fixed the traffic graph  heading</msg>
      <msg name="22795">Statistics
The "Load" module is now available enabling to view load statistics from all switch ports </msg>
      <msg name="24685">Operations (User level) 
Now users cannot see the operation status (diagnostics, recovery mode, OS installation) in the "Status" column, if the operation was run by Administrator. A user can see the corresponding icon in the "Status" column indicating that the server currently undergoing maintenance. The "Edit", "Reboot", "Enable", "Disable", and "Operations" won't be available to users at that time.</msg>
      <msg name="24047">User comments 
Admins can view both his and his users' comments in the list of servers</msg>
      <msg name="25081">Fixes in Netflow statistics processing module
Sometimes nfacctd can write files with odd symbols at the end, which do not correspond with the file format, in var/flow. Due to incorrect processing of such files they were not deleted from var/flow, statistics was collected incorrectly, and the disk space consumed by var/stat was increasing. Such files are being processed correctly now.</msg>
    <messages name="trafficburstable_day">
      <msg name="burst_in">Incoming (Mbit/s)</msg>
      <msg name="hint_date">Select a day in the format YYYY-MM-DD  to generate a report </msg>
      <msg name="burst_out">Outgoing (Mbit/s)</msg>
      <msg name="date">Day</msg>
      <include name="trafficburstable"/>
    <messages name="server.connection.connwizintelamt">
      <msg name="ip">Intel AMT IP address </msg>
      <msg name="hint_wsman_user">Username to Intel AMT</msg>
      <msg name="hint_wsman_port">Enter the port of the Intel AMT web-interface. Leaving the field blank will use port 16992 </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ip">IP address of the Intel AMT interface </msg>
      <msg name="wsman_pass">Password</msg>
      <msg name="hint_wsman_pass">Password to Intel AMT</msg>
      <msg name="wsman_port">Port</msg>
      <msg name="wsman_user">User</msg>
      <msg name="title">Intel AMT settings</msg>
    <messages name="servertype.copy">
      <msg name="title">Copy the server type</msg>
      <include name="servertype.edit"/>
    <messages name="powerpie">
      <msg name="hint_top_num">Select how many servers with maximum power usage to show </msg>
      <msg name="top_num">TOP server by energy</msg>
      <include name="power"/>
      <include name="common"/>
    <messages name="usertrafficdetails">
      <include name="trafficdetails"/>
    <messages name="trafficpie">
      <msg name="hint_rack">Filter the server's list by the selected rack </msg>
      <msg name="info">Incoming traffic</msg>
      <include name="traffic"/>
      <include name="common"/>
    <messages name="usertraffic">
      <msg name="info">Traffic per server</msg>
      <msg name="sum">Total </msg>
      <msg name="diagram_traffic">Traffic statistics</msg>
      <msg name="rx">Incoming</msg>
      <msg name="title">Traffic statistics</msg>
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="msg_help_links/29"><![CDATA[	]]></msg>
      <msg name="tx">Outgoing</msg>
    <messages name="trafficburstable_pie">
      <msg name="hint_rack">Filter the server's list by the selected rack </msg>
      <msg name="hint_server">Statistics will be shown only for the server with this label (name)</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ip">Statistics will be shown only for servers with this IP address </msg>
      <include name="trafficburstable"/>
      <include name="common"/>
    <messages name="server.writeoff">
      <msg name="title">Write off servers </msg>
      <include name="server.edit"/>
    <messages name="writeoff_server">
      <include name="isparecategory.ispare"/>
      <msg name="gen_chassis_name">Configuration</msg>
      <msg name="title">Written off and broken servers </msg>
      <msg name="writeoffdate">Date</msg>
      <include name="server.edit"/>
    <messages name="history">
      <msg name="desc_is_write_off_off">Server is restored </msg>
      <msg name="desc_is_write_off_on">The server is written off</msg>
      <msg name="PORT_RESET1">Server has been rebooted</msg>
      <msg name="CONNECTION_PORT_OFF">Server connection is disabled: __new__</msg>
      <msg name="CONNECTION_PORT_ON">Server connection is enabled: __new__</msg>
      <msg name="PORT_OFF">Server has been disabled </msg>
      <msg name="PORT_ON">Server has been activated </msg>
      <msg name="PORT_RESET">Server has been rebooted </msg>
      <msg name="desc_is_broken_srv_on">The "Server broken" check box was selected </msg>
      <msg name="desc_sent_to_repair_on">Moved into maintenance mode</msg>
      <msg name="desc_last_add_ip">IP address has been added: __new__</msg>
      <msg name="desc_sent_to_repair_off">Moved back from  maintenance mode</msg>
      <msg name="desc_last_remove_ip">IP address has been deleted: __new__</msg>
      <msg name="desc_is_broken_srv_off">The "Server broken" check box was unselected</msg>
      <msg name="desc_forcelock_on">The "Server protected" check box is selected </msg>
      <msg name="desc_disabled_on">Server is blocked </msg>
      <msg name="desc_forcelock_off">The "Server protected" check box is cleared </msg>
      <msg name="desc_disabled_off">Server is unblocked </msg>
      <msg name="desc_start_operation">Performing operation with template: __new__</msg>
      <msg name="desc_cancel_operation">Cancell operation with template:  __new__</msg>
    <messages name="trafficglobal">
      <msg name="info">Traffic from all the servers for the last 30 days </msg>
      <msg name="diagram_traffic">Traffic statistics</msg>
      <msg name="title">Total traffic </msg>
      <include name="traffic"/>
    <messages name="overall_current">
      <msg name="title">Total power consumption</msg>
      <msg name="info">Power use by all servers in the data center </msg>
      <msg name="current">Consumption (Amps*hw)</msg>
      <msg name="diagram_traffic">Power consumption statistics </msg>
    <messages name="current">
      <msg name="hostname">主机名 </msg>
      <msg name="ip">IP address </msg>
      <msg name="server">Server</msg>
      <msg name="current_traffic">Current statistics </msg>
      <msg name="current">Consumption (Amps*hw)</msg>
      <msg name="info">Power consumption </msg>
      <msg name="title">Power consumption statistics </msg>
    <messages name="currentdetails">
      <msg name="current">Consumption  (Amps*hw)</msg>
      <msg name="diagram_current">Current statistics </msg>
      <msg name="info">Power consumption by the __server__ server </msg>
      <msg name="title">Current detailed statistics </msg>
      <msg name="elid">Server</msg>
    <messages name="msgerror">
      <msg name="msg_error_duplicate_barcode">Equipment with this barcode is already created in the warehouse.</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_duplicate_serial_number">Equipment with this serial number is already created in the warehouse. </msg>
      <msg name="mgs_error_report_finish_failed">Failed to generate the report. Error  '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_missed_report">Report id '__value__' does not exist </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_server_ipmi_autoconfig_operation_already_exists">Impossible to launch automatic IPMI setting because operation '__value__' is already ongoing</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ipmi_reset_failed">IPMI rest command not executed. Reason: '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_location_unsupported_os_value">Unsupported operating system '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_busy_unit_by">The unit number is already used in the rack or chassis for blade servers: conflicting servers/equipment  (__value__)</msg>
      <msg name="mgs_error_report_netflow_not_ready">Report is not ready </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_racks_not_equal">The server and the switch must be located in one rack. Or enable the "Allow to use different racks for equipment" option in the 'Global settings' section. </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_can_not_send_email">Notifications cannot be sent. Navigate to the "Mail notifications" section to configure the external mail servers. You should also specify the email for every user (in the user settings form) who will receive the notifications and confirm the email address. </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_not_your_trigger">You cannot delete the trigger that belongs to another user </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_not_your_script">Script '__script__' already exists or belongs to another user </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_missed_trigger">Trigger for deletion not found </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_rack_isfull">Insufficient space in the rack for equipment. </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ipmi_too_long_password">IPMI user password too long (passwords that are more than 15 symbols long may work incorrectly) </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_busy_unit_from_chassis_edit">Changing server size will lead to conflict of __value__  server unit number with the neighboring servers. </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_dhcp_restart_fail">Unable to reboot DHCP. Probably, you specified incorrect settings. Example: If a network interface has a few IP addresses and one of them is already used by the control panel e.g. for OS installation, you will not be able to set up server search for the second one and specify vlan or interface. Read more in our server search documentation.</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_metainfo_not_exist">The '__value__' file does not exist </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_iso_wrong_filename">Incorrect image file name: '__value__' (the extension must be iso)</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ipmi_post_session">Cannot connect to IPMI: '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ipmi_unsupported_ithhpd_download">This  IPMI doesn't support upload of the console (the jnlp file) via ihttpd</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_no_statistics">Statistics for '__value__' is not present </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_value_server_not_enough_slots">The platform cannot be selected, as the number of  __value__ slots is less than in the server configuration </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_chassis_needed_for_new_stock_use">Invalid "Platform type". Select a "Platform type" if you want to add equipment into the server </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_no_available_spares_for_server">No available spare parts for this server. Add required spare parts in the "Warehouse" module -- "Delivery", or in the "Equipment" module and try again </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_slot_max_count">Exceeded the number of  __object__ slots specified in the platform settings  '__platform__'. Limit: __value__</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_value_bad_cpu_socket">CPU socket selected in the platform does not match the CPU socket in the servers with the following id:   __value__</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_cpu_types_are_not_equal">You cannot use different CPU types in one server </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_value_not_enough_slots">The number of __type__ slots cannot be less than in the configuration of servers with the following id:  __value__</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_closing_unfinished_delivery">Cannot close the delivery if it includes "Pending" equipment </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_spare_same_placements">Target status of the equipment matches the current </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_changing_status_of_used_spare">Cannot change the delivery status as this equipment is placed into a rack, server, or switch </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_server_bad_cpu_socket">CPU socket in the selected platform does not match the CPU socket in the selected server </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_changing_delivery_status_in_closed_delivery">You cannot change the delivery status as the delivery with this equipment is already closed </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_bad_spare_placement_for_stock_actions">Cannot change the status if the equipment is not in the warehouse, not under maintenance, or not broken </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_no_ispare_category_chosen">Equipment category not selected </msg>
      <msg name="pci_slot">PCI</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_access_stock_action">You have insufficient privileges  for  managing the "Warehouse" module</msg>
      <msg name="ram_slot">RAM</msg>
      <msg name="hdd_slot">HDD</msg>
      <msg name="cpu_slot">CPU</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ports_func">Cannot complete the operation with port(s)  '__ports__' </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_func_exec">Cannot complete the '__func__' function </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ipmiconsole_download">IPMI console cannot be downloaded</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ipmi_session">Cannot restore IPMI session. Please apply to your administrator.</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_access_ipmi_by_user">You have no access to downloading IPMI console. Please apply to your administrator.</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ipmi_unsupported_download">This type of IPMI does not support console downloading (jnlp file)</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_empty_serverssearch_param">Empty parameters are sent </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_dublicate_ip">Server search is already enabled for IP address '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_dublicate_loc_interface">Server search is already enabled for this combination location/interface '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_serversearch_ip_not_found">IP address is not found </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_dhcp_interface_invalid_symbol">Interface name contains invalid symbol '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_no_ip_on_iface">IP address '__addr__' is not created on the interface  '__iface__' </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_fix_javaupdate">Failed to set up Java on proxy server: '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_fix_curl_install">Failed to set up curl on proxy server: '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_not_same_loc_os">Operating systems of locations and DCImanager do not match </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_exists_location_ip">Location with this address already exists </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ipmiproxyv2_install_stepnfs">Installation script (installation of NFS utilities) failed with error: '__value__' </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ipmiproxyv2_iso_decrease">Error '__value__' occurred during reduction of ISO usage counter </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_access_ipmiproxyask">This user doesn't have permissions to select proxy methods. Please, contact DCImanager administrator </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ipmiproxyv2_no_connection_to_ipmi_url">IPMI URL (__value__) of the selected server is not available. Please recheck URL/IP in IPMI connection properties and Firewall rules on the DCImanager server </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ipmiproxyv2_no_proper_ipmi_to_connect">No active IPMI associated with this server </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_got_inexistent_vlan_from_userhandler">Custom switch handler returned VLAN ID = '__value__' , which is not created in DCImanager </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ipmiproxyv2_install_noauthtype">Connect to IPMI proxy server failed. Please provide a key or a password</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ipmiproxyv2_connect_params">Connecting to IPMI proxy server failed: 'Please check proxy server parameters'</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ipmiproxyv2_disconnect">Disconnection of IPMI proxy server caused issue: '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ipmiproxyv2_install_stepfirewall">Installation script (firewall exclusion configuration ) failed: '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ipmiproxyv2_install_stepjnlp">Installation script (jnlp-files activation configuration) failed: '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ipmiproxyv2_connect_script">Connecting to IPMI proxy server caused issue. Script output: '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ipmiproxyv2_install_stepuser">Installation script (creating user from a template) failed: '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_value_java_license">Please accept Java/Oracle(c) terms of service for using IPMI proxying</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ipmiproxyv2_install_stepbrowser">Installation script (browser installation) failed: '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ipmiproxyv2_connect">IPMI proxy server connection failed:  '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ipmiproxyv2_install_init">IPMI proxy activation is failed: please check server connection parameters</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ipmiproxyv2_install_stepvnc">Installation script (VNC-server installation) failed: '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ipmiproxyv2_connect_longtask">Background task ID generation failed: 'Couldn't find a free port for IPMI connection'</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ipmiproxyv2_getparams">Parameter '__value__' not found while reading panel configuration file</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ipmiproxyv2_install_stepjava">Installation script (java installation) failed: '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ipmiproxyv2_install">IPMI proxy activation caused issue: '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_value_novnc_ports">Invalid noVNC ports range in cofiguration file: '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ipmiproxyv2_install_chmod">Changing permissions for autorun file failed: '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ipmiproxyv2_connect_firewall">Connecting to IPMI proxy server failed (firewall configuration issue: '__value__') </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_service_restart_fail">Cannot start "__object__": __value__</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_service_start_fail">Cannot start "__object__": __value__</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_value_max_cpu_servers">CPU number cannot exceed the value specified in the platform  (__value__)</msg>
      <msg name="desc_alphanum">The value can contain only the Latin alphabet letters, digits,  -, _ and cannot start with a digit or  -</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_value_max_ram_for_chassis_reached">The amount of RAM on the server cannot exceed the value specified for the server platform type (__value__Gb)</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_value_not_enough_ram">Amount of RAM cannot be less than the value specified in the configuration of servers:  __value__</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_arista_error">Arista eAPI returned the error: __value__</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_arista_bad_user">Unable to login to Arista eAPI. Invalid  username or password</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_too_big_file">File is too large. Maximum file size - __value__ Gb</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_max_count_iso">You cannot upload the ISO-image. The maximum limit is exceeded, or you have insufficient permissions to execute this operation </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_no_default_isotemplate">A standard template for the ISO-image is not found. You can upload it in OS templates </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_del_iso">Only the owner can delete this ISO-image </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_value_wrong_limit">This limit cannot be set. A number of users already use many ISO-images. Recommended value = __value__</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_iprange_no_defis">The range of IP addresses should be separated by a hyphen </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_iprange_contains_ip">Server IP address for server search should not be included into the range of IP addresses </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_range_not_in_net">IP range and server IP address should be from the same network </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_max_users">User amount limit is reached, delete the unnecessary users or use existing users.</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_no_power_connections_user">Server is not connected to power source. Operations cannot be performed. Please, contact your server administrator </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_access_ipmi">No access via IPMI </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_hddtype_nodelete">First remove all the hard disks of this type</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_max_one_device_task">The maximum number of tasks for this equipment has been exceeded </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_task_already_running">This operation is already running, or is in the queue </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_change_rack_server_with_connections">Cannot change server rack with switches and PDU connected. Delete all connections and try again </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_parent_chassis">You need to specify the parent platform when adding a new blade server </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_negative_unit">Negative unit value. Units override the rack, please check equipment size. Please note that if size of equipment exceeds one unit - you need to specify the number of upper unit in "Unit number" field. </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_return_in_inventory_object">Cannot return server/spare part with serial number __serial__, as it is already in stock </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_to_small_chassis">You cannot install less servers than already installed in the platform of the selected type </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_greater_chassis">Unit number (blade server position) exceeds the enclosure </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_writeoff_server_with_spare">Cannot write off  server __serial__  as it has spare parts. Remove all the spare parts with the "Set/Remove" button </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_many_blades">No free space in the selected parent chassis. Select another chassis or clean space in the selected one</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_missed_ispare">__value__ spare part not found </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_busy_wwn">This WWN is already assigned to server or spare part </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_multiple_barcode">You cannot specify several barcodes for one component </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_missed_spare_type_with_barcode">Spare part type with this barcode is not found </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_return_bad_ispare_object">Server/spare part with serial number __serial__ has the status "Destroyed/Input error". You cannot return a server/spare part with such a status </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_forbid_broken_ispare_in_device">Cannot mark the detail as broken, if it is located in the server, switch, or other device. You will first need to remove it </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_wrong_chassis_unit">The'__value__' server is already installed into the selected unit </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_netflow_start">An error occurred when starting NetFlow: __value__</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_non_valid_vlan_param">Please enter the right VLAN ID in VLAN or Native VLAN field. VLAN ID should represent the number from 1 to 4095. </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_bad_vlanid">An incorrect type was detected for the IP address being added, while processing the AddIpToPort option. Please state the type in the IP address database (within IPmanager, if an integration is in place), in the vlanX format, where X is a value greater than 0 and less than 4096. Alternatively, remove the AddIpVlanToPort option.</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_conflict_add_ip_vlan_to_port">AddIpVlanToPort option handler cannot add VLAN-IP address to the switch's port, as an operation is running on the server, and the policy to "Switch VLAN during operations" is turned off. Please wait for the operation to end.</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_invalid_vlan_use">VLAN __value__ has different status (PVLAN status - Primary, Isolated) on the switches. Its use is thus prohibited. Please make sure that this VLAN has the same status type on all the switches.</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ssh_is_required">SSH access is required</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_telnet_is_required">Telnet access is required </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_non_valid_vlan_mem">Wrong VLAN ID in trunk members. VLAN ID should represent the number from 1 to 4095. </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_aggregation_not_same_tag_type">All the aggegated ports should have the same VLAN tag</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_bad_primary_port">Bad primary port</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_non_valid_vlan">Wrong VLAN ID. VLAN ID should represent the number from 1 to 4095 </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_modify_agregate_on_uplink">It's impossible to aggregate uplink ports</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_snmp_is_required">SNMP access is required </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_edit_macro">You cannot modify the value '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_unavailable_ostemplate">OS templates are currently being deployed </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_exists_servers">This server already exists</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_location_install_package">Failed to install packages on locations</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_constraint_delete_chassis_templ">Cannot delete the platform, as it is already used in servers and/or delivery</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_constraint_delete_hdd_type">Impossible to delete HDD as it is already used in servers and/or delivery </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_exists_conn_to_switch">Such connection between switches already exists</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_location_ssh_fail">Failed to connect to location via SSH: __value__</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_constraint_delete_pci_type">Cannot delete PCI device as it is already used in servers and/or delivery </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_location_unsupported_os">Operation system is not supported</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_location_ssh_keygen_fail">Failed to generate an SHH key</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_location_read_pub_key_fail">Failed to read public SSH key from file __value__</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_constraint_delete_cpu_socket_type">Impossible to delete CPU socket as it is already used on servers </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_missed_servers">Server not found</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_constraint_delete_cpu_type">Cannot delete the CPU as it is already used in servers and/or delivery </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_exists_server2server">Such connection already exists</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_busy_by_admin">Currently you cannot perform any operations with this server. The server is undergoing maintenance </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_no_broken_server">Server is not marked Broken </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_modify_duplex_on_uplink">You cannot modify mode on the UpLink port </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_modify_speed_on_uplink">You cannot modify speed on the UpLink  port </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_modify_vlan_on_uplink">You cannot modify VLAN on the UpLink port</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_busy_unit">This unit is already in use in the rack or platform for blade servers </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_wrong_unit">The unit number is larger than the rack size or number of slots in the platform for blade servers </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_racks_limit_reached">You have reached the maximum number of racks you are allowed to use according to your license </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_constraint_delete_sellers">You cannot delete the  supplier who has servers and/or equipment </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_disable_server_with_no_owner">Cannot disable the server without owner </msg>
      <msg name="desc_reponame">The value must contain only the Latin alphabet letters, digits and the '-' sign.</msg>
      <msg name="desc_vlanid_wrong_range_vlanid">VLAN ID value must be within the range: __ranges__</msg>
      <msg name="desc_vlanid_wrong_vlanid">VLAN ID must be numeric</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_access_restrict_tmpip_edit">You are not allowed to edit this IP address as this is the temporary address and will be delete automatically</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_access_server">Server access denied</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_access_servers">Server access denied</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_attempt_to_add_service_trunk_mem">Failed to add VLAN __value__ into Trunk</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_attempt_to_change_service_vlan">Failed to change  VLAN __value__ on port</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_attempt_to_del_service_trunk_mem">Failed to delete  VLAN __value__ from Trunk</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_bird_start_fail">Failed to start the Bird service</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_cant_aoutoalloc_tmpipv4">Failed to allocate temporary IPv4 to complete the operation </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_cant_check_multinode_type">Failed to run check of OS templates on  the chassis for blade-servers</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_cant_move_main_ip">It is prohibited to move the primary IP address of the server</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_category_delete_restrict_spares_in_cat">Unable to delete the category. Spare parts associated with this category exist</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_change_hostname_withoutip">Failed to change the hostname if IP address is not assigned</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_choose_server">Select a server</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_choose_server_or_rack">Select a server or rack</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_constraint_delete_net_vlans">Failed to delete the network. This network is already in use</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_constraint_delete_racks">Failed to delete the selected rack, first delete servers and devices in that rack </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_constraint_delete_racktypes">Cannot delete the rack type. First you need to delete all the rack with this type</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_constraint_delete_spares_categories">Unable to delete this category. Spare parts or types associated with this category exist</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_constraint_delete_spares_types">Unable to delete the selected type. Spare parts associated with this type exist</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_constraint_delete_typelist">Cannot delete the selected server type. Servers of this type exist</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_constraint_delete_vlans">Cannot delete the selected VLAN, as it is already in use </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_dcmap_not_editable">This element is not editable</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_dev_unregistred_func">This device doesn't support the required functionality</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_device_ports_depleted">The selected device doesn't have available ports </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_exists_Measure">This name is already in use by a measuring device</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_exists_PDU">This name is already in use by a PDU</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_exists_Router">This name is already in use by a router</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_exists_Switch">This name is already in use  by the switch</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_exists_UPS">This name is already in use by an UPS</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_exists_eq_ports">Port with this ID already exists </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_exists_equipmentip">This with this IP address already exists </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_exists_racks">Rack with this name already exists </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_exists_sellers">This supplier already exists </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_exists_server_mac">Server with this MAC-address already exists </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_exists_spares_categories">This category already exists </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_exists_spares_types">This type already exists </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_exists_such_ipmi">IPMI already connected to this server </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_exists_typelist">Server type with this name already exists </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_exists_users">User with this name already exists </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_exists_vlanid">Virtual network with this VLAN ID already exists on the router</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_exists_vlanname">Virtual network with this name already exists </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_exists_vlans">Virtual network already exists </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_handler_netconf_auth_fail">Netconf: failed to connect with this loagin/passowrd</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_handler_netconf_authpass_fail">Netconf: failed to connect with this password</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_handler_netconf_channel_fail">Netconf: failed to open the SSH channel</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_handler_netconf_handshake_fail">Netconf: failed to complete Handshake</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_handler_netconf_init_fail">Netconf: failed to initialize the SSH function</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_handler_netconf_invalid_host">Netconf: invalid host</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_handler_netconf_session_fail">Netconf: failed to open the SSH session</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_handler_netconf_socket_fail">Netconf: failed to connect to socket</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_handler_netconf_subsystem_fail">Netconf: failed to enable the netconf subsystem</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_handler_snmp_authkey">Error generating the authentication key</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_handler_snmp_privkey">Error generating the private key</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_handler_snmp_session_fail">Failed to open the SNMP session</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_handler_snmp_version">Cannot define the SNMP version</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_handler_ssh_connect_fail">Failed to SSH connect to the device</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_handler_telnet_fail">Failed to Telnet connect to the device</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_handler_unknown">An error occurred while trying to connect to the device. Make sure the access details are correct, and the device is accessible</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ip_alloc_failed">Failed to allocate IP addresses for the server. No IP addresses available </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ip_delete_restrict_diag_in_progress">Unable to delete this IP address. Server diagnostics is in progress and the IP address might be in use</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ip_delete_restrict_osinstall_in_progress">Unable to delete this IP address. The OS installation is progress, and the IP address might be in use already</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ip_delete_restrict_rescue_in_progress">Unable to delete this IP address. Server recovery is in progress and the IP address might be in use</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ip_in_use">This IP address is already in use and cannot be removed</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ip_move_restrict_diag_in_progress">Cannot transfer the selected IP address: server diagnostics in progress, the IP address may be in use</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ip_move_restrict_osinstall_in_progress">Cannot transfer the selected IP address: the OS installation in progress, the IP address may be in use</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ip_move_restrict_rescue_in_progress">Cannot transfer the selected IP address: server recovery in progress, the IP address may be in use</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ipmi_exec_error_ipmitool">Error occurred when sending request to IPMI "__value__"</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_license_product_ver_missmatch_enterprise">Selected license is not compatible with this version. The license can be used for __value__,  the installed version in DCImanager Enterprise </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_license_product_ver_missmatch_esential">Selected license is not compatible with this version. The license can be used for __value__,  the installed version in DCImanager Essential</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_license_product_ver_missmatch_progressive">Selected license is not compatible with this version. The license can be used for __value__,  the installed version in DCImanager Progressive </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_mac_is_not_defined_for_server">MAC-address is not specified for this server</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_missed_connection">Unknown connection </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_missed_devhadler">Unknown device type</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_missed_device">Unknown device </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_multinode_selected">You specified the server, which is a platform  for blade-servers. You cannot move hard drives to/from platform for blade-servers</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_no_allowed_template">No templates available to complete this operation. Contact your administrator</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_no_avaliable_operations">No operations can be performed with this server. Contact your administrator</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_no_cpu_known_run_diag">Unable to delete the CPU, as there are no CPU in the database. DCImanager automatically adds CPU to the base while running server diagnostics.</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_no_device_choosen">Device not selected </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_no_free_ip_in_vpu_net">No IP addresses available in the VPU etwork</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_no_os_templates_for_check">Failed to run check for OS templates for all the server types. No check templates available. Install the OS templates. Note: templates that are available only to administrators won't be checked automatically</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_no_power_connections">No devices are connected to this PDU</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_no_server_for_typecheck">No servers of this type to start checking </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_no_su_disabled_user">This user account is suspended</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_oper_disallowd_for_multinode">Cannot perform operations with platform  for the blade servers</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_operations_runnung_on_server">OS installation in progress. The selected server cannot be deleted. &#13;
Cancel the installation process</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_operfail_no_ip_on_server">Unbale to complete the operation. No IP addresses are specified for this server</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_os_list_is_empty_install_os_templates">Unable to add an OS template to the list, as no templates are installed. Install the OS templates (Settings -&gt; OS templates)</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_osmgr_bad_location">Unable to upload the file  __location__.  Make sure the link is correct, and the repository server is accessible.</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_osmgr_bad_repoinfo">The  __filename__  file is not found in the repository, or its contents differ from '__content__'</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_osmgr_need_version">Update the control panel to  __value__ or later to be able to install or update the template</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_prefix_low_border_not_found">PrefixLowBorder parameter is not found in the configuration file</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_reconfigure_bird_fail">The Bird service could not apply the configuration file settings</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_repo_locked">The  __repo__  repository is blocked by another process</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_router_sync_not_found">Router for synchronization not found</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_self_delete_error">You cannot delete your account </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_self_disable_error">You cannot suspend your account </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_self_enable_error">You cannot enable your account </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_seller_exsists">Supplier with this name already exists</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_server_forcelock">This server is protected from accidental actions by administrator </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_server_is_locked">This server is blocked by administrator </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_servers_limit_reached">You have exceeded the maximum number of servers that you are allowed to create according to your license</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_service_port_connected_to_server">This port is assigned to the server an cannot be used for other purposes </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_spare_category_plugsin_change">You must not change the type of the spare category that already exists </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_spare_plugin_only_server_allowed">Select a server</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_spare_plugin_only_server_and_spare_allowed">Select a server or spare part</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_spare_plugin_only_spare_type_allowed">Select a spare type. To add new spares, go to the Spares module - Categories and add required categories and spare parts.</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_there_is_blades_in_chassis">Blade servers are already installed  into the chassis. The chassis cannot be deleted </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_uplink_port_connected_to_server">This port is assigned to the server and cannot be used as Uplink </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_value_handler_netconf_cmd_fail">Netconf: failed to execute the test command on device : __value__</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_value_iprange">You should enter a range of IP addresses, such as "". It shouldn't include special addresses  (RFC 5735, 919, 1700, 5771) and IP address of the server interface where DCImanager is installed.</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_value_ostemplate">You have selected incorrect OS template </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_value_rescue">You have selected incorrect recovery template </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_value_type">Select a type </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_vlan_connected_to_server_freenet">This VLAN is associated with the server "__value__", and its network cannot be released</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_vlan_ip">Cannot release the selected IP address as it is assigned to VLAN</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_vpu_option_not_enabled">You can add and edit networks only with VPU activated</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_without_connections">No devices connected to this device. Select how you want  to connected it (SSH, telnet, SNMP) and enter required information</msg>
    <messages name="alert">
      <msg name="groupfail_clone">Cannot clone '__count__' triggers </msg>
      <msg name="dhcp_ifaces_not_configured">Interfaces for DHCP are not specified. Server search may run incorrectly. You can specify them in the Global settings form </msg>
      <msg name="closed_delivery">This delivery is "Closed". Any changes to the equipment are forbidden </msg>
      <msg name="groupfail_cancel">Cannot change the status into "Cancelled" for  __count__ element(-s).  For more information, please hover the mouse cursor to the error icon in the table</msg>
      <msg name="groupfail_receive">Cannot change the status into "Received" for  __count__ element(-s).  For more information, please hover the mouse cursor to the error icon in the table </msg>
      <msg name="ipmi_last_updated">The list of IPMI users were updated __time__ </msg>
      <msg name="ipmi_last_updated_never">The list of IPMI users has not been updated for a long time </msg>
      <msg name="device_connection_fail">Connection failed. Displayed data may be incorrect </msg>
      <msg name="cpu_without_scale">You have CPU, for which scalability is not specified</msg>
      <msg name="cpu_without_socket">You have CPU, which are not associated with sockets </msg>
      <msg name="groupfail_refresh">This operation is already running or put into the queue </msg>
      <msg name="racks_limit_reached">Note: you have reached the maximum number of racks you are allowed to use according to your license </msg>
      <msg name="groupfail_approve">Failed to bring into operation __count__  server(s). Move your mouse cursor over the error icon for more detail. </msg>
      <msg name="groupfail_checktype">Failed to test OS templates for  __count__  type(s). Move your mouse cursor over the error icon for more details </msg>
      <msg name="groupfail_disable">Failed to suspend __count__  element(s). For more information move you mouse cursor over the error icon.</msg>
      <msg name="groupfail_enable">Failed to block  __count__ element(s). Move your mouse cursor over the error icon for more information</msg>
      <msg name="groupfail_install">Failed to install __count__ template(s). For more information hover your mouse cursor over the error icon</msg>
      <msg name="groupfail_off">Cannot activate __count__ port(s). Move your mouse cursor over the error icon to learn more</msg>
      <msg name="groupfail_on">Cannot activate __count__ port(s). Move your mouse cursor over the error icon to learn more</msg>
      <msg name="groupfail_opercancel">Failed to stop operations on  __count__  server(s). For more information move your mouse cursor over the error icon. </msg>
      <msg name="groupfail_poweroff">Failed to power off  __count__ server(s). For more information move your mouse cursor over the error icon in the table </msg>
      <msg name="groupfail_poweron">Failed to power on __count__ server(s). For more information move your mouse cursor over the error icon in the table. </msg>
      <msg name="groupfail_reboot">Failed to reboot  __count__ server(s). For more information move your mouse cursor over the error icon in the table</msg>
      <msg name="servers_limit_reached">Attention! You have exceeded the number of servers that you are allowed to use according to your software license</msg>
    <messages name="desktop">
      <msg name="menu_report_netflow">NetFlow report </msg>
      <msg name="menu_trigger">Triggers </msg>
      <msg name="menu_trigger_history">History </msg>
      <msg name="menu_new_energy_consumption">Energy consumption </msg>
      <msg name="menu_new_net">Network</msg>
      <msg name="menu_new_temperature">Temperature</msg>
      <msg name="menu_stock">Warehouse </msg>
      <msg name="menu_isparecategory">Equipment</msg>
      <msg name="menu_ramtype">RAM</msg>
      <msg name="menu_uservlan">VLAN</msg>
      <msg name="menu_iso">ISO镜像文件</msg>
      <msg name="menu_inventory">Inventory </msg>
      <msg name="menu_set2">Types of equipment </msg>
      <msg name="menu_wwn">WWN</msg>
      <msg name="menu_barcode">Barcodes </msg>
      <msg name="menu_ispare">Spare parts </msg>
      <msg name="menu_idelivery">Delivery </msg>
      <msg name="menu_recipemgr">Recipes </msg>
      <msg name="menu_burst_varperiod">Burstable </msg>
      <msg name="menu_trafload">Switch Load</msg>
      <msg name="menu_location">Locations </msg>
      <msg name="menu_overalltraffic">Total traffic</msg>
      <msg name="menu_pcitype">PCI devices</msg>
      <msg name="menu_chassistempl">Platforms</msg>
      <msg name="menu_cputype">Processors</msg>
      <msg name="menu_hddtype">HDDs</msg>
      <msg name="menu_maintain">Inventory </msg>
      <msg name="menu_trafficburstable_day">Burstable</msg>
      <msg name="menu_powerpie">Power consumption </msg>
      <msg name="menu_writeoff_server">Broken servers </msg>
      <msg name="menu_trafficpie">Traffic </msg>
      <msg name="menu_usertraffic">Total traffic </msg>
      <msg name="menu_trafficburstable_pie">Burstable</msg>
      <msg name="msg_trial">You are using a free version. It comes with the following limitations: 5 servers </msg>
      <msg name="menu_current">Power consumption </msg>
      <msg name="menu_acquisition">Orders</msg>
      <msg name="menu_dcmap">DC map </msg>
      <msg name="menu_equipment">Equipment </msg>
      <msg name="menu_globalsettings">Global settings </msg>
      <msg name="menu_hddmovewiz">Move hard drives </msg>
      <msg name="menu_hwsearch">Search equipment </msg>
      <msg name="menu_ifxreports">Reports </msg>
      <msg name="menu_kvm">KVM</msg>
      <msg name="menu_main">Main Menu </msg>
      <msg name="menu_measure">Units of measure </msg>
      <msg name="menu_network">Networks </msg>
      <msg name="menu_operation">Operations</msg>
      <msg name="menu_operstat">OS installations</msg>
      <msg name="menu_osmgr">OS templates</msg>
      <msg name="menu_pdu">PDU</msg>
      <msg name="menu_policy">Policy</msg>
      <msg name="menu_power">Power consumption </msg>
      <msg name="menu_purchases">Purchased equipment </msg>
      <msg name="menu_rack">Racks </msg>
      <msg name="menu_rack_temperature">Temperature</msg>
      <msg name="menu_router">Routers </msg>
      <msg name="menu_server">服务器</msg>
      <msg name="menu_serverconnstat">Fixed connections </msg>
      <msg name="menu_serversearch">Found servers</msg>
      <msg name="menu_servertype">Server types </msg>
      <msg name="menu_spare">Spares</msg>
      <msg name="menu_sshpubkey">SSH密匙对</msg>
      <msg name="menu_statistics">状态</msg>
      <msg name="menu_statsettings">Statistics</msg>
      <msg name="menu_switch">Switches </msg>
      <msg name="menu_task">Tasks</msg>
      <msg name="menu_temperature">Temperature </msg>
      <msg name="menu_tools">Tools</msg>
      <msg name="menu_traffic">Traffic</msg>
      <msg name="menu_trafficburstable">Traffic (Burstable) </msg>
      <msg name="menu_trouble">Problems </msg>
      <msg name="menu_ups">UPS</msg>
      <msg name="menu_user">Users</msg>
      <msg name="menu_vlan">Virtual networks (VLAN)</msg>
    <messages name="rack">
      <msg name="location">Location</msg>
      <msg name="hint_location">Data center in which the rack is located</msg>
      <msg name="height">Height </msg>
      <msg name="hint_height">Enter the rack height in mm</msg>
      <msg name="can_install_servers">Places for servers </msg>
      <msg name="can_take_servers">Places for servers </msg>
      <msg name="hint_can_install_servers">Number of servers that can be installed into the rack, for each server you need: one switch port, one PDU port and one unit</msg>
      <msg name="hint_can_take_servers">Number of servers that can be installed into the rack, for each server you need: one switch port, one PDU port and one unit</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_srvsearch_off">Servers search is not allowed for this rack</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_srvsearch_on">Servers search is allowed for this rack </msg>
      <msg name="hint_racksize">Here you can view the information about servers installed in racks/available locations. Clicking the table cell will redirect you to a list of servers in the selected rack.</msg>
      <msg name="hint_traff">Network load from all the devices that are installed into the rack for the last 5 minutes </msg>
      <msg name="hint_type">List of rack types</msg>
      <msg name="inetport">Switch ports </msg>
      <msg name="power">Power consumption (W)</msg>
      <msg name="powerport">Power port </msg>
      <msg name="racksize">Rack size</msg>
      <msg name="servcnt">Number of servers</msg>
      <msg name="short_type">Types of racks </msg>
      <msg name="temperature">Temperature </msg>
      <msg name="title">Racks management</msg>
      <msg name="traff">Network load </msg>
    <messages name="rack.edit">
      <msg name="height">Height (unit)</msg>
      <msg name="hint_height">Enter the rack height in mm</msg>
      <msg name="location">Location</msg>
      <msg name="hint_location">Data center in which the rack is located</msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Enter  the name or id of the rack </msg>
      <msg name="hint_notes">Enter any additional information related to the rack </msg>
      <msg name="hint_racksize">Number of locations in the rack (in units) </msg>
      <msg name="hint_srvsearch">Selecting this check box will enable DCImanager to use equipment installed in this rack for server search. During this process DCImanager will enable available ports one after another on the PDU without marking them as "Services", and run server connection check. These operations will define PDU ports that servers are connected to.  </msg>
      <msg name="racksize">Rack size</msg>
      <msg name="servicesize">Size of the service equipment </msg>
      <msg name="srvsearch">Allow server search </msg>
      <msg name="title">Edit rack</msg>
      <msg name="title_new">Add a rack </msg>
    <messages name="server">
      <msg name="hint_p_vpu_ipmi_ip_change_in_progress">IPMI IP address is being changed</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_hwproblem_info">This server has equipment issues: __value__</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_user_clearhdd_in_progress">Clear disks </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_not_work_5">服务器处在维护状态。您不能做任何操作 </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_not_work_3">Server is written off. No operation can be performed</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_not_work_4">Server is broken. You cannot perform any operations </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_not_work_6">Server is created by mistake. You cannot perform any operations </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_stock_no_ispare">There are spare parts that are not registered in the warehouse </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_stock_problem">Mismatching equipment found during diagnostics. New or wrong equipment found. Open the server edit form to resolve the issue </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_cancel_in_progress">正取消操作,请等待 </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ipmiconsole_download">下载IPMI控制台启动文件(仅.jnlp文件)</msg>
      <msg name="user_login_on">. Username/Password: </msg>
      <msg name="short_ipmiconsole_download">IPMI控制台</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_serviceon">Hidden switch port  __value__ - cable is connected</msg>
      <msg name="hint_switchconnection">List of connections to the switch </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_serviceoff">Hidden switch port __value__ - no connection </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_serviceunknown">Hidden switch port  __value__ - status unknown </msg>
      <msg name="short_switchconnection">网络连接 </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_serviceerror">Connection with the __value__ switch failed</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_iso_in_progress">Upload from ISO-image __value__</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ipcount">Number of server's IP addresses</msg>
      <msg name="hint_status">当前服务器运行状态</msg>
      <msg name="hint_power">Power consumption (Watt) over the last 5 minutes </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ip">主IP地址 </msg>
      <msg name="hint_notes">Notes </msg>
      <msg name="hint_chassis_templ">Platform type </msg>
      <msg name="hint_type">Server type </msg>
      <msg name="hint_temperature">Temperature on the server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_os">Installed OS </msg>
      <msg name="hint_owner">Server owner </msg>
      <msg name="hint_gen_chassis_name">Server configuration </msg>
      <msg name="hint_mac">MAC-address of the primary interface </msg>
      <msg name="hint_rack">机柜 </msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">标签 </msg>
      <msg name="raid_error">You need to select hard drives manually. Hardware Raid is installed on your server, that's why information about hard drives cannot be obtained </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_operation_failed_operation">Failed to complete the last operation. If the error occurs again, contact your administrator </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_operation_failed_recipe">Error processing the recipe. Click the icon for more information </msg>
      <msg name="hint_idelivery">Delivery associated with this server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_chassis_templ_prop_blade">Blade server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_chassis_templ_prop_triple">Common server </msg>
      <msg name="placement">状态 </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_chassis_templ_prop_more3">Common server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_chassis_templ_prop_single">Common server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_rwriteoff">All connections will be removed, server's IP addresses will be deleted, owner will be reset, and statistics will be deleted. The server will be put into the list of written off servers </msg>
      <msg name="in_work">In service </msg>
      <msg name="short_rwriteoff">Write off </msg>
      <msg name="chassis_templ">Platform type </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_chassis_templ_prop_double">Common server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_chassis_templ_prop_multinode">Chassis for blade servers</msg>
      <msg name="idelivery">Delivery </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_recipe_in_progress">Recipe installation in progress: __value__</msg>
      <msg name="global_search_typename">Type name</msg>
      <msg name="name">标签 </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_busy_by_admin">Currently you cannot run any operations on this server. The server is undergoing maintenance </msg>
      <msg name="gen_chassis_name">Configuration </msg>
      <msg name="hint_received_after_repair">Clicking Delivered will delete the "Broken" status and delete the server from the list of servers displayed to operators.</msg>
      <msg name="short_sent_to_repair">Sent</msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_received_after_repair">Do you really want to mark this server delivered </msg>
      <msg name="hint_sent_to_repair">Mark this server "Under maintenance" </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_sent_to_repair_on">Under maintenance </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_is_broken_srv">Server is broken </msg>
      <msg name="short_received_after_repair">Delivered </msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_sent_to_repair">Do you really want to move this server into maintenance mode </msg>
      <msg name="short_writeoff">Maintenance </msg>
      <msg name="is_write_off">The server is written off </msg>
      <msg name="hint_writeoff">You will be redirected to the "Operations with equipment" module </msg>
      <msg name="ipcount">Number of IP addresses</msg>
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="hint_connection">Devices connected to the selected server</msg>
      <msg name="hint_delete">Delete the selected server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_disable">Deny access to the selected server. Switch port will be disabled </msg>
      <msg name="hint_edit">Edit properties of the selected server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_enable">Allow access to the selected server. Switch port and power supply will be enabled </msg>
      <msg name="hint_hwinfo">Server configuration </msg>
      <msg name="hint_iplist">View and manage IP addresses assigned to the selected server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_new">Add a new server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_operations">请选择操作项 </msg>
      <msg name="hint_opercancel">取消当前操作</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_cancel_oper">Do you really want to cancel the operation that is currently running on the server</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_chassis_blade">Blade server</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_chassis_multinode">Platform for blade servers</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_chassis_single">Common server</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_diag_in_progress">Server diagnostics __value__</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_disabled">The server is blocked by administrator </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_forcelock">This server is protected from accidental actions by administrator </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_hwproblem">Server equipment issues </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_ineterror">Connection with the __value__ switch failed </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_inetoff">__value__switch port - no connection </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_ineton">__value__ switch port - cable connected </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_inetunknown">Switch port - unknown status __value__</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_install_in_progress">OS installation __value__</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_ipmi">打开  __value__ 的web控制台</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_opration_failed">本次操作失败,如果再次发生,请联系管理员。 </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_powererror">连接  __value__ 失败 </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_poweroff">__value__ 端口 - 已禁用 </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_poweron"> __value__ 端口 - 已连接 </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_powerunknown">PDU port - unknown status __value__</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_rescue_in_progress">急救系统 __value__</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_rescue_ready_ssh">SSH已准备好连接 __value__</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_rescue_ready_vnc">VNC已准备好连接  __value__</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_rescure_in_progress">急救系统运行中</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_restore_in_progress">急救系统运行中</msg>
      <msg name="hint_poweroff">为选中的服务器关机</msg>
      <msg name="hint_poweron">为选中的服务器开机 </msg>
      <msg name="hint_reboot">为选中的服务器重启</msg>
      <msg name="hint_traff">最近5分钟的流量使用情况 (prevailing type) </msg>
      <msg name="id">Id</msg>
      <msg name="mac">网卡MAC地址</msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_cancel_oper">您确定取消当前操作项吗</msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_delete">您确定要删除吗 </msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_disable">Do you really want to block the server </msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_enable">Do you really want to unblock the server </msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_opercancel">您确定取消当前服务器的操作项吗</msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_poweroff">您确定要关机吗 </msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_poweron">您确定要开机吗</msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_reboot">您确定要重启机子吗</msg>
      <msg name="os">操作系统</msg>
      <msg name="power">Power consumption (Watt)</msg>
      <msg name="short_connection">Connections </msg>
      <msg name="short_disable">Lock</msg>
      <msg name="short_enable">Unlock</msg>
      <msg name="short_hwinfo">Info</msg>
      <msg name="short_iplist">IP地址</msg>
      <msg name="short_operations">操作项</msg>
      <msg name="short_opercancel">取消 </msg>
      <msg name="short_poweroff">关机</msg>
      <msg name="short_poweron">开机</msg>
      <msg name="short_reboot">重启</msg>
      <msg name="temperature">温度 </msg>
      <msg name="title">服务器</msg>
      <msg name="traff">流量 </msg>
      <msg name="type">Server type</msg>
      <msg name="vlan">VLAN</msg>
    <messages name="server.filter">
      <msg name="status_placement_3">Written off </msg>
      <msg name="concat_dist_3">Search parameters through OR (except for Status) </msg>
      <msg name="status_placement_normal">Operational </msg>
      <msg name="status_placement_5">in repair </msg>
      <msg name="status_placement">状态 </msg>
      <msg name="status_placement_6">Input error </msg>
      <msg name="status_placement_4">Broken </msg>
      <msg name="concat">Search parameters through OR</msg>
      <msg name="to_day">To </msg>
      <msg name="from_day">From </msg>
      <msg name="title">Server filter </msg>
      <msg name="off">No </msg>
      <msg name="on">Yes </msg>
      <include name="server"/>
      <msg name="hwproblem">Server equipment issues </msg>
      <msg name="forcelock">Server is protected</msg>
      <msg name="disabled">Server is blocked </msg>
      <msg name="connect_to_pdu">Connected to PDU</msg>
      <msg name="connect_to_switch">Connected to switch</msg>
      <msg name="device">Connected to</msg>
      <msg name="id">Id</msg>
      <msg name="ipipmi">IPMI IP address</msg>
      <msg name="mac">MAC-address</msg>
      <msg name="name">Label</msg>
      <msg name="os">OS</msg>
      <msg name="type">Server type</msg>
      <msg name="vlan">VLAN</msg>
    <messages name="server.edit">
      <msg name="list_model">Model</msg>
      <msg name="old_type_usage_warning">&lt;font color="red"&gt;&lt;i&gt;Old server types are no longer supported. Please use new platforms&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/font&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="type_templ_select">Use a server type for location </msg>
      <msg name="hint_type_templ_select">With this option selected, data for old server types will be used for locating the server in the rack </msg>
      <msg name="hint_hwproblem_info">Here you can see the information about the issues that were found during the diagnostics procedure </msg>
      <msg name="hwproblem_info">Detailed information about issues </msg>
      <msg name="hardware_info_half">Information about server equipment (HDD, CPU, etc.) will be added here automatically during diagnostics.</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_ambiguously">Amount of equipment of the given type did not coincide during diagnostics. It was not possible to detect automatically which part was missing, therefore you need to specify which parts to extract. Amount of parts of the given type found during diagnostics is:</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_not_find_in_diag">This equipment is not found during diagnostics. Confirm that you want to remove or replace it with the "Edit" and "Remove" buttons </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_ispare_not_in_stock">No available spare part '__value__' found in the warehouse </msg>
      <msg name="hint_spare_id">In this list you can select a server from the warehouse, so the equipment from delivery will be associated with the newly created server </msg>
      <msg name="spare_id">Server from warehouse </msg>
      <msg name="cpu_types_are_not_equal">The sever contains several CPU types. Delete or edit them </msg>
      <msg name="slots_changed">Equipment has been modified. Click "Ok" to apply the changes </msg>
      <msg name="msg_addslot">Add equipment </msg>
      <msg name="list_barcode">Bar-code</msg>
      <msg name="pci">PCI </msg>
      <msg name="hdd">HDD </msg>
      <msg name="list_category">Equipment type </msg>
      <msg name="list_name">Name</msg>
      <msg name="msg_deleteslot">Plug out</msg>
      <msg name="msg_editslot">编辑</msg>
      <msg name="list_serial">Serial number</msg>
      <msg name="list_action">Action</msg>
      <include name="spare"/>
      <msg name="pl_model_name">Platform model </msg>
      <msg name="hint_pl_model_name">Enter the platform model of the selected server </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_chasis_cant_have_ip">The selected platform type cannot contain an IP address. Please delete IP addresses from the list.</msg>
      <msg name="hint_cpu_0">CPU type installed in a server. DCImanager fills it in during diagnostics</msg>
      <msg name="cpu_0">CPU</msg>
      <msg name="hint_blade_slot2">The slot where the chassis are located </msg>
      <msg name="hint_blade_slot">The slot where the chassis are located</msg>
      <msg name="blade_slot">Blade-slot </msg>
      <msg name="blade_slot2">Blade-slot </msg>
      <msg name="hint_cpu_count">The number of CPU in the server</msg>
      <msg name="cpu_count">CPU number </msg>
      <msg name="ipaliases">Alias IP addresses in the format</msg>
      <msg name="hint_netmask">Enter the network mask </msg>
      <msg name="add_ipaliases">Alias IP addresses </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_wrong_alias_mask">Invalid network mask  '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_wrong_alias_gateway">Invalid network gateway  '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_wrong_alias_ip">Invalid IP address  '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="hint_add_ipaliases">Add alias IP addresses </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ipaliases">Alias IP addresses in the format  ip/mask gateway. Enter each IP address шт a new line </msg>
      <include name="iplist.edit"/>
      <msg name="ip">IP address</msg>
      <msg name="netmask">Network mask</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ip">Enter the IP address</msg>
      <msg name="ramwarning_zero">RAM amount was not determined by diagnostics</msg>
      <msg name="chassiswarning">A platform type is not selected for this server</msg>
      <msg name="hardware_info_placement">Server location in data-center </msg>
      <msg name="no_chassis">--without platform --</msg>
      <msg name="hint_srvsize2">Server size in the rack (in units) </msg>
      <msg name="hint_unit2">Please enter a rack unit number.For multi-unit equipment enter the upper position.</msg>
      <msg name="parent_chassis">Parent chassis</msg>
      <msg name="hint_sizefromtype2">Obtain information about server size from the platform type </msg>
      <msg name="unit2">Unit number </msg>
      <msg name="sizefromtype2">Size according to platform type </msg>
      <msg name="hint_parent_chassis">It allows to define the platform, where this blade server is located (depend on chosen rack) </msg>
      <msg name="srvtypesize2">Size </msg>
      <msg name="hint_srvtypesize2">Server size in the rack (in units), according to its type</msg>
      <msg name="srvsize2">Size </msg>
      <include name="server"/>
      <msg name="disabled">Block server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_disabled">Block server </msg>
      <msg name="hardware_info">During the diagnostics process information about server equipment (HDD, CPU, etc.) will be added into this module automatically. In the Name field a configuration name will be generated based on this data: E3-1240-v3-2x2000SATA. It can be used in invoices, if the panel is integrated with BILLmanager</msg>
      <msg name="hddclear_warn_info">Attention! Selecting "Without owner" in the "Owner" field will run server diagnostics and delete all the data on hard drives. This behavior is set by two options "Check before releasing" and "Clear disks" and/or "Full hard drive erase" . You can set the options in the "Global settings" module </msg>
      <msg name="hint_gen_chassis_name">A platform name for the selected server will be automatically generated based on CPU, HDD, PCI and other fields</msg>
      <msg name="chassis_ram">RAM (Gb)</msg>
      <msg name="chassistempl">Platform type</msg>
      <msg name="hdd_N">HDD __number__</msg>
      <msg name="hint_chassistempl">Common server, blade, or platform for blade servers. It defines how much CPU, HDD and PCI can be added to server</msg>
      <msg name="hint_hdd_N">Type of HDD installed on server</msg>
      <msg name="pci_N">PCI __number__</msg>
      <msg name="dmi_mem">RAM</msg>
      <msg name="hint_pci_N">Device type in this PCI</msg>
      <msg name="dmi_proc">Processors</msg>
      <msg name="diag_result">Diagnostics results</msg>
      <msg name="gen_chassis_name">Name</msg>
      <msg name="hint_chassis_ram">RAM memory installed on server</msg>
      <msg name="hint_is_broken_srv">Check the box  to mark the server "Broken". An operator will see the status and move the server into maintenance mode.</msg>
      <msg name="is_broken_srv">Server is broken </msg>
      <msg name="smartwarning">Disk with serial number '__hdd__' has invalid parameter: __value__</msg>
      <msg name="hint_smartinfo">SMART from the server's hard drives </msg>
      <msg name="smartinfo">SMART</msg>
      <msg name="localspeedwarning">Local connection speed is too low </msg>
      <msg name="hint_localspeed">Measured connection speed</msg>
      <msg name="localspeed">Local connection speed (Mib/s) </msg>
      <msg name="unit">Unit number </msg>
      <msg name="hint_unit">Enter the number of the unit in the rack. For several-unit equipment specify the upper position.</msg>
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="allow_netflow">Statistics collection </msg>
      <msg name="buyinfo">Purchase information</msg>
      <msg name="clearhwwarning">Delete hardware problem </msg>
      <msg name="corecnt">Number of cores</msg>
      <msg name="corecntwarning">Number of cores is more than specified in platform type</msg>
      <msg name="cpu">CPU</msg>
      <msg name="cpucnt">CPU number</msg>
      <msg name="cpuname">CPU</msg>
      <msg name="enable_vpu_net">Use VPU</msg>
      <msg name="family">IP address</msg>
      <msg name="flow">Use NetFlow/IPFIX</msg>
      <msg name="forcelock">Protect server </msg>
      <msg name="getnew">--Add new--</msg>
      <msg name="hardware">Configuration </msg>
      <msg name="hddcntwarning">Number of hard drive does not correspond to the type </msg>
      <msg name="hddinfo">Hard drives</msg>
      <msg name="hddperfwarning">Hard drive performance does not correspond to the type </msg>
      <msg name="hint_allow_netflow">Select how you want to collect traffic usage statistics </msg>
      <msg name="hint_corecnt">The total number of cores installed on the server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_cpu">Type of CPU installed on the server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_cpucnt">Enter  the number of CPU installed on the server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_cpuname">Type of CPU installed on the server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_enable_vpu_net">IP address for this server will be selected from the VPU network</msg>
      <msg name="hint_family">Select a desired IP address</msg>
      <msg name="hint_forcelock">With this check box selected, all users including the administrator won't be able to perform operations over this server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_hddinfo">Information about the hard drives installed on the server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_hwerror">This field contains additional information about issues with equipment that were detected during server diagnostics.</msg>
      <msg name="hint_hwproblem">Select the check box to indicate that this server is faulty and cannot be used. </msg>
      <msg name="hint_id">Enter the server identifier</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ip_block">Enter an IP pool/type that will be used for this server</msg>
      <msg name="hint_laninfo">Information about network adapters installed on the server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_mac">Enter a MAC-address of the server network adapter. It is used for installing OS on the server</msg>
      <msg name="hint_main_ip">IP address that will be assigned during OS installation </msg>
      <msg name="hint_motherboard">Enter a motherboard installed on the server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Enter a unique name for this server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_newseller">Enter a supplier name</msg>
      <msg name="hint_notes">Enter additional information related to the server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_os">Operating system installed on the server</msg>
      <msg name="hint_owner">The owner of this server. To select a user, start typing his name</msg>
      <msg name="hint_parent">Select the platform  where the server is installed </msg>
      <msg name="hint_price">Set the price for the server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_purchasedate">Select the date when the server was purchased </msg>
      <msg name="hint_rack">Enter the rack where the server is installed </msg>
      <msg name="hint_raid">Hardware RAID is installed on this server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ram">The amount of RAM (MiB) </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ramperf">RAM performance in operatios per second</msg>
      <msg name="hint_seller">Select a supplier of this server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_sellerserial">Enter the server's serial number </msg>
      <msg name="hint_sizefromtype">Get information about server size from the server  type </msg>
      <msg name="hint_specialip">Enter the IP address</msg>
      <msg name="hint_srvsize">Server size in rack (in units) </msg>
      <msg name="hint_srvtypesize">Size that this server occupies in the rack (in units). According to the type</msg>
      <msg name="hint_type">Choose a server type. Server types are used in DCImanager Essential to group servers (for example, by tariff plans). DCImanager Progressive and Enterprise keep information about hardware of servers of this type, and enable to determine problems with those servers </msg>
      <msg name="hint_user_notes">Enter additional information about the server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_vpu_net">Select the VPU network for IP allocation</msg>
      <msg name="hint_warranty">Enter the warranty period in months </msg>
      <msg name="hwerror">Additional information about errors with equipment</msg>
      <msg name="hwproblem">Server equipment issues </msg>
      <msg name="id">Id</msg>
      <msg name="ip_block">IP pool/type </msg>
      <msg name="ipv4">IPv4 automatically</msg>
      <msg name="ipv6">IPv6 automatically</msg>
      <msg name="laninfo">Network adapters </msg>
      <msg name="mac">MAC-address</msg>
      <msg name="main_ip">主要的IP地址</msg>
      <msg name="motherboard">Motherboard </msg>
      <msg name="name">Label</msg>
      <msg name="new_seller">--add new--</msg>
      <msg name="newseller">New supplier </msg>
      <msg name="no_parent">--no available platforms--</msg>
      <msg name="no_seller">--without supplier--</msg>
      <msg name="no_type">--without type--</msg>
      <msg name="os">Operating system </msg>
      <msg name="parent">Platform </msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_hostname">server1.example.net</msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_ip"></msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_mac">01:23:45:67:89:AB</msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_name">Server1</msg>
      <msg name="placement">Location</msg>
      <msg name="price">Price</msg>
      <msg name="private">Private</msg>
      <msg name="public">Public</msg>
      <msg name="raid">Hardware RAID</msg>
      <msg name="ram">RAM</msg>
      <msg name="ramperf">RAM performance (oper./sec)</msg>
      <msg name="ramwarning">RAM amount is more than specified in platform type</msg>
      <msg name="seller">Supplier</msg>
      <msg name="sellerserial">Serial number</msg>
      <msg name="sizefromtype">Size according to the type </msg>
      <msg name="special">IP address</msg>
      <msg name="specialip">IP address</msg>
      <msg name="srvsize">Size</msg>
      <msg name="srvtypesize">Size</msg>
      <msg name="switch">Use switch </msg>
      <msg name="system">System</msg>
      <msg name="title">Edit properties of the selected server </msg>
      <msg name="title_new">Add a new server</msg>
      <msg name="type">Server type</msg>
      <msg name="unset">--Not set--</msg>
      <msg name="use_type">According to type </msg>
      <msg name="user_notes">Notes</msg>
      <msg name="vpu_net">VPU network</msg>
      <msg name="warning">No information about configuration of this server. Please, run the diagnostics procedure.</msg>
      <msg name="warranty">Warranty (months)</msg>
    <messages name="iplist.edit">
      <msg name="hint_vpu_diag_start_need">If checked, operation of changing IPMI IP address will be started on the server</msg>
      <msg name="vpu_diag_start_need">Set up IPMI</msg>
      <msg name="vpu_diag_start_info">Please note!&lt;br/&gt;After you click OK, a temporary IP address will be added to the server together with VPU address. It will be used to change IPMI IP address to maintain connection. After operation is completed, the temporary address will be deleted and the server moved to VLAN from VPU network</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_exists_ip">IP address '__value__' already in use. Server - '__server_name__' (__server_id__). You need to release the IP address for the selected server, or mark the IP "In use" in the pool</msg>
      <msg name="domain">主机名 </msg>
      <msg name="vlan">VLAN</msg>
      <msg name="hint_vlan">IP address should be assigned to VLAN to enable the AddIpVlanToPort option. When starting an operation, VLAN of the primary IP address will be set as dual-mode(native VLAN) of the server port, and  VLAN of alias IP addresses will be added to  trunk(tagged)</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ip">A single IP address, a range of addresses in the format network_IP/network_mask, first_IP-last_IP. Begin a new line to specify any of these variants  e.g.:&lt;br/&gt;;br/&gt;;br/&gt; </msg>
      <msg name="enable_vpu_net">Use VPU</msg>
      <msg name="hint_enable_vpu_net">IP address for this server will be selected from the VPU network</msg>
      <msg name="hint_vpu_net">IP address will be allocated from the VPU network</msg>
      <msg name="private">Private</msg>
      <msg name="public">Public</msg>
      <msg name="vpu_net">VPU network</msg>
    <messages name="server.connection">
      <msg name="hint_p_switchport_speed_auto">Port speed '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_switchport_speed">Port speed '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_switchport_speed_1g">Port speed '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_switchport_speed_100m">Port speed '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_switchport_speed_10m">Port speed '__value__'</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_is_ipmi_port">This connection is marked as IPMI connection</msg>
      <msg name="type_Server">Server</msg>
      <msg name="hint_delete">Delete the selected device </msg>
      <msg name="hint_edit">Edit properties of the selected device </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ipmiuser">Browse to the list of IPMI users</msg>
      <msg name="hint_new">Assign new device</msg>
      <msg name="hint_off">Turn off the selected ports </msg>
      <msg name="hint_on">Enable the selected ports </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_adminerror">Device connection failed </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_adminoff">The port is turned off</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_adminon">The port is enabled </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_adminunknown">The port's status is unknown </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_editconnection">Edit the port to which the server is assigned </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_func_in_progress">Executing the __value__ function...</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_operoff">No equipment connected</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_operon">Cable is plugged in</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_operunknown">Unknown status</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_port_mismatch">MAC-addresses are not found on this port. Try to get  actual information about MAC-addresses from the switch  </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_service">Hidden connection</msg>
      <msg name="hint_portedit">Edit the port corresponding to the selected connection </msg>
      <msg name="info_rack_type">rack</msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_off">Do you really want to turn off</msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_on">Do you really want enable </msg>
      <msg name="short_ipmiuser">IPMI users</msg>
      <msg name="short_off">Off</msg>
      <msg name="short_on">On</msg>
      <msg name="short_portedit">Port</msg>
      <msg name="state">状态</msg>
      <msg name="title">Server devices </msg>
      <msg name="type">Type</msg>
      <msg name="type_IPMI">IPMI</msg>
      <msg name="type_PDU">PDU</msg>
      <msg name="type_Switch">Switch</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_long_password">IPMI password is too long. Connection to some IPMI with such a password may function incorrectly </msg>
    <messages name="server.operations">
      <msg name="notify_me">完成后是否通知 </msg>
      <msg name="hint_notify_me">如果需要完成系统安装或SSH可用时,请勾选此项 </msg>
      <msg name="msg_help_links/29">&lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Software_RAID" target="_blank"&gt;Software RAID&lt;/a&gt;
  &lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Recovery_mode" target="_blank"&gt;Recovery mode&lt;/a&gt; </msg>
      <msg name="user_hddclear">格式化磁盘 </msg>
      <msg name="hardware_raid_info">
        <font color="red">Hardware RAID-controller is installed on this sever. Configuring  software RAID may lead to errors and slow down hard drives </font>
      <msg name="free_hdd">HDDs (remain available/total): </msg>
      <msg name="hint_hddraid">Select a software RAID that will be configured during OS deployment. Disks that are not used for creating RAID, can be used for other purposes (for example, you can use them to store backup copies). A list of available RAIDs depend on OS templates and number of similar disks installed successively on the server. </msg>
      <msg name="hddraid">配置软件RAID</msg>
      <msg name="hint_isotemplate">Select an ISO-image for upload </msg>
      <msg name="no_iso_template">--no available ISO-images--</msg>
      <msg name="isotemplate">Upload from ISO-image </msg>
      <msg name="netinstall_info">You selected the "Network installation" template. When you see the VNC icon in the "Status" column, please go to the server to proceed with the installation.&lt;br/&gt;Access details: &lt;br/&gt; IP-address: primary IP address of the server &lt;br/&gt; Login: netinstall &lt;br/&gt; Password: see the "Password" field </msg>
      <msg name="hint_recipe">Execute the selected recipe (script) after OS installation </msg>
      <msg name="hint_part">分区方式 </msg>
      <msg name="recipe">集成软件环境 </msg>
      <msg name="part">分区 </msg>
      <msg name="checkpasswd">Confirm password</msg>
      <msg name="clearhdd">格式化磁盘</msg>
      <msg name="diag">诊断 </msg>
      <msg name="fullhddclear">完全格式化磁盘</msg>
      <msg name="hint_checkpasswd">Retype the password of the server administrator</msg>
      <msg name="hint_clearhdd">当运行诊断时,服务器上的所有磁盘会被格式化。注意:需要诊断系统支持该项功能。</msg>
      <msg name="hint_diag">Select a diagnostics template you want to run on the server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_fullhddclear">服务器上的所有磁盘会被格式化,根据磁盘容量的大小和类型,可能会需要好几个小时。磁盘所有位置被0填满,并不仅是最前的512 bit位置填零。 </msg>
      <msg name="hint_hostname">Enter a hostname for the server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ipaddr">Will be used for booting</msg>
      <msg name="hint_operation">请选择操作项 </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ostemplate">请选择服务器要安装的操作系统 </msg>
      <msg name="hint_passwd">Set a password of the server administrator </msg>
      <msg name="hint_rescue">Select a recovery template that you want to run on the server &#13;
      <msg name="ipaddr">IP address</msg>
      <msg name="msg_help_links">&lt;a href="http://en.5.ispdoc.com/index.php/Recovery_mode" target="_blank"&gt;Recovery mode&lt;/a&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="no_diag_template">--no diagnostics templates available--</msg>
      <msg name="no_operation">--Select operation--</msg>
      <msg name="no_os_template">--no OS templates available--</msg>
      <msg name="no_rescue_template">--no recover templates available--</msg>
      <msg name="operation">操作方式</msg>
      <msg name="os">操作系统</msg>
      <msg name="ostemplate">从现有的系统镜像中安装操作系统 </msg>
      <msg name="passwd">设置密码</msg>
      <msg name="rescue">Upload the recovery template</msg>
      <msg name="rescure">Upload the recovery template</msg>
      <msg name="restore">Upload the recovery template</msg>
      <msg name="title">服务器操作项</msg>
    <messages name="server.kvmrequest">
      <msg name="info">Do you really want to order KVM for the selected server? </msg>
      <msg name="title">Order KVM for server</msg>
    <messages name="server.connection.edit">
      <msg name="is_ipmi_port">IPMI connection</msg>
      <msg name="hint_is_ipmi_port">Enable this checkbox if IPMI is located on this connection</msg>
      <include name="server.connection.connwizipmi"/>
      <msg name="mc_info">Information about IPMI</msg>
      <msg name="ipmi_type_hp">Support of old types </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ipmi_type_hp">With this option, an old browser version will be used for noVNC proxy. It enables support of Java-plug-in which allows to display server console (relevant for IPMI HP iLo)</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ipmi_mac">IPMI MAC address. It can be received during diagnostics or server search</msg>
      <msg name="ipmi_mac">IPMI MAC address</msg>
      <msg name="ipmiproxyv2_disclaimer">&lt;i&gt;If proxy via ihttpd doesn't work properly for your IPMI, you may consider trying new module "IPMI proxy" (&lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/IPMI_Proxy_v2" target="_blank"&gt;Documentation&lt;/a&gt;)&lt;/i&gt; </msg>
      <msg name="ipmiproxy">Enable IPMI proxy via ihttpd </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ipmiproxy">If IPMI IP-address is behind NAT, you can allow proxying via ihttpd using the control panel</msg>
      <include name="server.connection.connwizserver"/>
      <msg name="hint_wsman_ip">IP address of the Intel AMT web-interface </msg>
      <msg name="wsman_ip">IP address </msg>
      <msg name="intel_amt">Intel AMT version </msg>
      <msg name="hint_intel_amt">Protocol that is used to working with Intel AMT</msg>
      <include name="server.connection.connwizintelamt"/>
      <msg name="hint_web_url">You will be redirected to this address when clicking the IPMI icon. If the URL is not provided, the IPMI IP address will be used </msg>
      <msg name="web_url">Web-interface URL</msg>
      <msg name="IPMI">IPMI</msg>
      <msg name="PDU">PDU</msg>
      <msg name="Switch">Switch </msg>
      <msg name="devtype">Device type</msg>
      <msg name="hint_device">Enter a device to which the server is connected </msg>
      <msg name="hint_devtype">Device type to which the server is connected </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ipmi">Enter the protocol that is used for working with IPMI</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ip">Enter the IP address</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ipmipass">Enter a password to access IPMI</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ipmiuser">Enter a username to access IPMI</msg>
      <msg name="hint_port">Enter a port to which the server is connected </msg>
      <msg name="hint_service">With this check box selected, the device will not perform the following operations: server reboot, power on/off. Traffic statistics won't be collected also.</msg>
      <msg name="ipmi">IPMI version</msg>
      <msg name="ip">IP address</msg>
      <msg name="ipmipass">Password</msg>
      <msg name="ipmiuser">User</msg>
      <msg name="port">Port</msg>
      <msg name="service">Hidden</msg>
      <msg name="title">Edit properties of the selected device </msg>
      <msg name="title_new">Connect a new device </msg>
    <messages name="server.connection.connwizdev">
      <msg name="dev_server">Server</msg>
      <msg name="hint_server">Label (name) of a server</msg>
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="dev_intel_amt">Intel AMT</msg>
      <msg name="hint_intel_amt">Select a protocol that will be used when working with Intel AMT</msg>
      <msg name="intel_amt">Intel AMT version </msg>
      <msg name="dev_ipmi">IPMI</msg>
      <msg name="devtype">Device type</msg>
      <msg name="hint_devtype">Select a device type for which you want to register connection </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ipmi">Select a protocol that will be used when working with IPMI</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ipmi_auto_config">IP address will be allocated automatically, login and password will be generated</msg>
      <msg name="hint_pdu">Select a UPS for which you want to register connection </msg>
      <msg name="hint_switch">Select a switch for which you want to register connection </msg>
      <msg name="ipmi">IPMI version</msg>
      <msg name="ipmi_auto_config">Automatic settings</msg>
      <msg name="pdu">PDU</msg>
      <msg name="switch">Switch </msg>
      <msg name="title">Select device </msg>
    <messages name="server.connection.connwizport">
      <msg name="hint_port">Select a device port to which server is connected </msg>
      <msg name="hint_service">Select the check box not to use this connection for the server. Server statistics will not show traffic usage (or power consumption) for this port </msg>
      <msg name="port">Port</msg>
      <msg name="service">Hidden connection</msg>
      <msg name="title">Select a device port </msg>
    <messages name="server.connection.connwizipmi">
      <msg name="hint_use_iptype">This option allows to select an IP from the IP group rather then enter it for IPMI manually </msg>
      <msg name="use_iptype">Allocate IP automatically </msg>
      <msg name="hint_iptype">IP address will be allocated from the selected network </msg>
      <msg name="ipmi_connect_method_noihttpd">Connection method </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ipmi_connect_method_noihttpd">Select  how you want a server owner to connect to the IPMI web-interface, when he clicks the corresponding icon in the server list</msg>
      <msg name="ipmi_connect_method">Connection type </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ipmi_connect_method">Select  how you want a server owner to connect to the IPMI web-interface, when he clicks the corresponding icon in the server list </msg>
      <include name="ipmiproxyask"/>
      <msg name="hint_ipmi_type_hp">With this option, an old browser version will be used for noVNC proxy. It enables support of Java-plug-in which allows to display server console (relevant for IPMI HP iLo)</msg>
      <msg name="ipmi_type_hp">Support old types </msg>
      <msg name="ip">IPMI IP address </msg>
      <msg name="ipmiuser">User</msg>
      <msg name="service">Hidden</msg>
      <msg name="ipmiproxy">Enable IPMI proxy via ihttpd </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ipmiproxy">If IPMI IP-address is behind NAT, you can allow proxying via ihttpd using the control panel</msg>
      <msg name="hint_service">With this check box selected, the device will not perform the following operations: server reboot, power on/off. Besides traffic statistics won't be collected.</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ipmipass">Enter a password to access IPMI</msg>
      <msg name="hint_web_url">You will be redirected to this address when clicking the IPMI icon. If the URL is not provided, the IPMI IP address will be used </msg>
      <msg name="web_url">Web-interface URL</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ip">Enter the IP address for this IPMI</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ipmiuser">Enter a username to access IPMI</msg>
      <msg name="ipmipass">Password</msg>
      <msg name="title">IPMI settings</msg>
    <messages name="user">
      <msg name="hint_name">用户名</msg>
      <msg name="hint_delete">Delete the selected user</msg>
      <msg name="hint_disable">Suspend the user account </msg>
      <msg name="hint_edit">Edit</msg>
      <msg name="hint_enable">Resume the selected user</msg>
      <msg name="hint_new">Add a new user</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_def_enabled">This account is suspended</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_enabled">This account is active&#13;
      <msg name="hint_p_enabled_off">This account is suspended</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_enabled_on">This account is active&#13;
      <msg name="hint_servers">Clicking the icon will redirect you to the user's servers </msg>
      <msg name="hint_su">Drill down to User panel </msg>
      <msg name="level">User role </msg>
      <msg name="level_16">User</msg>
      <msg name="level_17">Operator </msg>
      <msg name="level_29">Administrator </msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_disable">Do you really want to suspend the selected user account</msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_enable">Do you really want to enable the selected user</msg>
      <msg name="name">用户名</msg>
      <msg name="servers">Servers</msg>
      <msg name="short_disable">Suspend</msg>
      <msg name="short_enable">Enable</msg>
      <msg name="status">状态</msg>
      <msg name="title">Users</msg>
    <messages name="user.edit">
      <msg name="custom_vlan_count">Number of VLAN</msg>
      <msg name="hint_custom_vlan_count">Number of user VLAN available to this user </msg>
      <msg name="checkpasswd">Confirm password</msg>
      <msg name="hint_level">Select a user role that this user will have in DCImanager </msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Enter a login that will be used to access DCImanager </msg>
      <msg name="hint_passwd">Enter a password to access DCImanager</msg>
      <msg name="level">User role </msg>
      <msg name="lvAdmin">Administrator </msg>
      <msg name="lvOperator">Operator</msg>
      <msg name="lvUser">User</msg>
      <msg name="name">用户名</msg>
      <msg name="passwd">密码</msg>
      <msg name="title">Edit properties of the selected user</msg>
      <msg name="title_new">Create a new user account </msg>
    <messages name="user.filter">
      <msg name="title">Users filters </msg>
      <msg name="level">User role </msg>
      <msg name="lvAdmin">Administrator </msg>
      <msg name="lvOperator">Operator</msg>
      <msg name="lvUser">User</msg>
      <msg name="name">Username</msg>
    <messages name="switch">
      <msg name="hint_p_conf_not_save">Please, save the switch configuration file </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_conf_save">You may not save the switch configuration file</msg>
      <msg name="maclist">MAC-address on switch port </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_move_rack_problem">This port has connections located in other racks </msg>
      <msg name="hint_save">Save the configuration file on the switch to non-volatile memory. If this option is not supported by switch or changes are saved into memory directly, not actions will be performed</msg>
      <msg name="short_save">Save</msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_save">Save configuration files on the selected devices </msg>
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="connection_problem">Connection problems</msg>
      <msg name="device">Device type</msg>
      <msg name="hint_delete">Delete the selected switch</msg>
      <msg name="hint_edit">Edit properties of the selected switch </msg>
      <msg name="hint_log">View the log with switches</msg>
      <msg name="hint_new">Register a new switch </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_connection_ok">Connected successfully </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_connection_problem">Connection problems</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_dataflow_problem">Data exchange error with __value__ device </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_def_online">Failed to connect to __value__</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_func_in_progress">Executing the __value__ function...</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_online">Connected successfully </msg>
      <msg name="hint_port">List of ports through which you are managing </msg>
      <msg name="hint_portcnt">Clicking the icon will redirect you to the list of servers connected to the selected switch </msg>
      <msg name="hint_refresh">Get the current status of the selected switch and its ports </msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_refresh">Get information from the selected devices</msg>
      <msg name="portcnt">Number of ports </msg>
      <msg name="short_log">Log</msg>
      <msg name="short_port">Ports</msg>
      <msg name="short_refresh">Refresh</msg>
      <msg name="title">Switch management</msg>
    <messages name="switch.switchwizcommon">
      <msg name="snmpcommon_warn_info">Attention! When using an SNMP Common v2 and Huawei, be sure to execute the command on the switch to save  IfIndex between re-initializations. The command for Cisco: snmp-server ifindex persist. Otherwise, the correspondence between servers and ports will be broken during re-initialization of the switch causing issues when collecting traffic statistics and enabling/disabling ports.</msg>
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="eqsize">Size in rack </msg>
      <msg name="hint_device">Select a type of the switch </msg>
      <msg name="hint_eqsize">Space that this device occupies in the rack (in units) </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ip">Enter the device IP address</msg>
      <msg name="hint_is_service">DCImanager won't handle this switch </msg>
      <msg name="hint_log_path">Full path to the file with switch log</msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Enter  the name for the device that will be used in DCImanager</msg>
      <msg name="hint_notes">Enter additional information related to this switch </msg>
      <msg name="hint_rack">Select a rack where this device is located </msg>
      <msg name="is_service">Reserved</msg>
      <msg name="log_path">Log file</msg>
      <msg name="msg_help_links">&lt;a href="http://en.5.ispdoc.com/index.php/How_to_add_a_new_handler" target="_blank"&gt;How to add a new handler&lt;/a&gt;
		&lt;a href="http://en.5.ispdoc.com/index.php/How_to_add_a_new_handler" target="_blank"&gt;How to add a new handler&lt;/a&gt;&#13;
		&lt;a href="http://en.5.ispdoc.com/index.php/Juniper_(NETCONF)" target="_blank"&gt;Juniper (NETCONF)&lt;/a&gt;&#13;
      <msg name="placeholder_ip"></msg>
      <msg name="title">Register a new switch </msg>
    <messages name="switch.switchwizaccess">
      <msg name="dummy">Dummy parameters </msg>
      <msg name="hint_dummyports">This switch has only dummy ports. Please, enter the number of ports </msg>
      <msg name="dummyports">Number of dummy ports </msg>
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="authpriv">With authentication (MD5 and private key (DES)</msg>
      <msg name="common">Basic</msg>
      <msg name="equipment_poll">Settings</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpauthlevel">SNMPv3 security level</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpcommunity">Community for SNMP v1/v2c</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmppass">Password for SNMPv3 authentication </msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpuser">SNMPv3 user</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpversion">Select an SNMP version</msg>
      <msg name="hint_sshpass">Enter the password to access the device via SSH</msg>
      <msg name="hint_sshuser">Enter the username to access the device via SSH</msg>
      <msg name="hint_stat_poll_type">Select how DCImanager will collect statistics, e.g. through netconf or SNMP</msg>
      <msg name="hint_status_poll_type">Select how DCImanager will update the information on equipment statuses in the interface</msg>
      <msg name="hint_telnetpass">Enter the password to access the device via Telnet</msg>
      <msg name="hint_telnetuser">Enter the username to access the device via Telnet</msg>
      <msg name="is_service_info">Note: reserved switch won't be processed in DCImanager and will be used only for recording</msg>
      <msg name="msg_help_links">&lt;a href="http://en.5.ispdoc.com/index.php/SNMP_notifications" target="_blank"&gt;SNMP notifications&lt;/a&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="snmp">SNMP settings</msg>
      <msg name="snmpcommunity">Community</msg>
      <msg name="snmppass">Password</msg>
      <msg name="snmpuser">User</msg>
      <msg name="snmpversion">Version</msg>
      <msg name="ssh">SSH settings</msg>
      <msg name="sshpass">Password</msg>
      <msg name="sshuser">User</msg>
      <msg name="stat_poll_netconf">Netconf</msg>
      <msg name="stat_poll_snmp">SNMP</msg>
      <msg name="stat_poll_type">Statistics</msg>
      <msg name="status_poll_query">Periodic polling</msg>
      <msg name="status_poll_trap">SNMP-trap</msg>
      <msg name="status_poll_type">状态</msg>
      <msg name="telnet">Telnet settings</msg>
      <msg name="telnetpass">Password</msg>
      <msg name="telnetuser">User</msg>
      <msg name="title">Access</msg>
    <messages name="switch.edit">
      <msg name="hint_show_aggregate">Display the aggregated channels if you want to manage them in DCImanager </msg>
      <msg name="show_aggregate">Display aggregated channels </msg>
      <msg name="hint_couple_switch">Select a switch that will be the pair for the selected one. When you create VLAN on one switch, it will be created automatically on the other </msg>
      <msg name="couple_switch">Double switch </msg>
      <msg name="no_couple">Not present</msg>
      <msg name="conf_autosave">Auto save configuration</msg>
      <msg name="every5">Every 5 minutes </msg>
      <msg name="every30">Every 30 minutes</msg>
      <msg name="no_autosave">Disabled </msg>
      <msg name="every15">Every 15 minutes </msg>
      <msg name="hint_conf_autosave">Save the switch configuration automatically if switch ports configuration have been changed</msg>
      <msg name="every60">Every 60 minutes </msg>
      <msg name="no_auto_uplink">Disable UpLink auto-detection</msg>
      <msg name="hint_no_auto_uplink">Disable auto-detection of UpLink, if DCImanager detects port connection type incorrectly </msg>
      <msg name="hint_unit">Unit number in the rack</msg>
      <msg name="unit">Unit number</msg>
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="applyrack">Change server rack</msg>
      <msg name="authpriv">With authentication (MD5 and private key (DES)</msg>
      <msg name="buyinfo">Purchase information</msg>
      <msg name="common">Basic</msg>
      <msg name="eqsize">Size in rack </msg>
      <msg name="hint_applyrack">Change the rack for all the servers connected to this device</msg>
      <msg name="hint_eqsize">Space that this device occupies in the rack (in units) </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ip">Enter the device IP address</msg>
      <msg name="hint_is_service">DCImanager won't handle this switch </msg>
      <msg name="hint_log_path">Full path to the file with switch log</msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Enter the device name that will be used in DCImanager</msg>
      <msg name="hint_newseller">Enter the supplier name</msg>
      <msg name="hint_notes"> Enter additional information related to this device</msg>
      <msg name="hint_price">Device price</msg>
      <msg name="hint_purchasedate">Enter the purchase date</msg>
      <msg name="hint_rack">Select a rack where the device is installed </msg>
      <msg name="hint_seller">Select a supplier </msg>
      <msg name="hint_sellerserial">Enter the serial number</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpauthlevel">SNMPv3 security level</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpcommunity">Community for SNMP v1/v2c</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmppass">Password for SNMPv3 authentication </msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpuser">SNMPv3 user</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpversion">Select an SNMP version</msg>
      <msg name="hint_sshpass">Enter the password to access the device via SSH</msg>
      <msg name="hint_sshuser">Enter the username to access the device via SSH</msg>
      <msg name="hint_stat_poll_type">Select how DCImanager will collect statistics, e.g. through netconf or SNMP</msg>
      <msg name="hint_status_poll_type">Select how DCImanager will update the information on equipment statuses in the interface</msg>
      <msg name="hint_telnetpass">Enter the password to access the device via Telnet</msg>
      <msg name="hint_telnetuser">Enter the username to access the device via Telnet</msg>
      <msg name="hint_warranty">Warranty period in months </msg>
      <msg name="is_service">Reserved</msg>
      <msg name="log_path">Log file</msg>
      <msg name="msg_help_links">&lt;a href="http://en.5.ispdoc.com/index.php/How_to_add_a_new_handler" target="_blank"&gt;How to add a new handler&lt;/a&gt;
		&lt;a href="http://en.5.ispdoc.com/index.php/How_to_add_a_new_handler" target="_blank"&gt;How to add a new handler&lt;/a&gt;&#13;
		&lt;a href="http://en.5.ispdoc.com/index.php/Juniper_(NETCONF)" target="_blank"&gt;Juniper (NETCONF)&lt;/a&gt;&#13;
      <msg name="new_seller">--add new--</msg>
      <msg name="newseller">New supplier </msg>
      <msg name="no_seller">--without supplier--</msg>
      <msg name="price">Price</msg>
      <msg name="seller">Supplier</msg>
      <msg name="sellerserial">Serial number</msg>
      <msg name="snmp">SNMP settings</msg>
      <msg name="snmpauthpriv">Privileges </msg>
      <msg name="snmpcommunity">Community</msg>
      <msg name="snmppass">Password</msg>
      <msg name="snmpuser">User</msg>
      <msg name="snmpversion">Version</msg>
      <msg name="ssh">SSH settings</msg>
      <msg name="sshpass">Password</msg>
      <msg name="sshuser">User</msg>
      <msg name="stat_poll_netconf">Netconf</msg>
      <msg name="stat_poll_snmp">SNMP</msg>
      <msg name="stat_poll_type">Statistics</msg>
      <msg name="status_poll_query">Periodic polling</msg>
      <msg name="status_poll_trap">SNMP-trap</msg>
      <msg name="status_poll_type">状态</msg>
      <msg name="telnet">Telnet settings</msg>
      <msg name="telnetpass">Password</msg>
      <msg name="telnetuser">User</msg>
      <msg name="title">Edit properties of the selected switch </msg>
      <msg name="title_new">Register a new switch </msg>
      <msg name="warranty">Warranty (months)</msg>
    <messages name="switch.port">
      <msg name="hint_edit">Edit port </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_aggregation">This interface is the aggregation of ports: __value__</msg>
      <msg name="maclist">MAC-address on switch port </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_move_rack_problem">The server connected to the port is located in another rack</msg>
      <msg name="short_createagregate">Create aggregation</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_agregate">The port is a member of the following aggregation: __value__. Configuration of this port cannot be modified manually.</msg>
      <msg name="short_removeagregate">Remove aggregation</msg>
      <msg name="bitsec">Load </msg>
      <msg name="descr">Description </msg>
      <msg name="duplex">Mode</msg>
      <msg name="duplex_auto">Auto </msg>
      <msg name="duplex_disagree">Unmatched </msg>
      <msg name="duplex_full">Full-duplex</msg>
      <msg name="duplex_half">Half-duplex </msg>
      <msg name="duplex_unknown">Unknown </msg>
      <msg name="hint_bitsec">Port load for the last 5 minutes (prevailing type) </msg>
      <msg name="hint_off">Turn off the selected ports </msg>
      <msg name="hint_on">Enable the selected ports </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_adminoff">The port is turned off</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_adminon">The port is enabled </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_adminunknown">The port's status is unknown </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_func_in_progress">Executing the __value__ function...</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_maclist">List of port's MAC addresses: __value__ </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_operoff">No equipment connected</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_operon">Cable is plugged in</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_operunknown">Unknown status</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_service">This is a reserved port</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_trunk">Trunk mode </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_uplink">Uplink</msg>
      <msg name="hint_packsec">Port load (packets/sec) for the last 5 minutes</msg>
      <msg name="hint_refresh">Get the current status of the device ports </msg>
      <msg name="identity">Identifier </msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_delete">Do you really want to delete the selected port </msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_off">Do you really want to turn off the selected port </msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_on">Do you really want to enable the selected port </msg>
      <msg name="packsec">Load (packet/sec) </msg>
      <msg name="serverhname">主机名</msg>
      <msg name="servername">Equipment name</msg>
      <msg name="service">This is a reserved port</msg>
      <msg name="short_off">Off</msg>
      <msg name="short_on">On</msg>
      <msg name="short_refresh">Refresh</msg>
      <msg name="speed">Port speed</msg>
      <msg name="speed_100m">100 Mbit</msg>
      <msg name="speed_10g">10 Gb</msg>
      <msg name="speed_10m">10 Mb</msg>
      <msg name="speed_1g">1 Gb </msg>
      <msg name="speed_auto">Auto </msg>
      <msg name="speed_auto10100">Auto 10/100 Mbit</msg>
      <msg name="speed_unknown">Unknown </msg>
      <msg name="state">状态</msg>
      <msg name="title">Switch ports</msg>
      <msg name="uplink">UpLink</msg>
      <msg name="vlan">VLAN</msg>
    <messages name="switch.port.edit">
      <msg name="hint_tagged_primary_port">If flagged, then the Primary Port selected will be added to the Primary VLAN as tagged. Otherwise, it will be added as untagged.</msg>
      <msg name="primary_port">Primary Port</msg>
      <msg name="hint_private_vlan">Isolated Secondary VLAN to which an editable port will be added</msg>
      <msg name="hint_primary_port">A port, which will be added to the Primary VLAN and for which mapping from secondary VLAN will be performed</msg>
      <msg name="private_vlan">Secondary VLAN</msg>
      <msg name="tagged_primary_port">Tagged primary mode</msg>
      <msg name="hint_mapped_vlan">Secondary PVLAN to which editable port mapping is done. Thus the editable port is a Promiscuous Port for this Secondary PVLAN.</msg>
      <msg name="tagged_this_port">Tagged mode</msg>
      <msg name="mapped_vlan">Mapped PVLAN</msg>
      <msg name="hint_tagged_this_port">If flagged, then the editable port will be added to the Secondary VLAN as tagged. Otherwise, it will be added as untagged.</msg>
      <msg name="primary_vlan">Primary VLAN</msg>
      <msg name="hint_primary_vlan">This Primary VLAN will be created for the Secondary VLAN, if it is absent on the switch. A Primary Port will be added to it.</msg>
      <msg name="hint_main">Main parameters of a port</msg>
      <msg name="conn_to_switch">Connect switch</msg>
      <msg name="hint_conn_to_switch">This port will be used for connecting other switch</msg>
      <msg name="hint_switch">Switch to connect to</msg>
      <msg name="connection">Connection</msg>
      <msg name="main">Main</msg>
      <msg name="hint_connection">Connection to other switch</msg>
      <msg name="hint_port">Switch port used for connection</msg>
      <msg name="switch">Switch</msg>
      <msg name="port">Port</msg>
      <msg name="speed_40g">40 Gbit</msg>
      <msg name="speed_16g">16 Gbit</msg>
      <msg name="unset">--Not set--</msg>
      <msg name="all_vlan_mem">All VALNs</msg>
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="descr">Description </msg>
      <msg name="duplex">Mode</msg>
      <msg name="duplex_auto">Auto </msg>
      <msg name="duplex_disagree">Unmatched </msg>
      <msg name="duplex_full">Full-duplex</msg>
      <msg name="duplex_half">Half-duplex </msg>
      <msg name="hint_descr">Port description (this information is collected from the device automatically) </msg>
      <msg name="hint_duplex">Select the port mode </msg>
      <msg name="hint_identity">Port identifier (this information is collected from the device automatically) </msg>
      <msg name="hint_istrunk">This port is running in Trunk mode </msg>
      <msg name="hint_maclist">List of active MAC-addresses on the switch port </msg>
      <msg name="hint_native_vlan">VLAN that won't be tagged on this port</msg>
      <msg name="hint_notes">Enter additional information</msg>
      <msg name="hint_sduplex">Select the port duplex </msg>
      <msg name="hint_service">This port is reserved for special needs. It is not displayed on the list of ports and is not used when searching for new servers </msg>
      <msg name="hint_speed">Select the port speed </msg>
      <msg name="hint_trunkmembers">VLANs that are included into Trunk </msg>
      <msg name="hint_uplink">Select the check box if this port is connected to a switch/router of a higher level, rather than to a server. This port won't display in the list of ports when connecting a new device. Server search won't be performed on this port. Any other operations cannot be performed on this port (change VLAN, speed, or mode) </msg>
      <msg name="hint_vlan">VLAN that is installed on the port</msg>
      <msg name="identity">Identifier </msg>
      <msg name="istrunk">Trunk mode</msg>
      <msg name="maclist">List of MAC-addresses</msg>
      <msg name="native_vlan">Native VLAN</msg>
      <msg name="service">Reserved port </msg>
      <msg name="speed">Port speed</msg>
      <msg name="speed_100m">100 Mbit</msg>
      <msg name="speed_10g">10 Gb</msg>
      <msg name="speed_10m">10 Mb</msg>
      <msg name="speed_1g">1 Gb </msg>
      <msg name="speed_auto">Auto </msg>
      <msg name="speed_auto10100">Auto 10/100 Mbit</msg>
      <msg name="title">Edit properties of the the selected switch port </msg>
      <msg name="title_new">Register a switch port </msg>
      <msg name="trunkmembers">Trunk members</msg>
      <msg name="uplink">UpLink</msg>
      <msg name="vlan">VLAN</msg>
    <messages name="pdu">
      <msg name="hint_p_move_rack_problem">This port has connections located in other racks</msg>
      <msg name="power">Load (W) </msg>
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="connection_problem">Connection problems</msg>
      <msg name="device">Device type</msg>
      <msg name="hint_delete">Delete the selected PDU&#13;
      <msg name="hint_edit">Edit properties of the selected PDU</msg>
      <msg name="hint_new">Register a new PDU</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_connection_ok">Connected successfully </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_connection_problem">Connection problems</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_dataflow_problem">Data exchange error with __value__ device </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_def_online">Failed to connect to __value__</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_func_in_progress">Executing the __value__ function...</msg>
      <msg name="hint_port">List of ports through which you are managing this pdu. </msg>
      <msg name="hint_portcnt">Clicking the icon will redirect you to a  list of servers connected to the selected power supply</msg>
      <msg name="hint_refresh">Get the current status of the selected pdu and its ports </msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_refresh">Get information from the selected devices</msg>
      <msg name="portcnt">Number of ports </msg>
      <msg name="short_port">Ports</msg>
      <msg name="short_refresh">Refresh</msg>
      <msg name="title">Power Distribution Units (PDU)</msg>
    <messages name="pdu.pduwizcommon">
      <msg name="msg_help_links">&#13;
                &lt;a href="http://en.5.ispdoc.com/index.php/DCImanager:_Supported_equipment" target="_blank"&gt;Supported equipment&lt;/a&gt;&#13;
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="eqsize">Size in rack </msg>
      <msg name="hint_device">Select a switch type/model </msg>
      <msg name="hint_eqsize">Space that this device occupies in the rack (in units) </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ip">Enter  IP address of this device</msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Enter the name for the device that will be used in DCImanager</msg>
      <msg name="hint_notes">Enter additional information related to the UPS</msg>
      <msg name="hint_rack">Select a rack where this device is located </msg>
      <msg name="title">Register a new PDU</msg>
    <messages name="pdu.pduwizaccess">
      <msg name="dummy">Dummy parameters </msg>
      <msg name="dummyports">Number of dummy ports </msg>
      <msg name="hint_dummyports">This switch has only dummy ports. Please, enter the number of ports </msg>
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="common">Basic</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpauthlevel">SNMPv3 security level</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpcommunity">Community for SNMP v1/v2c</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmppass">Password for SNMPv3 authentication </msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpuser">SNMPv3 user</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpversion">Select an SNMP version</msg>
      <msg name="hint_sshpass">Enter the password to access the device via SSH</msg>
      <msg name="hint_sshuser">Enter the username to access the device via SSH</msg>
      <msg name="hint_telnetpass">Enter the password to access the device via Telnet</msg>
      <msg name="hint_telnetuser">Enter the username to access the device via Telnet</msg>
      <msg name="snmp">SNMP settings</msg>
      <msg name="snmpcommunity">Community</msg>
      <msg name="snmppass">Password</msg>
      <msg name="snmpuser">User</msg>
      <msg name="snmpversion">Version</msg>
      <msg name="ssh">SSH settings</msg>
      <msg name="sshpass">Password</msg>
      <msg name="sshuser">User</msg>
      <msg name="telnet">Telnet settings</msg>
      <msg name="telnetpass">Password</msg>
      <msg name="telnetuser">User</msg>
      <msg name="title">Access</msg>
    <messages name="pdu.edit">
      <msg name="msg_help_links">&#13;
                &lt;a href="http://en.5.ispdoc.com/index.php/DCImanager:_Supported_equipment" target="_blank"&gt;Supported equipment&lt;/a&gt;&#13;
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="applyrack">Apply to servers </msg>
      <msg name="authpriv">With authentication (MD5 and private key (DES)</msg>
      <msg name="buyinfo">Purchase information</msg>
      <msg name="common">Basic</msg>
      <msg name="eqsize">Size in rack </msg>
      <msg name="hint_applyrack">Change the rack for all the servers connected to this device</msg>
      <msg name="hint_eqsize">Space that this device occupies in the rack (in units) </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ip">Enter the device IP address</msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Enter the device name that will be used in DCImanager</msg>
      <msg name="hint_newseller">Enter the supplier name</msg>
      <msg name="hint_notes"> Enter additional information related to this device</msg>
      <msg name="hint_price">Device price</msg>
      <msg name="hint_purchasedate">Enter the purchase date</msg>
      <msg name="hint_rack">Select a rack where the device is installed </msg>
      <msg name="hint_seller">Select a supplier </msg>
      <msg name="hint_sellerserial">Enter the serial number</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpauthlevel">SNMPv3 security level</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpcommunity">Community for SNMP v1/v2c</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmppass">Password for SNMPv3 authentication </msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpuser">SNMPv3 user</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpversion">Select an SNMP version</msg>
      <msg name="hint_sshpass">Enter the password to access the device via SSH</msg>
      <msg name="hint_sshuser">Enter the username to access the device via SSH</msg>
      <msg name="hint_telnetpass">Enter the password to access the device via Telnet</msg>
      <msg name="hint_telnetuser">Enter the username to access the device via Telnet</msg>
      <msg name="hint_warranty">Warranty period in months </msg>
      <msg name="new_seller">--add new--</msg>
      <msg name="newseller">New supplier </msg>
      <msg name="no_seller">--without supplier--</msg>
      <msg name="price">Price</msg>
      <msg name="seller">Supplier</msg>
      <msg name="sellerserial">Serial number</msg>
      <msg name="snmp">SNMP settings</msg>
      <msg name="snmpauthpriv">Privileges</msg>
      <msg name="snmpcommunity">Community</msg>
      <msg name="snmppass">Password</msg>
      <msg name="snmpuser">User</msg>
      <msg name="snmpversion">Version</msg>
      <msg name="ssh">SSH settings</msg>
      <msg name="sshpass">Password</msg>
      <msg name="sshuser">User</msg>
      <msg name="telnet">Telnet settings</msg>
      <msg name="telnetpass">Password</msg>
      <msg name="telnetuser">User</msg>
      <msg name="title">Edit properties of the selected PDU </msg>
      <msg name="title_new">Register a new UPS</msg>
      <msg name="warranty">Warranty (months)</msg>
    <messages name="pdu.port">
      <msg name="hint_p_move_rack_problem">The server connected to the port is located in another rack</msg>
      <msg name="descr">Description </msg>
      <msg name="hint_off">Switch off the selected ports </msg>
      <msg name="hint_on">Enable the selected ports </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_adminoff">The port is turned off</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_adminon">The port is enabled </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_adminunknown">The port's status is unknown </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_func_in_progress">Executing the __value__ function...</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_service">This is a reserved port</msg>
      <msg name="hint_refresh">Get the current status of the device ports </msg>
      <msg name="identity">Identifier </msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_delete">Do you really want to delete the selected port </msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_off">Do you really want to turn off the selected port </msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_on">Do you really want to enable the selected port </msg>
      <msg name="power">Load (W) </msg>
      <msg name="serverhname">主机名</msg>
      <msg name="servername">Server name</msg>
      <msg name="short_off">Off</msg>
      <msg name="short_on">On</msg>
      <msg name="short_refresh">Refresh</msg>
      <msg name="state">状态</msg>
      <msg name="title">PDU ports </msg>
    <messages name="pdu.port.edit">
      <msg name="hint_edit">Edit port </msg>
      <msg name="descr">Description </msg>
      <msg name="hint_descr">Port description (this information is collected from the device automatically) </msg>
      <msg name="hint_identity">Port identifier (this information is collected from the device automatically) </msg>
      <msg name="hint_notes">Enter additional information related to the port</msg>
      <msg name="hint_service">This port is reserved for special needs. It is not displayed on the list of ports and is not used when searching for new servers </msg>
      <msg name="identity">Identifier </msg>
      <msg name="service">Reserved port </msg>
      <msg name="title">Edit properties of the selected PDU port </msg>
      <msg name="title_new">Register a new PDU port </msg>
    <messages name="operation">
      <msg name="date">Start date</msg>
      <msg name="hint_cancel">Cancel the selected operations </msg>
      <msg name="hint_clear">Delete all non-active operations </msg>
      <msg name="hint_log">View log of the selected operation </msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_cancel">Do you really want to cancel the selected operations: </msg>
      <msg name="object">Object</msg>
      <msg name="phase">Phase </msg>
      <msg name="short_cancel">Cancel </msg>
      <msg name="short_clear">Clear</msg>
      <msg name="short_log">Log</msg>
      <msg name="state">状态</msg>
      <msg name="state_canceld">Cancelled </msg>
      <msg name="state_done">Completed</msg>
      <msg name="state_error">Error</msg>
      <msg name="state_running">In progress</msg>
      <msg name="title">Operations </msg>
      <msg name="type">Operation </msg>
    <messages name="operation.log">
      <msg name="title">Log</msg>
    <messages name="operations">
      <msg name="server_iso_load">'__serverinfo__' will boot from the  "__os__" ISO-image </msg>
      <msg name="os_install">Install "__os__" on the __serverinfo__ server </msg>
      <msg name="server_connections_search">Search devices for new servers </msg>
      <msg name="server_diag">Run diagnostics for  __serverinfo__  using the "__os__" template</msg>
      <msg name="server_os_install">Install "__os__" on the __serverinfo__ server </msg>
      <msg name="server_rescue">Restore the __serverinfo__ server using the "__os__" template</msg>
      <msg name="server_rescure">Restore the __serverinfo__ server using the "__os__" template</msg>
      <msg name="server_restore">Restore the __serverinfo__ server using the "__os__" template</msg>
    <messages name="operations_log">
      <msg name="userlog_isotemplate_prepare">Preparing ISO-image</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_isotemplate_done">ISO-image has been successfully uploaded</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_start_isotemplate">Starting upload of ISO-image</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_isotemplate_end_wait">Waiting for ISO-image upload to complete</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_isotemplate_started">Upload in progress</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_diag_progress_speedtest">Local connection testing</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_diag_progress_raidinfo">Collecting information about hardware RAID</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_diag_progress_hddbench_one">Measuring disk performance  __param__ __param__</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_diag_progress_ipmi">IPMI check in progress </msg>
      <msg name="canceld">The operation was cancelled by the user&#13;
      <msg name="done">The operation completed successfully</msg>
      <msg name="error">"__param__" error</msg>
      <msg name="log_install_started">The installation process has been started</msg>
      <msg name="phase_clear_phase">Completing the operaton</msg>
      <msg name="phase_files_process">Copy the files </msg>
      <msg name="phase_installend_wait">Completing installation</msg>
      <msg name="phase_mac_search">Search new connections</msg>
      <msg name="phase_prepare_servers">Preparing list of server for searching new connections</msg>
      <msg name="phase_scenario_prepare">Preparing installation scenario </msg>
      <msg name="phase_services_restart">Restart services</msg>
      <msg name="phase_touch_pdu_port_search">Search new connections to PDU</msg>
      <msg name="resume">Restore the operation </msg>
      <msg name="start">Run the operation</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_add_net_conn_for_server">__param__  network connection is added for the __param__ server</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_add_power_conn_for_server"> __param__ is connected to the __param__ server</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_add_server_for_conn_search">The __param__ server is selected for searching connections</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_diag_done">Server diagnostics completed successfully</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_diag_end_wait">Completing diagnostics process</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_diag_ipmiimfo_request_allow">IPMI configuration</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_diag_ipmiimfo_request_skip">IPMI is not configured</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_diag_prepare">Preparing template diagnostics</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_diag_progress_fasthddclear">Quick hard drive erasing</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_diag_progress_hddbench">Measuring hard drives performance</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_diag_progress_laninfo">Collecting information about network interfaces</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_diag_progress_hddinfo">Collecting information about hard drives</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_diag_progress_slowhddclear">Full hard drive erasing</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_diag_progress_start">Diagnostics in progress</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_diag_progress_sysbench">Measuring CPU performance</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_diag_progress_sysinfo">Collecting system information</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_diag_started">Server is uploading the diagnostics template</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_finish_serversearch">Connections search completed</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_install_end_wait">Completing installation </msg>
      <msg name="userlog_install_prepare">Preparing OS template</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_install_started">Installation in progress</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_installdone">Installation completed successfully </msg>
      <msg name="userlog_ostemplate_done">OS installation completed successfully </msg>
      <msg name="userlog_ostemplate_end_wait">Completing OS installation</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_ostemplate_prepare">Preparing OS template</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_ostemplate_started">Installation in progress</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_rescue_done">Server recovery completed </msg>
      <msg name="userlog_rescue_end_wait">Recovery template uploaded successfully </msg>
      <msg name="userlog_rescue_prepare">Preparing recovery template </msg>
      <msg name="userlog_rescue_ssh_ready">SSH is accessible</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_rescue_started">Recovery template upload in progress</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_rescue_vnc_ready">VNC is accessible</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_start_diag">Run server diagnostics</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_start_install">Start installation</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_start_ostemplate">Start installation</msg>
      <msg name="userlog_start_rescue">Run recovery template</msg>
    <messages name="task">
      <msg name="descr">Description </msg>
      <msg name="requester">Requester </msg>
      <msg name="responsible">Responsible</msg>
      <msg name="state">状态</msg>
      <msg name="title">Tasks</msg>
      <msg name="type">Task</msg>
    <messages name="tasks">
      <msg name="kvmrequest">Install KVM on the __SERVER_ID__ server</msg>
    <messages name="vlan">
      <msg name="hint_p_is_service_on">Service VLAN </msg>
      <msg name="owner">Owner</msg>
      <msg name="status">状态</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_invalid_pvlan">Attention! This VLAN won't be available for configuration, as its type (Primary, Isolated, Simple), differs on all of the switches, and a number of ports are included into this VLAN. If its type doesn't match, but there are no ports in the VLAN, it will available for configuration </msg>
      <msg name="hint_delete">Delete the selected virtual networks </msg>
      <msg name="hint_members">List of ports the selected VLAN is assigned to, and trunk ports for which this VLAN is a trunk-member. members all (as used by Juniper) won't be shown </msg>
      <msg name="hint_networks">Networks on the selected VLAN</msg>
      <msg name="id">VLAN</msg>
      <msg name="net">Network</msg>
      <msg name="short_members">VLAN members</msg>
      <msg name="short_networks">Networks</msg>
      <msg name="title">VLAN </msg>
    <messages name="traffic">
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="diagram_traffic">Traffic statistics </msg>
      <msg name="info">Traffic</msg>
      <msg name="msg_help_links/29"><![CDATA[	]]></msg>
      <msg name="rx">Incoming</msg>
      <msg name="title">Traffic statistics </msg>
      <msg name="tx">Outgoing</msg>
    <messages name="trafficdetails">
      <msg name="all_ip">All IP addresses (in total) </msg>
      <msg name="diagram_traffic">Traffic statistics </msg>
      <msg name="elid">Server</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ip_details">Show statistics per IP address. This information is only available when using NetFlow/IPFIX</msg>
      <msg name="info">__server__ server traffic </msg>
      <msg name="ip_details">Set filter by IP address</msg>
      <msg name="rx">Incoming</msg>
      <msg name="title">Traffic usage statistics </msg>
      <msg name="tx">Outgoing </msg>
    <messages name="power">
      <msg name="diagram_power">Power consumption statistics </msg>
      <msg name="diagram_traffic">Power consumption statistics </msg>
      <msg name="info">Bandwidth </msg>
      <msg name="power">Power, watt-hour </msg>
      <msg name="title">Power consumption statistics </msg>
    <messages name="operstat">
      <msg name="diagram_opertime">Power consumption statistics </msg>
      <msg name="freq">Installation frequency (per day)</msg>
      <msg name="opertime">Template installation average time </msg>
      <msg name="os">OS</msg>
      <msg name="osfreqinfo">OS installation (number of installations per day)</msg>
      <msg name="osstableinfo">OS templates stability (%) </msg>
      <msg name="ostimeinfo">OS average installation time </msg>
      <msg name="st_done">Successful </msg>
      <msg name="st_error">With errors</msg>
      <msg name="stable">Stability (%)</msg>
      <msg name="time">Time (min) </msg>
      <msg name="title">OS templates usage statistics </msg>
    <messages name="powerdetails">
      <msg name="diagram_traffic">Power consumption statistics </msg>
      <msg name="elid">Server</msg>
      <msg name="info">Power consumption by the  __server__ server</msg>
      <msg name="power">Power, watt-hour </msg>
      <msg name="title">Power consumption statistics </msg>
    <messages name="serverconnstat">
      <msg name="msg_switch">swtich </msg>
      <msg name="msg_found">found on port </msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_correct">Do you really want to correct</msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_addport">Do you really want to add</msg>
      <msg name="hint_port">Switch name and port  </msg>
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="alien_port">Found on a foreign port</msg>
      <msg name="error">Error</msg>
      <msg name="error_mac_on_many_ports">MAC-address of this server is found on multiple switch ports</msg>
      <msg name="error_no_inet_connections">No network connection</msg>
      <msg name="error_no_power_connections">No PDU devices are found 
      <msg name="error_no_srv_mac_but_srv_on">MAC-address is not found</msg>
      <msg name="error_port_missmatch">The server MAC-address is found on a different port</msg>
      <msg name="hint_addport">This port will be added to the server</msg>
      <msg name="hint_correct">The server's port will be changed into the foreign one</msg>
      <msg name="hint_gotoserver">Go to the problem server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_more">Show detailed information about the server </msg>
      <msg name="msg_help_links/29">	&lt;a href="http://en.5.ispdoc.com/index.php/Automatic_correction_of_DCImanager_connections" target="_blank"&gt;Automatic correction of DCImanager connections&lt;/a&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="port">Switch port </msg>
      <msg name="short_addport">Add</msg>
      <msg name="short_correct">Fix</msg>
      <msg name="short_gotoserver">To server</msg>
      <msg name="short_more">Details </msg>
      <msg name="title">Information on the server connections mismatches </msg>
    <messages name="overalltraffic">
      <msg name="date">Date</msg>
      <msg name="info_with_period">Traffic from all the switches </msg>
      <msg name="diagram_traffic">Traffic statistics </msg>
      <msg name="info">Traffic from all switches over the last 30 days </msg>
      <msg name="load">Load</msg>
      <msg name="rx">Incoming (GiB)</msg>
      <msg name="title">Total traffic </msg>
      <msg name="tx">Outgoing (GiB)</msg>
    <messages name="servertype">
      <msg name="hint_p_chassis_more3">Common server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_chassis_double">Common server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_chassis_triple">Common server </msg>
      <msg name="short_copy">Copy</msg>
      <msg name="hint_copy">Create a new type baed on the selected one </msg>
      <msg name="freeservers">Servers (available)</msg>
      <msg name="hddperf">Hard drive performance</msg>
      <msg name="hint_alloslist">List of OS that are supported by all types </msg>
      <msg name="hint_checktype">Test the OS templates for the selected type</msg>
      <msg name="hint_cpulist">List of processors that are included into this type </msg>
      <msg name="hint_delete">Delete the selected server type</msg>
      <msg name="hint_edit">Edit properties of the selected server type </msg>
      <msg name="hint_freeservers">Clicking the icon will redirect you to  a list of available servers of the selected type</msg>
      <msg name="hint_hddperf">Hard drive performance</msg>
      <msg name="hint_new">Add new server type</msg>
      <msg name="hint_oslist">List of OS supported by this type</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_chassis_blade">Blade server</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_chassis_multinode">Chassis for blade servers </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_chassis_single">Common server</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_typecheck_in_progrress">Checking OS temolates for the selected type on the __value__ server</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ramperf">RAM performance (oper./sec)</msg>
      <msg name="hint_servers">Clicking the icon will redirect you to a  list of servers of the selected type</msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_checktype">Do you really want to test OS templates for the following type(s)</msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_delete">Do you really want to delete the selected type</msg>
      <msg name="oscnt">Supported OS</msg>
      <msg name="ramperf">RAM performance</msg>
      <msg name="servers">Servers</msg>
      <msg name="short_alloslist">All OS</msg>
      <msg name="short_checktype">Test OS</msg>
      <msg name="short_cpulist">CPU</msg>
      <msg name="short_oslist">Operating systems </msg>
      <msg name="title">Server types </msg>
    <messages name="servertype.edit">
      <msg name="smart_params">Analyse SMART parameters </msg>
      <msg name="hint_smart_params">Selected parameters of the SMART hard drives will be analyzed </msg>
      <msg name="hint_localspeed">To test local speed, a 512 Mb file will be downloaded from the server running DCImanager to the server being tested. Actual speed less or greater by 20%  than the value specified in the type, may indicate equipment issues. </msg>
      <msg name="localspeed">Local connection speed (Mib/s) </msg>
      <msg name="allow_netflow">Statistics collection </msg>
      <msg name="blade">Blade server</msg>
      <msg name="blade_count">Number of blades</msg>
      <msg name="chassis_type">Platform type</msg>
      <msg name="corecnt">Number of cores</msg>
      <msg name="cpucnt">CPU number</msg>
      <msg name="cpuperf">CPU performance </msg>
      <msg name="cpuperfmax">Maximum</msg>
      <msg name="cpuperfmin">Minimum </msg>
      <msg name="disable_ipmi_autoadd">Add IPMI automatically</msg>
      <msg name="flow">Use NetFlow/IPFIX</msg>
      <msg name="hddcnt">Number of hard drives </msg>
      <msg name="hddperf">Hard drive benchmark </msg>
      <msg name="hddperfmax">Maximum</msg>
      <msg name="hddperfmin">Minimum </msg>
      <msg name="hddsize">Hard drive size (Gb) </msg>
      <msg name="hint_allow_netflow">Select how you want to collect statistics for server of this type </msg>
      <msg name="hint_blade_count">Number of blades</msg>
      <msg name="hint_chassis_type">Select platform type</msg>
      <msg name="hint_corecnt">Number of cores on the server including all the processors </msg>
      <msg name="hint_disable_ipmi_autoadd">IPMI cannot be added automatically during diagnostics from servers of this type (the check box "Add IPMI automatically must be selected)</msg>
      <msg name="hint_hddcnt">The number of hard drives installed on the sever </msg>
      <msg name="hint_hddperf">Performance of each hard drive on the server must be larger than that value. </msg>
      <msg name="hint_hddsize">The size of each hard drive on the server must be larger than the specified value, but not larger than by 20%</msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Enter the name, e.g. E3-1230-8G-2x1000SATA</msg>
      <msg name="hint_notes">Enter additional information related to this type</msg>
      <msg name="hint_raid">Hardware RAID is used on such servers </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ram">The amount of RAM allocated to the server</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ramperf">Performance of RAM allocated to the server must be larger than the specified value </msg>
      <msg name="hint_srvsize">Size of the server of this type  (in units) </msg>
      <msg name="lanperf">Network adapters benchmark </msg>
      <msg name="lanperfmax">Maximum</msg>
      <msg name="lanperfmin">Minimum </msg>
      <msg name="modify_warn_info">When changing the type, all the servers that do not correspond  to new settings, will be marked as "Have equipment problems"</msg>
      <msg name="msg_help_links">&lt;a href="http://en.5.ispdoc.com/index.php/Server_types_in_DCImanager" target="_blank"&gt;Server types in DCImanager&lt;/a&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="multinode">Platform for blade servers</msg>
      <msg name="raid">Hardware RAID</msg>
      <msg name="ram">RAM</msg>
      <msg name="ramperf">RAM performance (oper./sec)</msg>
      <msg name="ramperfmax">Maximum</msg>
      <msg name="ramperfmin">Minimum </msg>
      <msg name="srvsize">Size in the rack </msg>
      <msg name="switch">Use switch </msg>
      <msg name="title">Edit properties of the selected server type</msg>
      <msg name="title_new">Add a new server type</msg>
      <msg name="unit">Common server </msg>
    <messages name="servertype.cpulist">
      <msg name="hint_new">Add the CPU into the list of CPU of this type. DCImanager uses this type while defining server type automatically</msg>
      <msg name="short_new">Add</msg>
      <msg name="title">List of processors </msg>
    <messages name="servertype.cpulist.edit">
      <msg name="cpu">Name</msg>
      <msg name="hint_cpu">Select a processor for this server type. New processors will be added into the list when running server diagnostics </msg>
      <msg name="title">Add processor to this type </msg>
      <msg name="title_new">Add processor to this type </msg>
    <messages name="servertype.oslist">
      <msg name="hint_addos">Add the operating system template into the list of OS templates available for the selected type </msg>
      <msg name="os">Operating system</msg>
      <msg name="short_addos">Add OS</msg>
      <msg name="title">List of OS supported by this type</msg>
    <messages name="servertype.oslist.edit">
      <msg name="hint_os">Select an OS template </msg>
      <msg name="os">OS</msg>
      <msg name="title">Add OS</msg>
    <messages name="servertype.alloslist">
      <msg name="os">Operating system</msg>
      <msg name="short_addos">Add OS</msg>
      <msg name="title">List of OS supported by all types</msg>
    <messages name="servertype.alloslist.edit">
      <msg name="os">OS</msg>
      <msg name="title">Add OS</msg>
    <messages name="dashboard">
      <msg name="taskbar_scan">Set/Remove</msg>
      <msg name="taskbar_writeoff">Operations </msg>
      <msg name="taskbar_scanserver">Scan servers </msg>
      <msg name="taskbar_traffic">Traffic statistics </msg>
      <msg name="taskbar_admin">Panel administrator</msg>
      <msg name="taskbar_help">Help </msg>
      <msg name="taskbar_newserver">New server</msg>
      <msg name="taskbar_newuser">New user</msg>
      <msg name="taskbar_spares">Spares</msg>
    <messages name="dashboard.info">
      <msg name="pducnt">Number of PDU </msg>
      <msg name="noplacedservercnt">Unallocated servers (without rack or unit number) </msg>
      <msg name="equip_info">Equipment information </msg>
      <msg name="switchcnt">Number of switches </msg>
      <msg name="srv_info">Server information </msg>
      <msg name="osinstall">During OS deployment </msg>
      <msg name="poweronfreeservercnt">Active available servers </msg>
      <msg name="servercnt">Number of servers </msg>
      <msg name="freeservercnt">Available servers </msg>
      <msg name="serverdiag">Under diagnostics </msg>
      <msg name="blockedservercnt">Blocked servers</msg>
      <msg name="newservercnt">New servers </msg>
      <msg name="title">Information</msg>
      <msg name="type">Parameter</msg>
      <msg name="value">Information </msg>
    <messages name="problem_service_dhcp_down">
      <msg name="msg_desc">DHCP failed</msg>
      <msg name="title">DHCP server down</msg>
    <messages name="problem_device_connection_fail">
      <msg name="ipmi_connected_to_server">connected to server</msg>
      <msg name="IPMI">IPMI</msg>
      <msg name="PDU">PDU</msg>
      <msg name="Switch">switch</msg>
      <msg name="UPS">UPS</msg>
      <msg name="msg_desc">Connection with __devtype__ __device__ (__extra_message____devapi__) failed</msg>
      <msg name="title">Device connection failed</msg>
    <messages name="common">
      <msg name="user_notes">User notes </msg>
      <msg name="func_in_progress_create_vlan">VLAN creation </msg>
      <msg name="func_in_progress_port_reset">reset port</msg>
      <msg name="hint_id">Identifier </msg>
      <msg name="spares">Spare parts </msg>
      <msg name="hint_wwn">World Wide Name (WWN) или World Wide Identifier (WWID) ) is a unique identifier used to identify a device </msg>
      <msg name="unit">Unit number</msg>
      <msg name="wwn">WWN</msg>
      <msg name="short_iseller">Suppliers </msg>
      <msg name="hint_purchasedate">Select the purchase date</msg>
      <msg name="hint_unit">Unit number in the rack</msg>
      <msg name="serial">Serial number</msg>
      <msg name="iseller">Supplier </msg>
      <msg name="create_by_diag">You can add equipment manually, or start the diagnostics process on the server. DCImanager will automatically add equipment that was found during diagnostics </msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Name</msg>
      <msg name="func_in_progress_save_config">save configuration </msg>
      <msg name="removed">Template removed </msg>
      <msg name="hint_top_num">Select how many servers with maximum traffic will be displayed </msg>
      <msg name="top_num">Top servers by traffic usage</msg>
      <msg name="date">Date </msg>
      <msg name="hint_hostname">服务器完整主机名</msg>
      <msg name="no_owner">--without owner--</msg>
      <msg name="unset">Unknown</msg>
      <msg name="owner">Owner</msg>
      <msg name="hostname">主机名 </msg>
      <msg name="no_rack">--unknown rack--</msg>
      <msg name="name">Name</msg>
      <msg name="device">Device</msg>
      <msg name="ip">IP地址</msg>
      <msg name="purchasedate">Purchase date</msg>
      <msg name="authnopriv">With authentication (MD5) without private key</msg>
      <msg name="authpriv">With authentication (MD5) and private key (DES)</msg>
      <msg name="data_center">Data center</msg>
      <msg name="detected_by_mac">MAC detected</msg>
      <msg name="func_in_progress_mac_list">getting MAC-addresses</msg>
      <msg name="func_in_progress_port_duplex">mode configuration</msg>
      <msg name="func_in_progress_port_off">off</msg>
      <msg name="func_in_progress_port_on">on</msg>
      <msg name="func_in_progress_port_speed">speed configuration</msg>
      <msg name="func_in_progress_process_trap">getting SNMP notification</msg>
      <msg name="func_in_progress_set_vlan">VLAN setup in progress</msg>
      <msg name="func_in_progress_statistics">getting statistics</msg>
      <msg name="func_in_progress_status">getting information from device</msg>
      <msg name="noauth">Without authentication </msg>
      <msg name="notes">备注</msg>
      <msg name="rack">机柜</msg>
      <msg name="server">服务器</msg>
      <msg name="snmpauthlevel">Security level</msg>
      <msg name="snmppriv">Private key phrase</msg>
      <msg name="sparetypestree">Spare types</msg>
    <messages name="problem_device_unexpected_data">
      <msg name="IPMI">IPMI</msg>
      <msg name="PDU">PDU</msg>
      <msg name="Switch">switch</msg>
      <msg name="UPS">UPS</msg>
      <msg name="msg_desc">while exchanging data with __devtype__ __device__ (__devapi__)</msg>
      <msg name="title">An error occurred while exchanging data with the device</msg>
    <messages name="problem_device_unsupported_func">
      <msg name="IPMI">IPMI</msg>
      <msg name="MAC_LIST">get a list of MAC-addresses </msg>
      <msg name="PDU">PDU</msg>
      <msg name="PORT_DUPLEX">port module change </msg>
      <msg name="PORT_OFF">port turn off</msg>
      <msg name="PORT_ON">enable port</msg>
      <msg name="PORT_RESET">reset port</msg>
      <msg name="PORT_SPEED">port speed change </msg>
      <msg name="STATISTICS">statistics collection</msg>
      <msg name="Switch">Switch </msg>
      <msg name="msg_desc">__devtype__ __device__ (__devapi__) does not support __func__</msg>
      <msg name="title">This function is not supported by this device</msg>
    <messages name="problem_server_operation_failed">
      <msg name="msg_desc">An error occurred while  __opertype__ __serverinfo__</msg>
      <msg name="server_diag">running server diagnostics (__template__)</msg>
      <msg name="server_os_install">installing the  __template__  operating system on the server </msg>
      <msg name="server_rescue">uploading the __template__ recovery template on the server </msg>
      <msg name="title">The operation failed</msg>
    <messages name="wizard.auto">
      <msg name="no_iseller">No supplier found </msg>
      <msg name="no_stock">No warehouse found </msg>
      <msg name="no_subtype_for_hdd_type">No HDD type found </msg>
      <msg name="no_subtype_for_ram_type">No RAM type found </msg>
      <msg name="no_subtype_for_pci_type">No PCI  type found </msg>
      <msg name="no_subtype_for_cpu_type">No CPU found </msg>
      <msg name="no_rack_types">No rack types available</msg>
      <msg name="no_chassis">No platforms</msg>
      <msg name="no_ispare_type">No spare parts types </msg>
      <msg name="empty_ispare_category">No spare parts categories </msg>
      <msg name="no_icategory">No spare types categories </msg>
      <msg name="no_ostemplate_ready">No OS templates</msg>
      <msg name="no_power_connections">Cannot run operations on this server. The server is not connected to any PDU or IPMI  </msg>
      <msg name="ipdb">To be able to create servers, you should first add and set up the pool of IP addresses.
	 You can assign additional IP addresses to a newly created server. DCImanager will use them (primary and alias IP addresses)
	  to configure the DHCP configuration file when starting operations on the server. For example, when deploying an operating 
          system, the primary IP address will be assigned to the server through DHCP, once the installation is completed, it will be saved 
          on the server network interface. All IP addresses should be allocated from the IP pool. Before creating a server, add a source of IP addresses. 
          Learn more in our &lt;a href="http://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/IP_address_pool"&gt;Documentation&lt;/a&gt; </msg>
      <msg name="no_path_log">Switch log file is not specified</msg>
      <msg name="no_racks">No racks available</msg>
      <msg name="no_router">No routers for synchronization found. VPU cannot work without routers</msg>
      <msg name="no_vpu_option">VPU mode is not active</msg>
    <messages name="serversearch">
      <msg name="short_connections_search">Search </msg>
      <msg name="connection_search_runnig">Server connection search in progress</msg>
      <msg name="hint_connections_search">Start server connection search</msg>
      <msg name="hint_delete_all_connections">Delete all the server connections to redefine new ones during the next search </msg>
      <msg name="short_delete_all_connections">Reset</msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_delete_all_connections">Delete all server connections </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_connection_search">Search for server connection was not performed </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_power_connection_search_fail">PDU connection not found </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_net_connection_search_fail">Switch connection not found </msg>
      <msg name="wait_connection_search">Search for server connection will run in  __time__ minutes. </msg>
      <msg name="hint_approve">Bring the selected servers into operation</msg>
      <msg name="hint_connection">Devices connected to the selected server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_delete">Delete the selected server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_hwinfo">Server configuration </msg>
      <msg name="hint_options">Automatic server search </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_hwinfo">Hardware:&lt;br&gt;__value__</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_inetoff">Switch port - off __value__</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_ineton">Switch port - on  __value__</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_inetunknown">Switch port - unknown status __value__</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_poweroff">PDU port - off __value__</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_poweron">PDU port - on __value__</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_powerunknown">Power port - unknown status __value__</msg>
      <msg name="hint_poweroff">Power off the selected server</msg>
      <msg name="hint_poweron">Power on the selected server</msg>
      <msg name="hint_reboot">Reboot the selected server</msg>
      <msg name="mac">MAC-address</msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_approve">Do you want to bring the selected servers into operation </msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_delete">Do you really want to delete the server </msg>
      <msg name="msg_help_links">	&lt;a href="http://en.5.ispdoc.com/index.php/DCImanager:Princiles_of_operation:_Server_search" target="_blank"&gt;Princiles of operation: Server search&lt;/a&gt;&#13;
	&lt;a href="http://en.5.ispdoc.com/index.php/Configuring_server_search" target="_blank"&gt;Configuring server search&lt;/a&gt; </msg>
      <msg name="short_approve">Approve</msg>
      <msg name="short_connection">Connections </msg>
      <msg name="short_hwinfo">Info</msg>
      <msg name="short_options">Settings</msg>
      <msg name="short_poweroff">Off</msg>
      <msg name="short_poweron">On</msg>
      <msg name="short_reboot">Reboot</msg>
      <msg name="title">Found servers</msg>
      <msg name="type">Type</msg>
      <msg name="vlan">VLAN</msg>
    <messages name="globalsettings">
      <msg name="precise_ram_detection">Check RAM frequency during diagnostics. </msg>
      <msg name="hint_precise_ram_detection">With this option enabled, during the diagnostics the system will consider the RAM module found even if only it size matches the size that the sever provided during diagnostics. Selecting this check box will compare frequency of every module </msg>
      <msg name="CreateNetOnRouter">Configure router</msg>
      <msg name="hint_CreateNetOnRouter">If the check box is selected, the router will be configured automatically when creating a network in VLAN</msg>
      <msg name="hint_hdd_size_difference">To create hardware RAID-array you will need HDD of the same size. Depending on manufacturer, disk size can differ by several dozens of megabytes. This parameter allows ignoring difference in size and creating RAID-array. Enter the permissible error (in %) in HDD size.</msg>
      <msg name="hdd_size_difference">Difference in hard drive size, % </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ipmi_auto_create_user">Create an operator in IPMI (user with limited permissions) automatically during server diagnostics  and grant the server owner access with those credentials </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ipmi_auto_dont_change_admin_pass">Do not change admin password during diagnostics </msg>
      <msg name="ipmi_auto_dont_change_admin_pass">Do not reset admin password </msg>
      <msg name="ipmi_auto_create_user">Create user for owner </msg>
      <msg name="hint_nameservers">Enter IP addresses of name servers that will be set up on the server after OS template. You can use IPv4 or  IPv6. Leave the field blank if you do not want to create additional name servers. In this case the  name servers that DCImanager uses, will be set up on the target server after OS template.</msg>
      <msg name="nameservers">Name servers</msg>
      <msg name="hint_timeout_serv_diag">Time in which server diagnostics will be stopped if not finished yet, in minutes</msg>
      <msg name="hint_timeout_serv_restore">Time in which server restoration will be stopped if not finished yet, in minutes</msg>
      <msg name="timeout_serv_diag">Server diagnostics timeout</msg>
      <msg name="timeout_serv_restore">Server restore timeout</msg>
      <msg name="timeout_iso_load">ISO boot timeout</msg>
      <msg name="timeout_os_install">OS installation timeout</msg>
      <msg name="hint_timeout_os_install">Time in which OS installation will be stopped if not finished yet, in minutes</msg>
      <msg name="hint_timeout_iso_load">Time in which ISO loading will be stopped if not finished yet, in minutes</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ServerSearchPassword">Enter the password to the server where the server search template was running </msg>
      <msg name="ServerSearchPassword">Password</msg>
      <msg name="autodetectipmiconnection">Automatically mark IPMI connections as service connections </msg>
      <msg name="hint_autodetectipmiconnection">If during diagnostics or server search the IPMI MAC address was identified, then server connection with this MAC address will be marked as service connection </msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_cant_disable_vpu">Cannot disable VPU. There are servers with enabled VPU. Delete the VPU address of the server  __server_name__ (__value__)</msg>
      <msg name="hint_IMIPAutoAllocIpType">Pool of IP addresses to allocate Ips for IPMI </msg>
      <msg name="hint_IMIPAutoAllocIpPool">Provide a pool of IP addresses to allocate Ips for IPMI </msg>
      <msg name="IMIPAutoAllocIpType">Pool of IP addresses for IPMI </msg>
      <msg name="IMIPAutoAllocIpPool">Pool of IP addresses for IPMI</msg>
      <msg name="ipmi">IPMI</msg>
      <msg name="VPUAliasIpPool">Alias IP pool </msg>
      <msg name="VPUNetIpPool">IP pool for VPU</msg>
      <msg name="VPUFreeIpPool">Free IP pool </msg>
      <msg name="DefaulServerIpPool">IP pool </msg>
      <msg name="hint_DefaulServerIpPool">IP addresses will be allocated from this pool by default. You can modify these settings in the server configuration form </msg>
      <msg name="hint_VPUAliasIpPool">Alias IP addresses will be allocated from this pool for servers with VPU </msg>
      <msg name="hint_VPUNetIpPool">This pool will be used when creating networks for VPU </msg>
      <msg name="hint_VPUFreeIpPool">When releasing a server with VPU, an IP address will be allocated from this pool </msg>
      <msg name="permissive_size">ISO-image size limit per user (Gb) </msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_permissive_size">unlimited </msg>
      <msg name="hint_permissive_size">An ISO-image won't be uploaded if its size exceeds the limit </msg>
      <msg name="lifetime">ISO-image lifetime for user </msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_permissive_count">default value - 4 </msg>
      <msg name="hint_permissive_count">When the limit is reached, a user won't be able to upload more images </msg>
      <msg name="enable_iso_upload">Upload custom ISO-images</msg>
      <msg name="hint_enable_iso_upload">Check the box to allow users to upload custom ISO-images</msg>
      <msg name="permissive_count">Number of ISO-images per user </msg>
      <msg name="iso_settings">ISO-images</msg>
      <msg name="hint_lifetime">Set a period in hours that will pass before a custom image will be deleted </msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_lifetime">default value - 0</msg>
      <msg name="ServerSearchIp">Server IP address</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ServerSearchIp">Server IP address (interface) that will be used for server search </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ServerSearchMask">Network mask for server search. It should include DCImanager IP address, IP range, and Gateway for the server search network </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ServerSearchGateWay">Network gateway for server search</msg>
      <msg name="ServerSearchGateWay">Gateway</msg>
      <msg name="ServerSearchMask">Network mask </msg>
      <msg name="hint_ServerSearchEnabled">Enable auto check</msg>
      <msg name="ServerSearchEnabled">Enable auto search</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ServerSearchRange">Range of IP addresses that will be assigned to newly created servers. It must match the server search network </msg>
      <msg name="ServerSearchRange">Range of IP addresses</msg>
      <msg name="ServerSearchTemplate">Auto searсh template</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ServerSearchTemplate">This template will be used for auto searching servers</msg>
      <msg name="hint_recipe">Select a recipe that will run after server deployment from OS template. This recipe will be executed even if it was not selected when starting the operation. A recipe is selected from all available recipes if its name and tag match the OS template tags </msg>
      <msg name="recipe">Recipe </msg>
      <msg name="hint_allowmixrack">Server can be connected to a switch or PDU from any rack </msg>
      <msg name="allowmixrack">Use different racks for equipment </msg>
      <msg name="dciregion">Region </msg>
      <msg name="hint_dcitimezone">The selected  time zone will be set in OS templates for new servers. </msg>
      <msg name="dcitimezone">Time zone</msg>
      <msg name="hint_dcilocation">Geographical location </msg>
      <msg name="local">Local time </msg>
      <msg name="dcilocation">Location </msg>
      <msg name="hint_dciregion">Region corresponding to this time zone </msg>
      <msg name="UTC">UTC/GMT</msg>
      <msg name="hint_default_server_ip_type">IP addresses of the selected type will be allocated to servers if  no IP address is specified in the  "IP block" field on the server configuration form </msg>
      <msg name="default_server_ip_type">Standard type of IP addresses </msg>
      <msg name="alias_iptype">Alias IP type</msg>
      <msg name="all_servers">All servers </msg>
      <msg name="allow_snmp_trap">Enable trap notifications</msg>
      <msg name="allow_vlan_range">VLAN ID range</msg>
      <msg name="allow_vpu">Enable VPU</msg>
      <msg name="allowipmiautoconfig">Add IPMI automatically </msg>
      <msg name="allownetflow">Activate NetFlow/IPFIX</msg>
      <msg name="any_ip">--all interfaces--</msg>
      <msg name="as_id">ID AS</msg>
      <msg name="clearhdd">Clear disks</msg>
      <msg name="clearhddondiag">Clear disks when checking </msg>
      <msg name="connections_auto_fix">Fix connections automatically </msg>
      <msg name="dhcp_iface">Interfaces</msg>
      <msg name="dhcp_option">DHCP settings</msg>
      <msg name="diagonfree">Check before releasing </msg>
      <msg name="diagonfreetemplate">Diagnostics template </msg>
      <msg name="flow_ip">NetFlow interface</msg>
      <msg name="flow_port">NetFlow port </msg>
      <msg name="fullhddclear">Full hard drive erase</msg>
      <msg name="hint_alias_iptype">Additional IP addresses of this type will be allocated by default for VPU-server</msg>
      <msg name="hint_allow_snmp_trap">DCImanager will get notifications (traps) and update equipment statuses based on the information from the trap.</msg>
      <msg name="hint_allow_vlan_range">VLAN  can be created only with VLAN ID from these ranges. Supported format: number-number comma separated. E.g. 102-105, 2000-2500</msg>
      <msg name="hint_allow_vpu">Enable the mode " Vlan per user". See Documentation for more info</msg>
      <msg name="hint_allowipmiautoconfig">IPMI, if any, will be automatically added to server's connections and configured according to DCImanager settings. Password for the IPMI user named dcimgr  will be changed. Disable this option if you don't want to define IPMI during server search.</msg>
      <msg name="hint_allownetflow">DCImanager will use traffic usage statistics using NetFlow/IPFIX</msg>
      <msg name="hint_as_id">ID of the stand alone system. It is used to configure Bird</msg>
      <msg name="hint_clearhdd">All your hard drives will be cleaned up while running diagnostics. Note: diagnostics templates must support this feature</msg>
      <msg name="hint_clearhddondiag">Server's hard drives will be cleared while checking (if the diagnostics system supports this behavior). </msg>
      <msg name="hint_connections_auto_fix">DCImanager will try to automatically fix issues with servers' connections. MAC-addresses from switches will be used </msg>
      <msg name="hint_dhcp_iface">Add or delete the interface into the configuration file of the DHCP-service. The DHCP-service will be working based on these interfaces</msg>
      <msg name="hint_diagonfree">Automatically check servers after they become available </msg>
      <msg name="hint_diagonfreetemplate">Select  a diagnostics template that will be used when releasing servers</msg>
      <msg name="hint_flow_ip">Select the interface to listen NetFlow/IPFIX</msg>
      <msg name="hint_flow_port">Enter a port to listen NetFlow/IPFIX</msg>
      <msg name="hint_fullhddclear">All your hard drives will be cleaned up while running diagnostics. This process may take several hours depending on your hard drives' size and speed. Note: diagnostics templates must support this feature</msg>
      <msg name="hint_httpproxy">Select a proxy-server (IPv4) for OS setup. Format: or http://[aaa::5]:1528/ 
Leave the field blank if you don't want to use a  proxy-server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_httpproxyv6">Select a proxy-server (IPv6) for OS setup. Format: or http://[aaa::5]:1528/ Leave the field blank if you don't want to use a proxy-server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_iptype">Address of this type will be taken when a server with VPU is released</msg>
      <msg name="hint_min_request_prefix">Do not allocate networks with a smaller prefix</msg>
      <msg name="hint_netflowpolicy">NetFlow/IPFIX statistics collection policy </msg>
      <msg name="hint_pref_isp">IPv4 networks that should include aliases. You can enter a several networks space separated</msg>
      <msg name="hint_router_sync">Network configuration and VLAN will be checked on this router</msg>
      <msg name="hint_servers_autoshutdown">All servers without owners and active services  will be deactivated automatically </msg>
      <msg name="hint_shutdownafterdiag">Servers (with owners and free) will be automatically switched off upon check</msg>
      <msg name="hint_trap_daemon_port">DCImanager will listen to this port for new notifications</msg>
      <msg name="hint_vlanid">Specify the VLAN ID for switching the server port before or after the diagnostics
      <msg name="hint_vlanonfree">When releasing a server, only IP addresses from the VPU-network will be deleted. If the configuration of IPMI address is required, the connection will be switched to the selected VLAN after diagnostics. If it's not required, the server port will be switched to the selected VLAN before performing the diagnostics. </msg>
      <msg name="hint_vpu_dhcp_interface">Sub-interfaces with  broadcast IP of VPU networks will be created there</msg>
      <msg name="hint_vpu_net_ip_type">Networks will contain IP addresses of this type only </msg>
      <msg name="httpproxy">Proxy-server (IPv4)</msg>
      <msg name="httpproxyv6">Proxy-server (IPv6) </msg>
      <msg name="iptype">IP address type after release </msg>
      <msg name="min_request_prefix">Minimum prefix length</msg>
      <msg name="modify_warn_info">Note! With the VPU mode activated, DCImanager will automatically configure interfaces for every VPU server and specify them into the configuration file. We do not recommend that you manually delete such interfaces from the configuration file</msg>
      <msg name="msg_help_links/29">	&lt;a href="http://en.5.ispdoc.com/index.php/OS_templates:_technical_details" target="_blank"&gt;How to create OS template&lt;/a&gt;&#13;
	&lt;a href="http://en.5.ispdoc.com/index.php/Squid_settings" target="_blank"&gt;Squid settings&lt;/a&gt;&#13;
	&lt;a href="http://en.5.ispdoc.com/index.php/VPU_mode" target="_blank"&gt;Configuring VPU&lt;/a&gt; 
      &lt;a href="https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/Squid" target="_blank"&gt;squid&lt;/a&gt;&#13;</msg>
      <msg name="netflow">NetFlow/IPFIX</msg>
      <msg name="netflowpolicy">Use NetFlow/IPFIX for statistics collection </msg>
      <msg name="only_chosen">Only selected servers </msg>
      <msg name="osinstall">OS templates </msg>
      <msg name="policies">Policy</msg>
      <msg name="pref_isp">Provider network</msg>
      <msg name="router_sync">Router for synchronization</msg>
      <msg name="servers_autoshutdown">Power off available servers automatically </msg>
      <msg name="serversearch">Search servers</msg>
      <msg name="shutdownafterdiag">Power off servers after check</msg>
      <msg name="snmp_trap">SNMP Trap</msg>
      <msg name="title">Global settings </msg>
      <msg name="title_new">Global settings </msg>
      <msg name="trap_daemon_port">Select a port to receive notifications</msg>
      <msg name="unset">none</msg>
      <msg name="vlanid">Assign ID VLAN after release </msg>
      <msg name="vlanonfree">Add to VLAN before releasing</msg>
      <msg name="vpu">VPU</msg>
      <msg name="vpu_dhcp_interface">VPU network interface</msg>
      <msg name="vpu_net_ip_type">IP address type</msg>
    <messages name="vlan.edit">
      <msg name="hint_owner">Can use the VLAN on his servers </msg>
      <msg name="no_owner">--Without owner--</msg>
      <msg name="hint_pvlan_type">Select a type of the virtual network </msg>
      <msg name="pvlan">PVLAN</msg>
      <msg name="hint_pvlan">Check this box if VLAN needs to be set up as a Private VLAN</msg>
      <msg name="pvlan_type">PVLAN type</msg>
      <msg name="hint_id">VLAN identifier </msg>
      <msg name="hint_is_service">This VLAN cannot be created on the routers. Add or delete from the trunk port members</msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Enter the  name for the virtual network. It is used to configure network equipment </msg>
      <msg name="hint_notes">Enter additional information about the virtual network </msg>
      <msg name="hint_port">Select a router port</msg>
      <msg name="hint_router">Select a router you want to check</msg>
      <msg name="hint_vpu">This router will be checked for the VLAN ID. The VLAN ID will be taken from the range 100-1001,1006-4074</msg>
      <msg name="id">VLAN Id</msg>
      <msg name="is_service">Reserved</msg>
      <msg name="msg_help_links/29"> &lt;a href="http://en.5.ispdoc.com/index.php/VLAN" target="_blank"&gt;VLAN management&lt;/a&gt;&#13;
 &lt;a href="http://en.5.ispdoc.com/index.php/VLAN:_Quick_start" target="_blank"&gt;VLAN: Quick start&lt;/a&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="port">Port</msg>
      <msg name="router">Router</msg>
      <msg name="title">Edit properties of the selected VLAN</msg>
      <msg name="title_new">Add a new virtual network</msg>
      <msg name="vpu">VPU</msg>
    <messages name="hddmovewizfrom">
      <msg name="concretserver">Specify the server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_concretserver">Do not select server from the list. Enter the name manually </msg>
      <msg name="hint_rack">Select a rack where the server, from which you want to move hard drives is located </msg>
      <msg name="hint_server">Select a server from which you want to move hard drives </msg>
      <msg name="hint_servername">Enter the name for the server</msg>
      <msg name="no_servers">--no servers--</msg>
      <msg name="servername">Server </msg>
      <msg name="title">Select a server from which you want to transfer the hard drives </msg>
    <messages name="hddmovewizto">
      <msg name="hint_toconcretserver">Do not select server from the list. Enter the name manually </msg>
      <msg name="hint_torack">Select a rack where the server to which you want to move hard drives, is located </msg>
      <msg name="hint_toserver">Select a server to which you want to move hard drives </msg>
      <msg name="hint_toservername">Enter the name for the server</msg>
      <msg name="no_servers">--no servers--</msg>
      <msg name="title">Select a server to which you want to transfer the hard drives </msg>
      <msg name="toconcretserver">Specify the server </msg>
      <msg name="torack">Rack</msg>
      <msg name="toserver">Server</msg>
      <msg name="toservername">Server </msg>
    <messages name="hddmovewizconfirm">
      <msg name="hint_hddmove">After the operation is completed, the hard drives will be interchanged </msg>
      <msg name="move_hdd_warning">ATTENTION! You can enable the option 'Move hard drives' to keep track of disk movement in DCImanager. Selecting this option will interchange server hard drives. </msg>
      <msg name="hddmove">Move hard drives </msg>
      <msg name="hint_onlyipmove">Once the operation is complete, servers' IP addresses will be interchanged </msg>
      <msg name="hint_serverinfo">Information about the server from which hard drives will be moved </msg>
      <msg name="hint_toserverinfo">Information about the server to which hard drives will be moved </msg>
      <msg name="movewarning">ATTENTION! Once the operation is complete, servers' IP addresses will be interchanged, the source server will be released and marked "faulty". The owner of the target server will be change into the owner of the source server. Configuration of the main network port (VLAN, port speed)  will be imported </msg>
      <msg name="onlyipmove">Transfer only IP addresses</msg>
      <msg name="onlyipwarning">ATTENTION! Once the operation is complete, the servers' IP addresses will be interchanged. </msg>
      <msg name="serverinfo">From server</msg>
      <msg name="title">Confirm the transfer of hard drives </msg>
      <msg name="toserverinfo">Into server</msg>
    <messages name="spare">
      <msg name="barcode">Barcode </msg>
      <msg name="hint_wwn">World Wide Name (WWN) или World Wide Identifier (WWID) ) is a unique identifier used to identify a device. You can enter several identifiers using any separator character: ' \t\n\r'</msg>
      <msg name="hint_barcode">Barcode </msg>
      <msg name="short_wwnwiz">Add WWN </msg>
      <msg name="wwn">WWN</msg>
      <msg name="category">Category</msg>
      <msg name="hint_avaliable">List of available spares </msg>
      <msg name="hint_broken">List of defective spares </msg>
      <msg name="hint_category">Select a spare category </msg>
      <msg name="hint_delete">Delete information about the selected spares</msg>
      <msg name="hint_history">View history of the selected spare</msg>
      <msg name="hint_new">Add</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_is_broken_on">This spare is broken</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_warranty_change_on">Replacement under warranty</msg>
      <msg name="hint_plugin">Plug in the spare </msg>
      <msg name="hint_plugout">Plug out the spare and put in storage</msg>
      <msg name="hint_plugoutfrom">Plug out the spare from the server or rack</msg>
      <msg name="hint_sellers">List of equipment suppliers</msg>
      <msg name="hint_spare">Write off the selected spares</msg>
      <msg name="is_from_from_seller">Supplier</msg>
      <msg name="is_from_in_storage">Storage</msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_delete">Do you really want to delete the selected spares</msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_plugout">Do you really want to plug out the selected spare and move it into  warehouse </msg>
      <msg name="now_in">Location</msg>
      <msg name="now_in_spared">Written off</msg>
      <msg name="now_in_store">Storage</msg>
      <msg name="racks">Rack</msg>
      <msg name="serial">Serial number</msg>
      <msg name="servers">Server</msg>
      <msg name="short_avaliable">Warehouse </msg>
      <msg name="short_broken">Defective </msg>
      <msg name="short_category">Category</msg>
      <msg name="short_new">Add</msg>
      <msg name="short_plugin">Plug in</msg>
      <msg name="short_plugout">Plug out</msg>
      <msg name="short_plugoutfrom">Plug out</msg>
      <msg name="short_sellers">Suppliers</msg>
      <msg name="short_spare">Write off</msg>
      <msg name="title">Spares</msg>
      <msg name="type">Type</msg>
    <messages name="spare.edit">
      <msg name="buyinfo">Purchase information</msg>
      <msg name="category">Category</msg>
      <msg name="hint_category">Select a category for this spare </msg>
      <msg name="hint_is_broken">The selected spare is defective</msg>
      <msg name="hint_newseller">Enter the supplier name</msg>
      <msg name="hint_notes">Enter additional information related to this spare </msg>
      <msg name="hint_price">Set  the price for this spare </msg>
      <msg name="hint_purchasedate">Select the date when this spare was purchased </msg>
      <msg name="hint_seller">Select a supplier of this spare </msg>
      <msg name="hint_serial">Enter the serial number for this spare </msg>
      <msg name="hint_type">Select a spare type </msg>
      <msg name="hint_warranty">Enter the warranty period in months </msg>
      <msg name="is_broken">Defective</msg>
      <msg name="new_seller">--add new--</msg>
      <msg name="newseller">New supplier </msg>
      <msg name="no_seller">--without supplier--</msg>
      <msg name="no_types">--no types--</msg>
      <msg name="price">Price</msg>
      <msg name="seller">Supplier</msg>
      <msg name="serial">Serial number</msg>
      <msg name="title">Edit the selected spares </msg>
      <msg name="title_new">Add a new spare</msg>
      <msg name="type">Type</msg>
      <msg name="warranty">Warranty (months)</msg>
    <messages name="spare.plugoutsource">
      <msg name="concretserver">Select a server</msg>
      <msg name="hint_concretserver">Specify the server manually </msg>
      <msg name="hint_rack">Select a rack where the "place" is located </msg>
      <msg name="hint_server">Select a server from which you want to plug out the spare </msg>
      <msg name="hint_servername">Enter the name for the server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_source">Select a place from which you want to plug out the spare </msg>
      <msg name="no_servers">--no servers--</msg>
      <msg name="servername">Server name</msg>
      <msg name="source">Place</msg>
      <msg name="title">Select a source </msg>
    <messages name="spare.plugoutspare">
      <msg name="broken">Defective</msg>
      <msg name="buyinfo">Purchase information</msg>
      <msg name="category">Category</msg>
      <msg name="create_new">Add a new spare</msg>
      <msg name="hint_broken">The selected spare is defective</msg>
      <msg name="hint_category">Select a category for this spare </msg>
      <msg name="hint_newseller">Enter the supplier name</msg>
      <msg name="hint_notes">Enter additional information about this spare </msg>
      <msg name="hint_price">Set the price for this spare </msg>
      <msg name="hint_purchasedate">Select the date when this spare was purchased </msg>
      <msg name="hint_seller">Select a supplier of this spare </msg>
      <msg name="hint_serial">Enter the serial number for this spare </msg>
      <msg name="hint_spare">Select a spare you want to plug out </msg>
      <msg name="hint_type">Select a spare type </msg>
      <msg name="hint_warranty">Enter the warranty period in months </msg>
      <msg name="hint_warranty_change">This spare is sent to supplier for replacement </msg>
      <msg name="new_seller">--add new--</msg>
      <msg name="newseller">New supplier </msg>
      <msg name="no_seller">--without supplier--</msg>
      <msg name="no_types">--no types--</msg>
      <msg name="price">Price</msg>
      <msg name="seller">Supplier</msg>
      <msg name="serial">Serial number</msg>
      <msg name="spare">Spare</msg>
      <msg name="title">Select a spare </msg>
      <msg name="type">Type</msg>
      <msg name="warranty">Warranty (months)</msg>
      <msg name="warranty_change">Sent for replacement</msg>
    <messages name="spare.filter">
      <msg name="title">Spare parts  filter </msg>
      <msg name="category">Category</msg>
      <msg name="installed">Installed</msg>
      <msg name="ready">Available</msg>
      <msg name="serial">Serial number</msg>
      <msg name="spared">Written off</msg>
      <msg name="state">状态</msg>
      <msg name="type">Type</msg>
    <messages name="spare.plugin">
      <msg name="concretserver">Specify the server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_concretserver">Type in the server name</msg>
      <msg name="hint_notes">Additional information about this action</msg>
      <msg name="hint_rack">Select a rack </msg>
      <msg name="hint_server">Select a server </msg>
      <msg name="hint_servername">Enter the name for the server</msg>
      <msg name="no_racks">--no racks--</msg>
      <msg name="no_servers">--no servers--</msg>
      <msg name="servername">Server</msg>
      <msg name="title">Install plug-in</msg>
    <messages name="spare.category">
      <msg name="hint_type">Types included into this category </msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_delete">Do you really want to delete the selected category </msg>
      <msg name="name">Category</msg>
      <msg name="plugsin_racks">Rack</msg>
      <msg name="plugsin_servers">Server</msg>
      <msg name="short_type">Types</msg>
      <msg name="subcount">Types in category</msg>
      <msg name="title">Spare categories</msg>
    <messages name="spare.category.edit">
      <msg name="code">Category id</msg>
      <msg name="hint_code">Id of the category that will be used when generating the serial number for the spare</msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Enter the name for the category</msg>
      <msg name="title">Edit the spares category</msg>
      <msg name="title_new">Add a spare category</msg>
    <messages name="spare.category.type">
      <msg name="model">Model</msg>
      <msg name="name">Type</msg>
      <msg name="title">Spares types</msg>
    <messages name="spare.category.type.edit">
      <msg name="code">Barcode </msg>
      <msg name="hint_code">Enter a barcode that will be used to define a type of the newly created spare part </msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Enter  the name for the type </msg>
      <msg name="model">Model</msg>
      <msg name="title">Edit the spare type</msg>
      <msg name="title_new">Create a spare type</msg>
    <messages name="spare.avaliable">
      <msg name="serial">Serial number </msg>
      <msg name="title">Available spare parts </msg>
    <messages name="spare.broken">
      <msg name="category">Category</msg>
      <msg name="racks">Rack</msg>
      <msg name="seller">Supplier </msg>
      <msg name="serial">Serial number</msg>
      <msg name="servers">Server</msg>
      <msg name="source">From</msg>
      <msg name="source_from_seller">Supplier </msg>
      <msg name="source_in_storage">Warehouse</msg>
      <msg name="title">Defective spares</msg>
      <msg name="type">Type</msg>
      <msg name="warranty">Warranty </msg>
      <msg name="warranty_end">(EXPIRED) </msg>
    <messages name="serverconnstat.more">
      <msg name="conn_list">List of connections </msg>
      <msg name="data">Information </msg>
      <msg name="ipmi">IPMI</msg>
      <msg name="macs_on_port">MAC-addresses </msg>
      <msg name="pdu">pdu</msg>
      <msg name="server_info_title">Server</msg>
      <msg name="srv_macs_list">MAC-addresses </msg>
      <msg name="switch">switch </msg>
      <msg name="title">Detailed information </msg>
    <messages name="averagetemp">
      <msg name="diagram_temp">Traffic statistics </msg>
      <msg name="info">Server average temperature </msg>
      <msg name="temp">Temperature (C) </msg>
      <msg name="title">Server average temperature </msg>
    <messages name="purchases">
      <msg name="enddate">End date</msg>
      <msg name="name">Server type </msg>
      <msg name="price">Average price </msg>
      <msg name="pricecoll">Deviation from the average price </msg>
      <msg name="srvcount">Number of servers </msg>
      <msg name="srvpurchases_title">Purchase servers </msg>
      <msg name="startdate">Start date</msg>
      <msg name="title">Purchased equipment </msg>
    <messages name="purchases.serverdetails">
      <msg name="name">Server</msg>
      <msg name="price">Price</msg>
      <msg name="srvpurchases_title">Server type </msg>
      <msg name="title">Purchased servers </msg>
    <messages name="server.connection.connwizfinish">
      <msg name="title">Connection settings </msg>
    <messages name="ups.edit">
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="applyrack">Apply to servers </msg>
      <msg name="authpriv">With authentication (MD5 and private key (DES)</msg>
      <msg name="buyinfo">Purchase information</msg>
      <msg name="common">Basic</msg>
      <msg name="eqsize">Size in rack </msg>
      <msg name="hint_applyrack">Change the rack for all the servers connected to this device</msg>
      <msg name="hint_eqsize">Space that this device occupies in the rack (in units)</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ip">Enter the device IP address</msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Enter the device name that will be used in DCImanager</msg>
      <msg name="hint_newseller">Enter the supplier name</msg>
      <msg name="hint_notes"> Enter additional information related to this device</msg>
      <msg name="hint_price">Device price</msg>
      <msg name="hint_purchasedate">Enter the purchase date</msg>
      <msg name="hint_rack">Select a rack where this device is installed </msg>
      <msg name="hint_seller">Select a supplier </msg>
      <msg name="hint_sellerserial">Enter the serial number</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpauthlevel">SNMPv3 security level</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpcommunity">Community for SNMP v1/v2c</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmppass">Password for SNMPv3 authentication</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpuser">SNMPv3 user</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpversion">Select the SNMP version</msg>
      <msg name="hint_sshpass">Enter the password to access the device via SSH</msg>
      <msg name="hint_sshuser">Enter the username to access the device via SSH</msg>
      <msg name="hint_telnetpass">Enter the password to access the device via Telnet</msg>
      <msg name="hint_telnetuser">Enter the username to access the device via Telnet</msg>
      <msg name="hint_warranty">Warranty period in months </msg>
      <msg name="new_seller">--add new--</msg>
      <msg name="newseller">New supplier </msg>
      <msg name="no_seller">--without supplier--</msg>
      <msg name="price">Price</msg>
      <msg name="seller">Supplier</msg>
      <msg name="sellerserial">Serial number</msg>
      <msg name="snmp">SNMP settings</msg>
      <msg name="snmpauthpriv">Privileges</msg>
      <msg name="snmpcommunity">Community</msg>
      <msg name="snmppass">Password</msg>
      <msg name="snmpuser">User</msg>
      <msg name="snmpversion">Version</msg>
      <msg name="ssh">SSH settings</msg>
      <msg name="sshpass">Password</msg>
      <msg name="sshuser">User</msg>
      <msg name="telnet">Telnet settings</msg>
      <msg name="telnetpass">Password</msg>
      <msg name="telnetuser">User</msg>
      <msg name="title">Edit properties of the selected UPS</msg>
      <msg name="title_new">Register a UPS</msg>
      <msg name="warranty">Warranty (months)</msg>
    <messages name="ups.upswizcommon">
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="eqsize">Size in rack </msg>
      <msg name="hint_device">Select a type/model of the UPS </msg>
      <msg name="hint_eqsize">Space that this device occupies in the rack (in units)</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ip">Enter the device IP address</msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Enter the name for the device that will be used in DCImanager</msg>
      <msg name="hint_notes">Enter information related to the UPS </msg>
      <msg name="hint_rack">Select a rack where this device is located </msg>
      <msg name="title">Register a UPS</msg>
    <messages name="ups.upswizaccess">
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="common">Basic</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpauthlevel">SNMPv3 security level</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpcommunity">Community for SNMP v1/v2c</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmppass">Password for SNMPv3 authentication</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpuser">SNMPv3 user</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpversion">Select the SNMP version</msg>
      <msg name="snmp">SNMP settings</msg>
      <msg name="snmpcommunity">Community</msg>
      <msg name="snmppass">Password</msg>
      <msg name="snmpuser">User</msg>
      <msg name="snmpversion">Version</msg>
      <msg name="ssh">SSH settings</msg>
      <msg name="sshpass">Password</msg>
      <msg name="sshuser">User</msg>
      <msg name="telnet">Telnet settings</msg>
      <msg name="telnetpass">Password</msg>
      <msg name="telnetuser">User</msg>
      <msg name="title">Access</msg>
    <messages name="ups">
      <msg name="hint_p_input_voltage_fail">The input voltage drops below 100 volt </msg>
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="battary_time_remains">Battery time remaining (min)</msg>
      <msg name="connection_problem">Connection problems </msg>
      <msg name="device">Device type</msg>
      <msg name="hint_battary_time_remains">Battery charge time </msg>
      <msg name="hint_delete">Delete the selected UPS </msg>
      <msg name="hint_edit">Edit properties of the selected UPS </msg>
      <msg name="hint_in_power">UPS input power (W)</msg>
      <msg name="hint_load">Load on the uninterrupted power supply in %</msg>
      <msg name="hint_new">Add a new Uninterrupted Power Supply </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_connection_ok">Connected successfully</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_connection_problem">Connection problems with  __value__</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_dataflow_problem">Data exchange error with __value__ device</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_def_online">Failed to connect to __value__</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_func_in_progress">Executing the __value__ function...</msg>
      <msg name="hint_power">UPS output power (Watt) </msg>
      <msg name="hint_refresh">Learn the current status of the UPS </msg>
      <msg name="in_power">Power consumption (kW) </msg>
      <msg name="load">Load (%) </msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_refresh">Get information from the selected devices</msg>
      <msg name="power">Output power (kW)</msg>
      <msg name="short_port">Ports</msg>
      <msg name="short_refresh">Refresh</msg>
      <msg name="title">UPS management</msg>
    <messages name="overallpower">
      <msg name="diagram_зщцук">Power consumption statistics </msg>
      <msg name="in_power">Input power (kW)</msg>
      <msg name="info">Power consumption in data center</msg>
      <msg name="out_power">Output power (kW)</msg>
      <msg name="title">Power consumption in data center </msg>
    <messages name="dcmap">
      <msg name="msg_confirm_delete">Do you really want to delete the selected object? </msg>
      <msg name="short_delete">Delete object </msg>
      <msg name="short_edit">Edit </msg>
      <include name="form"/>
      <msg name="hint_addrack">Locate the rack on the map</msg>
      <msg name="hint_addwall">Locate the wall on the map</msg>
      <msg name="hint_delete">Delete the selected object from the map. You can delete only walls. All other objects can be deleted from the corresponding modules </msg>
      <msg name="hint_edit">Edit the selected objects</msg>
      <msg name="hint_editmap">Edit</msg>
      <msg name="hint_placeups">Locate the UPS on the map</msg>
      <msg name="msg_height">Height</msg>
      <msg name="msg_left">Left</msg>
      <msg name="msg_save">Save</msg>
      <msg name="msg_top">Top</msg>
      <msg name="msg_width">Width</msg>
      <msg name="short_addrack">Add rack</msg>
      <msg name="short_addwall">Add wall</msg>
      <msg name="short_editmap">Edit</msg>
      <msg name="short_placeups">Add UPS</msg>
      <msg name="spaceavaliable">Available spaces in racks</msg>
      <msg name="temperature">Temperature</msg>
      <msg name="title">Data center map </msg>
      <msg name="trafficload">Equipment load</msg>
      <msg name="ups_powerload">UPS load</msg>
    <messages name="dcmap.addrack">
      <msg name="hint_rack">Select a rack</msg>
      <msg name="title">Add a rack to the map </msg>
    <messages name="dcmap.wall.edit">
      <msg name="hint_delete">Select the check box to delete the wall </msg>
      <msg name="delete">Delete the selected wall </msg>
      <msg name="hint_length">Enter the wall length in mm</msg>
      <msg name="hint_width">Enter the wall width in mm</msg>
      <msg name="length">Length (mm)</msg>
      <msg name="title">Wall parameters</msg>
      <msg name="title_new">Add the wall to the map</msg>
      <msg name="width">Width (mm)</msg>
    <messages name="dcmap.placeups">
      <msg name="depth">Depth</msg>
      <msg name="hint_depth">Enter device depth in mm</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ups">Select a UPS that you want to locate</msg>
      <msg name="hint_width">Enter the device width in mm</msg>
      <msg name="title">Add rack into the map</msg>
      <msg name="ups">UPS</msg>
      <msg name="width">Width</msg>
    <messages name="operation.cclear">
      <msg name="confirmfield">Do you really want to delete information about completed operations?</msg>
      <msg name="title_new">Clear the list of operations</msg>
    <messages name="spareaddsource">
      <msg name="concretserver">Specify server manually</msg>
      <msg name="hint_concretserver">Type in the server name</msg>
      <msg name="hint_installed_spares">Spare parts are in the server</msg>
      <msg name="hint_newseller">Enter the name of the supplier</msg>
      <msg name="hint_seller">Select a supplier of spares</msg>
      <msg name="hint_servername">Select a server for removing spare parts</msg>
      <msg name="hint_spare_source">Select a source of spares</msg>
      <msg name="installed_spares">Spares in the server</msg>
      <msg name="new_seller">--add new--</msg>
      <msg name="newseller">Supplier name</msg>
      <msg name="no_seller">--without supplier--</msg>
      <msg name="no_servers">--no servers--</msg>
      <msg name="seller">Supplier</msg>
      <msg name="servername">Server name</msg>
      <msg name="spare_source">Spares supplier</msg>
      <msg name="title">Add/Move spares part: Select source</msg>
    <messages name="spareaddparams">
      <msg name="category">Category</msg>
      <msg name="count">Number</msg>
      <msg name="hint_count">Number of records</msg>
      <msg name="hint_is_broken">New spare parts will be marked as defective</msg>
      <msg name="hint_warranty">Warranty in months</msg>
      <msg name="is_broken">This spare is broken</msg>
      <msg name="no_types">--no types--</msg>
      <msg name="title">Add/Move spares: Spare properties</msg>
      <msg name="type">Type</msg>
      <msg name="warranry">Warranty</msg>
      <msg name="warranty">Warranty</msg>
    <messages name="spareaddserial">
      <msg name="hint_notes">Enter additional information</msg>
      <msg name="hint_serials">List of serial numbers for new spares</msg>
      <msg name="notes">Notes</msg>
      <msg name="serials">Serial numbers</msg>
      <msg name="serialsaccepted">Serial numbers are put</msg>
      <msg name="title">Add/Move spare parts: Serial numbers</msg>
    <messages name="seller">
      <msg name="hint_delete">Delete the selected supplier</msg>
      <msg name="hint_edit">Edit properties of the selected supplier</msg>
      <msg name="hint_new">Create a new supplier</msg>
      <msg name="title">Suppliers</msg>
    <messages name="spare.history">
      <msg name="action">Action</msg>
      <msg name="action_type">Action</msg>
      <msg name="action_type_add">Add</msg>
      <msg name="action_type_move">Move</msg>
      <msg name="action_type_spare">Write off</msg>
      <msg name="hint_date">Event date</msg>
      <msg name="info">Information</msg>
      <msg name="info_add_from_seller">Get from supplier  '__seller__'</msg>
      <msg name="info_add_from_server">Plug out from the server  '__from_server__'</msg>
      <msg name="info_move_from_server_to_server">Move from the server  '__from_server__' into '__to_server__'</msg>
      <msg name="info_move_from_server_to_store">Move from the server  '__from_server__'  to warehouse</msg>
      <msg name="info_move_from_store_to_server">Install into  server '__to_server__'</msg>
      <msg name="info_spare">Write off spare: __reason__</msg>
      <msg name="title">Spare history</msg>
      <msg name="username">User</msg>
    <messages name="spareaddmoveconfirm">
      <msg name="moveinfo">'__spare__'  will be moved from the server  '__server__' to warehouse</msg>
      <msg name="title">Confirm transfer</msg>
    <messages name="spare.spare">
      <msg name="destroyed">Destroyed </msg>
      <msg name="hint_notes">Additional information about this action</msg>
      <msg name="hint_reason">Select a reason for write off</msg>
      <msg name="loose">Lost</msg>
      <msg name="reason">Write off reason</msg>
      <msg name="sent_to_seller">Sent to replacement</msg>
      <msg name="title">Written off spares</msg>
    <messages name="seller.edit">
      <msg name="hint_name">Enter the supplier name</msg>
      <msg name="title">Edit properties of the selected supplier</msg>
      <msg name="title_new">Add supplier</msg>
    <messages name="server.maphint">
      <msg name="IPMI_conn_msg">__device__ &lt;br/&gt;   status - __adm_status__</msg>
      <msg name="PDU_conn_msg">pdu __device__ : __portdescr__&lt;br/&gt;   status - __adm_status__</msg>
      <msg name="Switch_conn_msg">switch__device__ : __portdescr__&lt;br/&gt;   status - __adm_status__&lt;br/&gt;   link - __oper_status__</msg>
      <msg name="adm_status_0">unknown</msg>
      <msg name="adm_status_1">on</msg>
      <msg name="adm_status_2">off</msg>
      <msg name="conn">Connection</msg>
      <msg name="name">Server name</msg>
      <msg name="oper_status_0">unknown</msg>
      <msg name="oper_status_1">cable connected</msg>
      <msg name="oper_status_2">cable not connected</msg>
      <msg name="trafficload">Network load (bit per second)</msg>
    <messages name="rack.maphint">
      <msg name="name">Rack name</msg>
      <msg name="net_load">Network load</msg>
      <msg name="pdu_ports_usage">PDU ports usage</msg>
      <msg name="size_usage">Size usage (in units)</msg>
      <msg name="switch_ports_usage">Network ports usage</msg>
      <msg name="temperature">Temperature</msg>
    <messages name="pdu.maphint">
      <msg name="battary_time_remains">Battery charge is enough for (minutes) </msg>
      <msg name="in_power">Input power</msg>
      <msg name="name">UPS name</msg>
      <msg name="power">Output power</msg>
    <messages name="rackmap">
      <msg name="msg_save">Save</msg>
      <msg name="trafficload">Network load</msg>
    <messages name="ups.maphint">
      <msg name="battary_time_remains">Battery charge is enough for (minutes)</msg>
      <msg name="in_power">Input power</msg>
      <msg name="load">Device load (%)</msg>
      <msg name="name">Name of the UPS</msg>
      <msg name="power">Output power</msg>
    <messages name="switch.maphint">
      <msg name="name">Switch name</msg>
    <messages name="osmgr.createrepo">
      <include name="repo.edit"/>
    <messages name="trafficburstable">
      <msg name="hint_burst">Prevailing channel load in 5-minute  sample</msg>
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="burst">Load </msg>
      <msg name="date">Month</msg>
      <msg name="diagram_traffic">Channel load per month  (Burstable)</msg>
      <msg name="hint_date">Select  a month in the format YYYY-MM to generate a report</msg>
      <msg name="info">Channel load (Burstable)</msg>
      <msg name="title">Burstable  per month </msg>
    <messages name="server.connection.ipmiuser">
      <msg name="hint_p_user_login_on">Server owner is allowed to enter IPMI under this user</msg>
      <msg name="hint_user_sync">Updates user list according to IPMI users</msg>
      <msg name="user_id">Id</msg>
      <msg name="status">状态</msg>
      <msg name="short_user_sync">Update</msg>
      <msg name="name">IPMI username</msg>
      <msg name="id">Internal id</msg>
      <msg name="level">Access level</msg>
      <msg name="level_2">User</msg>
      <msg name="level_3">Operator</msg>
      <msg name="level_4">Administrator</msg>
      <msg name="title">IPMI users</msg>
    <messages name="server.connection.ipmiuser.edit">
      <msg name="user_login">Allow server owner to access IPMI</msg>
      <msg name="hint_user_login">Server owner will see username and password of the given user when navigating to IPMI icon</msg>
      <msg name="passwd_req">Password</msg>
      <msg name="hint_passwd_req">Enter the user password. After changing the user password that IPMI uses to connect to the server in DCImanager, IPMI will stop responding for some time (1-2 minutes) </msg>
      <msg name="name">IPMI username</msg>
      <msg name="hint_id">Enter the user id</msg>
      <msg name="hint_level">User role defines permissions for the newly created user</msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Enter the name for the IPMI user</msg>
      <msg name="hint_passwd">Enter the user password. After changing the user password that IPMI uses to connect to the server in DCImanager, IPMI will stop responding for some time (1-2 minutes)</msg>
      <msg name="id">Id</msg>
      <msg name="level">User level</msg>
      <msg name="level_admin">Administrator</msg>
      <msg name="level_oper">Operator</msg>
      <msg name="level_user">User</msg>
      <msg name="title">Edit properties of the selected user</msg>
    <messages name="measure.edit">
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="applyrack">Apply to servers</msg>
      <msg name="authpriv">With authentication (MD5 and private key (DES)</msg>
      <msg name="buyinfo">Purchase information</msg>
      <msg name="common">Basic</msg>
      <msg name="eqsize">Size in rack </msg>
      <msg name="hint_applyrack">Change the rack for all the servers connected to this device</msg>
      <msg name="hint_eqsize">Space that this device occupies in the rack (in units)</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ip">Enter the device IP address</msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Enter the device name that will be used in DCImanager</msg>
      <msg name="hint_newseller">Enter the supplier name</msg>
      <msg name="hint_notes">Enter additional information related to this device</msg>
      <msg name="hint_price">Device price</msg>
      <msg name="hint_purchasedate">Enter the purchase date</msg>
      <msg name="hint_rack">Rack where the device is installed</msg>
      <msg name="hint_seller">Select a supplier </msg>
      <msg name="hint_sellerserial">Enter the serial number</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpauthlevel">SNMPv3 security level</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpcommunity">Community for SNMP v1/v2c</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmppass">Password for SNMPv3 authentication</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpuser">SNMPv3 user</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpversion">Select the SNMP version</msg>
      <msg name="hint_sshpass">Enter the password to access the device via SSH</msg>
      <msg name="hint_sshuser">Enter the username to access the device via SSH</msg>
      <msg name="hint_telnetpass">Enter the password to access the device via Telnet</msg>
      <msg name="hint_telnetuser">Enter the username to access the device via Telnet</msg>
      <msg name="hint_warranty">Warranty period in months </msg>
      <msg name="new_seller">--add new--</msg>
      <msg name="newseller">New supplier</msg>
      <msg name="no_seller">--without supplier--</msg>
      <msg name="price">Price</msg>
      <msg name="seller">Supplier</msg>
      <msg name="sellerserial">Serial number</msg>
      <msg name="snmp">SNMP settings</msg>
      <msg name="snmpauthpriv">Privileges</msg>
      <msg name="snmpcommunity">Community</msg>
      <msg name="snmppass">Password</msg>
      <msg name="snmpuser">User</msg>
      <msg name="snmpversion">Version</msg>
      <msg name="ssh">SSH settings</msg>
      <msg name="sshpass">Password</msg>
      <msg name="sshuser">User</msg>
      <msg name="telnet">Telnet settings</msg>
      <msg name="telnetpass">Password</msg>
      <msg name="telnetuser">User</msg>
      <msg name="title">Edit properties of the selected device</msg>
      <msg name="title_new">Register a UPS</msg>
      <msg name="warranty">Warranty (months)</msg>
    <messages name="measure.sensor.connect">
      <msg name="title">Connect sensor</msg>
    <messages name="measure">
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="battary_time_remains">Battery time remaining (min)</msg>
      <msg name="connection_problem">Connection problems</msg>
      <msg name="device">Device type</msg>
      <msg name="hint_battary_time_remains">Battery time remaining</msg>
      <msg name="hint_delete">Delete the measuring device</msg>
      <msg name="hint_edit">Edit properties of the UPS</msg>
      <msg name="hint_in_power">UPS power consumption (Watt)</msg>
      <msg name="hint_load">Load on the UPS  in %</msg>
      <msg name="hint_new">Add a new UPS</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_connection_ok">Connected successfully</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_connection_problem">Connection problems with  __value__</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_dataflow_problem">Data exchange error with __value__ device</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_def_online">Failed to connect to  __value__</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_func_in_progress">Executing the __value__ function...</msg>
      <msg name="hint_power">UPS output power (Watt) </msg>
      <msg name="hint_refresh">Get the current status of the measuring device. Note: it may take up to some minutes to get the information depending on a measuring device type </msg>
      <msg name="hint_sensor">Browse to the list of device sensors</msg>
      <msg name="in_power">Power consumption</msg>
      <msg name="load">Load</msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_refresh">Get information from the selected devices</msg>
      <msg name="power">Output power</msg>
      <msg name="short_port">Ports</msg>
      <msg name="short_refresh">Refresh</msg>
      <msg name="short_sensor">Sensors</msg>
      <msg name="title">Measuring equipment </msg>
    <messages name="measure.measurewizaccess">
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="common">Basic</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpauthlevel">SNMPv3 security level</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpcommunity">Community for SNMP v1/v2c</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmppass">Password for SNMPv3 authentication</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpuser">SNMPv3 user</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpversion">Select the SNMP version</msg>
      <msg name="snmp">SNMP settings</msg>
      <msg name="snmpcommunity">Community</msg>
      <msg name="snmppass">Password</msg>
      <msg name="snmpuser">User</msg>
      <msg name="snmpversion">Version</msg>
      <msg name="ssh">SSH settings</msg>
      <msg name="sshpass">Password</msg>
      <msg name="sshuser">User</msg>
      <msg name="telnet">Telnet settings</msg>
      <msg name="telnetpass">Password</msg>
      <msg name="telnetuser">User</msg>
      <msg name="title">Access</msg>
    <messages name="measure.measurewizcommon">
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="eqsize">Size in rack </msg>
      <msg name="hint_device">Select a type/model of the measuring device</msg>
      <msg name="hint_eqsize">Space that this device occupies in the rack (in units)</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ip">Enter the device IP address</msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Enter the device name that will be used in DCImanager</msg>
      <msg name="hint_notes">Enter any information related to this measuring device</msg>
      <msg name="hint_rack">Select a rack where this device is located</msg>
      <msg name="title">Register a measuring device</msg>
    <messages name="measure.sensor">
      <msg name="hint_connect">Connecet the selected sensor to the rack</msg>
      <msg name="hint_disconnect">Discount the selected sensors. Information from from the disconnected sensors won't be processed</msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_disconnect">Do you really want to disconnect the selected sensors</msg>
      <msg name="short_connect">Connect</msg>
      <msg name="short_disconnect">Disconnect</msg>
      <msg name="target">Connected to</msg>
      <msg name="title">Sensors of the measuring device</msg>
      <msg name="type">Sensor type</msg>
      <msg name="type_humidity">Humidity</msg>
      <msg name="type_temperature">Temperature</msg>
      <msg name="value">Value</msg>
    <messages name="repo.edit">
      <msg name="hint_location">Link to the repository</msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Enter the name for the repository</msg>
      <msg name="location">Link</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_no_template">No OS templates repositories found</msg>
      <msg name="msg_help_links">&lt;a href="http://en.5.ispdoc.com/index.php/OS_template_management" target="_blank"&gt;OS templates&lt;/a&gt;</msg>
      <msg name="name">Repository</msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_location">http://master.download.ispsystem.com/OSTemplate/</msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_name">ISPsystem</msg>
      <msg name="title">Edit properties of the OS templates repository</msg>
      <msg name="title_new">New OS templates repository</msg>
    <messages name="repo">
      <msg name="hint_delete">Delete the selected repository</msg>
      <msg name="hint_edit">Edit properties of the repository</msg>
      <msg name="hint_new">Add a new repository</msg>
      <msg name="location">Link</msg>
      <msg name="name">Repository</msg>
      <msg name="title">OS templates repository</msg>
    <messages name="osmgr.edit">
      <msg name="autoupdate">Autoupdate</msg>
      <msg name="hint_autoupdate">Activate/disable autoupdate for the selected template. If the autoupdate is on, the system will check the template version once a day and update it, if needed</msg>
      <msg name="hint_restrict">If the restriction is on, only administrator can install this template
      <msg name="restrict">Only for administrator</msg>
      <msg name="title">Edit properties of the OS template</msg>
    <messages name="sshpubkey.edit">
      <msg name="hint_name">Key name</msg>
      <msg name="hint_pubkey">Public SSH key</msg>
      <msg name="infomsg">All the SSH keys that you add will be copied while installing the operating system. This function is supported only by some operating systems</msg>
      <msg name="name">Key name</msg>
      <msg name="pubkey">Public SSH key</msg>
      <msg name="title">SSH keys</msg>
    <messages name="osmgr.installtemplate">
      <msg name="hint_repo">Select a repository</msg>
      <msg name="hint_template">Select an OS template you want to install</msg>
      <msg name="longwarnmsg">Clicking the Finish icon will download and install the selected template. This procedure may take a long time</msg>
      <msg name="msg_error_install_failed">An error occurred while installing the template</msg>
      <msg name="repo">Repository</msg>
      <msg name="template">OS template</msg>
      <msg name="title">OS template installation</msg>
    <messages name="sshpubkey">
      <msg name="hint_default">In this module you can specify public SSH keys that will be copies while installing the operating system. This function is supported only by some operating systems</msg>
      <msg name="name">Key name</msg>
      <msg name="title">SSH keys</msg>
    <messages name="osmgr">
      <msg name="type_isotemplate">ISO-image template </msg>
      <msg name="date">Date</msg>
      <msg name="hint_macros">Lits of templates parameters</msg>
      <msg name="short_macros">Parameters</msg>
      <msg name="hint_autoupdateoff">Activate autoupdate for the selected template</msg>
      <msg name="hint_autoupdateon">Activate autoupdate for the selected template</msg>
      <msg name="hint_date">Date when  the OS template was added into repository</msg>
      <msg name="hint_delete">Delete the selected templates</msg>
      <msg name="hint_fetch">Update the list of templates</msg>
      <msg name="hint_install">Install/Update the selected templates</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_autoupdate">Autoupdate for the selected template is on</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_autoupdate_on">Autoupdate for the selected template is on</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_install_error">Error installing the template</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_installed_failed">An error occurred while installing the template</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_installed_off">This template is not installed</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_installed_ok">This template is installed</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_installed_on">This template is installed</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_installing">Template installation in progress</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_installing_on">Template installation in progress</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_need_version">Update the control panel to  __value__ or later to be able to install or update the template</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_restrict">Only administrator can install this template</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_restrict_on">Only administrator can install this template</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_updateable">There is a newer version of the template in the repository</msg>
      <msg name="hint_repo">Configure the list of repositories</msg>
      <msg name="hint_restrictoff">All users can use this template</msg>
      <msg name="hint_restricton">Only administrator can use this template</msg>
      <msg name="hint_setup">Edit properties of the selected template</msg>
      <msg name="hint_update">Update the list of templates</msg>
      <msg name="local_repo">Local template</msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_autoupdate">Modify the autoupdate settings</msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_autoupdateoff">Disable autoupdate of the selected template</msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_autoupdateon">Activate autoupdate</msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_install">Do you really want to install (reinstall) the OS template</msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_restrict">Restrict access for</msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_restrictoff">Allow access to this template</msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_restricton">Activate access restrictions to the selected template</msg>
      <msg name="name">Template</msg>
      <msg name="repo">Source</msg>
      <msg name="repo_local_repository">Local template</msg>
      <msg name="short_autoupdateoff">No update</msg>
      <msg name="short_autoupdateon">Update</msg>
      <msg name="short_fetch">Check</msg>
      <msg name="short_install">Install</msg>
      <msg name="short_repo">Repositories</msg>
      <msg name="short_restrictoff">Allow</msg>
      <msg name="short_restricton">Deny</msg>
      <msg name="short_setup">Properties</msg>
      <msg name="short_update">Update</msg>
      <msg name="state">状态</msg>
      <msg name="support">Compatibility</msg>
      <msg name="title">OS templates management</msg>
      <msg name="type">Type</msg>
      <msg name="type_diag">Diagnostics template</msg>
      <msg name="type_ostemplate">OS template</msg>
      <msg name="type_rescue">Recovery template</msg>
      <msg name="type_rescure">Recovery template</msg>
      <msg name="type_serversearch">Search template</msg>
    <messages name="osmgr.macros.edit">
      <msg name="title">Template parameters</msg>
      <msg name="value">Value</msg>
      <msg name="hint_value">The value, which is sent to the OS deployment script</msg>
    <messages name="osmgr.macros">
      <msg name="title">OS template parameters</msg>
      <msg name="hint_edit">Edit the value, which is sent to the OS deployment script</msg>
    <messages name="server.moveip">
      <msg name="title">Move IP address</msg>
    <messages name="iplist">
      <msg name="hint_p_vpu">Address is dedicated to VLAN (__value__)</msg>
      <msg name="vpu_ipmi_ip_change_banner">Currently IPMI IP address is being changed on the server. This operation has been started when address from VPU network was given to the server for automatic IPMI setup. Temporary address given to this operation has domain 'temp.ipmi.ip.address' and will be deleted automatically after operation is completed.</msg>
      <msg name="domain">主机名 </msg>
      <msg name="hint_moveip">Move the selected IP to another server</msg>
      <msg name="short_moveip">Move IP</msg>
    <messages name="rack_temperature">
      <msg name="hint_racks">Select racks to show data. The maximum number of racks that you can select -  15 </msg>
      <msg name="date">Date </msg>
      <msg name="racks">Racks</msg>
      <msg name="diagram_temp">Temperature in data-center racks</msg>
      <msg name="info">Temperature in data-center racks</msg>
      <msg name="temperature">Temperature in degrees</msg>
      <msg name="title">Temperature in data-center racks</msg>
    <messages name="switch.filter">
      <msg name="mac">MAC-address on switch port </msg>
      <msg name="title">Switches filter </msg>
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="device">Device type</msg>
      <msg name="name">Switch name</msg>
      <msg name="server">Server</msg>
    <messages name="acquisition.edit">
      <msg name="deliver">Delivered</msg>
      <msg name="deliverydate">Delivery date</msg>
      <msg name="hint_deliverydate">Enter the delivery time</msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Enter the order name</msg>
      <msg name="hint_notes"> Enter additional information related to delivery and order  status</msg>
      <msg name="hint_price">Price</msg>
      <msg name="hint_purchasedate">Select the purchase date</msg>
      <msg name="hint_status">Current delivery status</msg>
      <msg name="hint_total">Enter the number</msg>
      <msg name="on_road">In transit</msg>
      <msg name="price">Price</msg>
      <msg name="status">状态</msg>
      <msg name="title">Edit properties of the selected order</msg>
      <msg name="title_new">Add a new order</msg>
      <msg name="total">Number</msg>
    <messages name="vlan.networks">
      <msg name="hint_ipmi">IPMI devices using IP addresses from this network</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_is_ipmi_net_on">Network is dedicated to IPMI</msg>
      <msg name="short_ipmi">IPMI</msg>
      <msg name="hint_delete">Delete the network. This operation will also delete the IP addresses of this network assigned to servers</msg>
      <msg name="hint_new">Add a new network</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_noverified">Network is not found on the router interfaces</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_route_problem">IP addresses from this network have invalid prefix in the routing table</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_verified">The network is set up on the router interface</msg>
      <msg name="hint_server">Servers to which IP addresses from this network are assigned</msg>
      <msg name="net">Network</msg>
      <msg name="short_new">Add</msg>
      <msg name="short_server">Servers</msg>
      <msg name="state">状态</msg>
      <msg name="title"> VLAN networks management</msg>
    <messages name="router.routerwizcommon">
      <msg name="msg_help_links">&#13;
                &lt;a href="http://en.5.ispdoc.com/index.php/DCImanager:_Supported_equipment" target="_blank"&gt;Supported equipment&lt;/a&gt;&#13;
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="eqsize">Size in rack </msg>
      <msg name="hint_device">Select a router type/model</msg>
      <msg name="hint_eqsize">Space that this device occupies in the rack (in units)</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ip">Enter  IP address of this device</msg>
      <msg name="hint_is_service">DCImanager won't process this router</msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Enter the device name that will be used in DCImanager</msg>
      <msg name="hint_notes">Enter additional information about this router</msg>
      <msg name="hint_rack">Select a rack where this device is located</msg>
      <msg name="is_service">Reserved</msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_ip"></msg>
      <msg name="title">Register a new router</msg>
    <messages name="vlan.networks.edit">
      <msg name="is_ipmi_net">Network for IPMI</msg>
      <msg name="use_other_type">Use the IP group </msg>
      <msg name="hint_type_select">Type/pool of IP addresses used to dedicate a VPU network</msg>
      <msg name="hint_use_other_type">Select a type/pool of IP addresses used to dedicate a VPU network</msg>
      <msg name="hint_is_ipmi_net">If checked, VPU network will be taken from the type/pool of IPMI addresses specified in VPU module settings (field "Type/Pool of IPMI IP addresses")</msg>
      <msg name="type_select">Group of IP addresses</msg>
      <msg name="msg_success_new">"__net__" is allocated </msg>
      <msg name="placeholder_net"> </msg>
      <msg name="hint_net">Enter a network in the format that can be used for  VPU</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ip_prefix">It specifies the number of addresses that this network will have</msg>
      <msg name="ip_prefix">Network prefix</msg>
      <msg name="title"> Add new network</msg>
    <messages name="router">
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="connection_problem">Connection problems</msg>
      <msg name="device">Device type</msg>
      <msg name="hint_delete">Delete the selected router </msg>
      <msg name="hint_edit">Edit properties of the selected router</msg>
      <msg name="hint_iface">List of device interfaces</msg>
      <msg name="hint_new">Add a new router</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_connection_ok">Connected successfully</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_connection_problem">Connection problems  __value__</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_dataflow_problem">Data exchange error with __value__ device</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_def_online">Failed to connect to  __value__</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_online">Connected successfully</msg>
      <msg name="hint_port">List or router ports</msg>
      <msg name="hint_refresh">Get network addresses. Please note: this process may take a long time (up to several minutes) depending on equipment that you use </msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_refresh">Get information from the selected devices</msg>
      <msg name="short_iface">Interfaces</msg>
      <msg name="short_port">Ports</msg>
      <msg name="short_refresh">Refresh</msg>
      <msg name="title">Routers</msg>
    <messages name="acquisition.filter">
      <msg name="title">Purchases filter </msg>
      <msg name="deliver">Delivered</msg>
      <msg name="deliverydate">Delivery date</msg>
      <msg name="on_road">In transit</msg>
      <msg name="status">状态</msg>
      <msg name="total">Number</msg>
    <messages name="router.port">
      <msg name="bitsec">Load </msg>
      <msg name="descr">Description</msg>
      <msg name="duplex">Mode</msg>
      <msg name="duplex_auto">Auto</msg>
      <msg name="duplex_disagree">Unmatched</msg>
      <msg name="duplex_full">Full duplex </msg>
      <msg name="duplex_half">Half-duplex</msg>
      <msg name="duplex_unknown">Unknown</msg>
      <msg name="hint_bitsec">Port load for the last five minutes (prevailing type)  </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_adminoff">The port is off</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_adminon">The port is on</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_adminunknown">The port's status is unknown</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_ifaces">Interfaces</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_operoff">No connection</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_operon">Cable is plugged in</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_operunknown">Unknown status</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_service">This is a reserved port</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_uplink">Uplink</msg>
      <msg name="hint_packsec">Port load (packet/sec)</msg>
      <msg name="identity">Identifier</msg>
      <msg name="packsec">Load (packet/sec)</msg>
      <msg name="service">This is a reserved port</msg>
      <msg name="short_ifaces">Interfaces</msg>
      <msg name="speed_100m">100 Mbit</msg>
      <msg name="speed_10g">10 Gbit</msg>
      <msg name="speed_10m">10 Mbit</msg>
      <msg name="speed_1g">1 gbit</msg>
      <msg name="speed_auto">Auto</msg>
      <msg name="speed_auto10100">Auto 10/100 Mbit</msg>
      <msg name="speed_unknown">Unknown</msg>
      <msg name="state">状态</msg>
      <msg name="title">Router ports</msg>
      <msg name="uplink">UpLink</msg>
    <messages name="vlan.networks.server">
      <msg name="ips">IP address</msg>
      <msg name="title">Server list</msg>
    <messages name="problem_check_route_fail">
      <msg name="msg_desc">Destination network  __dest__ for this IP address has invalid prefix. The minimum prefix length: : __prefix_low_border__</msg>
      <msg name="title">An error occurred while trying to check the IP address in the routing table</msg>
    <messages name="acquisition">
      <msg name="deliverydate">Delivery date</msg>
      <msg name="hint_delivered">Mark the selected orders as delivered</msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_delivered">Do you want to mark the equipment as delivered</msg>
      <msg name="price">Price</msg>
      <msg name="short_delivered">Deliver</msg>
      <msg name="status">状态</msg>
      <msg name="sum">Amount</msg>
      <msg name="title">Orders</msg>
      <msg name="total">Number</msg>
    <messages name="router.routerwizaccess">
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="authpriv">With authentication (MD5) and private key (DES)</msg>
      <msg name="common">Common</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpauthlevel">SNMPv3 security level</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpcommunity">Community for SNMP v1/v2c</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmppass">Password for SNMPv3 authentication</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpuser">SNMPv3 user</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpversion">Select the SNMP version</msg>
      <msg name="hint_sshpass">Enter the password to access the device via SSH</msg>
      <msg name="hint_sshuser">Enter the username to access the device via SSH</msg>
      <msg name="hint_telnetpass">Enter the password to access the device via Telnet</msg>
      <msg name="hint_telnetuser">Enter the username to access the device via Telnet</msg>
      <msg name="is_service_info">Note: DCImanager won't process the reserved port, it will be used only for inventory count</msg>
      <msg name="snmp">SNMP settings</msg>
      <msg name="snmpcommunity">Community</msg>
      <msg name="snmppass">Password</msg>
      <msg name="snmpuser">User</msg>
      <msg name="snmpversion">Version</msg>
      <msg name="ssh">SSH settings</msg>
      <msg name="sshpass">Password</msg>
      <msg name="sshuser">User</msg>
      <msg name="telnet">Telnet settings</msg>
      <msg name="telnetpass">Password</msg>
      <msg name="telnetuser">User</msg>
      <msg name="title">Access</msg>
    <messages name="router.iface">
      <msg name="name">Interface</msg>
      <msg name="net">Network address</msg>
      <msg name="title">Device interfaces</msg>
    <messages name="router.edit">
      <msg name="msg_help_links">&#13;
                &lt;a href="http://en.5.ispdoc.com/index.php/DCImanager:_Supported_equipment" target="_blank"&gt;Supported equipment&lt;/a&gt;&#13;
      <include name="common"/>
      <msg name="authpriv">With authentication (MD5) and private key (DES)</msg>
      <msg name="buyinfo">Order information</msg>
      <msg name="common">Common</msg>
      <msg name="eqsize">Size in rack </msg>
      <msg name="hint_eqsize">Space that this device occupies in the rack (in units)</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ip">Enter the device IP address</msg>
      <msg name="hint_name">Enter the device name that will be used in DCImanager</msg>
      <msg name="hint_newseller">Enter the supplier name</msg>
      <msg name="hint_notes"> Enter additional information related to this device</msg>
      <msg name="hint_price">Device price</msg>
      <msg name="hint_purchasedate">Enter the purchase date</msg>
      <msg name="hint_rack">Select a rack where this device is installed</msg>
      <msg name="hint_seller">Select a supplier </msg>
      <msg name="hint_sellerserial">Enter the serial number</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpauthlevel">SNMPv3 security level</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpcommunity">Community for SNMP v1/v2c</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmppass">Password for SNMPv3 authentication</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpuser">SNMPv3 user</msg>
      <msg name="hint_snmpversion">Select the SNMP version</msg>
      <msg name="hint_sshpass">Enter the password to access the device via SSH</msg>
      <msg name="hint_sshuser">Enter the username to access the device via SSH</msg>
      <msg name="hint_telnetpass">Enter the password to access the device via Telnet</msg>
      <msg name="hint_telnetuser">Enter the username to access the device via Telnet</msg>
      <msg name="hint_warranty">Warranty period in months </msg>
      <msg name="new_seller">--add new--</msg>
      <msg name="newseller">New supplier</msg>
      <msg name="no_seller">--without supplier--</msg>
      <msg name="price">Price</msg>
      <msg name="seller">Supplier</msg>
      <msg name="sellerserial">Serial number</msg>
      <msg name="snmp">SNMP settings</msg>
      <msg name="snmpauthpriv">Privileges</msg>
      <msg name="snmpcommunity">Community</msg>
      <msg name="snmppass">Password</msg>
      <msg name="snmpuser">User</msg>
      <msg name="snmpversion">Version</msg>
      <msg name="ssh">SSH settings</msg>
      <msg name="sshpass">Password</msg>
      <msg name="sshuser">User</msg>
      <msg name="telnet">Telnet settings</msg>
      <msg name="telnetpass">Password</msg>
      <msg name="telnetuser">User</msg>
      <msg name="title">Edit properties of the selected router</msg>
      <msg name="title_new">Register a new router</msg>
      <msg name="warranty">Warranty (months)</msg>
    <messages name="problem_service_bird_reconfigure_fail">
      <msg name="msg_desc">An error occurred while reading the configuration file and (or) trying to apply new settings</msg>
      <msg name="title">The Bird service could not apply new settings from the configuration file</msg>
    <messages name="problem_service_bird_start_fail">
      <msg name="msg_desc">Could not find Bird in the system processes after the start command was executed</msg>
      <msg name="title">Failed to start the Bird service</msg>
    <messages name="problem_snmp_trap_fail">
      <msg name="msg_desc">An error occurred while working with SNMP Trap</msg>
      <msg name="title">SNMP Trap service suspended</msg>
    <messages name="measure.filter">
      <msg name="title">Devices filter </msg>
      <msg name="device">Device type</msg>
    <messages name="ups.filter">
      <msg name="title">UPS filter </msg>
      <msg name="device">Device type</msg>
    <messages name="pdu.filter">
      <msg name="title">PDU filter </msg>
      <msg name="device">Device type</msg>
    <messages name="server.connection.autocreateipmi">
      <msg name="service">Hidden</msg>
      <msg name="hint_service">If you check this box, the device won't take part in server restart, server power on/off. Traffic won't be collected </msg>
      <msg name="web_url">Web-interface URL </msg>
      <msg name="hint_web_url">Clicking the IPMI icon will redirect to this URL. If you leave the field blank, IPMI IP address will be used </msg>
      <msg name="ipmiproxy">Enable proxy via ihttpd</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ipmiproxy">If IPMI IP-address is behind NAT, you can allow proxying via ihttpd using the control panel</msg>
      <msg name="ipmi_iptype_warn_info">Please note: IP address is taken from the ipmi type. This type should be created in IPmanager</msg>
      <include name="server.connection.connwizipmi"/>
      <msg name="hint_iptype">IP address will be allocated from the selected network</msg>
      <msg name="hint_ipmiuser">IPMI user</msg>
      <msg name="iptype">IP address type</msg>
      <msg name="title">Create IPMI</msg>
    <messages name="switch.log">
      <msg name="title">Switch log</msg>
    <messages name="vlan.members">
      <msg name="hint_p_adminon">This port in enabled </msg>
      <msg name="hint_off">Disable the selected ports </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_operoff">No connections </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_adminoff">This port is disabled </msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_service">This is a reserved port</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_adminunknown">The port's status is unknown</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_operon">Cable is plugged in</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_func_in_progress">Executing the __value__ function...</msg>
      <msg name="hint_on">Enable the selected ports</msg>
      <msg name="hint_p_operunknown">Unknown status</msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_on">Do you really want to enable the selected port</msg>
      <msg name="short_on">On</msg>
      <msg name="state">Port status</msg>
      <msg name="msg_confirm_off">Do you really want to turn off the selected port</msg>
      <msg name="short_off">Off</msg>
      <msg name="equipment">Device</msg>
      <msg name="hint_portedit">Edit the selected port</msg>
      <msg name="port_identity">Port identifier</msg>
      <msg name="short_portedit">Port</msg>
      <msg name="title">VLAN members</msg>
    <messages name="serverconnstat.filter">
      <msg name="title">Connections filter </msg>
      <msg name="err_type">Error type</msg>
      <msg name="error_mac_on_many_ports">MAC-address of this server is found on multiple switch ports</msg>
      <msg name="error_no_inet_connections">No network connection</msg>
      <msg name="error_no_power_connections">No devices connected</msg>
      <msg name="error_no_srv_mac_but_srv_on">MAC-address is not found</msg>
      <msg name="error_port_missmatch">The server MAC-address is found on a different port</msg>
    <messages name="novnc">
      <msg name="quickhelp_text">1. Click in the Username field inside the IPMI web-interface&lt;br&gt;2. Click "Login" button&lt;br&gt;3. Click in the Password field&lt;br&gt;4. Click "Password"&lt;br&gt;5. Click "login" button or "Enter" key on the keyboard.&lt;br&gt;You can switch between windows inside noVNC by pressing &lt;b&gt;Shift+Tab&lt;/b&gt; hotkey&lt;br&gt;Link to the full tutorial with video-guides and screenshots can be found in the top right corner
      <msg name="quickhelp_title">Interface hints</msg>
      <msg name="doc_link_title">Tutorial </msg>
      <msg name="doc_link_href">https://doc.ispsystem.com/index.php/How_to_work_in_IPMI_web-interfaces
drserver/dcimanagerchineselanguagedcimgrmsgcnxml.txt · 最后更改: 2018/08/07 17:09 由 liujia